The Transmigrated Li Jin’s Daily Farming Life

Chapter 99


Facing the students in the inner three circles and the outer three circles, Li Jin's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was not as relaxed as it appeared on the surface.

After he answered some of the questions, he found that the students behind him were not really interested in the question, but to see what the person who could write the simplified version of the "Nongsang Suanjing" looked like.

All afternoon, the documents on Li Jin's desk remained untouched.

Finally, when it was time to go back, Li Jin said sorry to everyone, packed up his bamboo basket and walked out.

But even so, there were still people who stopped him and wanted to continue the problem.

Li Jin's brows furrowed, and if he goes late, he won't be able to go home.

Li Jin looked at the person who stopped him. He looked familiar and should have appeared in Class A, but he was not a student of Class A.

Li Jin said: "Today's time has come, and if you have any questions, I will answer them tomorrow."

The man was holding the book and looked like he was very good at learning, but he was actually reluctant: "This question has troubled me for a long time. If I don't answer it, I will not be able to sleep. Li Jin, you are a teaching assistant, and your duty is to answer questions. !"

Li Jin stood in the same place, and there were still students beside him. His eyebrows suddenly became cold.

He said, "You're right, I'm a teaching assistant. So my duty is to sort out the books of the Department of Mathematics and write annotations for the classics of arithmetic."

Li Jin said the last few words word by word, "I have no obligation to answer your questions."

The man's face turned red and white, he quibble: "Even if the teaching assistant's duty is not this, but we are all in the same academy, we are classmates, you know a lot, and you are so high above, don't you look down on us?"

The noise here became louder, and the four teachings over there all looked over.

Wan Jiao ordered the other three to stay calm, while he got up and came over to take a look.

Li Jin said, "With all due respect, do you mean that in an academy, if you know more than you, do you have the responsibility to answer your questions? If you don't answer your questions, you look down on you?"

The man didn't think of anything to argue for a while, and Li Jin added, "Everyone present knows that my home is in the inner city. It gets dark early in the winter, so it takes at least half an hour for me to go down the mountain and go back. It's a crime to enter the inner city late. Ye', I'm going to be punished with moss. I've already apologized to everyone for this, but you are being aggressive here, what's your motive?"

"I-I just want to know the answer to this question..."

Pan Youfeng was also very angry about this. He said, "Li Jin is not the only one who can answer your questions. I'm still sitting here, so you have to stop him?"

The man couldn't argue at the moment, and wanted to slip away when he saw it.

Wan Jiao, who had heard the words, said, "Stop. Who is your last name, and what class are you from?"

The man faltered and dared not speak, holding the book in silence.

Wan Yun also knew that it would not be difficult to delay Li Jin's time, and said, "Every student present, Li Jin is right, the teaching assistant has no responsibility to answer your questions. Li Jin and Pan Wen (Pan Youfeng) are both students of the academy. One of them has to take the college exam and the other has to take the rural exam, so it doesn't take much time.

But you have questions to ask, they still put down the work at hand to solve the problem for you, this is their kindness!

Don't take the kindness and tolerance of others for granted! "

Pan Youfeng also said: "In the afternoon, Li Jin's annotations have not been touched, and he has not done these tasks in the afternoon, so he has to go back and read at night.

And this student came at the time when Li Jin was going to go home, which was really ulterior motive. "

This time, the students who surrounded Li Jin all afternoon were all embarrassed.

"Teaching, it's our fault. We will pay attention to our time in the future, and try not to disturb the two teaching assistants for so long."

"Sorry, the teacher and the two teaching assistants..."

Wan Yun said: "After this incident, I feel that the management of the Department of Mathematics has omissions, and in the future, a rule will be added, not to disturb the teaching assistant's duty time.

I and the other three oracles will set up a question-and-answer time, and come directly to us if you have any questions. "

As soon as he said this, he didn't look at the faces of the people present, and let Li Jin go first.

Li Jin bowed to thank him, and when he walked past Wan Jiaoyu, he heard the words 'braised pork ribs'.

Li Jin was slightly embarrassed, and then replied, "Students know."

The last time Wan Jiao came to the door, Qin Muwen cooked a table of good dishes, and Li Jin and Wan Yun chatted and ate together for an hour.

On the table, three meat, one vegetable and one soup were eaten cleanly by the two of them.

Later, when Wan Yun left, Li Jin also gave him a jar of braised pork ribs to accompany him. It had only been three days, and Wan Jiaoyu was thinking about it again.

After Li Jin left, the students present came back to their senses from the news that the Department of Mathematics will change the rules.

Listening to the meaning of Wan Jiaoyu, how can they guarantee that they will be able to solve the problem by controlling the time of inquiry in the future, and they can only come to the teachings for problems in the future!

"Teach you to think twice, the questions I've asked are relatively simple..."

Wan Yun said, "In Ningxing Academy, can teaching assistants from other departments be responsible for solving puzzles?"

Everyone present shook their heads: "I'm not responsible."

"So, why did you ask the teaching assistants of the Department of Mathematics to do this? The teaching assistants were very busy a few months ago, so the two teaching assistants offered to share the tasks for us.

Now that the Department of Mathematics is on the right track, it is natural to act according to the rules. "

After speaking, Wan Yun's eyes fell on the previous student again and asked his name.

That student was just jealous of Li Jin, and everyone knew that Li Jin didn't live in the academy, so he wanted to make trouble and let Li Jin suffer.

But there were few people who asked Li Jin questions before, and he couldn't stop Li Jin at the time of the evening.

Today is a good time.

Unexpectedly, he became the target of public criticism.

Even if he delays his name, there are people who know him.

"Wan Jiaoyu, this person's name is Yang Lishan, a student of Class Ding."

After today, his name will surely spread throughout the academy.

Li Jin didn't pay much attention to these things, and only learned about it from him when he had lunch with Chen Xiran the next day.

Chen Xiran said: "This man is really bad. Now he has lost his wife and lost his army. The lecturers and students of Ding Ban can't stand him anymore."

The ancient scholars boasted of being noble and clean, and they would stay away from those with tainted morals.

Before, even if there were fewer students who asked Li Jin questions, it would take more than half an hour to finish a few questions. Li Jin never complained.

But like last time, doing nothing all afternoon, it's a headache.

This incident can only be regarded as a small episode of the beginning of the new year. After dealing with it, Li Jin can arrange a lot of time every day, and when he goes back, he no longer has to read at night.

On Wan Yun's side, he was very interested in Qin Muwen's cooking. Before that, Li Jin had to invite him over, and then he came directly to the door.

Discuss with Li Jin his "Mongolian Book of Calculations", and then stay for dinner.

A few days later, after the announcement of the hospital examination notice Zhang Bang, Wan Yun made a special trip to tell Li Jin a lot of precautions for the hospital examination.

Before this matter, Mr. Song talked about it. Now that he is not around, there is Wan Jieyuan talking about it. After listening to Li Jin, he feels that Wan Jieyuan and others are not taking the same academy exam.

After all, the hospital exam that others say is difficult, from Wan Jieyuan's mouth, seems to be as simple as the county exam.

Seeing Li Jin's expression, Wan Yun wondered, "What? Is the academy exam difficult?"

Li Jin was silent for half a second, and said, "I won't know until I finish the test."

The hospital examination stipulates that each candidate needs at least two guarantors, one is a scholar in the county where he is located, and the other is a student.

In fact, Linsheng was also born as a scholar, but because of his high ranking in the re-hospital examination, he was called Linsheng, followed by hyperplasia, and finally only called Xiucai.

After discussing with Chen Xiran, Li Jin still repaired a letter to Mr. Song and invited him to come to Fucheng during the academy examination to protect the two of them.

Mr. Song agreed immediately. Five days before the first test in the hospital, he got on the carriage and came to Fucheng with Huang Xiucai.

Li Jin invited Mr. Song to live at home. The main room in the outer courtyard of his house was used to entertain guests, with a study and two ear rooms next to it.

It is also good for Mr. Song to live here.

Huang Xiucai lived in the inn with Zhou Qi and Xu Zifan.

Two days before the hospital exam, Chen Xiran also moved in. Both he and Li Jin had to be guaranteed by Mr. Song, so it was convenient for them to be together.

In addition to Mr. Song's bail, another student of Bao Lijin was the lecturer of their class. Li Jin also came to the door to send a repairing ceremony.

Soon, at the beginning of February, all the candidates changed into uniform uniforms, and before dawn, went to the gate of the government office to wait for admission.

Chen Xiran shivered from the cold on the road: "In the previous county test, we were asked to put on clips and jackets. The hospital test is even colder today, and only two single clothes are allowed to wear... Ah, a sneeze!"

Li Jin patted him on the back and frowned: "There are only two hospital trials, you have to hold on."

Chen Xiran gritted his teeth, and he could hear his upper and lower teeth colliding with each other, which showed that he was extremely cold.

"I can, don't worry."

Although few students came to take the college examination, there were not many people at all. Because when the academy auditioned for singing and security, two recommended talents were needed to recognize people on the side, so as to avoid the phenomenon of taking the test.

This time, the process of checking for entrainment is also more stringent.

Li Jin walked to the front door and took off his clothes. Someone came to search his hair to make sure there was no note hidden in it, and then checked it carefully from head to toe before putting on clothes.

Afterwards, after everyone finished checking, they bowed to the chief examiner, Lord Xuezheng, before entering the examination room to receive the answer sheet.

After the paper is handed in, the candidate's name will be smeared in the upper right corner of the paper and a seal will be affixed. In order to ensure the fairness of the revision.

Although there was not much wind in the test shed, the weather could not stand the cold. When Li Jin was rubbing ink, he felt that the water inside was full of ice balls.

But he was indifferent from the beginning to the end, slowly grinding the ink, so that he could adapt to the cold of this sitting.

Some candidates had frozen fingers, unable to hold the ink stick at all, and there were various sounds around.

Now that the exam has not started, Xuezheng looked at the situation below and instructed: "Light the brazier."

There were two braziers in the huge examination shed, but they were both at the front.

The candidates in the first two rows were quite warm, while the candidates in the back were still cold.

Li Jin frowned. He sat in the middle and couldn't feel the temperature of the brazier.

It's not that the brazier is bad, it's just that if only the candidates in front can be warmed up, it's very unfair to others.

But even so, no one behind the candidates dared to speak out against it.

Just then, the first trial finally began.

Li Jin copied the exam questions, thinking in his heart, as Wan Jiao said, it is not difficult. It's nothing more than a truncation policy.

The title was 'Mrs. Jun Yang's desire for goods', Li Jin first thought about the original text and recalled its meaning.

Only then did I write my own ideas on plain paper, and then follow the strict eight-legged format, starting from inheritance and transition, and writing the policy theory in a reasonable manner.

The author has something to say:

[Real test question: Mrs. Jun" comes from the last sentence of "The Analects of Confucius. Ji's Sixteenth" "People from other countries call her, also known as Mrs. Jun", and the three words "Yanghuoyu" in the second half come from another article "The Analects of Confucius. Yanghuo" "XVII" "Yanghuo wanted to see Confucius, but Confucius did not see him. "]