The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 170: Small disaster (10)


Ye Zhen lives in the harem, and hears many rumors about the situation in the court every day. The most serious one is probably the rumor that the Wei Dynasty is unkind and is about to overthrow, destroying a century-old foundation. Because of this, the Empress Dowager became furious and dragged the gossiping palace servants into the public hall to scold fifty people as a warning to others!

"In the future, if I hear these rumors that shake the country, I will pull them all out and behead them in public! Anyone who dares to plead for mercy will be punished with the same crime!"

The Queen Mother was so angry that she fell ill that day, and the Queen Mother's hospital was in chaos again.

Compared to the Queen Mother, Wei Ziyu seemed much more relaxed. Although he had issued an imperial edict not to allow outsiders to spread rumors that shake people's hearts, he himself didn't seem to care too much.

He could even have a few drinks and recite a few poems during his break.

Ye Zhen admired his calmness and calm expression.

Not long after the Queen Mother fell ill, Li Wen came to send a message that the Emperor wanted to see her. When Ye Zhen passed by, she saw Ye Xiang and Mrs. Liu kneeling on the ground, trembling without saying anything, with cold sweat on their foreheads. When they heard that Ye Zhen was coming, , they lay on the ground and looked back, wanting to ask for mercy, but they were afraid that Wei Ziyu was still there.

There are two people kneeling next to Ye Zhongyue and Mrs. Liu, an old woman who is hunched over and looks very old, and a slightly younger woman who is about forty years old. They look better than Ye Zhongyue and Mrs. Liu. What's worse, even my clothes were soaked with sweat.

Wei Ziyu stood aside with his hands behind his hands and said, "Say what you just said again."

So the host's mother died unjustly. The midwife deliberately tampered with the child during the delivery. The old woman was also an accomplice, and the main messenger was Liu. Ye Zhongyue knew about it from beginning to end. He even acquiesced, because he To please the Liu family, you must be valued by the Liu family members.

Ye Zhen stood there, clenching her hands in anger: "Xiang Ye, although my mother's family is powerless, she will fight with you without any credit or hard work. My mother is also a talented woman with backbone. You just If you say you want to divorce her, she will definitely not pester you! Are you taking her life just to fulfill your reputation? "

Wei Ziyu stood next to Ye Zhen. He felt distressed when he saw her forbearing look and couldn't help but pat her back gently.

Ye Zhongyue said: "You have no evidence, how can you convict me based only on the words of these two people? I definitely did not do anything worse than a beast!"

Ms. Liu also said that she was definitely not a cruel person, so how could she harm Mr. Li's life

Ye Zhen sneered, and the thick-soled palace shoes she was wearing stepped heavily on the back of Ye Zhongyue's kneeling hand. Ye Zhongyue almost cried out in pain. He endured the pain and raised his head, seeing the layers of complicated palaces in front of him. The robe and skirt are embroidered with rich peonies, and every stitch is extremely delicate.

Those delicate soles stepped on his hands and crushed him. How had Ye Zhongyue ever been so insulted

"Does it hurt?"

Ye Zhongyue gritted his teeth and kept silent.

"This pain is not one-tenth as painful as my mother's." Ye Zhen said, "When a woman gives birth to a child, she is on the verge of death. Ye Xiang, as a husband, you don't protect your wife and children. Instead, you add insult to injury. You are a man in vain." , How can a person with no kindness like you be a good official who loves his people like his own son? "

Ye Zhongyue suddenly raised his head and saw that Ye Zhen's originally timid face was now full of coldness. She stepped on him and then stepped on the back of Liu's hand. Liu screamed in pain and looked at Wei Wei who looked cold. Ziyu cried: "Zhen'er, as a child, how can you treat your old father like this? You are unfaithful and unfilial!"

People at this time pay attention to loyalty and filial piety comes first.

Ye Zhen's behavior was indeed inappropriate. Her eyes turned red and she said, "When I think of my mother's tragic death, I was sent out to fend for myself and almost followed my mother. No matter how painful I have been over the years, I have never felt sorry for myself. I feel aggrieved, but I feel wronged for my mother, and it’s not worth it for my mother. When I think of my mother, I can’t care about anything.”

She turned around and knelt in front of Wei Ziyu, saying: "My mother died with hatred. I'm afraid she still won't close her eyes. I beg the emperor to make the decision for my mother!"

Wei Ziyu personally helped her up and said, "Ye Zhongyue and the Liu family teamed up to kill the wife of the main wife just to put the side wife in power. This is a precedent. What's more, Ye Zhongyue has accepted bribes and formed cliques for personal gain for many years. His heart is to be punished."

Ye Zhongyue looked at Wei Ziyu suddenly. He only saw the coldness in the young emperor's eyes. Ye Zhongyue knew when he knelt here that he would not be able to escape today. When the emperor wants to kill someone, no matter you Innocent or unjust, you must die.

Just like Qin Zhengpei.

At that time, Qin Zhengpei, who had an army of 400,000, was supported by all the people. This made the late emperor think that Qin Zhengpei had endangered his imperial power and was detrimental to his rule. Then not long after, Qin Zhengpei died on the battlefield, and the military power of the 400,000 army finally returned to him. in hand.

The late emperor felt that this was not enough. He was afraid that the centipede would die without being stiff. He was afraid that Qin Zheng, who had the blood of Qin Zhengpei, would be an iron-blooded general like his father. However, Qin Zhengpei died not long ago, and the late emperor was afraid of causing public indignation, so Qin Zheng It became a medicine jar with a short life span.

Ye Zhongyue knew that he was doomed today, but what he didn't expect was that the person who would make him doomed was actually his daughter Ye Zhen, who he despised the most.

Now he is kneeling at her feet, listening to the emperor's orders to take his family to prison to await trial.

Ye Min was still sitting at home having a sweet dream, when she was immediately captured by the intruding soldiers and imprisoned. Even the maids and servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion were not spared. The once glorious Prime Minister's Mansion fell overnight.

The secret of Ye Zhongyue and Liu's conspiracy to murder his wife is no longer a secret. Even the people in the capital have heard about it and lamented that these two people are really cruel!

Ye Zhen poured two glasses of strong wine into the sky, hoping that the mother and daughter would be reunited under the Nine Springs.

Xiaoxi asked her when she was going to Liangzhou? She was worried that the emperor would not let her go.

Wei Ziyu has been very busy recently. After he overthrew Ye Zhongyue, he divided up all his power and replaced it with his own people. He also completely obtained the command of the 400,000 troops from the late emperor. In just half a year, Wei Ziyu became A well-deserved ruler of the Wei Dynasty.

His momentum is like a rainbow and unstoppable.

Even though he was so busy, the Queen Mother did not forget to remind him that the ceremony for conferring the queen was just around the corner, everything was ready, and he was bound to marry Bi Ruqin as his queen.

The Queen Mother not only went to Wei Ziyu, but also told Ye Zhen that she should persuade the emperor more and not act on impulse regardless of the overall situation. However, Ye Zhen only mentioned this to Wei Ziyu and was interrupted by him: "Besides, believe me or not. Sew your little mouth shut?"

Ye Zhen said with a smile: "The Queen Mother is right, why doesn't the Emperor listen?"

Wei Ziyu was about to approach, Ye Zhen turned around and stood up. He followed but was held down by Ye Zhen with a palm and sat down. He seemed a little surprised by Ye Zhen's strength. It seemed that since Ye Zhongyue's family was overthrown, Ye Zhen It looks a little different from before.

Ye Zhen is beautiful and innocent, she is strong but also fragile. She seems to be colder now. She was angry and annoyed when she looked at him before, but now she is extremely frank and indifferent when she looks at him, which makes him feel a sense of indifference. The illusion that it can be thrown away after being used.

She held her chin and looked out the window, and said leisurely: "Is the emperor detaining me in this place to satisfy his own selfish desires? Or is it really because he loves me?"

Wei Ziyu wanted to pinch her cheek, but she slapped it away with one hand. Looking at him from the end of his eyes, he said with indescribable charm and grace: "Your Majesty, respect yourself."

Wei Ziyu: "You little thing, don't I love you enough?"

Ye Zhen said: "If you really love me, shouldn't you be happy for me? You forced me to enter the palace regardless of my wishes. This is your love, but it is not the love I want."

Wei Ziyu narrowed his eyes at her and said with a smile: "Zhen Zhen, don't fool me. Not only do I want to work with you for a hundred years, but I also want to marry you as my queen."

Ye Zhen asked him: "Aren't you afraid that history will write that you are a lustful and foolish king who plundered the wives of ministers?"

Wei Ziyu snorted. He has always been self-centered and domineering. What he wants is that even if everyone opposes him, he must get it: "If they want to write, let them write. What does it have to do with me?"

The next day, Wei Ziyu invited eminent monks to enter the palace to pray for blessings. Not only that, he also called all the officials and people from the harem to hold a huge blessing ceremony.

Ye Zhen also went, but she didn't expect that when the eminent monk saw her for the first time, he said that this girl was too beautiful, which would be a disaster to the country, but he also saw that her eyes were clear and precious... He said a lot, and then asked the Queen Mother in surprise. The book said that her and Wei Ziyu's faces were very similar. With her help, everything could be turned into good luck, and Ye Zhen was the future.

The Queen Mother was still surprised, but Wei Ziyu pretended to be emotional, saying that in this case, she could not go against God's will, and she wanted to marry Ye Zhen as his queen. Ten days later would be the day when he and her would get married, and it would also be the time of canonization.

He spoke so eloquently that he could not tolerate the slightest rebuttal.

What's more, there are eminent monks here. People at this time believe in gods very much, and the most important thing is sacrifice. Who would have thought that Wei Ziyu would cheat

Ye Zhen laughed, this Wei Ziyu was indeed a deviant, his aura of killing the Buddha when he stood in the way of the Buddha was enough to shock anyone.

It’s no wonder that the person the host missed most when he died was him. After all, in the host’s life, apart from the maids and maids around him, Wei Ziyu was the only one who valued her the most, loved her, and showed his heart to her, even though the love he gave her was strong. And full of plunder.

However, Wei Ziyu's character is also like this. As a prince, he has a noble status. What he wants is either given to him or taken away by himself. There is no talk of equality in the education he received, and of course there is no talk of letting go.

Soon, the news that Wei Ziyu wanted to make Ye, the widow of Champion Hou, his queen was spread throughout the world.

Qin Zheng also heard about it. The clear and clear man clenched his fist and hammered the table: "Are the rumors from the outside world true? Isn't Wei Ziyu's crown prince Bi Ruqin?"

"It's true. Emperor Wei has announced to the world that the marriage will be completed in ten days. Emperor Wei said that he was ashamed of Bi Ruqin and could not go against God's will, so he accepted her as his adopted sister and named her Princess Zhaoping."