The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 115: Be careful (7)


Song Qian felt that a beam of light suddenly appeared in his dark and silent world for ten years. The beam of light was bright and brilliant, with the most eye-catching light and heat, but it was out of his reach.

He could only look up and wanted to get closer but couldn't touch it, cautiously. A touch of warmth would make him happy for a long time.

He was sick, terminally ill, and no medicine or stone had any effect.

The journey of more than ten minutes arrived quickly, and Ye Zhen fell into a deep sleep without waking up.

Song Chao got out of the car and whispered to the driver and the housekeeper who came out to greet him: "Zhen Zhen is asleep."

He opened the car door and gently took the sleeping girl out. He lowered his voice and said to Song Qian, "Dad, I'll send my sister up to take a nap. She must have stayed up late reading again."

Song Qian hummed lightly and watched Song Chao leave with the sleeping girl in his arms.

He lowered his eyes and saw his quiet legs.

It was already after seven o'clock in the night when Ye Zhen woke up. It gets dark very early in winter. At this moment, the sky outside the window was already dark. Only the street lights in the courtyard were emitting dim light, and there was a little drizzle. The entire Song family was so quiet. There was no sound at all.

Ye Zhen went to wash her face and went downstairs in slippers.

Song Chao was lying on the sofa playing games, and Song Qian had a financial magazine spread out in his hand.

Seeing her coming downstairs, the man looked with gloomy eyes and saw the girl with her whole chin hidden under the plush sweater. Her quiet eyes curved when she saw him, and her voice was soft and soft as if she had just woken up: "Song Qian, I am so hungry."

Song Qian closed the magazine and said, "Prepare dinner."

In fact, dinner had been prepared a long time ago. It was Ye Zhen's favorite food that nourished the body and brain. They were waiting for Ye Zhen to go back and have a feast after finishing the exam. However, she fell asleep and no one was willing to wake her up. The hot food was left to cool down. At this moment, it could only be reheated and served. Ye Zhen drank a bowl of light and refreshing crucian carp soup first, and instantly felt warm all over. She pulled up her furry sweater, and her porcelain-white cheeks turned bright red. .

Song Qian's eyes glanced at her inadvertently, and when he saw the girl's beautiful and tender face, he lowered his eyes and took a sip of the soup.

Song Chao ate snacks all night and kept talking. He was not hungry at all. He took a few bites and asked Ye Zhen: "Zhen Zhen, what do you want to study in college?"

Ye Zhen said: "Study medicine."

Song Chao was stunned: "...Study medicine? Why study medicine?"

Song Chao studied business administration. After graduation, he will directly work in Song's company and share Song Qian's work. Ever since he was sensible, he knew that there would be no other arrangements for his future. Although every time he saw his father suffering from illness and saw his father and grandfather dying on the operating table, he also thought about learning how to learn. medical.

But Song Qian told him that there are many doctors, and he can invite many famous doctors to come back to treat patients, but the Song family depends on him. This is the hard work of his father's generation and also his responsibility.

Even Song Qian looked at Ye Zhen. Ye Zhen said: "I like it, I want to save more lives."

Song Chao thought of the dog that could not survive the pain and finally died.

He rubbed the girl's head and said, "Okay, I believe that my sister can become the most powerful doctor. From now on, when my brother gets sick, he will look for her."

Ye Zhen glanced at him: "Crow's mouth."

Song Chao smiled, and Ye Zhen couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, but she heard Song Qian sneer: "It's hard to become a doctor with such a stupid brain, and the most powerful doctor is just an idiot's dream."

Ye Zhen pursed her lips and blinked at Song Qian. Song Chao immediately retorted, as if he was protecting a calf: "Dad, don't destroy your sister's dream. Our sister works so hard, I believe she can do it!"

Ye Zhen nodded and said, "Well, I think I can do it too."

Song Qian chuckled gloomily.

Ye Zhen: "Song Qian, you are no longer a good father to me."

Song Qian: "..."

The ghost is your good father!

Song Chao immediately comforted Ye Zhen: "Zhen Zhen, don't listen to dad's nonsense. Our dad has this kind of virtue. Let's work hard and show him the results."

Ye Zhen: "Yeah!"

A pair of chopsticks flew to Song Chao's head. Song Chao held his head and screamed. Song Qian was angry: "I'll deduct your pocket money!"

Song Chao shouted: "Dad! You are bullying people!"

Ye Zhen said: "Bad dad, he didn't just bully me, he also bullied my brother."

Song Qian coughed: " won't have any fish soup for the next few days!"

Ye Zhen immediately drank half a bowl of crucian carp soup, wiped her mouth and said, "Bad dad, my brother and I will not give in!"

Song Qian looked at the girl, his hands itching to pinch her bulging cheeks.

Song Chao hugged her shoulders: "Yes! Sister, let's go!"

Ye Zhen: "...where to go?"

Song Chao said: "Go and bribe the steward uncle and ask him to take care of the fish for you and secretly cook it for you to eat."

In order to help Ye Zhen grow IQ and maintain her health, the kitchen specially prepared a large fish tank, which is full of small crucian carp for Ye Zhen to eat. As long as she is at home, she can drink all kinds of refreshing and delicious crucian carp every day. As for soup, the cooks of the Song family are very good. The crucian carp soup they cook is almost not heavy, and the heat is also very good. It doesn't taste greasy at all.

Ye Zhen stood up and said, "Okay, let's go."

Song Qian watched the boy and girl running into the kitchen, suddenly curled his lips and smiled in his eyes.

What a fool.

The assistant brought new chopsticks, and Song Qian seemed to be in a good mood with his eyes lowered as he drank the soup.

Sure enough, as long as Ye Zhen and Song Chao are at home, Song Qian's mood will not be bad.

But at the same time, his mood is even more unstable. One moment he seemed fine, but the next moment he thought of something and drove away everyone around him. Perhaps he was worried about Ye Zhen having to study and sleep. He was already very tired. The younger one lost his temper and smashed things in a big way. He mostly locked himself up, smoked cigarettes one after another, and sat in front of the window all day long, with a gloomy look that was so thick that he could not get rid of it for several days.

At this moment, he suddenly threw away his chopsticks, and his face returned to its usual gloomy and cold expression.

He closed his eyes: "Go back to the study."

The assistant agreed and pushed Song Qian upstairs.

When the elevator door closed, the assistant suddenly saw the man's hand on his leg, gripping it hard until his fingers became stiff and veins popped out on the back of his hand.

The assistant raised his eyes and looked forward, sighing inwardly.

A man walking in the dark meets his little sun, wanting redemption but fearing redemption.

As the end of the year approaches, Song Qian is very busy. People come in and out of the Song family almost every day. They carry briefcases, come and go in a hurry, and look quite nervous. It is clear that Song Qian is in the eyes of these people as if he is facing a formidable enemy. He is a very powerful character, and I don't dare to despise him just because he lost two legs. His prestige is unparalleled.

Similarly, Ye Zhen's final exam results finally came out. Ye Zhen made progress in the first semester of her senior year of high school. She made rapid progress and jumped into the top 200. She entered the top 100 in the mid-term exam. By the end of this semester, she had reached the 49th place in the whole grade.

With this score, she can already enter the key class. Although she can only be at the bottom of the key class, she is already worthy of the first place in her current class. The class teacher was very happy, walking like a breeze, and even gave her a certificate and twenty A notebook will be used as a reward to keep her going in the next semester.

Ye Zhen will not give up, she will not stop now.

The results that seemed acceptable to outsiders were nothing to her, at least they were far from the medical university she wanted to get into.

However, Ye Zhen's results accidentally shocked Ye Yu.

Ye Yu is in the key class, and her grades are in the middle. Every time she takes the exam, she is around the 20th place. This grade is considered good. It is not a problem to get into 211 universities, so Ye Yu is satisfied with her grades. She doesn't want to get herself into trouble. Too tired. What's more, Ye Zhen's grades were very poor and he did not pose any threat to her. Except when she paid attention during the first monthly exam, she found that Ye Zhen had scored more than 400 for a grade and might not be able to pass three books. She chuckled. I never paid attention to it again.

But she didn't want to see Ye Zhen's results again. She had already reached the top fifty in her grade, only twenty-nine places behind her!

Ye Yu was shocked and surprised. He rubbed his eyes several times to make sure he saw it correctly. He didn't expect Ye Zhen's grades to improve by leaps and bounds. How could a low-level person improve so much? Was it copied

Ye Yu didn't believe that Ye Zhen passed the exam based on her own ability, so she couldn't help but murmured a few words, saying that this was her sister. She was over four hundred before, but suddenly she was forty-nine. It was amazing.

The classmate next to her said, "Yes, I am from Class 6. Class 6 has the worst grades. How did Ye Zhen get a score of 49?"

Someone else said: "Is it copied? It must be copied."

Someone echoed: "I feel like it too."

Just like that, the news spread that Ye Zhen's grades were good. The other classes could only talk about it, and the people in Class 6 were shocked. They saw with their own eyes how Ye Zhen climbed up from the 400th place step by step. , with this achievement, it is a deserved reward for the hard work! Ye Zhen's roommate also knows best. At least in the cold winter, there are not many people who can get up at four o'clock in the morning to read books and memorize texts and memorize English. They persist all day long. You actually want to copy the grades that others have worked so hard to get? You can't look down on others just because they're in Class 6, right

The head teacher of Class 6 was also angry. After the class finally got a chance to live up to their expectations, their grades were questioned. Did they say they were copied? It made the atmosphere in the class not very good. In the end, I just praised a certain classmate during the closing ceremony, saying how hard she worked and how hard she got up at four in the morning and didn't go to bed until twelve at night, even in winter. The next day, from 400 to 200 and then to the top 100, this final exam went directly to 49th. This is a model of inspirational learning. As long as you work hard, no matter how stupid you are, you will not be afraid of not being able to fly!

Students who are at the tail end of the ladder, don’t panic and don’t give up on yourself. If you still work hard in half a year, you won’t be afraid of not being able to get into a good university!

Ye Zhen became truly famous and became a good example for the whole school to follow.

Ye Yu's face was ugly. This ugliness became even worse when Ye's mother asked Ye Zhen how she did in the exam when she got home. She pursed her lips, thinking that Ye Zhen's grades were not good in the first place and her family would not treat her badly. What kind of expectations did she have, she would only be disappointed, but now that Ye Zhen's grades have improved, what should she do

But Ye Yu couldn't give Ye Zhen a bad ranking in this matter. There would be a parent-teacher meeting next semester, so it would be easy to reveal the secret.

She thought for a while and said, "Sister performed pretty well this time, maybe thirty places behind me."

The gap of more than thirty people can be said to be quite large.

Mother Ye sighed and said: "When Ye Zhen came back, I saw her in a daze. Her brain was not flexible, and her grades were not very good, but at least she was much better than before. She can barely go to college."

Ye Yu said: "Mom, don't worry, it's still half a year away. If my sister works hard, she will definitely get into college. I will also work hard to get into a good university and bring glory to my parents."

Ye's mother smiled, and she really liked her adopted daughter.

Of course, I didn't forget to prepare a gift for Ye Zhen and send it to the Song family, in order to praise her for her good grades. No matter what, they must have the right attitude here and not get offended. As for Ye Zhen's decision, they had no control over it.

Of course, Ye Zhen confiscated the gifts sent by the Ye family. She asked them to return them all without even looking at them. She turned around and placed the transcripts on Song Qian's table: "Song Qian, take a good look at it. I will wait for next year's college entrance examination." The results will only be better than now.”

Song Qian looked at the girl's clean and bright face and said calmly, "Oh, we'll see."

Compared with Song Qian's indifference, Song Chao celebrated with several fireworks and scattered flowers. The housekeeper's uncle made her a pink strawberry cake. Song Chao Rang made a superman wearing underwear on the cake, which symbolized Ye Zhen's grades can also take off like Superman!

Ye Zhen was very confused, why not just get a rocket and put it on so it could fly into the sky

She doesn't like Strawberry Superman, he's soft and not majestic at all.

Ye Zhen divided several pieces of cake. In addition to Song Dynasty, there were also uncles from the housekeeper and Song Qian's assistants. The last piece of cake was given to Song Qian. She specially placed the pink superman next to the triangular cake and brought it to Song Qian. .

The first time Song Qian saw the cake, he frowned and said, "Get out, I won't eat it."

Ye Zhen was used to Song Qian's cold face. She put the cake on the desk, "Dad Song, your treatment is very good. I sent all my super fans to eat cake with you."

Song Qian still disliked it: "No need, you can keep it for yourself."

Ye Zhen blinked and placed the pink superman on the desk. She picked up a silver fork and scooped out a small piece of cake and handed it to Song Qian: "Try it, you will feel sweet after eating it."

Song Qian looked at the beautiful and pure girl in front of him. She had fair skin, bright eyes, and light pink lips. Her whole body was as clean and bright as the rising sun. She was so beautiful that people couldn't bear to blaspheme her.

But he is old and broken.

But he couldn't stop opening his lips, letting the girl feed him the pink cake, and his lips moved slightly.

"Isn't it sweet?"

Mmm, very sweet.

He lowered his eyes and said coldly: "Get out and don't disturb my work."

Ye Zhen said: "Bad dad eats everything and then burns bridges and turns his face to others."

…Another…bad…father…bastard girl!

Song Qian's face darkened, and he looked up to see the girl running away in a hurry on her slippers, her hair tied high in a brilliant arc.

He raised his hand and threw a book over. The girl screamed and ran away, "Good daddy, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

His hands were shaking: "Shut up!"

"… Well."

She jumped and ran away.

The pretty figure disappeared in an instant, and the patter of footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Song Qian's angry face relaxed, and he couldn't help but secretly smile. He looked at the pink cake and the pink superman of the same color on the table, picked up the silver fork and took a small bite. Unfortunately, it was no longer the same as before. It can sweeten his heart.

He opened the drawer and held a small bag of popping candies in his hand.

On the day before the New Year's Eve, Song Qian and Song Dynasty both put on black clothes, brought incense wax money paper and a few bouquets of white chrysanthemums for commemoration.

Ye Zhen went out with them and told Song Chao to introduce her to his father and grandparents. They must be happy to have a caring little cotton-padded jacket at home and they will definitely like her very much.

Song Qian said coldly: "Only you like it."

Ye Zhen immediately looked at him, her bright eyes serious: "Dad Song, don't you like it?"

Song Qian's heartbeat slowed down for a moment, and his face was gloomy and unchanging: "I don't like it."

Ye Zhen fell to the side sadly. Song Chao patted her head and comforted her, saying, "Sister, don't be sad. You all know that our dad likes to be duplicitous. If he didn't like you, he wouldn't go out with us."

Ye Zhen thought for a while, looked at Song Qian's dark face and said, "Then I don't remember the faults of villains, let's forget it this time."

Song Qian stared at her and rarely said anything in reply.

The ancestral graves of the Song family are all in the same place, and everyone in that area has the surname Song, and when they arrived, there were already signs of people coming to worship. Since the civil strife in the Song family ten years ago, the originally harmonious relationship between relatives has been destroyed due to financial interests. After the falling out, the relationship between them had long since faded away. Most of the relatives almost stopped moving around. The remaining few who didn't add insult to injury gradually became estranged because of Song Qian's bad temper and dislike of meeting people.

Ye Zhen ritually offered incense and worshiped. Song Chao, who was smiling every day, also rarely showed a serious look. Ye Zhen looked at the man in the wheelchair beside him. In the cold wind, the dark color in his eyes was unpredictable. , the whole person became increasingly cold, lonely, and gloomy.

He lives in his own world and doesn't allow anyone to get close to him.

On New Year's Eve, red lanterns were hung up in the Song Residence and Spring Festival couplets were pasted on the door. The Song Residence, which stood under the cold wind and heavy snow, rarely looked festive.

Ye Zhen wore a red sweater and looked very happy with her long, soft hair. Song Dynasty was also the same. Not only did she wear a red sweater, but she also had her hair moussed and stood up. , very flamboyant. Only Song Qian is always dressed in black, sitting aside coldly, and his eyes are always gloomy and cold when he looks at people.

Song Chao took Ye Zhen to look for him early in the morning, held his hands and said a series of kind words, such as Happy New Year, good luck, good luck, good fortune, good luck every year, good luck every year... Bring me the red envelope! "This year, my sister and I are alone. We want to have double share. It is auspicious to have good things come in pairs."

Ye Zhen held her hands and looked at him: "Song Qian, Happy New Year."

Song Qian coldly waved his hand, and each person threw two big red envelopes, neither too thick nor too thin. Ye Zhen opened it and looked at it. They were two seven-digit checks. She said seriously: "Song Qian, from today on you will be here again." He is a good father."


Song Qian's face was dark, but he still couldn't hold it back and pinched the girl's cheek hard, making her cheeks turn red.

You bastard girl needs to be cleaned up.

Song Chao also gave Ye Zhen two red envelopes, "Sister, be good, I will give you a bigger red envelope when my brother makes money!"

Ye Zhen agreed that she would receive free medical treatment when she became successful. Song Chao happily said that he would introduce many patients to her, and Ye Zhen glared at him, making Song Chao laugh.

Song Qian glanced at the two careless people. He blinked and rubbed his fingers with his interlocked hands. His eyes were soft and there was a hint of a faint smile.

Ye Zhen didn't have any red envelopes in her wallet. She happened to go out a few days ago and went to the temple to pray for two blessings of peace. One was given to Song Chao and the other to Song Qian. Song Chao was so happy when he received Ye Zhen's gift. He said he would put it in his bag and said he would carry it with him every day. Song Qian was disgusted, so she put it on the reluctant Song Qian: "Song Qian, you must be safe and healthy, smoke less and eat more. When I grow up, I will honor you."

Song Qian looked at the girl's serious expression and said coldly: "...Take it away, I don't need it."

Ye Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, "Good dad, I forgive your duplicity."

Song Qian was so angry that he gritted his teeth, what a bastard girl!

This year is rarely a lively one. After lunch, Song Chao and Ye Zhen went to the supermarket to buy some fireworks. After dinner, they set them off in the yard. It was still snowing heavily. Ye Zhen was wrapped in a thick down jacket and wearing a scarf. Hat and gloves, laughing with sizzling fireworks. The Song Dynasty occasionally threw a cannon, making people scream and scream. Playing with fireworks turned into a snowball fight. Ye Zhen's clothes, hat and scarf were all covered with snow, and she stepped on the snow. There is a hole, and you can't run fast.

Ye Zhen was bullied so badly that she ran towards Song Qian who was sitting under the eaves at some point, "Song Qian, hurry up and teach your brother a lesson for bullying me!"

Song Qian said with a cold face: "Yes."

Ye Zhen flattened her mouth, her feet were empty, and she threw herself into the snow. The snowball flying from the Song Dynasty passed over Ye Zhen and hit Song Qian's head. It exploded and fell all over him. Song Qian wiped his face calmly and blinked. His eyes saw the bastard girl who had thrown herself on the ground and still tried to raise her head to look at him, and then turned to look at Song Chao.

Song Chao rolled his eyes, threw his legs up in the air, and fainted.

Song Qian: "Go and trample him to death."

The assistant went immediately. Song Chao got up and ran, screaming for help.

Ye Zhen immediately knelt down with a smile, and Song Qian stretched out his hand to her: "Come here."

Ye Zhen stumbled over, shook her head and asked innocently: "Song Qian, what's wrong?"

… What's wrong? Of course I will crush you to death, you bastard girl!