The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 168: Small disaster (8)


On the morning of Qin Zheng's departure, he woke up very early and hugged Ye Zhen for a long time. Her lips were red and tender from the kiss, and there were also beautiful traces of his lips and fingers on her body. He personally put on her clothes. , took her for a walk in the garden, sat on the rockery and watched the sunrise.

He was too gentle, but the fingertips that touched her temples were cold.

Ye Zhen also said: "My husband is not in good health, so we can come back another day when the snow stops."

Qin Zheng said: "We can come back another day."

She looked at him and smiled, took his arm and leaned on his shoulder and said softly: "That's great. I want to be like this with my husband for the rest of my life."

Qin Zheng was quiet for a long time, caressed her face and said, "Naturally."

"Does your husband like me?"

He coughed a few times, and Ye Zhen patted him on the back and asked with a smile: "Husband, are you scared by me? Do you think I'm too bold?"

Qin Zheng held her in his arms, stroked her hair and said with a smile, "I've seen Madam in bolder ways, how could she be frightened by just one word?"

"...Don't talk nonsense!" She hit his chest, but when she saw his thin ribs, she frowned and said, "My husband is too thin. He needs to eat more fat."

Qin Zheng smiled and hummed.

Ye Zhen leaned in his arms, pinched his sleeve and said, "Husband, you haven't answered me yet. Do you like me? How much do you like me?"

He was quiet for a moment and ran his fingers through her soft hair: "...I like it, I like it very much."

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "I also like my husband and want to stay with you all the time."

Qin Zheng lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair: "Okay."

He didn't say anything more and looked no different from before.

After that, he went to the study. While Ye Zhen was practicing calligraphy in the room, she heard the servant come to report that Mr. Hou was not alive. She followed him and rushed there without having time to see him for the last time.

When she arrived, the housekeeper, imperial doctor, maid, and servant fell to their knees on the ground. They were wailing so loudly that they could be heard from a distance.

Ye Zhen knelt in front of the bed and looked at the lifeless man with his eyes closed. He really didn't look like he was dead. He was just like sleeping in the past. She could wake up by kissing him, smiling. Call her madam.

The housekeeper cried beside him and said: "Madam, the Marquis missed you the most when he left. He always said that he would escort you to Liangzhou after he was buried. The Marquis said that there, you can live the life you want freely."

Ye Zhen lay on the bedside crying: "Master Hou is gone, how can I live?"

The housekeeper said sadly: "My condolences, madam, please don't break your body from crying, otherwise Lord Marquis will not feel at ease even under the circumstances!"

Ye Zhen cried until her tears dried up. She still had to take care of the overall situation and deal with the people who came to pay homage. Within a few days, she lost a lot of weight. Her face, which was still a little fleshy, lost a lot of weight, and her smart eyes were large and bright. .

When the Holy Emperor heard that Qin Zheng was dead, he summoned the imperial doctor in charge of Qin Zheng to ask him if he was serious about the matter. If he concealed anything, he would have his head chopped off.

The imperial doctor knelt on the ground and trembled: "I have betrayed the great trust of the emperor. The Marquis... has passed away!" He was really scared. If the Marquis died, maybe he would be next.

The Holy Master gave a pretentious sigh and said with emotion: "This Qin Zheng is actually as short-lived as Qin Zhengpei. How majestic was the General Qin back then? He had an army of 400,000 and was invincible. Just saying his name could scare the enemy. , was defeated and fled... It is a pity that Qin Zheng is a medicine jar that cannot be lifted by his hands and cannot be resisted by his shoulders. He is really powerful and majestic as General Qin! The line of General Qin was cut off by Qin Zheng!"

He thought for a while, and gave countless rewards to show his kindness. Then he turned around and announced that dancers would come to drink and have fun. He also ordered people to build the Tongtian Hall. He would stand closest to heaven and pray, hoping that heaven would hear his voice. May all his foundations be immortal!

Some honest officials and loyal ministers said that the national treasury is empty, the victims in various places are hungry, the borders are threatened all the time and the losses are huge, and it is extremely inappropriate to waste financial, material and human resources to build the Tongtian Temple. I hope that the Holy One will be considerate of the people and the country, etc., but these are all dismissed by today's people, and it is a great disrespect. His crime caused a lot of complaints, and people knelt in front of the temple every day to beg for mercy...

The people were already living in dire straits, and the disaster relief grains distributed by the court were harshly implemented. By the time the disaster areas were exhausted, there was very little left. The emperor wanted to build the Tongtian Palace, which was even worse for the people. It was difficult to survive in this world, and the people's accumulated wealth was so great. Anger has reached its peak.

It was at this time that victims of the disaster broke out in riots in various places. Thousands of people gathered into the county government, looted warehouses and supplies, destroyed government offices and killed officials. However, within a few months, wars broke out across the country...

After hearing this, he was furious and immediately sent elite troops to suppress it!

At that time, Ye Zhen had already buried Qin Zheng and was eating vegetarian food and wearing plain clothes all day long. Due to the wars in various places, she did not leave for Liangzhou immediately. Now the safest and most dangerous place is the capital. In addition to the chaos everywhere, the weather turned cold and it was either raining or snowing all day long, so it was really not suitable to travel.

Ye Zhen stayed in the house all day and usually didn't see many outsiders, but she did see Ye Min during the days when Qin Zheng was buried. Ye Min came to sympathize with Ye Zhen. She felt sorry for her because she became a widow at a young age and had no son and a half to live with. The whole lineage of the Hou family would be buried.

She couldn't hold her head up in front of Bi Ruqin, so she had to find it with Ye Zhen.

"Sister, if you have any difficulties, you must go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion for help. As long as you kneel down and beg, your parents will definitely help you. After all, you are a widow now and have no one to rely on."

She pretended to be showing pity for her only sister. Ye Zhen just ignored her and saluted behind her and shouted: "His Royal Highness, greetings."

Ye Min looked panicked and turned around in panic, and she saw the prince Wei Ziyu in black robe. His expression was cold. He looked at her with indifference before, but now he looked at her with disgust: "Ye Min, I used to only think that you are arrogant and willful. , I just found out today that you are still evil-hearted. The Marquis has not yet been laid to rest, but you only know how to make fun of and ridicule without any sympathy. How can the Prime Minister's tutor be like this?"

Ye Min swayed and knelt down to beg for mercy: "Prince, please calm down, I have no intention of doing so! I just feel sorry for my sister and asked her to go back to the prime minister's house if she has something to do—"

"Shut up!" Wei Ziyu shouted coldly and called the accompanying guards, "Take Ye Min out for me. People with malicious intentions are not allowed to come to the Hou Mansion again!"

Ye Min was escorted out of the Hou Mansion. All the dignitaries present were present, including Ye Zhongyue and the Liu family. Wei Ziyu's move directly made them lose face, and they had to apologize and said that they had failed to teach their daughter well. I won't do this again!

Although the country was in constant turmoil, the majesty of the imperial court was still there. Wei Ziyu was extremely precious to the prince of the dynasty. His words almost branded Ye Min as disloyal and unjust. It also made people know that the prince was extremely unhappy with Ye Min. Those who originally intended to marry the prime minister also gave up their minds, which also caused Ye Min's status as a female family member in the capital to be greatly reduced.

Wei Ziyu walked up to Ye Zhen. Even though he was the crown prince, he saluted her and said, "Mrs. Hou, I express my condolences. Your health is the most important thing."

Ye Zhen returned the gift: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your consideration."

Wei Ziyu felt a little distressed and a little jealous when she saw Ye Zhen's eyes red from crying and her pale face. How could Qin Zheng be so worthy of her attention

He behaved himself during the day, but at night he was worried about Ye Zhen's mood and did not dare to get too close: "Zhen Zhen, as long as I am here, no one will bully you."

Ye Zhen lowered her eyes and said respectfully: "Your Highness, my little wife is not worthy of your concern. You have what you should do."

Wei Ziyu looked at her for a long time: "I know."

He wants the throne and Ye Zhen to be his queen.

In the same year, there was a heavy snowfall that had not happened in more than ten years. The thick snow collapsed many houses and caused many casualties in the capital. Wei Ziyu was very busy, busy dealing with his father who only knew how to drink and have fun. The chaos that broke out, the court is now in chaos, and civil unrest continues. Although Wei Ziyu has the intention, he is powerless because he has repeatedly raised objections to the emperor's decision and has made the emperor unhappy and criticized him, not to mention his subordinates. There were also a few imperial brothers who were eyeing him, so they had to be careful in their actions.

Wei Ziyu was busy during the day, and sometimes visited the Hou Mansion at night.

He did things very secretly. Except for his accompanying guards and Li Wen, even Ye Zhen's maid Xiao Xi was not aware of it. However, thinking of Ye Zhen's new death, he never forced her to do anything, but every time he saw Ye Zhen, she was respectful to him. The alienated attitude made him very unhappy.

This time he finally couldn't help but hold her hand tightly and said, "Ye Zhen, you know what I mean, I want you to be my Wei Ziyu's woman."

Ye Zhen couldn't pull it out after a few times, and couldn't help but frown: "Your Highness, why are you doing this? I have already married someone else, and you will also get married in three months. If the matter of your entanglement with me is reported to the Emperor, How should I explain it to my ears?"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Zhen Zhen, are you worried about me

"I'm worried about myself."

"Don't worry, I know the severity. I just want you to stop avoiding me."

Ye Zhen shook her head: "Your Highness, please wake up. We are destined to be together. I will leave the capital soon."

Wei Ziyu felt that time was urgent. His fatuous father dreamed of immortality all day long. His political views were rarely adopted. Peasant rebel armies from all over the country gathered together and grew stronger. The entire Wei Dynasty was in turmoil and was on the verge of collapse. However, even so, the Holy Spirit was still I don't know how to reflect, I only care about pleasure, arrogance and licentiousness. If this continues, the Wei Dynasty that has stood for two hundred years may really be doomed.

Wei Ziyu sat in the palace all night. Early the next morning, he ordered people to secretly send gold, silver and jewelry to the imperial preceptor, and promised generous salaries to high-ranking officials.

Only half a month later, Sheng Sheng, who had taken half of the elixir, vomited blood and fainted during the morning court session. After he fell to the ground, no one knew what was going on. The entire hospital gathered around Sheng before he went to bed, and the diagnosis was that he was seriously poisoned. A few days later, the holy emperor, who was lying in bed, had to send the prince to supervise the country. From then on, he never appeared in the court again. In the early spring, the holy emperor died of poisoning from taking elixirs, and the imperial master was sentenced to death. Punished for treason.

The crown prince Wei Ziyu ascended the throne and was named Hongxi.

All these things happened half a year earlier than in the previous life.

After Wei Ziyu came to the throne, he issued an edict to grant amnesty to the whole country. Not only did he reduce taxes, he also ordered people to stop the construction of the Tongtian Palace, and distributed disaster relief grains to appease the people. However, the rise of uprising armies in various places had already formed several sizable forces, and the imperial court's recruitment failed. It didn't have much effect, and the situation remained chaotic.

Although Ye Zhen was in the house the whole time, she also heard about the events in the outside world.

Xiao Xi was still sighing. She didn't expect that Wei Feng was actually the crown prince Wei Ziyu. Now Wei Feng was enthroned as the emperor, and she had secretly scolded Wei Feng several times. Thinking about it, she was glad that she only scolded her in her heart. , otherwise she would be killed by the nine tribes now!

No wonder Li Wen, a little book boy, is so confident.

And she saw the emperor's attitude toward her young lady, and it was obvious that he had unresolved feelings...

"Miss, what should we do if Mr. Wei comes?"

Ye Zhen thought for a while and said, "He is the emperor now. What is he going to do? Can we stop him?"

Wei Ziyu broke into the Hou Mansion one night, and Ye Zhen was hugged into his arms while she was half asleep. She woke up with a start. The man was carrying the chill of spring, and even his breath was cold. He hugged her tightly through the quilt, his head Buried on the back of her neck, it was like a prodigal son who had been floating for a long time had found his home. His voice was low and deep: "Ye Zhen, after I became the emperor, I realized that there are some things that I can't control myself. Everyone is urging me to get married. Queen, it’s already this time, but these old men don’t care about the safety of the country and they still want to control me!”

Ye Zhen said: "Your Majesty, you shouldn't appear here."

He laughed coldly and touched her face with his cold palm: "Ye Zhen, wait until I take you into the palace."

"I won't enter the palace, eh-" She groaned in pain, and his ear was bitten hard by him. Wei Ziyu said: "If you don't enter the palace, I don't mind having trysts with you here every day."

His mind has been made up and no one can change it.

Ye Zhen bit her lip, knowing that refusing was useless, she said no more. .

Wei Ziyu sat up and asked dully: "Zhen Zhen, Qin Zheng is dead, do you really want to stay a widow for him for the rest of your life?"

Ye Zhen said: "Master Hou treats me sincerely, so why not if I protect him for the rest of my life?"

Wei Ziyu: "I'm not allowed!"

He was extremely unhappy. He got out of bed and walked back and forth in the room, saying, "Zhen Zhen, I can rely on you for everything, but not this. You once fought against Ye Zhongyue for me, why are you rejecting me like this now? I don’t care if you’ve ever been married or not, to me you are the woman I love, and you love me too, why don’t you want to be with me?”

Ye Zhen put on her coat and stood up. She looked at the man in front of her. After he ascended the throne, he was as powerful as a rainbow. His handsome features showed determination and strength that could not be disobeyed. "Your Majesty, you should not indulge in your children's personal affairs. I You are still the legacy of the Marquis. If you are like this, you will be despised by all generations. Is it worth it?"

"I'm dead then, what does it have to do with me? Do I have to separate from my beloved woman for them?"

Ye Zhen's heart moved slightly. He was bold, domineering and strong, but at the same time he had an innocent heart.

Wei Ziyu said: "Zhen Zhen, what the people want is a good emperor who can sympathize with them. I will work hard to be a good emperor, but I also want you. No one can stop me."

He kept his word, and an imperial edict was sent to the Hou Mansion the next day, saying that the Queen Mother was unhappy in the palace and asked her to come into the palace to accompany him.

The housekeeper looked worried: "They say that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Madam, you must be careful after entering the palace."

Ye Zhen nodded and said: "I understand, I will be careful about everything after entering the palace."

The greeters were waiting outside the gate of the Hou Mansion. Li Wen came in person to announce the decree, and said very considerately: "Madam, everything has been prepared for you in the palace. Just go and there is no need to prepare anything else."

The first thing Ye Zhen did after entering the palace was not to meet the Queen Mother. Instead, she was led by Li Wen to meet Wei Ziyu.

The man was dressed in bright yellow casual clothes and was hunched over the desk handling government affairs. His brows were furrowed and his face was cold. He didn't know what he saw, so he immediately threw the memorial on the table! "Asshole!"

The eunuchs and palace attendants were so frightened that they immediately knelt down and worshiped!

Ye Zhen naturally wanted to kneel, but she had just kneeled halfway when Wei Ziyu strode up to her, held her hand and pulled her up. Ye Zhen took a step back and called the Emperor respectfully.

Wei Ziyu, who was furious a moment ago, seemed much gentler now: "Are you staying away from me so far because you are angry that I shouldn't let you enter the palace?"

Ye Zhen: "I don't dare."

"You still don't dare? Look at the word 'angry' written all over your face."

"...don't dare."

Wei Ziyu raised his eyebrows and smiled, pulling her to the front of the dragon case. He sat down and pulled her to sit next to him. Ye Zhen was about to retreat but he forcefully held her back. She frowned and said, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with this?" It doesn’t make sense.”

"I am right." He pushed Ye Zhen to sit next to him and pointed to the memorials piled high on one side, "Zhen Zhen, these are all memorials to impeach Prime Minister Ye."

Ye Zhen glanced at him and then looked at him.

Wei Ziyu curled his lower lip coldly. He raised his hand to pull Ye Zhen into his arms, rubbing his chin on the top of her hair. No matter how much Ye Zhen struggled, it was to no avail.

Ye Zhen was so hugged that she couldn't move. There was almost no sound in the palace. Even the palace servants who were lying on the ground were breathing a lot softer. They were so quiet that they didn't dare to listen or see more. Li Wen couldn't help but be surprised. He Although he knew that his emperor's heart belonged to Ye Zhen, he didn't expect that he would even take Ye Zhen to sit in that position!

He seemed to have underestimated Ye Zhen's status in the heart of his emperor.

Wei Ziyu squeezed her waist and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Zhen Zhen, be good."

Ye Zhen said: "Your Majesty, you are too willful."

"I have worked so hard for you, can you feel sorry for me? Don't be so cold to me."


Ye Zhen rarely had a moment of silence and said, "Your Majesty, we should never have seen each other again."

Wei Ziyu's face turned dark. Ye Zhen's cold and indifferent words made him feel more and more depressed. He held her cheek with his palm and saw the cold look in her eyes. She seemed not to be moved by him at all, and she refused him thousands of miles away. External indifference.

He pinched her chin: "Why shouldn't we meet again? Did you really fall in love with that dead man? That's why you miss him so much? Do you want to keep his integrity?"

As soon as Ye Zhen opened her lips, his kiss fell. He bit her lips hard, then raised his head and shouted: "Get out of here!"

Li Wen immediately retreated with the people! They wish they could just disappear. Who wants to see the current emperor being rejected by a woman? They are also afraid of being silenced!

Li Wen shuddered and ran faster.

As soon as Ye Zhen was able to catch her breath, the man's lips pressed against her again. This time he really kissed her, entangled her lips and tongue, lifted her up and spread her legs to sit on his lap. He kissed her crazily, and Ye Zhen only felt the lips and His tongue was numb and painful, he kissed her and said: "Ye Zhen, I order you to forget him!"

Ye Zhen: "How could I forget my husband?"

"Qin Zheng is already a dead man!"

"..." She remained silent.

Wei Ziyu frowned and pressed her red lips with his thumb. Seeing her expression of resistance, he could only change the subject and said: "Zhen Zhen, you will be married to Qin Zheng by Ye Xiang. In addition to Ye Zhongyue, there is also Liu's handiwork."

After Wei Ziyu found out what happened to Ye Zhen in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he wanted to deal with Ye Zhongyue, so he asked people to find out everything about Ye Zhongyue. Naturally, if he wanted to seize someone, he would not let go of anything. However, let alone the matter about Ye Zhen, he naturally knew what happened fifteen years ago.

He only listened to it once. After knowing the attitude of Ye Zhongyue and Liu towards Ye Zhen, he felt that there was something fishy in it. It was just that the incident fifteen years ago had been sealed for too long, and the insiders at the time were almost dead. Hearing that There is an old nanny next to Ms. Liu who has returned to her hometown because she is too old. As long as she is found, the truth is not far away.

Ye Zhen was indeed attracted, and recalled carefully for a moment, and said: "I know that my father has ignored me for the past fifteen years. I don't know why he hates me so much. When he returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he never gave me anything. Good look. Isn’t it strange that Mrs. Liu is not close to me? Why does even my father hate me so much? In fact, I have thought about it. It must be that my father is still thinking about my mother, and my mother died in childbirth because of me. My father couldn't face me because of this, so he sent me away... "

Wei Ziyu: "If Ye Zhongyue really valued your mother, even if he didn't want you to marry a poor scholar, he wouldn't marry you to a dying person with one foot in the coffin. What's more, your mother just passed away not long ago. , Mrs. Liu was promoted as the main wife, and then she sent you away... What is the purpose of this? "

Ye Zhen's face turned pale, and Wei Ziyu stroked her cheek: "Zhen Zhen, you know it in your heart, why should you deceive yourself?"

She closed her eyes and was quiet for a long time, then said: "Your Majesty, can you help me find out what happened in Dannian? If my mother is really framed, I will seek justice for my mother no matter what!"

Wei Ziyu kissed her forehead again: "Zhenzhen, if what happened fifteen years ago is false, I will definitely seek justice for my mother."

"...whose mother do you call?"

"Isn't your mother my mother?"

"The Emperor respects himself."

Wei Ziyu laughed. He held Ye Zhen's cheek and kissed him again. Ye Zhen raised her hand to push him. He turned around and pressed her onto the dragon chair. He pinched her waist and kissed her hard. His kisses were always predatory. Ye Zhen's cheeks were red from the kiss and her eyes were filled with tears. He wiped them away with his thumb and kissed her deeper and heavier.

He looked very happy, stroking her forehead and cheeks with his fingers: "Ye Zhen, I want you to be my Wei Ziyu's wife."

Ye Zhen opened her lips, and his lips pressed down again: "Don't refuse me."

... After a long time, Ye Zhen walked out of the study room with her head lowered. She pursed her lips. Li Wen couldn't help but glance at Ye Zhen's face. Sure enough, he saw that her lips were red and swollen, and even her eyes were slightly red, and her whole person was even more... She is so beautiful that she looks like a fairy, and she is exuding some demonic aura at this moment.

Such a beauty is no wonder people can never forget her.

Wei Ziyu's harem was deserted. Only the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager lived in the harem. Ye Zhen lived in Ningshou Palace, which was closest to the emperor's palace. Xiao Xi was already waiting for her in the palace. In addition to Xiao Xi, there were also other people who had just visited Wei Ziyu. The few palace people I have seen around me.

Li Wen said that they were all Wei Ziyu's people and would not talk nonsense to the outside world. They were not spies from other families and were trustworthy. If there was anything they could directly ask them to pass on the message.

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Li Wen hurriedly said he didn't dare, and then said: "Miss Ye, if you are tired today, you can rest first. The Emperor said that he will go to pay his respects to the Queen Mother tomorrow."

After Li Wen left, Ye Zhen leaned against the window and drank tea. Xiao Xi was no longer an innocent girl. She started to tremble as soon as she saw Ye Zhen's red and swollen lips: "What does the emperor mean? Miss, is the emperor... "crazy? !

Ye Zhen looked at Xiao Xi's panicked look. This girl knew that trouble comes from her mouth, and some things she said were unacceptable. She said, "Just pretend you don't know anything."

"How can we treat this as ignorance? Miss, if the queen mother and the others knew that the emperor was having an affair with you, wouldn't your life be in danger, miss? How could this be okay! We'd better ask the emperor to let us out of the palace, and let's go to Liangzhou... Miss, I'm afraid!"

Ye Zhen said: "We have entered the palace gate. Can we get out without the emperor letting us go? Even if we go to Liangzhou, I'm afraid we will be captured."

"…What should we do?"

"It'll be okay, don't worry."

Here, Ye Zhen is staying in Yongshou Palace with peace of mind, but over there, the Prime Minister's Mansion has been turned upside down.

Ye Xiang could not imagine how Ye Zhen would be welcomed into the palace by the Queen Mother? And the emperor personally issued the edict! Even Mrs. Liu found it incredible. Ye Min didn't want to think so much. She was just angry: "It must be that vixen Ye Zhen who used charming tricks to seduce the prince brother. Last time the prince brother saw her, he couldn't take his eyes away. Why? She rebuked me, and now that the prince's brother has ascended the throne and Qin Zheng died, she really can't wait to throw herself into the arms of someone else!"

Ye Xiang shouted: "Shut up! Min'er, there are some things you should say and some things you shouldn't say. Be careful that your entire prime minister's house will be buried with you because of your words!"

Ye Min said: "Everything I said is true, that woman Ye Zhen is a vixen who knows how to seduce people!"

Mrs. Liu said: "You can just say these things in front of us. You arranged to be the Holy Emperor, but you don't want to live anymore? Even if it is the truth, you can't say it."

Ye Min pouted and said angrily: "I will go to the palace tomorrow to see the Queen Mother. I want to tell the Queen Mother that Ye Zhen seduced the Crown Prince's brother. The Queen Mother will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Ye Xiang said: "Don't go anywhere at home these days, and don't act rashly before confirming the truth of the matter. The emperor is not allowed to do this now. Be careful of causing trouble."

Ye Zhongyue was puzzled and worried. After all, he had been very rude to Ye Zhen. Ye Zhen had suffered a lot in the Prime Minister's Mansion. She even went on a hunger strike in order not to marry into the Hou Mansion, so they took Xiao Xi as well. He was locked up without food. He still remembered Ye Zhen's expression when she looked at him. She was very painful and helpless, with a hint of hatred...

Originally, Qin Zheng was just an unpopular prince, and the emperor had intended to suppress the prince's government. Moreover, Qin Zhengpei's death was suspicious, so Qin Zheng was not afraid at all. Ye Zhen could not rely on Qin Zheng, but it was different now. If Ye Zhen's backer After becoming the Queen Mother and the current Holy Emperor, they would have to re-evaluate her value.

Ye Zhongyue thought about this clearly, so he asked Mrs. Liu to bring gold and silver into the palace. Mrs. Liu was always good at being a good person, and she was also very good at reading people's faces and prescribing the right medicine. It was perfect for her to give Ye Zhen some advice.

Early that morning, Ye Zhen went to pay her respects to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother was Wei Ziyu's biological mother. The relationship between mother and son had always been deep. This time she would cooperate with Wei Ziyu to bring her into the palace. This was because she had always been unable to do anything to Wei Ziyu, but she did not care about Ye Zhen. Zhen couldn't accept it wholeheartedly.

As soon as Ye Zhen arrived at the Queen Mother, Wei Ziyu came. The Queen Mother took a sip of tea, stepped back and said quietly: "Are you afraid that I will eat someone?"

Wei Ziyu smiled and said: "Of course not, my mother. I miss my mother so I can't wait to come over to say hello."

The Queen Mother pinched her newly made nails, waved her hand and said, "Come on, you all can go, I need to take a rest."

Ye Zhen stood up to leave. Wei Ziyu saw that she had left first and then said: "Thank you, Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother said: "You promised me that the canonization ceremony will be held in three months. Ruqin is a good woman. She has both political integrity and talent, and her father is an important minister in the court. She is the best choice for the queen. You can like Ye Zhen and accept her as your concubine." , but she is a widow after all, you have to understand the importance."

Wei Ziyu: "Mother, my sons and ministers have to retire."

Queen Mother: “…”

She watched Wei Ziyu leave without looking back, and asked her grandmother, who had been with her for a long time: "Why do I think I did something wrong? Yu'er wouldn't lie to me, right?"

Just as she was wondering, Mrs. Liu handed over the palace card and asked to come to the palace. The Queen Mother smiled and announced.

Over there, Ye Zhen returned to Ningshou Palace. After a while, Wei Ziyu also came. The maids retreated, leaving only her and him in the room.

The man was dressed in a yellow robe and looked domineering.

Ye Zhen said: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother doesn't like me. What did you say to her to make her agree to my entry into the palace?"

Wei Ziyu said: "After three months, I will make Bi Ruqin my queen."

Ye Zhen paused and said oh.

Wei Ziyu looked at her with a bad expression: "You have nothing to say?"

Ye Zhen shook her head: "No."

Wei Ziyu turned around and walked away for a few steps, then turned around and hugged her, pressed her against the wall and kissed her until her waist turned green: "You bastard, you only make me angry!"

Ye Zhen said: "I really have nothing to say."

Wei Ziyu snorted coldly and held her in his arms: "Ye Zhen, don't secretly cry for me. I won't care about you then!"

Ye Zhen turned away her face and turned her back when he pinched her chin, then pressed her lips down, and deliberately pressed her tightly against the wall so that she could not move, as if she was playing a prank with a childish air.

He was a little happy, a little satisfied, and suddenly he was kicked. He breathed and bent down to let her go. Ye Zhen jumped away immediately, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, "Your Majesty, respect yourself."

Wei Ziyu was in so much pain that he pointed at her and said, "Come here!"

Ye Zhen took another two steps back and saw that Wei Ziyu's face turned black. Li Wen happened to come to report that Mr. Liu wanted to see him.

Wei Ziyu: "Ms. Liu? She still dares to come? Let her go."

Ye Zhen said: "I want to meet her. I have something to say to her."

Wei Ziyu glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and said, "Come here."

Ye Zhen stepped forward helplessly, Wei Ziyu held her down and kissed her. Liu waited outside for a long time, until her legs almost went numb, and then she was allowed to enter the Yongshou Palace.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Ye Zhen sitting upright in front of the hall. She looked very good and her face was radiant. When she saw her coming in, she glanced at her and did not ask her to sit down. Instead, she asked: "Why do you want to see me in the palace?" ?”

Mrs. Liu felt like she was inferior to others: "The prime minister was worried that you would make mistakes alone in the palace, so he asked me to come and see you."

Ye Zhen lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea: "The Queen Mother and the Emperor took pity on me and treated me very well. It's just that I have been plagued by nightmares every day these days, either dreaming about the Marquis or my mother. You said I am I’m not really an unfortunate person, so everyone around me will die one by one?”

Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "Zhen'er, what are you talking about? You don't control your fate, and their death has nothing to do with you."

Ye Zhen stood up, walked up to Mrs. Liu, stared at her with heavy black eyes, and said: "You are wrong, you are not in control of your fate, but you can't blame some people for being cruel and deliberately ruthless to remove the thorn in their side. , do you think so?"

Liu's pupils shrank, "Zhen'er, what do you mean by this?"

"Don't you and my dad know better?"

"Zhen'er, you may have misunderstood something. Although your father sent you to the temple, he never did anything sorry to you or your mother. Do you still hold grudges for what happened before when he forced you to marry into the Hou family? That day He was indeed angry and beat you, but you shouldn't have disobeyed your parents because of a scholar, and even went on a hunger strike to escape from marriage because of him. If such shameless things were spread, who would dare to marry you?"

Ye Zhen laughed. Mrs. Liu thought she had a handle on Ye Zhen. At least Ye Zhen dared to let the Queen Mother and the Emperor know about such a scandal

Just when Mrs. Liu was proud, she suddenly heard the sound of a cup breaking from inside the house.

Mrs. Liu was shocked, was there someone in the room

She looked in surprise and saw a man in dragon robe striding over. His face was livid, his eyes were cold, and he looked extremely unkind.

… Why is he the emperor? How much did he hear

Mrs. Liu immediately knelt down to say hello.

Wei Ziyu asked her: "Are you serious?"

Mrs. Liu seemed to be embarrassed. She admitted that everything she said was true. Although Ye Zhen was her half daughter, she did not dare to deceive the emperor for Ye Zhen: "Zhen'er was deceived because she was still young. Please forgive me. crime!"

She was secretly happy in her heart, waiting for the emperor to get angry and punish Ye Zhen, but suddenly she heard Wei Ziyu burst into laughter.

"Ye Zhen, are you really on a hunger strike for that scholar? Turns out he is more important than your life?"

He only knew that Ye Zhen was detained by Ye Guan and was captured after escaping, but he didn't know that Ye Zhen had gone on a hunger strike for him.

Mrs. Liu: "...?"

Ye Zhen: "That is the past, Your Majesty, please don't take it seriously."

Mrs. Liu: "...?"

Wei Ziyu said: "Madam is indeed a person of true love and nature. For true love, she will not be moved by many riches and powerful people. I admire women like Madam."

Ye Zhen: "..."

Mrs. Liu: "...?"

Wei Ziyu waved someone to take Ms. Liu away. When Ms. Liu left, she saw Wei Ziyu smiling heartily at Ye Zhen. She was confused. She didn't know how things developed differently than she thought.

Wei Ziyu couldn't help but kiss Ye Zhen, but was stepped on several times by Ye Zhen.

He left Yongshou Palace both angry and satisfied. As soon as he returned to his study, he received an urgent document saying that the civil uprising was originally a riot organized by rioters. They had no plan, no purpose, and no one with enough experience as a leader. But I don’t know when, these people actually became a force. The scattered mobs joined together to form a powerful force, at least hundreds of thousands of people, led by a man named Zheng Pei. Led by the masked man, he occupied the city and supported his troops.

In order to appease these troubled people, Wei Ziyu implemented a lot of pension policies, including sending medicines and food, reducing taxes, and punishing corrupt officials. Although there were many concealed reports, he could not take care of them all under the protection of the officials, but the imperial court's intention was already clear. , the people originally wanted to live and work in peace and contentment, and would not risk their lives to go against the imperial court.

This was a planned rebellion, just to overthrow the imperial court.

Wei Ziyu was furious and said, "Who is this Zheng Pei?"

I heard that Zheng Pei is a very mysterious person. No one knows exactly where he comes from and who he is. He seems to appear out of thin air. He has a signature scar on his face and his methods and strategies are extremely superb, so those people all surrendered. For him, be willing to be used by him.

I also heard that the rioters did not look like rioters. Some of them acted well and looked more like soldiers. What's more, they still have enough weapons and food.

This man wants to take advantage of the chaos to steal the country.

Wei Ziyu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that his recruitment policy did not work. The seemingly chaotic and unorganized violence in the past was probably just a way to confuse people. He was afraid that he would be suppressed with force after being so loud and famous at the beginning. Now that they have reached a large scale, they no longer need those tricks to confuse people.

He immediately sent generals and troops to suppress it. This was a major event that shook the foundation of the Wei Dynasty and should not be taken lightly.

Because of this matter, the court no longer urged him to establish a queen, and even the Queen Mother became more at ease. Wei Ziyu didn't know that this was a blessing in disguise