The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 12: Little Secretary (12)


The black car drove onto the highway leading to the airport at a very fast speed. The cars on the road were passing by at high speed. Quietly, Wei Shao and the person on the other side of the video could only be heard occasionally talking to each other in English.

Ye Zhen knew that the driver had tampered with the brakes. She looked at her watch and saw that there were still fifteen minutes before the car accident happened.

At this moment, a countdown suddenly appeared on the upper right side of her eyes: 00:14:59.

Ye Zhen knew that only when the host's last wish was involved, she would be given some kind of power by "nothingness".

Just like now, her ordinary senses could suddenly clearly feel that the car was crumbling, yellow warning, and was about to collapse, and she had to let Wei Shao leave before the car broke down.

She held her chest. The closer the time came, the more she could feel the fear and pain left by the host, as well as the hidden love for Wei Shao. She couldn't help coughing twice and looked out the window. Embarrassed

Assistant Yao looked at her and silently asked if she was okay

He didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing Wei Shao's work.

Ye Zhen nodded and whispered: "Drive slowly, okay?"

As expected, Assistant Yao slowed down the car, but with this slowness, Ye Zhen felt that the car was even more shaky than before, and it had turned from yellow to red.

He seemed to frown and muttered, feeling that something was wrong with the car, but he thought there could be something wrong, so he didn't think much about it.

Countdown: 00:11:30

Ye Zhen kept pressing her chest to endure the discomfort. Wei Shao raised his eyes and looked at the co-pilot, but he could only see a trace of the woman's clothes.

He couldn't help but frown and told Assistant Yao: "Drive slower."

It is already on a high speed, no matter how slow it is, it cannot go slower than 60 miles.

Wei Shao: "Ye Zhen, what's wrong?"

Ye Zhen said in a weak voice: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wei, I may be motion sick and want to vomit... Can you pull over for a moment?"

She originally just found an excuse to stop in advance and slow down a few times. Even if the brakes failed and she was hit, no one would be killed. However, "Nothingness" was probably to allow her to complete the task better and look more real. Almost after she finished speaking, she thought After vomiting, her stomach immediately felt turbulent, and she was so uncomfortable that she covered her lips and retched!

It's going to kill you! So honest…

Assistant Yao was surprised. He remembered that Ye Zhen didn't get car sick, so why did she suddenly get car sick

Wei Shao immediately said: "Stop the car."

Countdown: 00:08:46

Ye Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and lay dying on the car window.

However, the car did not stop immediately. Wei Shao frowned and repeated: "Stop!"

But I heard Assistant Yao say in surprise: "Mr. Wei, it's not that I didn't stop. The brakes seem to have failed and I can't stop!"

After a moment: "Mr. Wei, the brakes really failed!"

Ye Zhen almost immediately pulled the handbrake, and at the same time looked back at Wei Shao. She saw the man's cold and serious eyes. He leaned forward, his movements were consistent with hers but a step behind her. His big hand pressed down on her small hand that had pulled the handbrake. Ye Zhen: "Mr. Wei, sit down -"

The speed of the car was out of control and the car body was shaking. Assistant Yao tightly held the steering wheel and panicked!

It's over, it's over, I have to explain it here today!

Wei Shao made a quick decision, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and drove towards the emergency lane -

There was a loud noise when it hit the ground -

The black car hit the guardrail!

The airbag deployed, the car windows were shattered, thick smoke billowed out of the car, and a burning smell filled the air...

In the deathly silence, Assistant Yao opened his eyes dizzily. His chest and face hurt. He saw Wei Shao and Ye Zhen hugging each other in the thick smoke

He thought of the scene just now. The impact was so powerful that even if he was prepared, he would rush out at that moment. What's more, Wei Shao was in the middle, and he would fly directly to the windshield in front of the car! He did hit him, but Ye Zhen suddenly hugged him tightly... and protected his head.

He heard the man's hoarse and slightly trembling voice, and the hand holding the woman's back was wet and sticky with blood: "Quick! Call an ambulance!"

Assistant Yao Te was shaking when he was on the phone!

He never expected that there would be a car accident! It was he who drove the car! But there seems to be something wrong with that car, otherwise why would the brakes suddenly fail? And how could the driver be sick and uncomfortable at just the right time

Ye Zhen didn't even know how she got out of the car. She was knocked unconscious. When she regained her consciousness, she leaned in the man's arms and sat on a piece of grass. Not only did she feel sick in her stomach and feel like vomiting, but she also My back also hurts a little bit, and my stomach is not feeling well...

Assistant Yao was in contact and listened to Wei Shao's instructions: "Block the news and tell the outside world that I was seriously injured in the car accident. The real situation is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone except my mother and the old man."

"Calling out surveillance, keeping an eye on everyone who has come into contact with the car, and checking to see if they have had contact with anyone special in private, and if there are any external funds in their accounts. Especially the driver."

As soon as Ye Zhen opened her eyes, Wei Shao noticed it. He looked down at her and said, "Don't move, you are injured. The ambulance will be here soon." He was so close to her that they could feel each other's breath in their breaths. , Ye Zhen wanted to get up, but was caught again, "Ye Zhen, be obedient."

"Oh." She saw that Wei Shao could still move around, was conscious, and seemed to be fine. Assistant Yao seemed to have some scratches on his body, and there was a wound on his forehead that was scratched by glass. He held it down with a towel. It was a huge difference compared to her previous life, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhen glanced at the smashed car in the distance. Her body felt very uncomfortable. She simply lay in the man's arms and rested peacefully. She didn't forget to ask the most important thing: "Why did the brakes suddenly fail?"

Wei Shao also glanced at the car, his slightly narrowed eyes looked extremely dangerous, "I will investigate this matter."

"...Did someone do this on purpose? Did you offend someone?"

"There are many people who want me to disappear. We still need to check to find out who they are."

Ye Zhen hummed, holding back her nausea and pressing her painful stomach.

She had thought about avoiding the car accident directly, but in comparison, would Wei Shao, who had never experienced a life or death crisis, pursue it to the end? Instead of doing this, it is better to minimize the damage. With this reminder, she did not believe that Wei Shao's caution and ability would not be able to find anything, not to mention that she had already found someone to tie up the driver.

As soon as she relaxed, the discomfort in her body increased ten thousand times, her face became even pale, and she couldn't help but close her eyes to rest.

Wei Shao held the woman in his arms. She was light, small, and fragile. Her arms were slender and could be broken if pinched, but she was able to rise up and protect him at such a sudden and critical moment...

He was shocked and surprised, but also vaguely satisfied and happy. He kissed the woman's soft hair. When he was treated like this, how dare he deny that he was not in his heart

"Ye Zhen."


He smiled: "Come back to me."

Ye Zhen suddenly pushed Wei Shao away and lay aside, retching.

Assistant Yao squatted aside and saw Ye Zhen vomiting with tears streaming down her face. Then he looked at the belly she was pressing, vomiting... stomachache...

He had a bold idea in his mind!

Even Wei Shao frowned and stared at Ye Zhen's belly. His palms covered it, "Stomach hurts?"

Ye Zhen had tears in her eyes and nodded with a pale face, "It seems that I bumped into her just now."

Wei Shao's face turned pale, he took the water from Assistant Yao and let Ye Zhen drink it, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Assistant Yao squatted next to him, looking worried: "...Did the fetal force move? What should I do now that I have a miscarriage? What to do, I have no experience!"

Ye Zhen: "...!"

Wei Shao: "...?"

Special assistant: "..."

Ye Zhen: "How could I be pregnant?"

Special assistant: "You are retching and have stomachache. Pregnant women are like this!"

Wei Shao: "...?"

Ye Zhen: "Don't think about it, it really doesn't happen! Mr. Wei, don't let him do it!"

Special assistant: "Mr. Wei, I'm just guessing, just in case."

Wei Shao: "...?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and drove away the special assistant: "Go and ask when the ambulance will arrive."

Special assistant: "Oh."

Assistant Yao went to make a call. When Ye Zhen saw Wei Shao staring at her belly, he thoughtfully lifted her from the ground to his lap. Ye Zhen pursed her lips and said, "Mr. Wei, don't listen to what Assistant Yao said. I’m really not pregnant.”

Wei Shao analyzed it carefully: "Although I have taken measures, I cannot rule out accidents. Be good, we can't take risks."

Ye Zhen: "..." It's difficult to breathe, and my stomach seems to hurt even more!

Wei Shao: "Don't be afraid, I will be responsible."

Ye Zhen: "...Oh."

It wasn't until she got into the ambulance that Ye Zhen discovered that Wei Shao was not uninjured. His back was scratched by a piece of glass, his blood and flesh were blurred, and there were still glass residues, but he sat calmly without changing his expression and allowed the doctor to treat him. Clean the wound.

Ye Zhen lay on the stretcher and looked at him. Remembering that he had been holding her just now, she suddenly remembered that she had to protect his head under the impact at that moment, and he also protected her after reacting.

Wei Shao lowered his eyes and saw the woman looking at him pitifully. He stretched out his big hand, took her little hand and patted her: "It's okay, I'm not afraid anymore."

Ye Zhen smiled: "Thank you."

She was arranged to be admitted to the VIP intensive care unit, received the most sophisticated examinations, and received the best care.

Her injuries were minor. On the contrary, Assistant Yao, who seemed to be walking around like nothing happened, actually broke a rib. Wei Shao also had mostly superficial injuries, but no fundamental injuries to his body.

Not long after she lay in the hospital, she heard that the driver's family had been knocked unconscious at home. When the police took them there, they found both the stolen goods and the stolen goods.

It doesn't take long to find out who's behind it.

I also heard that there were rumors that Wei Shao had a car accident, his life and death were unknown, and Star King's stock was in turmoil. Many celebrities were praying for safety on Weibo.

Even Feng Shuya cried for a long time in front of Wei Shao's hospital bed, and Wei Guo didn't show up from the beginning to the end. Ye Zhen knew it because she and Wei Shao were in the same ward...

The last wish of the host: to protect Wei Shao from death.


In the mess, Ye Zhen felt that the obsession that was pressing in her heart finally dissipated a little, and there was a kind of joy and joy in her heart, and she felt much better.

Wei Shao glanced at Ye Zhen who was secretly happy. He couldn't help but curled his lower lip. He got up and sat beside Ye Zhen's bed. Ye Zhen was confused: "Huh?"

He pulled back the quilt and lay down next to the woman. Ye Zhen stepped back: "Mr. Wei, it's not good for you to do this... Ugh!"

The man's lips pressed down immediately. His generous palms held her cheeks, his lips pressed against hers, and he kissed her lips gently, with a different passion than before. He lingered on her for a long time, his voice was hoarse and low. Chun: "Ye Zhen, come back to me."

Ye Zhen's eyes were hazy: "No..."

"Ye Zhen, I no longer give you the right to refuse."


The author has something to say: It’s Tuesday, I’m so excited, it’s Thursday soon, please collect it!