The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 159: Little poisonous tongue (7)


Ye Zhen actually had this idea a long time ago. When she went to Shen's, she even thought about explaining it directly to Shen Chengdong, but if she was too straightforward, Shen Chengdong might think she was crazy, so this idea could only be shelved for the time being. It will be much easier to handle once both parties have established a trusting relationship.

But outside of work, Shen Chengdong was particularly kind to her, and He Kaizhi also liked to get close to her even more than before. One was well-dressed, the other was obedient, and they were obviously very nice, but there were always all kinds of infighting every time they met. He was sarcastic, but he was honest in front of her.

As long as the trouble didn't get out of hand, Ye Zhen didn't care. She spent all her time in the research room, planning to produce results in about three to five years.

Because Ye Zhen spent all her energy in the research laboratory, she rarely appeared in the business and celebrity circles of C City. Naturally, there were fewer rumors about her from the outside world. There were also rumors that she had no use value, so she was naturally dismissed. Shen Chengdong abandoned it, Ye Zhen didn't comment on it, and Shen Chengdong didn't rush to explain. After being discussed for a while, no new news came out, and the popularity naturally faded away.

On the contrary, the feud between the two brothers He Liang and He Kaizhi is almost a secret known to the entire circle. To the extent that these two have fought, even if Ms. Zhang comes forward, they can only get temporary relief. Once Ms. Zhang leaves, the conflict will only get worse. It was fierce, as if they were enemies.

Ye Zhen couldn't help but talk to He Kaizhi and asked him why he hated He Liang so much? Even if it was because of her, it had been so long ago and they each had a new life, so there was no need to remember the past until now.

He Kaizhi said confidently: "Do you need a reason to hate him? I just don't like him."

Ye Zhen helplessly patted his head, and He Kaizhi's tail began to wag again. He pulled Ye Zhen's clothes and said, "Sister, please don't worry. This is a battle between He Liang and I. I will not admit defeat."

"Then let me know if you need help. Don't let yourself be wronged."

"Sister, you are so kind."

He Kaizhi behaved too well in front of Ye Zhen, just like a puppy wagging its tail for love. Of course, when he turned his back, his eyes glowed red like a wolf, he was so good at pretending.

Shen Chengdong wanted to poke his eyes out, and couldn't help but ask Ye Zhen: "Do you really think that Second Young Master He is innocent and harmless?"

Ye Zhen said: "I don't know about others, but Kaizhi does this to me."

He laughed, and the way the handsome man laughed was even more eye-catching: "You are pretending to be confused because you understand. Second Young Master He is very powerful now. Even though he is young, he is no worse than He Liang. He is very good at what he does." He is brave and resourceful in getting things done, and he really has a bit of Ms. Zhang's style of doing things. Ms. Zhang is not too much of a failure, and she still raised a good son."

Ye Zhen said: "Mr. Shen, are you paying too much attention to them?"

"Knowing yourself and your enemy will lead to hundreds of battles," he said leisurely. "If you want to win, you must first understand your enemy."

"Kaizhi is your enemy?"

Shen Chengdong looked at her and shrugged, smiling without saying a word.

Ye Zhen also laughed and asked no more questions.

Shen Chengdong added: "Tomorrow is the weekend, let's go have dinner together?"

Ye Zhen said: "No, we can't leave the research room."

Shen Chengdong added: "Then I will ask someone to send the food to the laboratory."

Ye Zhen looked at him and nodded.

In fact, as the main person in charge of the research laboratory, Ye Zhen is not used in many places. The main researchers are researchers hired from various places. As for Ye Zhen, as a layman, she has not participated for the time being, and she cannot participate casually. , after all, hostology is not this major.

Ye Zhen had little action as the person in charge in the early stage, but she spent all her time in the laboratory. In addition to watching experiments, she also looked for books on this subject to read. She even hired a teacher in this field to explain it to her. , she showed a talent that is difficult for ordinary people to match, so a year later, she entered the laboratory and officially became a scientific researcher as a major scientific researcher.

Although Shen Chengdong was surprised by this, he could not deny Ye Zhen's hard work over the past year. She had not even stepped out of the research laboratory. All her time was spent here. As a person who has grown from nothing to something. It's particularly not easy.

He admired Ye Zhen very much. The world was becoming more and more flashy, and it was rare to be able to truly calm down and study, let alone starting from scratch like Ye Zhen.

There is always infinite temptation and attraction in this woman. No matter what she does, she can attract his attention, exploration, and concern.

He stayed with her for four years, until four years later, the flying car was truly successfully developed. Four years later, the flying car named "Leap" was officially released to the world.

Prior to this, the outside world had already been abuzz with news about Shen's plans to develop a new car. There were also rumors that it would be a flying car, but they were all dismissed as nonsense with all kinds of laughter.

Netizens all said: Speeding car? You're afraid you've watched too many Hollywood blockbusters. Why don't you just go to heaven? That is, since there is a flying car, can we create a holographic online game first? There are also holographic online games, so stop dreaming if you don’t even have a decent robot. The Shen family was originally engaged in real estate development. How could they develop cars

In addition to the excitement among online gamers, even He Liang heard about it. Of course, he just laughed it off as a joke. Obviously, he didn't take the news seriously. He also thought that Mr. Shen was crazy. Even if he wanted news, he would at least get it. A bit more practical, right

Many people in the circle asked again: "Have you received the invitation letter from Mr. Shen?"

"I received it. They said they were attending Shen's new car launch conference. Are the rumors true?"

"Shen's may really want to release a new car, but it will definitely not be a speeding car. Talking about a speeding car must be just to create momentum and attract attention."

This makes sense, and almost everyone believes it.

He Liang also believed it.

On the day of the press conference, the live broadcast of the press conference slapped everyone in the face.

He Liang watched with his own eyes Ye Zhen, whom he had not seen for several years, appeared at the press conference. As the chief designer, he introduced Feiyue's performance and personally got into the car for a test drive!

She was wearing a black professional suit, her makeup and smile were perfect. After several years, she looked more mature and of course more beautiful. Sitting in the cab at the moment, she was even more dazzling and impossible to ignore.

Shen Chengdong was also there. The man was also wearing a black suit. He was sitting in the passenger seat. He had a gentle smile on his handsome face, which was calm and confident. His eyes kept falling on Ye Zhen, a little expectant, a little proud, and a little proud. .

Such a look made He Liang's heart sink.

…Are all the rumors from the outside world true

At this moment, almost everyone held their breath and looked at Ye Zhen nervously, watching her start the leap, and then under everyone's eyes, the leap really went up to the sky!

... After a period of deathly silence, there were thundering cheers and screams, and even swearing in excitement!

Damn, damn, damn!

Now he can really go to heaven!

"I apologize for laughing at Mr. Shen before, and I apologize for my short-sightedness. As expected, there are mountains outside the world, and just because I am so stupid doesn't mean that everyone is as stupid as me!"

"No, no, no, I believe it. I have always believed it. I believe that Mr. Shen will never deceive us... By the way, when can we get a loan to buy one?"

"Me, me, me, all the money! I'll give you any amount. I'm so poor that I only have money left!"


Shen's stock suddenly soared, its market value more than dozens of times, and the company's phone lines were flooded with calls. Not to mention that Ye Zhen and his team became famous overnight and their net worth doubled.

He Liang went to He Kaizhi like crazy: "Do you know? Do you know that Ye Zhen made a leap? Why didn't you tell me?!"

He Kaizhi didn't have a good look towards He Liang at first, but now he said with a smile: "There are only five Global Flying Cars, and one of them was given to me by my sister. Also, why should I tell you about my sister? Tell me. Can you hold her back later? I'm not stupid."

… Hold! He Liang almost ran away.

He Kaizhi added: "He Liang, don't tell me that you are so excited because you regret it. It was you who was the one who was so interested in moving on to another relationship. Don't want to turn around now because my sister is so good. Tell me that you regret it. You But don’t embarrass yourself!”

He Liang choked for a long time: "Even if Ye Zhen and I can't be lovers, we can still have no feelings after being together for many years? Don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart!"

He Kaizhi: "Haha."

He Liang ran away with his tail between his legs, but to be honest, he did feel a little regretful. He had almost forgotten Ye Zhen when Ye Zhen didn't hang out in front of him all these years. Now she not only appeared, but also made such a sensation. When the scene appeared, she was more beautiful and dazzling than before. She was a presence that no one could ignore. Facing Ye Zhen like that, what man could not regret it? I'm afraid even my former classmates will regret not having a good relationship with her, so that now they don't even have a chance to contact her.

At this moment, Ye Zhen was attending the celebration banquet. The people in the laboratory were obviously happier than the people outside. Probably they themselves did not expect that this research would be successful and could be launched on the market. What they had never dared to think of was finally successful. , the joy in my heart is naturally extremely huge.

Ye Zhen drank a few drinks with her, then she took a wine glass and stood by the window. Shen Chengdong came over. The man took off his suit and was only wearing a white shirt and black trousers. The collar of his shirt was open and his sleeves were rolled up. He raised his arms to reveal his strong arms, and the whole person looked noble and elegant.

"Why are you hiding here alone? They are all looking for you and want a drink."

Ye Zhen leaned against the window and said, "It's too noisy. I want to be alone for a while."

Shen Chengdong: "What's bothering you?"

Ye Zhen looked at him and said, "Now that I am so successful, what troubles can I have?" She raised her glass, "I would also like to thank Mr. Shen for his support and trust over the years. If it weren't for you, I believe I wouldn't be as successful as I am now." .”

Shen Chengdong laughed: "Even without me, you will succeed somewhere else."

Ye Zhen raised her eyebrows, raised her head and took a sip of wine. Indeed, if it weren't for Shen Chengdong, she would just find another partner and they would always succeed.

Shen Chengdong looked at her and said, "Is there anything you want to do after the leap?"

Ye Zhen thought for a while: "Let's take a good rest, I'm a little tired."

"Okay, where do you want to go? Go abroad or find a beautiful place to live in China?"

"It's not that troublesome. I just go home and rest. I haven't been back for a long time. Every time my parents call, they always talk about going back and spending time with them."

Shen Chengdong nodded: "That's fine."

After the Feiyue press conference, Ye Zhen also became a celebrity. Various invitations and interviews came one after another. Ye Zhen was not very interested in invitations. Among the several interviews she was sent, she chose Time magazine, the largest magazine in China. Be interviewed.

On the day of the interview, the assistant asked her if there were any questions she couldn’t ask? Ye Zhen smiled and said no.

When it came to the actual interview, sure enough, after asking some questions about Fei Yue in the early stage, her life inevitably came up later.

Ye Zhen is a child who grew up in an ordinary family. She has excelled in studies since she was a child. She was admitted to a key national university in high school and studied business management. After graduation, she joined the He family. I heard it was because of her boyfriend? Later, something happened and he switched to the Shen family. Because the major you studied is very different from the one that made great achievements, how could you finally think of a leap in research and development

Ye Zhen thought for a while and smiled: "Well, if it hadn't been for an accident midway, I might still be running business at He's, and the leap could only be a dream in my mind. I am very grateful for what happened in my life Everything about me, good or bad, it’s because of them that I am who I am today.”

Ye Zhen made a pun. When He Liang heard this sentence, he felt guilty and regretful towards Ye Zhen. What did he think at the beginning and why did he break up with Ye Zhen

It had been a long time since the incident, and he was about to forget it, but now it all appeared clearly in front of his eyes. Apart from regret, there was only regret.

Compared with He Liang, the majority of netizens are different. They are all curious about what the accident was. So I went to investigate, and sure enough, I found out those things that happened five years ago.

"I heard that Ye Zhen was Mr. He's girlfriend five years ago, but they broke up later."

"We did break up, but it was Young Master He who broke up first. He said he didn't like Ye Zhen anymore because he thought Ye Zhen had changed. Later I found out that it was Young Master He who had moved on and fell in love with someone who took advantage of him while he was drunk and raped her. His female secretary!”

"Holy shit! Young Master He was raped? Is it true?"

"I heard that Ye Zhen was very angry because of this incident. She was very good to He Liang. She was very good before she was raped, and even better after she was raped. Who knew that He Liang had Stockholm Syndrome and fell in love with him and raped him? The woman wants to break up with Ye Zhen!"

"...??? Damn it! Is there anything wrong with Mr. He?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. If it wasn't like this, could Ye Zhen have left He's family and gone to Shen's family? Can she make a leap? We can still go to heaven? We have to thank Mr. He. Can you not discriminate against me if I am a patient? It's not like I have Stockholm Syndrome. It’s his fault, if you don’t want to get entangled, you’d better be gentle!”

"... Stockholm Syndrome? Am I the only one who thinks Young Master He is a pure scum? How can he be so hard when he's drunk?"

"Whether it's true or fake, it's definitely true that he had an affair with Liu Ling and Ye Zhen."

Fei Yue's birth was a global sensation. He Liang was well known to many people because of his outstanding appearance and being a rich second generation. Before that, Ye Zhen couldn't compare to him. Even though his reputation was not very good, Ye Zhen It was true that he couldn't compare to him, but after Fei Yue was born, He Liang couldn't even compare to her little finger.

Most people around the world know Ye Zhen and the leaps she and her research team have made, while He Liang is known to the world as an unglamorous part of her life history.

He Liang now has to face the puzzled looks of outsiders almost every day, as if asking him why such an outstanding Ye Zhen didn't cheat on her instead? This is either blindness or blindness of mind!

He Liang was almost afraid to go out after seeing him, and then he asked himself in his heart, what on earth made him betray his seven-year relationship? And what made him think that she had changed so he no longer liked her

In addition to He Liang, even Liu Ling, who had been hiding for five years, was found by netizens. She was originally shocked by Ye Zhen's leap in research and development, but then she was criticized again, and she could only resign and hide again. When I woke up, I felt even more regretful. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. You must take responsibility for the wrong things you have done.

Shen Chengdong found that he seemed to have found something more interesting than making money. He had been observing Ye Zhen for more than five years and found her more and more interesting. The pleasure of being with her was almost as good as his making money. Since the pleasure you get from time to time can be more pleasurable than making money, this already shows that it is extraordinary.

He Kaizhi had long seen his ambition: "My sister doesn't like you, so give up."

Shen Chengdong smiled: "You cannot represent your sister, and you have no right to reject me on her behalf."

"Then we'll see."


In fact, He Kaizhi was right this time. Ye Zhen really didn't have any feelings for him, Shen Chengdong. Before leaping out, her mind was all about leaping out. After leaping out, she was no longer like before. Being so busy, she had more free time, but she showed no interest in his occasional invitations. When Feiyue was truly launched and no longer needed her supervision, she went back to her hometown.

She is like the wind, no one can catch her.

Shen Chengdong couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Ada said: "Mr. Shen, you can only make money but not chase women. You will definitely not be able to chase Miss Ye like you do."

Shen Chengdong: "... Then how do you think we should pursue him?"

Ada flashed his biceps and said firmly: "Women like men with masculine qualities, it will make them feel safe!"

Shen Chengdong pinched his arm and imagined himself shirtless and Ye Zhen showing off his biceps. He shuddered instantly. Forget it, this sexy move will give him nightmares for the rest of his life!

Ye Zhen put everything aside and stayed at home for a few days, but she couldn't help but have her seven aunts and eight aunts come to ask questions. Even Ye's father and mother were completely unaccustomed to the fact that their daughter had made such great achievements and was a little smart. You can imagine everything. This is not only a revolution in automobiles, but also a great leap in science and technology!

Ye Zhen will definitely be recorded in history!

Father Ye and Mother Ye were happy and proud. There was wind under their feet when they walked, and their backs were even straighter.

So when Shen Chengdong came over with big and small bags, he was very enthusiastically invited into the house by his father and mother. Ye Zhen was still lying in the room reading a book. When she heard that Shen Chengdong was coming, she got up and went out. Bedroom: "Is something wrong, Mr. Shen?"

Shen Chengdong raised his silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled with a gentle and harmless look: "I have something to ask you about."

Ye Zhen said: "Come to the study and talk."

When they got to the study room, Mother Ye stopped bringing tea and fruit. She looked very happy and satisfied when she saw Shen Chengdong. When she went out, she told her husband, "Xiao Shen looks better than Xiao He. I can see that he cares about us." My daughter is interesting, I think it’s okay.

Father Ye said: "What's okay? Don't talk nonsense. Zhen Zhen didn't say anything. You're just busy in your head."

Mother Ye rolled her eyes: "I'm just talking to you. Am I stupid enough to talk to Xiao Shen? Isn't it because Zhen Zhen is already in her thirties? I'm just impatient."

"Anyway, don't talk nonsense, otherwise the relationship will become tense in the future. What will Zhen Zhen do in the company?"

"I know, I know, you are the only one who is smart."

Ye Zhen was also eating an apple over there, and asked Shen Chengdong what was the important matter when he came home

Shen Chengdong said: "I've known you for so long and I haven't even visited you yet, so I just came to see you."

"Why is Mr. Shen so out of touch? It's all a trivial matter. You don't need to go there in person."

He sighed lowly and said, "Ye Zhen, you are so smart, you must understand what I mean."

Ye Zhen raised her eyebrows and smiled: "I don't understand what Mr. Shen said."

The man suddenly came closer, his voice deliberately suppressed to sound sexy: "Do you need me to make it clear?"

"That's okay, it's just that I'm not interested in my children's personal affairs. Mr. Shen will be disappointed."

Shen Chengdong was quiet for a while, looking at Ye Zhen's careless face, he felt like his heart wanted to be stung by something, and the sting was quite uncomfortable.

This feeling is quite strange. As a man who has never had a girlfriend or even had any experience chasing girls, it feels really good to be rejected before he even opens his mouth.

Shen Chengdong's love affair was declared a failure before it even started.

"I've seen you stay single in the past few years. Are you still worried about what happened back then?"

"No, He Liang is already in the past for me, and he can no longer affect me. For me, I really don't need a relationship anymore."

"Can't you even try?"

Ye Zhen shook her head. Shen Chengdong was still a little unwilling to fail. Ye Zhen said: "I once fell in love with someone very much, but we broke up before we loved each other enough. So much so that I still miss him now. If I am with you, I will never forget him." You're not being fair."

Shen Chengdong: "Who is he? He Liang?"

He could only think of He Liang. Ye Zhen's relationship was very simple. She studied hard in junior high school and high school. When she met He Liang in college, she had the first love in her life, which was also the first failed love.

Ye Zhen said: "When we first met, He Liang was a good person. I don't know why later on, I didn't even recognize him, or I never really understood him."

"In this case, you don't have to hurt yourself for him."

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry."


He doesn't want to be sorry.

Shen Chengdong is really becoming more and more disliked by He Liang. If it weren't for the fact that the He family still has Ms. Shen and He Kaizhi, the He family would really be finished.

But soon, Shen Chengdong heard a particularly exciting news.

The thing is like this, He Liang is thirty-three years old this year. Ms. Zhang arranged several blind dates for him. He has always resisted, but he has been greatly stimulated by Ye Zhen recently, and he has tried to see Ye Zhen several times without success. Being ridiculed by He Kaizhi, he felt a little unsatisfied.

He also felt that he could not live under Ye Zhen's shadow forever, so he went on a blind date again, and he also fell in love with the girl from Qixing Electronics. The two dated several times and they felt good about each other, so they discussed it with the two families. After a while, let’s get married.

Of course, you need a marriage certificate to get married, and you also need to have a physical examination when you get married. The girl from Qixing Electronics is fine, but He Liang seems to have some problems. The results of the physical examination show that He Liang has some physical problems. It may be difficult to have a child, even if she is pregnant. Even if you get it, you may not be able to keep it.

He Liang felt baffled. The test results must have been wrong. Ye Zhen had been pregnant and had a miscarriage before. How could there be something wrong with him

The doctor said that just because the heir is having difficulty, it doesn't mean there is no problem at all. Don't worry, there is still hope if you cooperate with medical treatment.

… So what you said was not nonsense

He Liang was simply mad. He felt that this was a quack and the examination must have been wrong! Then he changed hospitals for examination, and the final result was the same.

Now he was not only angry, but also a little desperate.

Not wanting to have children is one concept, not being able to have children is another concept. Besides, He Liang still likes children. He felt a little uncomfortable when Ye Zhen had a miscarriage, but that situation really couldn't be saved...

Now doctors tell him he can't have children.

Wait, think about it, the child in Ye Zhen's belly may be the only child he has ever had in his life? And because of his fault he lost his only child? And he even went to see him off in person

He Liang felt his eyes go dark, his chest felt tight and uncomfortable, and his whole body looked like it had gone through a lot of changes.

He was not feeling well, and Zhang Yun realized something was wrong and asked him what was wrong. He Liang had the nerve to say that he couldn't give birth to a son? He resisted and didn't say that He Kaizhi was not that interested in his affairs and didn't pay much attention to it. The reason why he made the fuss was that he had been married for a year and the woman still couldn't get pregnant, so he went for a check-up. I can’t hide it anymore...

The day the test results came out, his wife couldn't help but lose her temper, and now the entire He family knew about it.

Ms. Zhang: “…”

He Kaizhi: "..."

Everyone: “…”

He Liang thought he could still hold on before, but now that the commotion is so big, everyone knows that he has not given birth to a son. He is not only shameless, but also hurts his self-esteem. Of course, he has no confidence when facing his wife. He took the initiative to ask for a divorce...

How can I get a divorce? It’s so shameless to get divorced after just one year of marriage!

His wife was originally a lively and lovely type, but because of this incident she had a lot of tantrums, even more so than before. She told him that she had always thought it was her problem and suffered a lot, but it turned out to be yours. Why didn't you tell me the problem earlier? Did she need to suffer like this if she had told her earlier? What should I do now? If I can’t give birth to a son, should I give birth to a son

He Liang used to think that his wife's little tempers were cute or innocent, and he thought it was nothing. Now, he feels that these little tempers are very unbearable for him, not to mention her words are very hurtful!

He Liang was afraid before that someone would say someone raped him, but now he is afraid that someone would say he couldn't have a son: "The doctor said it's just more difficult, not that he can't get pregnant..."

"If it's more difficult, doesn't it mean that I can't get pregnant? Do you think I got pregnant this year?"

“…We can try harder.”

"What should I do if I still can't get pregnant no matter how hard I try?"


There was a lot of excitement here, and it had almost spread in the circle. Naturally, it reached Shen Chengdong's ears. At this time, Shen Chengdong was even more disgusted with He Liang. If He Liang hadn't hurt Ye Zhen, how could Ye Zhen have treated him? Can't avoid love

He was only happy when He Liang was not doing well, but now he actually has physical problems. He really deserves it.

When Ye Zhen heard about this, she was still stunned for a while. In the host's memory, Liu Ling was pregnant later. Although she hid it secretly, she was indeed pregnant, so she really didn't think about it. Liang will have physical problems.

However, Ye Zhen didn't pay much attention to He Liang. This man's character destined him to not live a good life, and this was just the beginning. I'm afraid it would be more lively in the future.

It's ridiculous to think about it. If He Liang really won't have another child in this life, then the child he once had may really be the only child in his life who appeared and was killed by him.

I don’t know how He Liang would feel if he understood this.

Shen Chengdong's parents, who were traveling around the world, also began to urge marriage and asked him if he had a girl he liked. There are always girls and boys, right? You can't be a monk all your life!

Shen Chengdong was speechless, saying that he had a girl in his heart, but the girl didn't like him.

"You chase me with all your strength. If you don't have any sincerity, who will follow you?"

"Girls like to talk nicely. Aren't you a very good talker? You should try to coax others. Don't just negotiate and not make girls happy."

Isn't he sincere enough? Nowadays, Shen Chengdong's only focus is on Ye Zhen. He goes to the research room diligently and spends six figures on the takeaways he orders every month. He even gives her most of the money he earns through Leap Leap. Give her enough freedom and support, isn't it just to let her take a look at him

He endured it for a long time, but still couldn't help asking Ye Zhen: "When will you forget him?"

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "I don't want to forget."

"...You have no chance."

"I know."

"Can't you give me a chance?"

In fact, Ye Zhen didn't even understand. She and Shen Chengdong spent all their time together talking about business matters, and there was no relationship between men and women at all, not even a hint of ambiguity. How did he fall in love with her

"Because you look good when you're working."

"It's much more beautiful. I'm not necessarily the only one. There are so many people in the Shen family. You can take a look at more."

"But I can only see you."

He is straightforward and serious.

When a man falls in love with a woman for the first time, he will always be very reckless, but he will also give all his sincerity to her purely.

He Kaizhi heard that Shen Chengdong finally took action. He gritted his teeth and said that this man's ambition could not be contained at last. He also said to Ye Zhen: "Sister, I don't think Shen Chengdong is reliable!"


"Men who have never been in love are stupid. They don't know anything and are not very considerate. It will be very difficult for you to be with him."

"We're not together yet."

… That’s good, that’s good. He Kaizhi was very happy, happily hanging around Ye Zhen every day, and occasionally taking Ye Zhen for a ride in Feiyue. Now there are only a hundred Feiyue around the world, and there are still many people clamoring for cars, but No matter how they scream, they can only watch.

But not long after, He Kaizhi began to worry again, because Shen Chengdong said that his sister rejected him because there was someone she couldn't let go of. This person couldn't be He Liang, right? That scumbag He Liang is not worthy of even a hair of his sister's, so he might as well be a bastard like Shen Chengdong!

Shen Chengdong: "So don't think about adding insult to injury to me all day long. Do you think Ye Zhen will never be able to get out of the shadow of the past?"

Of course He Kaizhi doesn't want to: "Then I will marry my sister! I will be the best and best to her! Better than you stinky men!"

Shen Chengdong: "... ...???"

Damn it, he knew what this brat was capable of! !

Of course, Ye Zhen is not married to anyone, but she has a close relationship with Shen Chengdong. They became neighbors and he has always been by her side. Although occasionally He Kaizhi comes out to cause trouble, shouting: Sister, please marry me. Best, best, and then she was photographed back by Ye Zhen.

He Kaizhi held his head and said, "I'm sincere, sister. Sister, don't you want to marry me?"

"In no mood."

"...Sister, you hurt my heart so much."

"Come on, stop making trouble."

He Kaizhi curled his lips and said: "Ye Zhen, you should seriously consider me anyway. I'm much better than that old man Shen Chengdong! I'm still very young. When you get old, I'm not old yet. I can still continue to take care of you." You, old man, may die before you do."

Shen Chengdong knocked on the table: "Can you avoid suspicion when you speak ill of others?"

He Kaizhi: "No."

Ye Zhen rolled her eyes.

Ye Zhen lived in this world until she was over fifty years old. After sending away her father and mother, she also left.

As expected, He Liang never gave birth to a son in his life.