The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 24: Nerd (11)


The Tang family is lively again, and the little bully is heartbroken!

After returning home at night, he just went back to the bedroom, ignoring anyone's calls, drifting like a soulless ghost all the way, and didn't even come out to eat dinner. The little bully had a bad temper.

This situation only happened more than a year ago when I learned that I could no longer race. It happened again after a long time. The family thought something big had happened. The old lady was so anxious that it was Tang Ze's fourth brother who called Xiang Shan. Ask about the situation: The little bully is lovelorn. To be precise, he was dumped because his bet with someone and his pursuit of Ye Zhen was exposed, and Ye Zhen wanted to break up in anger. The little bully begged for a long time but did not make the girl relent, and was determined not to make the same mistake again.

Everyone in the Tang family didn't know that their little overlord was in love with Ye Zhen, and they couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and they could only curse that they deserved it.

People gathered around the little bully's house to show their concern, and with each word of advice, the little bully's face became even more stiff, and his head started to get angry.

Tang's father hates the fact that iron cannot be made into steel: "We, the men of the Tang family, don't give in. What do you look like! If you do something wrong, you should take the initiative to admit it and ask for forgiveness, like a man! Get out and eat!"

The old lady slapped me again: "My dear grandson is so upset and you still yell at him!"

Father Tang: "...":)

The old lady whispered softly: "If there's anything you can't say until you're full, what can you do if you're starving? Grandma will feel so distressed..."

"Mom, you dote on him too much. Look what this boy looks like now!"

"Am I hurting you by doting on my grandson?"

… It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, you have the final say.

It's a pity that Tang Ze didn't come out after waiting for a long time.

Mother Tang couldn't wait any longer, so she asked someone to get the key and open the door. Unexpectedly, when she went in, she saw that their lawless little bully was squatting in the corner in a daze with red eyes and a red egg in one hand.

Obviously I should be feeling distressed, but I don't know why I can't help but want to laugh. Maybe it's because the little bully really looks like a pitiful person who has been abandoned.

"I said what's wrong with your eggs...?"

Tang Ze stared at the egg in his hand and said with disappointment, "The nerd gave it to me. He said it was a red egg cooked specially by my aunt to congratulate me on my great progress."

"Then don't let me down. Stop staring and eat quickly."

Tangze couldn't bear to part with it, so he ate it and it was gone.

This was most likely the last thing Ye Zhen gave him.

He felt sad again and stopped talking.

Mother Tang patted her silly son on the head: "Okay, okay, don't be stupid here. Come out to eat. When you're full, we'll find a solution for you together. I'll definitely solve this problem for you."

Tang Ze looked up at his mother, full of hope: "I don't want to break up, can you tell the nerd not to break up?"

Tang's mother was almost blinded and said: "Ye Zhen likes you. Now she is angry that you lied to her, so she said angry words. You are a man and you have done something wrong. Just apologize a few times. Ye Zhen is sure She will forgive you. But if you keep hiding in the room like this, she won't know and won't forgive you. It's useless and a waste of time."

Tangze wasn't stupid either. He understood what his mother was saying. He wasn't hiding in the room to escape from anything, but he just couldn't adapt to it for a while. It turned out that the nerd broke up with him, and his mood became so bad that he was so sad. It seems that he has lost interest in everything; it turns out that when the nerd is disappointed in him and calls him a scumbag, he will also feel panic and fear, even though she is obviously a scumbag; it turns out that when the nerd turns around and leaves, he will chase her involuntarily because he doesn't want her to leave. , it’s best to be by his side…

In fact, the nerd is not that scumbag. Although some of his words are scumbag, she has never been scumbag to him; and he has indeed lied to her.

It turned out that he didn't want to break up at all because he liked her, even if she only liked him a little bit.

It's too bad that the nerd is about to break up with him as soon as he realizes it!

He doesn’t know the difference!

He thought about it all night, thinking about how to explain the reconciliation, and even thought about how to deal with it if Ye Zhen refused. In short, he was determined not to let go, and shamelessly got through this first!

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at school the next day, before he could take out everything he had prepared, he found that Ye Zhen was nowhere to be found in the entire classroom.

Why didn't she come to class? Shouldn't he be hiding at home, crying secretly, and healing silently

He felt guilty and happy, the nerd really cared about him!

Xiang Shan hesitated, breaking Tang Fifth Young Master's dream: "I heard from the head teacher that the nerd applied to skip a grade, and now he is in the third year of high school..."

What? !

Tangze was so angry that he kicked over the desk.

He went to the head teacher and asked him what was going on. How could he agree so casually

The head teacher said helplessly that Ye Zhen's study progress could not be kept up with by her class, and staying here would only delay her. Tang Ze was even more angry. He had obviously read it before, so why was he delaying it now? The head teacher said that it was because she was willing before and now she is not willing, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The head teacher also said: "Ye Zhen said that after breaking up with you, she will study hard to serve the motherland from now on, and will never think about anything else. You can get together and relax, don't delay her."

Tang Ze was so angry that he cried!

"Who said we broke up? We didn't break up!"

He ran out immediately. Even the class teacher couldn't stop him from shouting. He ran all the way to the senior high school like a firecracker. He lay on the window and saw Ye Zhen sitting in the first row, immersed in writing test questions. A nerd is a nerd. , I was stared at for a long time without being noticed!

There was really no one in the entire high school who didn't know about the affair between Ye Zhen and Tang Ze. Everyone who found Tang Ze couldn't help but whisper. Ye Zhen was also tapped on the shoulder by her new classmate, telling her that there was someone outside the door. try to find. Ye Zhen finally raised her head from the book, and she saw Tang Ze looking at her with burning eyes. She glared at him, as if to say, "You scumbag still has the nerve to come to her." She lowered her head and became addicted to doing the questions again...


Fifth Young Master Tang seemed to hear the sound of his own heart breaking, like a dead fish.

Who is the scumbag? Who is the scumbag? Even if his thoughts were impure at first, didn't he become more and more pure later on

Tang Wu Shao was so anxious that he scratched his hair.

He wished he could drag those who spilled the beans out and beat them up, but they were afraid of being beaten up by him and didn't dare to show up. Not a single person was seen.

Xiang Shan didn't dare to say it yesterday, but he dared to say it today: "Actually, I explained to Ye Zhen yesterday, I said you are sincere to her..."

Tang Ze's eyes lit up: "Then what did she say?" It dimmed again. He definitely didn't believe it. If he did, he wouldn't be here now.

Xiang Shan sympathized: "Ye Zhen said that you really wanted to play with her, but it seemed that she was extremely disappointed in you and had no confidence. Moreover, she was in tears at that time... "

Tang Ze's heart was twitching: "The nerd must be very sad..."

It's definitely sad, but it's also true that his behavior is very tough, and it's really hard to recover.

Tang Ze had been listless all day. Without Ye Zhen as his deskmate, and thinking that she was going to break up with him, he didn't even want to look at him. He felt so bad all over his body that he lay on the table and looked at Ye Zhen. The location is dismal.

Xiang Shan secretly stretched his neck to take a look at Tang Ze, and found that his eyes were a little red.

Tsk, tsk, what a pitiful water catcher...

After finally staying up until school was over, Fifth Young Master Tang rushed to the senior high school. Unfortunately, he was late and Ye Zhen had long disappeared. Later, he chased him to the cafeteria and saw his nerd eating a big plate of rice, vegetables and fruits. .

Sure enough, he is big-hearted and scumbag enough! He was so anxious that he didn't eat much for two days! !

But seeing her eating so happily made him feel very satisfied and happy... almost like a pervert!

The little bully still had his reputation. Before he walked over and said anything, the seat next to the nerd was given up. In order to make a good impression, he said "thank you" in a good-natured manner.

It's a pity that even if he sat next to Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen didn't want to pay attention to him. She was immersed in eating her rice and didn't even bother to give him a favor.


"Ye Zhen..."

"Zhen Zhen..."

"big baby… "

… big baby? So greasy? Jieshuiba is so shameless in chasing his little girlfriend!

The man who had just brought two plates of food slumped towards the foot of the mountain and almost dropped his things.

Tang Ze had no intention of paying attention to him now. Xiang Shan quickly put down the food, found a place and disappeared.

Ye Zhen finally looked back at Tang Ze, "Why are you still here? You really don't mind it."

Tang Wushao felt his heart skip a beat again. He came back sticky and said seriously: "Bookworm, can you stop being angry with me?"

Ye Zhen said: "I'm not angry anymore."

Fifth Young Master Tang was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Let's make peace then!"

Ye Zhen looked at him strangely, "If we don't reconcile, how can I reconcile with this scumbag who plays with his feelings? I'm not stupid."

Tang Ze's heart was struck, and he wiped his eyes, "I... really want to reconcile with you. My previous intentions were not pure. I'm sorry, but I really like you now. Really!"

"Forget it." Ye Zhen said: "I'm not angry because I figured it out. I was also wrong. I agreed to be with you without confirming whether you were sincere or just for fun. It was really stupid! This can be regarded as a lesson learned. I remind myself that I should choose carefully when I fall in love again in the future. I can't be blindly impulsive just because I have some good feelings and likes for the other person. I should still consider all aspects and be toyed with like this. Things should be avoided as much as possible. Fortunately, I just like you a little bit. I just need two more days to forget about it, and I can start over."

Tang Ze felt his heart throbbing with pain.

But he can no longer start over!

She patted him on the shoulder: "Tangze, don't blame yourself. Although I am still annoying you a little now, but you believe me, I will treat you as an ordinary classmate in a few days! Don't worry, I still believe in love . Next time I will keep my eyes open and find a perfect love."

"...How can this be done?!"

"Why not? Let's not talk anymore. I've eaten and it's time to go back to study."

Xiang Shan: ... He suddenly understood what it means to be "a scumbag who has reached the pinnacle of perfection and can only look up to but not surpass".

Tang Ze was so angry that his head was pounding. He couldn't help but his eyes were red again and his nose was sore. He seemed to have made the nerd even worse... What should I do...

Ye Zhen waved her hand: "Goodbye, I should go back to study."

He lay on the dining table, looking at Ye Zhen's weak back, feeling that his heart ached almost to death.

She didn't even look back when she left.

Xiang Shan glanced at the pitiful water-catching boy lying there, and went up to pat him on the shoulder. This was probably retribution for showing off his power and domineering in the past eighteen years.

Liu Xiangyang also went up and patted Tang Fifth Young Master's soft and twitching shoulders. Poor Fifth Young Master, he experienced a storm-like blow when he first touched the boy's heart. I believe he will be stronger in the future! Maybe you will be stimulated to the point where you become a wave within a wave, and not a single leaf among thousands of flowers touches you.

His group of playboy friends responded with sympathy, and even the head teacher appeared from nowhere and touched his head, which seemed to tell him to "sorrow and accept the change".

Tang Wu Shao was so sad that he got drunk again. Xiang Shan was forced to enter the house at night. This time, he was drunk and stupid, so he didn't get drunk and yelled like crazy. He just lay there crying all by himself. , muttering "nerd, big baby".

But the old lady felt so distressed that she couldn't stop shouting "good grandson, good grandson, good grandson". Tang's mother couldn't stand it anymore, so she asked his father to throw her into the bedroom and have a good sleep.

Aren’t you just falling out of love? It’s so worthless!

Because Tang Ze was drunk, Tang's mother would easily wake up when he went to bed at night. She would go to his room every few hours to check on him. The previous few times he was fine and he slept soundly. When it was almost dawn, she went to check on him again, but he was not there. When I saw Tang Ze on the bed, I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, peeling off the shells and eating eggs - the two red eggs that he was hiding and reluctant to eat. In the dim light, she could still hear him sobbing while eating.

Mother Tang felt very distressed and couldn't help but get jealous: "What's the point of bothering like this? Are you happy just to see your grandparents worrying about you? Just listen, do something serious, and stop messing around. "

Tang Ze nodded: "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Hey, apologize sincerely, Ye Zhen will forgive you."

Tang Ze's voice was hoarse and hoarse, "Mom, you don't understand."

"What doesn't Mom understand?"

... You don’t understand, you don’t understand how scumbag a scumbag nerd is, and you don’t understand that her brain circuit is such that mortals like us can’t even touch the realm of God.

He took a hard bite of the egg, sniffed and sobbed.

Don't think that he just wants to let it go. Do you dare to dump him and go to a new love? dream!

Suddenly, he said: "Cough, cough - burp!"

Three seconds later, Tang's mother shouted: "Come quickly, Xiao Wu is going to choke to death on the egg yolk!"