The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 167: Small disaster (7)


In the next few days, Qin Zheng would leave early and come back late, rarely coming back for lunch. Sometimes he would be in his study, and sometimes he would go out to talk with friends. Ye Zhen did not go there again after that time. She rarely asked him what he did every day. She just asked the kitchen to prepare more medicinal food.

By the time Ye Zhen and Qin Zheng returned to the capital, the elective ceremony was almost over. They heard that the Holy Emperor had appointed Bi Ruqin, the daughter of the Minister of Household Affairs, as the crown princess and ordered her to get married after the year. It was also heard that Ye Min and Bi Ruqin had a dispute and accidentally pushed her into the lotus pond. The queen punished Ye Min to stay at home and meditate for three months, copying scriptures a hundred times.

Mrs. Liu was originally the imperial concubine of the Holy Emperor, but the Queen also said something about this matter, saying that she was incompetent and unbecoming of a daughter-in-law. She was dishonorable and did not say it, and even made her face and heart at odds with each other. There were more rifts between Ye Xiang and Bi Guangwu. They didn't like each other. The mask could no longer be maintained, and there were many conflicts in political opinions.

There was a turbulent undercurrent in the court, and locust plagues broke out in many places. Under such a major event, Ye Zhen and Qin Zheng's return to the capital did not cause much splash. Who would pay too much attention to a powerless person who is not favored by the Holy Emperor? There is only one champion, Hou Xuming's Qin Zheng

Wei Ziyu was probably the only one who noticed this.

Ye Zhen is worried that Wei Ziyu, who has been patient for a long time, breaks into the Hou Mansion again. As for another point, there are only two months left before Qin Zheng's death. Recently, his body seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and he spends more time calling the imperial doctor. , and having sex with her was not as frequent as before, from three or four days to five or six days.

Ye Zhen heard from the imperial doctor that Qin Zheng's physical burden would be heavier in winter, while spring and summer would be better on the contrary. However, he had survived it several times before, so he should be fine this time.

She heard that she was very worried, so she often went to the study to bring nourishing medicinal decoctions, and watched him breathe a sigh of relief after drinking them.

Qin Zheng often hugged her and told her not to worry. Even if he went there, he would arrange everything for her. If he thought the capital was too complicated, he could go to Liangzhou. The climate there was pleasant and the people were simple, so it was the most suitable place.

Ye Zhen said: "Master Hou promised to stay with me for a long time."

Qin Zheng kissed her eyes and said, "This is natural."

She pouted her cheeks: "Then you are still angry with me for saying this?"

Qin Zheng looked at her and sighed helplessly.

The weather has turned slightly colder, and yellow leaves have fallen all over the yard. Qin Zheng has put on a fox fur cloak, and silver frost charcoal is burning in the study and bedroom all day long. Outsiders feel hot, but he still feels cold. Ye Zhen Touching his hand, it was always cold.

She stayed in his arms when she rested at night, holding his hands in her arms to keep warm, stepping on his insteps with her little feet, and asked him: "Husband, are you warm?"

Qin Zheng smiled softly and said: "Warm." She was like a little sun, her whole body was warm. Holding her in her arms was like holding a small thermos, she was really warm.

Just holding her like this every day, as a man, it was impossible for him to not react. She no longer allowed him to do whatever he wanted, and he was not allowed to say anything. He held her, feeling a little aggrieved in his heart.

"Madam, you stay with me at the house every day, but do you want to go for a walk on the street?"

"If I don't go, I just want to stay with my husband."

"Then let's go for a walk together. I also want to go out for a visit. I'm almost sick from being bored in the house."

Ye Zhen nodded and said yes.

Qin Zheng was not in good health. After autumn, he kept coughing all day long. He was also very afraid of the cold. On weekdays, he only had his study room and bedroom. He even spent less time walking in the morning and evening. This time he went out, it naturally attracted the attention of the government. In addition to The maids, servants, and even the imperial doctor were all accompanying him.

Ye Zhen, like Qin Zheng, wore a white dress and a fox fur cloak. The white dress made her beautiful little face even more delicate and flawless, like a enchanting peony or a green lotus in the pond, walking in the On the street, it attracted countless eyes.

Ye Zhen seemed not to notice, and there was no strange expression on Qin Zheng's face. She held his hand and looked at the interesting gadgets on the market. When she saw something she liked, she shook his arm and said, "Husband, I like this. "

He took out the money from his bag and bought it for her, and she happily said that her husband was so kind.

Not long after, she had bought a lot of things, and Qin Zheng took her to have dinner at the largest restaurant in Beijing. It was said that the dishes in this restaurant were very good, and many senior officials from Beijing often came there, and they went out on weekdays. Entertainment will also be chosen here.

They chose a private room facing the street and sat down. The housekeeper went to order some food. Ye Zhen looked out the window and soon started playing with her day's harvest out of boredom.

Qin Zheng took a sip of tea and said, "Are you happy, madam?"

She nodded with a smile and said, "Yeah, I'm happy."

Qin Zheng: "As long as you are happy."

He rubbed her head and his smile became gentler.

After lunch, they didn't plan to go shopping. They rested for a while and then headed back home. Ye Zhen ate her dessert and looked out the window when she suddenly saw a familiar figure standing on the street.

The man was dressed in black robes, with a face like a crown jewel and a majestic aura, looking at her with cold black eyes.

Even if he is hidden in the crowd, his powerful aura can make people see him at a glance.

During this period, Ye Zhen did not go out of the house, and she was often accompanied by people and often with Qin Zheng. Wei Ziyu was also very busy and never found a chance to be alone with Ye Zhen, and she ignored his greetings time and time again. I didn’t want to come and see him.

Wei Ziyu even heard that Qin Zheng's health was deteriorating. The imperial doctor couldn't stop shaking his head when he mentioned it. The sick man was about to die. This time he finally heard the news that she was going out and rushed over immediately, but he secretly glanced at her all the way. She was smiling and only had Qin Zheng in her eyes, not noticing that he was in the dark at all.

Wei Ziyu was angry and hurt. If he and she confessed their identities to each other as soon as possible, then his current crown princess would only be her. How could he see his beloved woman and other men with his own eyes? ? She also secretly hated Ye Xiang, forcing her to separate from him.

When Ye Zhen saw Wei Ziyu, her eyes were slightly startled, and she quickly looked away, unable to bear to look at him anymore.

Wei Ziyu's eyes turned cold and he turned around and said, "Go back to the palace."

Li Wen looked at Ye Zhen by the window, then turned around and chased Wei Ziyu away. He thought that his prince would lose his temper and arrest Ye Zhen, and secretly date Ye Zhen without being honest. He didn't expect that just one look would Walk

Wei Ziyu: "I'm being stared at by so many people now. I can't bring trouble to her."

What's more, even if Qin Zheng is dead, she is still his. Once he gains power, no one can stop him from being with her.

Wei Ziyu came and went like the wind, and no one seemed to notice his existence except Ye Zhen.

After she and Qin Zheng returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, Qin Zheng, who had worked hard for a long time, went back to his room to rest. He took Ye Zhen to take a nap with him. Ye Zhen washed up and went to bed with only his underwear on for a nap. It was obviously very hot in the room, Ye Zhen You could feel sweat on her forehead, but Qin Zheng was still cold, and the hand holding her became tighter.

Ye Zhen said: "Are you too forced today?"

Qin Zheng laughed: "No, just rest for a while."

She patted his back and said, "Well, then go to sleep."

Qin Zheng seemed to have really lost a lot of weight. She could feel the bones when she patted his back. Although he looked thin, he was always in good spirits. He talked and laughed all day long and was able to lead her around. Although every day I have a cough and a chill, but there is not much difference in other aspects.

During the lunch break, Ye Zhen woke up after sleeping for a while. She lay on his chest and listened to his even heartbeat and breathing. She smelled the faint fragrance of ink and medicine on his body. There was no sound outside the window. I don’t know how long it had been, but Ye Zhen Zhen felt the hands around her waist tightening. She looked up at him and saw that he had indeed woken up, "Have you rested your husband?"

Qin Zheng hummed and hugged her for a long time before letting her go.

Qin Zheng's complexion seemed much better in the next few days, and Xiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried that Qin Zheng would die recently, especially when she saw the housekeeper and the imperial doctor were worried. This worry became more serious. .

In her opinion, it was not easy for her young lady to meet a good family and live a good life, and the Marquis was considerate and gentle. Once the Marquis died, Ye Zhen would not have a son or a half to live with her, and she would become a widow completely. Ye Zhen's life would be even more difficult if she was ambitious and cruel.

What's more, how could a good person like Mr. Hou be so miserable? It is said that if good people do not live long, misfortune will last for thousands of years, and this is indeed true.

Just when she was worried, she heard that there was a flood in a certain place, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and more than half of them dead or injured. Xu Mingshan went there with medicine and tried for the first time to use the prescription he got in the medical book. to prevent and treat epidemics, and with great success!

The local officials were overjoyed and took the initiative to report to him and ask for help, saying that God had blessed the Wei Dynasty and sent a miracle doctor to save the world. The Holy Emperor was overjoyed and named Xu Mingshan a supervisor of the Taiyuan Hospital and asked him to come to Beijing immediately! The prince suggested that the disaster-stricken area was in the midst of hiring people, and it would be inappropriate for Xu Mingshan to leave as the chief doctor. It would be better to wait until the disaster situation stabilized. This would offend the emperor, who would still order people to bring Xu Mingshan to the capital for his use.

Xu Mingshan refused and had no choice but to tell the doctors around him about the treatment methods one by one, and then left for the capital after everything was explained.

The Holy One praised Xu Mingshan for his superb medical skills and being a miracle doctor. He actually solved a serious problem that had not been solved for thousands of years. He not only gave him an official position, but also gave him many rewards and wanted him to develop the elixir of immortality for him. Xu Mingshan told the truth: "Those methods for treating difficult and complicated diseases were all written in a book by a mysterious master and given to me. I dare not take credit or accept the reward."

The Holy One was a little unhappy and said, "Who is that mysterious master? Let him come to see me."

Xu Mingshan said: "I don't know, no one has seen him. I accidentally found this book on the counter of the pharmacy. I was originally confused about the contents of the medical book and didn't dare to believe it, so I didn't ask anyone to look for it immediately..." He knelt down and begged for mercy. "Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Xu Mingshan finally stayed in Taiyuan Hospital, but he was no longer as valued by the emperor as before. The medical books in his hands were also dedicated for people to study and study. Xu Mingshan had no complaints about this. He originally thought that if what the medical book said was true, he would dedicate it to the court. The only thing that made him unhappy was that he was locked inside the palace wall and no longer felt free like before.

He originally yearned for great things and loved freedom rather than fame. Now, doing this is like breaking his wings.

He also took advantage of Xiu Mu to meet Qin Zheng. It was rare for a person to be so cheerful. He drank a few more glasses of wine, poured a few more sips of bitter water after getting drunk, and talked about disaster relief matters. He didn't know if everything could be sent to the people. , he was worried about the country and the people, but he could do nothing but speak softly. Now that he had no chance to help the people, he became depressed and could only drink to the sky.

Seeing him like that, Ye Zhen really didn't know whether it was good or bad to give him medical books.

However, the emperor's time is short, Wei Ziyu is not a foolish king, and Xu Mingshan will not be trapped within the palace wall forever.

After he was drunk, he was helped to the guest room to rest, and Ye Zhen also took Qin Zheng's arm back to the room.

He was in good spirits these days. After meeting Xu Mingshan, he said regretfully: "The most painful thing in the world is not being able to do whatever you want."

Ye Zhen said: "The ancients said, 'When Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions, so he will be tempted to endure. Gain what it cannot'."

Qin Zheng paused and said with a smile: "Madam, what you said makes sense."

Ye Zhen smiled and hugged him: "Husband, let's have a rest. You can talk to Doctor Xu tomorrow. I think he will figure it out soon."

Qin Zheng said hello, changed his clothes and lay down to rest, waiting for Ye Zhen to come into his arms.

The night was uneventful. When he got up in the morning, he held her tightly and called her: "Madam, Madam..."

Ye Zhen lay on his chest and bit his chin.

It was rare for her to take the initiative. She lowered her eyes and looked at his different breathing. After a long time, they could not be separated from each other. Qin Zheng's cold body also became hot. He caressed her cheek: "Madam is so gentle." .”

Ye Zhen groaned and bit his finger. He chuckled and hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth.

Her taste is so ecstasy that it gnaws your bones.

After Xu Mingshan got drunk, he didn't get up until three o'clock in the morning. When he got up, he asked: "Is Brother Qin here?"

The butler frowned and said, "Master Hou is not feeling well. He has been getting up later than usual these days."

Xu Mingshan sighed and said, "Brother Qin's health is indeed getting worse day by day. There is really nothing I can do."

The housekeeper said a few more words of thanks so that Xu Mingshan didn't have to worry too much.

Xu Mingshan added: "Fortunately, Brother Qin married a good wife. I think they have a harmonious relationship and are very affectionate, which is enviable."

The housekeeper also said that with Ye Zhen's company, his Marquis was very happy every day, not as cold as before, and became more popular. It's just that my body is still in bad shape, but my spirit is much better than before. My spirit is better, which is more effective than taking medicine.

Over there, Xu Mingshan had breakfast. Ye Zhen and Qin Zheng hadn't gotten up yet. She lay on his chest and pushed him several times without pushing him away. He strangled her waist and refused to let go. She curled her lips and poked his cheek: "Hou You are so shameless, Doctor Xu is still here, you have to go and receive the guests."

Qin Zheng closed his eyes and said, "Madam is important."

Ye Zhen laughed out loud: "Husband is also important."

"Have a rest over there for a while."

Ye Zhen rubbed his ear: "You are teasing me like this... I feel uncomfortable."

He coughed, his ears turned red, his hand on her waist finally loosened, and he finally called the maid to prepare some water.

It was already noon after he washed up and went out. Qin Zheng looked at the rare sunny day, looked at Ye Zhen and said, "Madam, this is the first time I have been so ridiculous."

Ye Zhen blushed, pursed her lips and glared at him.

Qin Zheng was in a good mood. When he saw the bitter Xu Mingshan, he coughed a few times before he looked more serious. Thinking that his friend was like this, he shouldn't be too happy.

The two were chatting in the study, and Ye Zhen brought pastries and tea. When Qin Zheng saw it, he asked the housekeeper, "Why isn't Madam here?"

…How does the housekeeper know? Are you two having a verbal conflict

Qin Zheng added: "Let the kitchen prepare some snacks that Madam likes and send them over."

The housekeeper agreed and left.

Xu Mingshan said with emotion that Brother Qin was indeed extraordinary after getting married. Qin Zheng smiled and shook his head: "I always wanted to be nice to her."

Xu Mingshan also let out a long sigh. Compared with this, all these things were trivial for him. When he finally left the Hou Mansion, he had already thought a lot. Now that he has entered the Taiyuan Hospital, he should just stay there with peace of mind. It just so happens that there are all the big Wei people here. There are many famous doctors and various medical books by famous experts. In fact, it is not a bad thing to think about it this way.

Just when Xu Mingshan was obsessed with medical books, he finally heard news from outside the palace.

Qin Zheng died of illness.

Xu Mingshan swayed and shed two lines of tears.

It snowed heavily that day. When Xu Mingshan rushed to the champion Hou Fu, he saw that the house was all white. He saw Mrs. Hou, dressed in plain clothes, kneeling in front of the hall, with a dull expression and red and swollen eyes, returning to the people who came to pay their respects.

Looking again, I saw that the housekeepers and maids around me were crying, and the atmosphere was sad.