The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 83


It is now more than May, and the weather has already warmed up. Although the river is windy, it is a suitable day for traveling.

After the village, there were gradually more ships around, and most of the people standing on the bow were scholars in robes.

Li Jin didn't dare to hold the little bun and go out to blow air, so he could only let him look at the scenery outside through the greasy window or the place where the boat awning entered.

Li Jin said: "When Baozi is a little bigger and can run around, pick a good day to take him on a boat ride."

"Well, what does the husband mean, do you only need one child for the time being Baozi?"

Li Jin rubbed Qin Muwen's head: "Let's do this for now, darling, we're not in a hurry."

Qin Muwen rubbed Li Jin's hand like a kitten and narrowed his eyes, "I listen to my husband."

Qin Muwen has always listened to Li Jin's wishes and seldom expressed his thoughts.

Although Li Jin felt that 'having a second child' was probably not Qin Muwen's own idea, it was just that everyone in the village gave birth this way, so he took it as a routine.

Li Jin thought for a while, but explained to him: "Our children are not too expensive. If the conditions are better in the future, we will have two more children."

After all, in ancient times, having few children was a sign of bad luck. Li Jin felt that raising three cubs at home was enough.

After Qin Muwen heard Li Jin's plan, his eyes lit up again, "Yeah!"

Today, with Li Jin's two cubs on the boat, the journey was smooth, and before it got dark, they arrived at the pier outside the city.

In front of the wharf, there are many bullock carts and carriages waiting to solicit customers, and there are even some porters.

Li Jin spent fifteen cents to hire an ox cart to carry all the luggage up, while Qin Muwen kept holding the little bun and handed some small bits and pieces back and forth.

The master who drove the ox cart lived in a village not far from Fucheng, and he said, "I originally made a ten-wen trip, but now it's too late, and many people dare not pick up the work in the inner city.

Fortunately, your house is close, so I have to get out as soon as I make a trip. "

Li Jin said, "Thank you, master, how long have you been driving here?"

"For more than ten years, if you run fast, you can pull more than 20 times a day! We have a lot of readers and business people here, and it's more lively during the day."

Afterwards, Li Jin asked where the fabrics and pots and pans in Fucheng were of good quality. The driver knew this best, and he basically answered it every time.

When passing the inner city gate, Li Jincheng led the way and passed smoothly.

After crossing a main street, turn right, and walk more than 200 meters, you will see a mansion with an open door.

Li Jin held the little bun, pointed to Qin Muwen, and said, "That's our new home."

Qin Muwen widened his eyes and wondered why he didn't close the door.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiran came out, "A Jin, sister-in-law, you are finally here."

Qin Muwen is embarrassed, what is the name of my sister-in-law

However, people with high status in this era will not marry a brother as their wife, and naturally there is no special title. Qin Muwen thought, let's call it that for the time being.

Li Jin explained while carrying his things: "Xiran arrived in Fucheng five days ago, and it happened that he was repairing today. I asked him to help buy some necessary furniture and stay for a few days."

When Li Jin said that he was going to move, Xiao An came to Qin Muwen and said that although Qin Muwen went to Fucheng to live in a big house, it used to be an empty old courtyard and had to be cleaned up for a long time.

Qin Muwen knew that Xiao An was worried about him, but he just pursed his lips: "I will go wherever A Jin is here."

But this is not what Xiao An thought at all. The house is very new, the walls of the courtyard are all white, and the branches on the hanging flower door are still blooming.

Chen Xiran listened to Li Jin's words and said, "Actually, A Jin ordered these things before he went back last time. I just opened the door and put them away. But I saw firewood and oil lamps on my way here today and bought them, thinking of you all. I have to drink hot water, and I bought a kettle by the way.”

"It's still Xi Ran's thoughtful consideration."

"Who told you to be my brother, I have recognized the door, and I will have to come and complain more often in the future."

"welcome any time."

Li Jin has already scrubbed the stove top and so on, and it can be used directly just by dusting off the dust on it.

In the main house in the inner courtyard, there is a carved and hollowed-out stepping bed without a bed curtain. Chen Xiran helped move the baby bun's walker. Before he came, Li Jin gestured to Qin Muwen and said, "You can add a dressing table here, and a screen behind it, across the tub."

Qin Muwen was full of joy, and the new home was more lavish and refined than he imagined. A Jin wiped away the fear and insecurity of coming to a strange place for the first time in his heart, and the only thing left was to like a man more.

Although Chen Xiran really wanted to stay at Li Jin's new house, there was only one bed here and nothing to entertain him, so he could only regretfully rush back to the academy before the curfew.

Li Jin said: "The reception was not good this time. Next time Xiran comes, we will have a long talk."

"Okay, this is what you said. The academy students have been playing chess recently. I just have a headache about it. I'll ask you next time."

Li Jin opened his mouth, and before he could say that he didn't know how to play Go, Chen Xiran had already left.

The inner city has strict rules, and although it is occasionally inconvenient, it is safe to live here.

Li Jin locked the door, walked through the shadow wall, the hand porch, and then through the hanging flower door, and he could see the lit room.

He walked over quickly and pushed open the door. Qin Muwen had already made the bedding. The little bun was awake for a long time when he was on the boat, and now he fell into a deep sleep.

The bed in the new home was the same size as the previous one, and the mattress was just right. Li Jin hugged the boy from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"The hot water is on, go take a shower."

"it is good."

Li Jin himself took a cold shower after resting for a while after exercising.

When he returned to the room, Qin Muwen sat on the outside of the bed, leaving the seat inside to Li Jin.

Li Jin got into bed and said, "Why don't you sleep inside?"

Qin Muwen whispered: "According to the rules, the husband should sleep on the outside of the bed, and it is convenient for the husband to get out of bed to serve him when he wakes up at night."

And their previous bed was only a wooden board, and the person sleeping in it could go directly from the foot of the bed, and neither of them cared about this rule.

But the step bed is different, there is a roll shed on the top, there are steps in front of the bed, and only one side can go to bed.

Li Jin also did as the locals do. When he went to buy a bed at that time, it was basically a step-by-step bed. Li Jin chose a more elegant style. It was unpainted, and the primary color of the wood looked good.

He listened to Qin Muwen's words and said, "Our family doesn't have so many rules. You can sleep wherever you want."

Qin Muwen replied, "Okay."

The two have always had only one quilt, which is not the same as that of other couples.

Li Jin held Qin Muwen in his arms, and his attitude was full of strength and love. Why should he pay attention to those things that are divided between high and low to serve others

Qin Muwen felt sweet, quietly raised his head and kissed Li Jin's stubble-free lips, and then quickly retracted into Li Jin's arms.

His husband doesn't like growing beards, and he shaves his stubble clean every day, making him very handsome.

Li Jin: "Huh?"

Qin Muwen's back was suddenly tense, because Li Jin's hand had already reached in and pressed against him.

Just when Qin Muwen thought that Li Jin would want him, Li Jin just hugged him tighter: "Sleep."

Qin Muwen realized that it turned out that A Jin felt that he was tired today, so he gave himself a good rest.

A few days later, Li Jin found someone to fight the case, the dressing table, four chairs and the Eight Immortals table for eating.

The pots and pans and other supplies have not been brought, and they have to buy new ones.

After all, the kitchen here uses small pots, which are different from the stoves in the village; and the bowls only cost a penny apiece, and they are likely to be broken along the way. Li Jin simply did not bring all of them.

In the past few days, Li Jin has deeply felt the meaning of the five words "money is like flowing water".

He thought that if he didn't find some way to make money, the family would have to make ends meet again.

Just when Li Jin was going to find a way to make money first, and then go to the academy to report, Chen Xiran actually sent a message to him.

"A Jin, the academy is recruiting teaching assistants recently, and it is reasonable to accept only scholars, but the prefect discussed it with the mountain chief today, and said that it is also possible to double the case. Come and sign up."

Li Jin was a little hesitant in his heart. He felt that teaching assistants or something was nothing more than a way to contact more teachers, talk to teachers, and expand their popularity.

After all, most of the students in the academy have participated in the imperial examination, or are about to participate in the imperial examination.

Being able to be a teaching assistant naturally means expanding your popularity among these people. If you have a good reputation, you might even be able to win the top job in the academy exam!

But Li Jin feels that the most important thing he faces now is to make money.

So he asked the person with the message to politely decline Chen Xiran's suggestion.

Being a teaching assistant and finding ways to make money must be the only choice. After all, being a teaching assistant is definitely not as leisurely as just studying homework.

It didn't take long for the person with the message to come again.

"A Jin, the teaching assistant's monthly salary is three taels! There are also two buckets of Lumi!"

Li Jin immediately followed the person who brought the message to the academy. He was originally a double desk head and also had Mr. Song's letterhead. The recruiter in charge of recruiting did not embarrass him. He asked some basic questions. The bundle repair that cost him two taels of silver is considered the tuition fee for this year. Enrolled him.

However, because Li Jin has a house in Fucheng, he does not live in the academy.

The teaching said: "If that's the case, then you don't need to go through the accommodation formalities. Come to the class tomorrow, and you must not be late and leave early."

"Students know."

"You have a classmate you know well, there is no class this afternoon, let him show you the environment."

"Yes, thank you for the instruction."

Li Jinguan's standard of speaking is that he is clear and handsome, and there is no arrogance of the young and double chief in his demeanor. The teaching has a good impression on him.

After Li Jin left, two figures appeared on the screen behind Jiao Yu.

One is more than fifty years old and is the head of the academy, and the other... If Li Jin is still there, of course he can recognize it, that is the prefect!

"Are you so optimistic about the double case leader that you have appointed?" Shan Chang said with a smile as he stroked his white beard.

The prefect said: "If the chief of the mountain sees the policy comments he wrote, he will probably have the same mentality as me."

"Since you said so, then I must go to the government office."


Naturally, Li Jin didn't know this, and even Chen Xiran probably didn't know that the prefect was behind it.

Chen Xiran took Li Jin to sign up. There were only two teaching assistants, and seventeen talents signed up. One of them, Li Jin, looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Seven days later, the assessment will be conducted here, and the top two scorers on the answer sheet will be teaching assistants. The test content consists of three arithmetic questions and one strategy theory."

The scholars looked suspiciously at the teachings announcing this matter, what was the test? arithmetic? !