The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 179: Small misfortunes (18) 恟槆恆慭


Since she fainted in Kunning Palace, Ye Zhen has not seen the Queen Mother again for a long time. I heard that the people in Kunning Palace have been changed, and the Queen Mother's temper is not as good as before. From time to time she will get angry and smash the palace. vase and tea cup.

Although the Queen Mother made a fuss, Wei Ziyu rarely visited Kunning Palace. When Ye Zhen asked him what was wrong, he didn't say anything, but he looked a little gloomy.

Ye Zhen said: "Did you and the Queen Mother have a fight?"

Wei Ziyu looked up at her and said no.

Ye Zhen pursed her lips and said doubtfully: "There is obviously something wrong. You were not like this before."

Wei Ziyu took her into his arms, kissed her forehead and said, "Zhen Zhen, you are the only one I have."

She looked up at him in confusion, her clear eyes blinking and blinking, clearly showing his shadow. His thumb touched the end of her reddish eye, his eyes so deep that no one could understand.

Ye Zhen asked him why he said that? Why is it just her? Where is the Queen Mother

Wei Ziyu was quiet for a while.

Ye Zhen snorted, poked his chest and said, "Look, you really are hiding something from me. Regent, you know, I don't like being hidden."

Wei Ziyu said: "I will tell you, Zhen Zhen."

He didn't say it because he didn't know how to face the Queen Mother in the future, and he didn't know if Ye Zhen would resent him for it if she found out.

Even though the Queen Mother was ruthless, she was still his mother.

However, he knew that this matter could not be hidden for a few days. Qin Zheng had already rushed to the capital with old doctor Xu. Ye Zhen was not stupid and they could not hide it from her.

Wei Ziyu had been in a very bad mood for several days. Only in front of Ye Zhen could he relax and smile. When he was outside, he was like an untimed bomb that could explode with just a touch. He became violent and even the civil and military officials complained endlessly.

Ye Zhen has seen it all, but she has been in a very bad state of mind recently. She spends most of the day sleeping. Occasionally she falls asleep while eating. Not only is her body weak, she is also very tired and lazy. Can't cheer up.

Occasionally, she sat in Wei Ziyu's arms and talked to him. As she was talking, she fell asleep. When she woke up, she didn't know how much time had passed. She was either in bed or in his arms, and the surroundings were quiet. The sound of turning pages was heard.

Wei Ziyu was very nervous about her, because every time she woke up, no matter how long it had been, no matter when or where, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was always him.

Not sure if it was because of her inner feelings, Ye Zhen felt that Wei Ziyu looked much older.

This time she woke up again from a long sleep. It was already afternoon. She was lying in his arms. When she opened her eyes, she saw the handsome appearance of the man with his eyes closed.

She caressed his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and his lips.

He tilted his head slightly and kissed her fingertips.

Ye Zhen smiled softly and rubbed her cheek in his palm: "Ziyu."


"Is my poison still unsolved? I feel like my body is weird and I can't control it. I don't want to sleep every day, but I can't help it... "

Wei Ziyu's hand holding her tightened suddenly: "Maybe I made you too tired?"

She patted his shoulder, once or twice a day. It was impossible for her to be too tired to get up, and it was even more impossible for her to be so sleepy, as if she couldn't wake up no matter what: "That's nonsense, I really don't care about you anymore!"

Wei Ziyu curled his lips, opened his eyes and looked at the woman beside him, turned over slightly and pressed on her, stroking her temples with his fingers: "Zhenzhen, I love you, my feelings for you will never be because of Change by any outsider."

Ye Zhen blinked and said, pushing his lean chest: "Prince Regent, please don't confuse me!"

"I am telling the truth."


He kissed her forehead.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Ye Zhen and Wei Ziyu had a bad temper. She was so angry that she smashed vases, teacups and books all over the hall. When Wei Ziyu heard the news and came over, Ye Zhen was standing in the ruins. , staring at him with red eyes.

Wei Ziyu felt distressed and worried: "Zhen Zhen, if you smash something, just smash it. Don't hurt yourself. Why are you unhappy? Are you feeling better now?"

"Wei Ziyu, tell me the truth, was it the Queen Mother who poisoned me?"

"..." He was startled. The most flexible person in his mind was so shocked that he couldn't answer a question, "Zhen Zhen..."

"Don't call me." She looked very angry, "No wonder you didn't tell me the truth. It turned out to be to protect the Queen Mother."

"No, Zhen Zhen, I didn't protect the Queen Mother. I just didn't know how to tell you that the Queen Mother is my mother. I was afraid that you would be angry with me, and I was also worried that you would have random thoughts after knowing about my illness." Wei Ziyu said softly and eagerly. He explained to her, "Qin Zheng is on the way here with old doctor Xu. Zhen Zhen, your poison can be detoxified! I will definitely save you even if I try my best to save you!"

Ye Zhen shook her head and shed tears: "But I have read a book and found that no one who has been poisoned by my kind of poison can survive. I am about to die. It turns out that it is because I am about to die, so you have been right recently I’m good like this.”

"Zhen Zhen, I will always be so kind to you, very good, very good, better than the whole world."

She seemed to be immersed in her own emotions and said suddenly: "That's why I can't have a baby with you. It turns out that I'm sick and can't have a baby..."

"Ye Zhen!" Wei Ziyu's face was ashen, he strode forward, hugged the slender woman into his arms, pinched her chin and stared at her closely and said, "Ye Zhen! You have been poisoned, but you are still There is help, but you are not allowed to think wildly and give up on yourself, you know?”

She still shook her head, turned around and locked herself in the palace, not allowing anyone to approach.

Wei Ziyu waited for as long as she had locked herself up. Of course, she didn't forget to ask Ye Zhen how she suddenly knew that the Queen Mother had poisoned her

Zi Yuan said that Ye Zhen went for a walk in the imperial garden after taking a nap and heard a palace maid gossiping, so she kept herself locked in the palace after she came back. She must have guessed this.

Ye Zhen didn't pay much attention to Wei Ziyu in the next few days, and she didn't see him when he came. Wei Ziyu's face became darker and darker day by day, but he didn't dare to really force himself to see her, so he could only wait until she fell asleep in the middle of the night. He climbed out of the window and took a sneak peek, and saw that she seemed to have lost weight again, and saw that she was curled up and sleeping pitifully in the corner.

This kind of chasing and hiding lasted for several days. One night when Wei Ziyu climbed out of the window again, he saw Ye Zhen sitting in the dark with her knees in her arms. She was too thin and slender. Sitting on the bedside made her look even slimmer. Hair is thin and small.

He walked over and took her into his arms, kissed her hair and said softly: "Zhen Zhen, believe me, I won't let you die."

Her voice was hoarse and soft: "...really?"

Wei Ziyu: "Really, I keep my word to the letter. If I disobey it, I will be struck by thunder and die."

She covered his mouth: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wei Ziyu felt warm in his heart and hugged her little body tightly: "Zhen Zhen, I won't let you die."

Ye Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, shook her head and said: "I knew I was hopeless. I thought I would finally have a good life and grow old together with the one I love. I didn't expect... But it doesn't matter, these few months have been very good." Well, I shouldn’t expect too much.”

"Ziyu, I have figured it out in the past few days. Instead of spending the rest of my life resenting you, it is better to leave you happily." She said, "I know you love me and protect me. If the Queen Mother poisons me, I will definitely fight with you." It doesn't matter, I shouldn't be angry with you."

He hugged her tighter, and there was a gloom and pain in his eyes that ordinary people could hardly detect.

After waiting for a long time and receiving no response, Ye Zhen asked him: "Ziyu, why don't you speak?"

Wei Ziyu said: "Zhenzhen, we will live a long life and no one can separate us."

She smiled and hugged him tightly and said, "Okay."

After a pause, he added, "It's a pity that we can't have children."

He hugged her tighter, as if he wanted to rub her into her bones and blood.

In the next few days, Qin Zheng finally brought old doctor Xu into the palace.

He came here covered in travel, his clear and gentle temperament seemed a bit cold due to the long-term tempering of iron and blood, but his eyes were still gentle when he looked at her, and with a faint smile on his lips, he called her: "Your Majesty."

Ye Zhen also smiled and called him: "Master Hou."

Wei Ziyu stood up from the middle: "Okay, okay, let Dr. Xu show it to the emperor."

Qin Zheng glanced at Wei Ziyu and looked away very naturally.

Doctor Xu took Ye Zhen's pulse and asked her about her current situation carefully. She couldn't remember much, but Zi Yuan and Wei Ziyu knew her situation clearly. After asking, Doctor Xu also Without saying anything else, he turned around and went to Tai Hospital.

Ye Zhen blinked and couldn't understand, and Wei Ziyu couldn't understand either. Wei Ziyu didn't know old doctor Xu, but seeing that he was very calm throughout the whole process, he felt that the poison was cured, but Qin Zheng felt a thump in his heart. , he has known Old Doctor Xu for many years. Based on his understanding of Old Doctor Xu, Ye Zhen's poison is probably...

Sure enough, when he chased him to Taiyuan Hospital, his bad premonition was finally fulfilled.

"I can't cure this poison, but I can find a way to let the emperor live for two more years."

Qin Zheng felt like a thunderbolt from the blue. He remembered how he had seen Ye Zhen just now. She was much thinner than the last time he saw her. She looked in good spirits, but her cheeks were not as rosy as before. Instead, they were a little white, and even her lips were pale. The light pink…

He never thought that she would die before him.

Wei Ziyu was also shocked by these words. He even forgot to breathe, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, and his ears were buzzing, "...Can't solve it? Can't you solve it?"

"Can't solve it."

His whole body was stiff, and his clenched fists were stained with blood.

Old Doctor Xu was the only motivation for him to survive until now. He was waiting for him to detoxify Ye Zhen, and then he and her would have a litter of children and grow old together...

Why can't it be solved

He didn't believe it.

Wei Ziyu searched for famous doctors all over the world. As long as he could cure Ye Zhen's poison, he would offer a high-ranking official a salary of ten thousand taels of gold.

Qin Zheng not only sent people to find famous doctors, but also brought his Shu territory and 200,000 troops to surrender to Ye Zhen. His attitude was very clear. He was not joining the Wei Dynasty, let alone the regent, but Ye Zhen, just Ye Zhen.

The situation in the three-thirds of the world suddenly changed. Before King Chu could react, his dream of dominating the world was about to be shattered again.

Ye Zhen once asked him: "Don't you regret it? Are you really willing to give up after planning for so many years?"

Qin Zheng said that he had no regrets and that he would accompany her.

He had already missed the three opportunities she had given him, and now that she was dying, he could not miss her again.

Ye Zhen was smiling. Although she was in poor health, she was in good spirits. She never cried or complained. She was in a good mood every day: "Actually, I really hope that people in the world can live a good life without war. , there is no famine, no refugees, no harsh country... I don’t know if there will be a chance to see it.”

Of course, if there is a chance, they will always find a way to satisfy her if she wants it.

Qin Zheng began to attack Chu to regain the lost land. Wei Ziyu governed the country vigorously and issued new decrees to carry out reforms. Ye Zhen also talked about many strange things she had read in books, such as opening up wasteland and allocating land to the people for farming. , another example is how to increase the fertility of the land to increase food production, and also open up sea areas to allow merchants who go to sea to offer new species...

In only two years, King Chu was assassinated on the battlefield by Qin Zheng, Jinzhou and other places were all recovered, and the Wei Dynasty was once again unified.

Five years later, the Wei Dynasty, which was once devastated by war and chaos, finally got a breather. The people were prosperous, and they all still remembered the current queen, because all those decrees were issued by her, and it was because of her wisdom that we are what we are today. She once opposed her and scolded her. , now everything has turned into worship and respect.

The people don't recognize you as a man or a woman. They only recognize who can give them enough food and who can give them a stable life.

Ye Zheneng, she is the king.

At this moment, Ye Zhen was sitting in a nunnery, with the Queen Mother in plain clothes in front of her.

Five years have actually tortured the once elegant and wealthy woman into the meanest old lady. When she saw Ye Zhen, her eyes were bloodshot, anxious and hateful, and she suppressed her anger: "It's you, it's you who harmed my jade." Son, it was you who beguiled me, Yu'er, if you don't come to see me, I'll curse you to a bad death!"

The Empress Dowager was imprisoned in this nunnery for poisoning the Emperor and the Regent. The Emperor, thinking of her identity, only deprived her of her posthumous title of Empress Dowager and was reduced to a commoner. She was no longer surrounded by servants and did not have rich clothes. She could only I spend my whole day guarding a few Buddha statues...

This was undoubtedly torture for the Queen Mother who was used to enjoying herself. What was even more unacceptable to her was that her son did not come to see her. She had not seen him in the past few years. How could he treat her like this? How could he be so cruel! Just for the witch in front of me!

Ye Zhen: "I came today to see how the person who poisoned me is doing. Actually, I don't quite understand why you must let me die, even if you want to kill the regent. ?”

"Mr. Ye, there has never been an example of a woman becoming an emperor in history. If you were sensible, you shouldn't have robbed Yu'er of her things."

"There has been nothing in the past, so why can't we have it? Besides, this throne was given to me by Ziyu, not by me. Ziyu doesn't mind, and now even the people of the world recognize me. Do you still want to object?"

After not seeing each other for several years, the Queen Mother's temperament has been tortured and she is much more tolerant than before. At this moment, she looked at Ye Zhen with very angry eyes, but she could not bear to have an attack. Ye Zhen stood up and walked to her side, suddenly hooked her lips and lowered her voice. "Queen Mother, do you think I don't know you poisoned me?"

This smile is very familiar, as if I have seen it a few years ago.

When the Queen Mother was slightly stunned, she heard Ye Zhen say: "I did it on purpose. If you want to harm me, of course I will fight back. Look at your appearance now. You look really ugly when you lose."

The Queen Mother's face changed drastically. She looked at Ye Zhen as if she had never known her before. In her opinion, Ye Zhen was just a widow with no beauty. Now that she said these words... it turned out that she had been plotting against her

The Queen Mother was immediately furious and pushed Ye Zhen violently!

Ye Zhen screamed and stumbled backwards. When Wei Ziyu rushed over, he only had time to see her hit the stone backwards, her head hit it, and bright red blood flowed out...

There was chaos all around!

With eyes wide open, he rushed over to look at Ye Zhen, who was unconscious on the ground. His bloodshot eyes suddenly stared at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother panicked and explained: "No, no, it's her. She designed to harm me!"

Unfortunately, no one listened to her words and she was locked up.

Ye Zhen, who fainted, was carried back to Ningshou Palace by Wei Ziyu. All the doctors from the imperial hospital came, and Qin Zheng, who was far away from the palace, also hurried over.