The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 66: Star Century (3)


Ye Zhen finally saw the world outside Star City with her own eyes. There was a very spacious moat outside the city. On the other side of the river was a vast, hard land with no grass growing on it. Far away, there was a piece of gray soil. Sentries and traps were built on the soil. Looking further into the distance, you can vaguely see the shadows of rolling mountains.

Fatty Zhang took Ye Zhen to the outside of the city. He could see many people gathered in groups, with wild vegetables found at the foot of the mountain hidden in their clothes, the same kind of wild grass that Ye Xiao and Ye Zhu often brought back. Because they had to go to school today, the two brothers did not come out. Ye Zhen took another day off. Her grades were too poor, her family background was even worse, and she was not a pleasant person. The teacher did not pay much attention to her because she frequently asked for leave and annoyed the teacher. Dissatisfied, Ye Zhen insisted that she was sick and uncomfortable, so he could only agree, saying that if she continued to cause trouble like this, he would call her parents.

Fatty Zhang drove by in a black car, kicking up so much dust that it was hard to open one's eyes.

About ten minutes later, they finally arrived at the foot of a mountain.

Fatty Zhang pointed at the top of the mountain and said: "The territory that spreads out for at least a thousand miles around Star City has been occupied by the government and major families. Because the cost of building flying cars is extremely expensive, most of the supplies are usually transported by trucks, so the families have joined forces to build several Road, but the road is hidden, and I am afraid that someone will come to smuggle resources. These private roads have outposts at regular intervals. Although they are extremely tightly guarded, as long as your goods come from the right way, do not cross the border, and pay some tolls, they Usually they will let you pass.”

Ye Zhen said: "Don't the government build roads?"

Fatty Zhang smiled and shook his head: "The government will not fund a road like this from the forest to the city, but a road will be built between Star City and Philadelphia. After all, not everyone can drive a car."

Ye Zhen nodded and asked: "Then if I want to go to the uninhabited world, how long will it take?"

Fatty Zhang said: "The smuggling route takes about eight hours, and the speed train takes about four hours. It depends on how you want to go."

Of course Ye Zhen chose to ride a flying car. Firstly, she was very curious about the principle of flying in this world. Secondly, her main purpose was to see what the environment was like there and whether it was really as bad as the rumors. Thirdly, she There is not so much time to waste.

The black speed car was speeding in the sky at a very fast speed. She could hear the speed of the wind in her ears. Ye Zhen looked out the window at the endless forest and steep mountains. Occasionally, she could see an outpost on the top of a very high mountain. Fatty Zhang said that it was an observation station. There were people inside the station, and of course there were more cameras. If there was a wave of beasts or a storm coming, the cameras would immediately record the scene and return it to the database, warning everyone in advance to escape.

At noon, the speeding car landed in an open space, and everything in sight was green, rolling up and down with no end in sight.

Fatty Zhang also said that this is the territory of the Yan family. Five hundred miles up, tens of thousands of hectares, all belong to their Yan family, because the Yan family has the most powerful military and financial resources, and no one in the empire can rival them.

The Yan family was very powerful, and Ye Zhen heard about it from more than one person.

"If you really want to auction texts, the one who has the strength to meet your requirements is the Yan family."

Ye Zhen squatted on the ground and touched the tree roots and soil, and said, "The Yan family is really that powerful?"

Fatty Zhang said: "Of course, the Yan family's ancestors are all soldiers, and their ancestor Yan Cheng is the founding father of the empire. It has a history of a hundred years, and there are orders and prohibitions. Since it is auctioned, they will definitely keep their promises and do what they say. What's more, if they want to go back on their words, the auction will The bank will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it."

He looked at Ye Zhen and said with some worry: "Miss Ye, although I don't know why you are so persistent in developing a piece of land, don't forget that you are only one person without a strong family to support you. Even if you can really If you get this forest, you may not have the strength to defend this treasure mountain, and I'm afraid you will lose both your life and wealth."

Of course Ye Zhen has thought about this problem, but it is not the point. She believes that there will be many people to help her protect this land.

She walked around the foot of the mountain in the safe area and found that there were many plants and vines that she had never seen before. She didn't know whether it was the result of mutations or new species in the past two hundred years. She tried to pull out a piece of grass. , but almost cut his hand.

Fatty Zhang smiled and told her to stop playing so as not to hurt her hands. He said that the soil here is harder than that in Star City. An ax that can't cut iron like mud can't withstand it. It is said that the institute spends a lot of money on soil every year. Hundreds of millions have been spent on its cultivation and research, but unfortunately no useful results have been obtained so far.

Ye Zhen could only give up, thinking that the main reason why farming could not be done was that the soil was too hard, and even if the seeds were sown, they might not survive. This led to the fact that the current environment was naturally nourished, relying on the growth in the forest. Resource life.

She could see a rest stop not far away. There were many tall men in uniforms inside. She looked over there and said, "Does the Yan family occupy the largest forest area?"

Of course, the Yan family is not limited to this forest.

In the entire imperial capital and several big cities near and far, the Yan family is the most powerful. There are assets belonging to the Yan family all over the country. Because the Yan family has enough resources, they can cultivate more soldiers and private armies - Star Century allows private armies to exist - so the Yan family's status will only become stronger and stronger in the past century, and its momentum can even keep pace with the government. In recent years, there have even been signs of going far beyond that.

In this world, mastering materials is equivalent to mastering the economic lifeline.

Ye Zhen said to Fatty Zhang: "Sir, please help me get a quota for the auction. I will use "The Thousand-Character Classic" for auction. When the person who wins the bid sends it to the forest, I will tell him the pronunciation and meaning of the word. "

Fatty Zhang looked at Ye Zhen in surprise: "The Thousand-Character Classic is a type of ancient Chinese prose? Do you know how to read it? Do you know the meaning?"

Ye Zhen said: "If you really think about it, The Thousand Character Classic has a history of more than 1,800 years. It was edited by Zhou Xingsi of the Liang Dynasty. It is an enlightenment book."

"As long as you understand the "Thousand-Character Classic", you can understand all ancient texts?"

"The Thousand-Character Classic only has a thousand characters. Excluding six heavy characters, there are actually 994 Chinese characters. There are as many as one hundred thousand Chinese characters, and it's nothing if you can only recognize a thousand."

Fatty Zhang became more and more surprised about Ye Zhen’s identity. After all, the scholars in the entire empire probably didn’t understand ancient texts as well as what Ye Zhen said at the moment. She just smiled and stood in the corner of the vast forest, looking into the distance. , the clear eyes are dark and deep.

She suddenly said: "Before that, Mr. Zhang, can you take me to the museum?"

Fatty Zhang said: "Do you want to go to the museum?"

"Well, I want to see the newly discovered general's tomb."

The museum does not exist in a chaotic and underfed area like District 69. Only the upper class have the energy and leisure to study and love it. And because of the scarcity and preciousness of ancient cultural relics, tickets to and from the museum are not arbitrary. For sale, on the contrary, permission will be granted after investigating the identity of the visitor and confirming that you are qualified to enter and visit.

With Ye Zhen's status, she couldn't get in even if she had money.

Sixty-nine is the exiled, lowest-level refugee area.

Fatty Zhang also knew about the general's tomb. The academic world was quarreling over him. Even most of his family members were discussing the origin of the general's tomb. Although many books, calligraphy and paintings were unearthed, it was a pity that few of the words on it were recognizable. Well, besides guessing, there is really no other way. Since Ye Zhen knows so much, maybe she can tell the reason

He immediately responded: "Okay, I will ask someone to apply for a ticket to the museum when I get back later, and I will take you there tomorrow."

Ye Zhen thanked her.

She returned to the city before dark, and went to the item station to get some rice, flour, and some nutrients. Ye's father worked all day and his body needed to replenish nutrients. Ye Xiao and Ye Zhu were also growing. Eating grass is simply not good, and your health will only get worse.

Yuan Kai had been waiting for her in front of the courtyard gate for a long time. He was sitting on the stone carelessly. When he saw her coming back, he immediately went up and asked her: "I saw you and that damn fat man leaving the city today. Where did you go?"

Ye Zhen said: "I went to see the forest drawn on your map. It's a good place."

Yuan Kai was surprised. It was a surprise to him that Ye Zhen could get the food. Now not only could he get the food, but he could also have the fat man accompany him in person? He looked at Ye Zhen, his eyes full of confusion and confusion, "Do you really have a way to take over that forest? You asked me to count the number of unemployed people in this area just to let them develop that forest. ? This is definitely not possible. Although they are powerful, the forest is too dangerous and cannot be penetrated deep without troops and weapons! We are completely risking death if we go there."

Ye Zhen looked calm, looked at Yuan Kai and smiled slightly: "Because you thought it was not possible, did you just give up? One person may not be able to do it, but when tens of thousands of people unite as one and all their strength is twisted into a rope, hundreds of thousands of people can still do it. Isn’t it just a forest?”

Yuan Kai was stunned. The failures he heard before were mostly due to the fact that the people who went there were only a dozen people traveling together. If there were really hundreds of thousands of people...

Then maybe there is still a chance!

Ye Zhen added: "Stop dreaming. Even if we can really gather hundreds of thousands of people, these people are just scattered. In a real moment of life and death, they will definitely become a mess. If we go like this, we are destined to fail."

Yuan Kai: "... What the hell are you talking about?! You're just kidding me!"

Ye Zhen glanced at him and said, "Yuan Kai, go spread the news tomorrow and say that anyone who can carry ten kilograms and run fifty kilometers a day can get a bucket of rice for five days."

Yuan Kai was immediately puzzled: "Run for rice? Ye Zhen, you are really crazy!"

Ye Zhen said: "Can't you do it?"

Yuan Kai: "..."

He can do it.

Of course, not everyone can participate in weight-bearing running. Those whose physical fitness is too poor, who are too young, or who are too old may work hard to get rice, and it will be bad if an accident occurs.

It's not good to have too many people. With her current financial resources, she can't support too many people. There are too many unemployed people in Star City, so chaos is likely to occur.

She needs people with good health and ability to be pioneers.

Ye Zhen frowned and said: "Yuan Kai, go write a plan and give it to me tomorrow morning. I need capable people, so you can write it in this direction."

Yuan Kai: "...Ye Zhen, do you want to choose a private army?"

Ye Zhen thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

Ye Zhen didn't care how surprised he was, and went back to the house with her schoolbag on her back, "I want to see the plan tomorrow."

Yuan Kai scratched his head and regretted why he accidentally boarded the pirate ship? It was obviously just a robbery, but now he was actually playing house games with that yellow-haired girl!

Ye Xiao was collecting dried wild vegetables in the yard, and Ye Zhu was lighting a fire in the kitchen. When Ye Xiao saw Ye Zhen coming in, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Second sister, I heard what you just said to Yuan Kai. Do you really want to build a private life?" Army? But it’s okay to support a few Yuan Kai with the money you spend doing embroidery, but it’s impossible to support thousands of people!”

Ye Zhen saw the worry in Ye Xiao's eyes. He was really worried about her. Although he had ordinary qualifications and was honest and dull, he had a heart that loved his family the most. After the host's mother passed away, Ye's father had to be busy with work. It can be said that this eldest brother grew up with his younger brothers and sisters. He had to study at night, hoping that he would be of some use to reduce the burden on the family, but his qualifications were just like that. No matter how hard he tried, he could not compare with the brain developer. He could only move his fingers a little during the day. When I have time, I go outside the city to grab wild vegetables. Sometimes I come back with injuries all over my body, but I still smile and say it’s okay...

Ye Zhen looked at Ye Xiao's hands and saw that even though he was so young, his palms were full of dry calluses and scars.

"Brother, what I sell is not embroidery, but embroidery skills. Boss Zhang is a good man. He gave me some money, which is enough for us to spend this winter without worrying about food and clothing. I brought some nutritional supplements back today. You and I will be here later. My younger brother has eaten all of it, and I also persuaded my father to eat some. His body is almost exhausted, and when the construction period is over, let him have a good rest at home."

Ye Xiao knew that life at home had been getting better recently, and he could still see rice noodles and canned meat, all because of his sister's embroidery work. Even his father smiled every day and didn't look as tired as before, although he was very tired. It was unexpected that Ye Zhen, who was usually honest and quiet, could suddenly learn to embroider, but she didn't think much about it.

Now that Ye Xiao suddenly heard that his second sister actually wanted to build a private army, he couldn't help but think more: "Second sister, we just need to live a good life as a family and don't do such dangerous things."

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry. If you help me persuade dad, I won't be in danger. And I have to go to the museum tomorrow. Brother will help me hand in the leave application form to the teacher and say I'm sick."

Although she looked gentle with a smile, her words could not be refuted at all.

Ye Xiao discovered that since that illness, his second sister had become more and more assertive, or that her mind was getting deeper and deeper. He couldn't understand what she was thinking and doing.

Ye Zhen said: "Brother, since you heard what I just said to Yuan Kai, you should also write a plan and give it to me tomorrow."

Ye Xiao: "..."

Dinner consisted of wild vegetables stewed by Brother Ye, rice porridge cooked by Ye Zhu, three steamed buns brought back by Ye's father from the construction site, and two canned meats.

Although he had clearly told Ye's father not to leave any special food and let him eat by himself, he was used to it and always left it for his children unconsciously. Ye Zhen ate half a steamed bun and drank a small bowl of porridge. He ate most of the wild vegetables; since Ye Zhu ate canned meat, his favorite has changed from wild vegetables to canned meat, and he can drink several bowls of porridge. It was his elder brother who kept him from bursting his belly. Ye's father There is no limit to pampering a child, and don’t expect him to say anything like telling the child not to eat.

After the meal, Ye Xiao persuaded Ye Zhen to take nutritional supplements, which were just a few capsules. Ye Xiao was so moved that he almost cried. He kept shouting that he wanted to take it back, telling Ye Zhen not to think about him and buy it for himself. It's better to wear clothes. Now winter is getting closer and closer, and the weather is getting colder. Ye Zhen is still wearing the clothes from two years ago. She stands upright with her wrists and ankles exposed. How cold it is! It was the two brothers, Ye Xiao and Ye Zhu, who hugged his thighs and stopped him.

Ye Zhen ignored this. She looked at the clothes of her father, her brother and her brother, but they were not much better than hers. She went to the goods station to buy two pairs of thick clothes and a few quilts by the way.

Early the next morning, Ye's father went out energetically. Ye Zhen said, "Dad, we have enough food at home. Don't leave food for us. You can eat enough yourself."

He exclaimed and walked as fast as flying!

After sending Father Ye away, Ye Xiao awkwardly gave her the notebook, "I don't know if it's right or not, take a look..."

Ye Zhen took it with a smile and gave him the leave request: "Sorry for bothering you, brother."

Ye Xiao and Ye Zhu went out together. Ye saw Yuan Kai paused at the door with a sad face and a crumpled paper ball in his hand. Ye Xiao suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other. He looked at it deeply. Looking at Yuan Kai, Yuan Kai was stunned for a while. After all, Ye Xiao didn't want to see him. Every time he saw him, he wished he would disappear immediately. Suddenly looking at him like this, he shuddered!

Ye Zhen then went out. Yuan Kai stopped thinking and immediately jumped in front of Ye Zhen, "Smelly girl, look! I have been writing all night!"

Ye Zhen didn't answer: "Please pay attention to the neatness of the paper."

Yuan Kai: "...???"

Did you know that he was almost crying while writing this one

Ye Zhen ignored him and went directly to the item station to find Fatty Zhang.

Yuan Kai fed him several times but did not make Ye Zhen show mercy. He gritted his teeth and invited his brothers to serve as his desk. He copied the plan again and said, "The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life is I believed that yellow-haired girl’s evil deeds! Damn it, I’m still daydreaming with her, it’s simply ridiculous!”

It was hard for his brother to say anything. After all, the yellow-haired girl had been able to keep him full recently, so he laughed a few times.

Yuan Kai kicked him, "Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?"

His brother immediately rebelled and said, "Brother Kai is right, it's that yellow-haired girl's fault."

Yuan Kai kicked her over again: "What a yellow-haired girl, can I call you to call me sister?"

"Yes, yes, sister Ye!"


When Ye Zhen and Fatty Zhang took the car to the 30th District, Yuan Kai put the plan he had copied into her hand, stared at Fatty Zhang warily, and said to Ye Zhen: "Look carefully, I But it was written with great care!”

Ye Zhen said "Yeah", "Thank you for your hard work."

Fatty Zhang looked at Yuan Kai and laughed arrogantly, not taking Yuan Kai seriously at all. Yuan Kai also sneered and left with his head held high.

Ye Zhen didn't seem to notice the turbulent undercurrent between the two of them. She got into the car with Fatty Zhang. After hearing what he said about the museum's precautions, she immersed herself in reading the plan written by Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai.

Ye Xiao's handwriting is much neater than Yuan Kai's, while Yuan Kai's handwriting is just plain ugly.

The two people also think about things in different directions. Yuan Kai is used to being wild outside and usually has many younger brothers. He is very familiar with the street area. What he thinks is that running with a heavy load is too simple, but he can get a few steps by running. It's not cost-effective to fight for rice. Since you want to choose a private army, you naturally have to consider other aspects, not just physical strength, but also balance ability and other aspects.

What Ye Xiao is thinking about is that once the news is released, no one may believe it at first. Once it is confirmed that it is true, many, many more people will come to earn this dou of rice. If it is not handled properly, chaos may occur. , it is best to limit a number, formulate constraint rules, etc., many of which are listed below.

Ye Zhen thought that neither Yuan Kai nor Ye Xiao were stupid people. They were just forced by life every day and had no intention to think about anything else.

Fatty Zhang also saw the paper in Ye Zhen's hand. He smiled and said, "How do you and that kid know each other?"

"He snatched it from me and now he's helping me with errands."

Fatty Zhang choked, and he found that he really couldn't understand Ye Zhen more and more. She was so big-hearted. How could she keep her by her side after being robbed? How could she just smile away her grudges

Ye Zhen put the paper into her backpack and looked at the world outside the car window in trance.

District 69 is messy, desolate and decadent, but the further you go into the inner district, the more clean and prosperous the world inside becomes. There is an endless stream of vehicles on the roadside, people are dressed cleanly and neatly, and there are many shops on both sides of the street...

When we arrived in the 30th arrondissement, we came down in front of the museum. The floor was paved with marble, which was very smooth.

Most of the people who can come to the museum are capable people. The men wear full suits and jazz hats, and the women wear dresses, as if they are attending a high-end banquet, although this is also considered a high-end exhibition.

Ye Zhen followed Fatty Zhang. The soldier in military green uniform glanced at Ye Zhen with doubtful eyes. Fatty Zhang immediately stared at him: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

He immediately said: "No."

Fatty Zhang snorted arrogantly, and said with a "nouveau riche" temperament: "A dog looks down on others!"

Ye Zhen smiled.

Because she was going out today and thinking about adding new clothes to her family, she bought herself a set, a black sweater with a thin cotton coat, black trousers, and a pair of rubber-soled cloth shoes.

It was much better than before, but compared to the people in the 30th District, she still looked like a beggar.

The museum has four floors. The cultural relics unearthed from the general's tomb are the focus of today's people. They are carefully protected on the second floor for people to visit. Porcelain, jade, wood carvings, books, calligraphy and paintings, etc. are arranged one by one. There is even a mahogany flower carving. There is a dressing table, a round table, and four stools in front of the bed. Behind the dressing table is a six-door wardrobe. Most of them have been destroyed. After restoration, you can still vaguely see the shadow of the past.

This is the bedroom.

Someone was introducing that this was the scene from the main tomb chamber. Archaeologists and the person in charge of the museum strongly suggested that these things should not be separated and that the real scene at that time should be restored. Only in this way can the love of the tomb director and the loving couple be reflected. Couples stay together even after death.

"Miss Ye, Miss Ye?"

Fatty Zhang pushed Ye Zhen, who was stunned. Ye Zhen looked back at him, then back again. She lowered her head and murmured a few words. Fatty Zhang didn't hear them clearly, but she vaguely said: "... What are you stupid?"

"What did you say?"


Fatty Zhang found that Ye Zhen became quieter after entering the museum. He thought that she came to see the cultural relics unearthed from the general's tomb to prove her strength, or to see novelties, but every step of her slow pace was... I saw it once, but did not stay for a long time. Unlike others who lamented the exquisite workmanship and guessed how thrilling the unforgettable love was hundreds of years ago, she was too calm. She came not so much to visit the most mysterious cultural relics. , it feels as if I’m back at home...

Until in front of a display cabinet, Fatty Zhang pointed to the damaged paper that had been repaired but could still be seen inside and said: "Ye Zhen, look at this, I heard that this is an ancient marriage certificate. Because it has the same photo as the tombstone. , although it is not as clear as the tombstone, you can still see it, and then I guessed that it might be the marriage certificate at that time."

Ye Zhen looked at it, her fingers fell on the glass, as if she was holding the page again through distant time and space: "Two surnames are married, and they make a contract together. They are married forever, and they have the same name. Look at the peach blossoms blooming today, and the room is suitable for IKEA. It is predicted that in the next year, the melons will continue to bloom, and the people will be prosperous. I would like to make a promise with the white head and write it to Hong Jian, so that the red leaf alliance can be recorded in the mandarin duck genealogy. This is proof."

She was speaking Chinese, which Fatty Zhang couldn't understand. He looked at Ye Zhen doubtfully, "Are you reading the words above?"

Before Ye Zhen could speak, a laugh suddenly came from the side. It was a woman wearing a white dress and a gauze hat tilted at one side. "But after reading two words that people can't understand, how can you fool people into recognizing the ancient characters on it?" Don’t make a fool of yourself here!”

Fatty Zhang raised his eyebrows. With a big belly, he said arrogantly and arrogantly: "What I say is none of your business. If you don't understand, do you still have a reason?"

The woman sneered coldly, glanced at Ye Zhen's tattered clothes and said, "Huh, I don't know where I got my fortune from, and I think I am someone else!"

The Zhang family that Fatty Zhang belongs to is indeed not a wealthy family. The family has grown up relying on goods stores in the past twenty years. It is indeed a nouveau riche. Because their status is too low, although their family is rich, real aristocratic families still look down on them. I disdain to make friends, but now that I was told that, I was immediately stepped on and so angry!

"What do you mean? If you have the ability, just book the museum and watch it by yourself. Since you are watching it with me, you won't necessarily be that powerful!"

The woman choked and snorted.

There were already people around who looked over. It was a serious crime to cause trouble in the museum, and in severe cases, they would be detained and sentenced. Both Fatty Zhang and the woman had scruples, and they did not dare to really make a big fuss.

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "This is a marriage testimony. Translated, it means: two surnames are married, a contract is made together, a good relationship will last forever, and the couple has the same name. Look at the peach blossoms blooming today, and the house will be suitable for IKEA, and it is predicted that the future will be good. Mianmian, Erchang Erzhi. I would like to write the promise of the white head to Hong Jian, so that the red leaf alliance can be recorded clearly. This is the proof. "

Fatty Zhang was confused. He seemed to understand but he didn't understand. He seemed to understand, but he couldn't explain what he meant.

The woman was also confused. She felt that Ye Zhen was talking big words, but when she heard the words translated from ancient Chinese, they had a special charm, especially the strange accent, which was soft and lingering.

Ye Zhen added: "The meaning of this sentence is: two families with different surnames get married and form a marriage contract together, which is a worthy match. When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, it is the right time to get married. It is expected that the descendants will be like melon vines in the future. Continuously, descendants will be prosperous for generations. The promise of growing old together is written on paper, and the God-given good relationship is recorded on the mandarin duck tree like a poem written on a red leaf. This is proof."

Her gaze fell on the certificate and she said softly: "Now that we have seen it, let's go."

Fatty Zhang suddenly reacted, "Miss Ye is really amazing!"

The woman was doubtful and said, "We don't understand, so of course you have the final say."

Ye Zhen said: "It doesn't matter, you will understand it soon."

The woman frowned in confusion, what do you mean

Fatty Zhang glared at the woman: "You still want to cause trouble? Anyway, it's rare for me to come to the museum. I'm not afraid of you!"

The woman had no choice but to leave. She could not cause trouble. If she was caught making trouble in the museum, she would be detained. She would not be able to visit the museum again for the next three years and would be condemned.

Fatty Zhang took Ye Zhen to the books, calligraphy and paintings. He was very excited, but he kept his voice down for fear of being discovered: "Can you really understand everything? Tell me quickly what is written here?"

Ye Zhen looked at him, calmly and quietly without speaking.

Fatty Zhang knew he had lost his composure. He coughed slightly and turned to look around: "Sorry, I'm just too excited."

He didn't even expect that he could find a treasure in District 69!

Ye Zhen said: "Let's go."

Ye Zhen and Fatty Zhang were about to leave when they suddenly heard a sequence of very neat footsteps approaching from far away. Along with the footsteps, there was a burst of low exclamations and excitement, and they started talking in low voices: "It's Yan Li! General Yan Li is coming to the museum!"

"Is he also looking at the cultural relics unearthed from the general's tomb?"

"It must be so. Yan Li is the most powerful and youngest general in the empire. He must be interested in this general's tomb."

"I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet General Yan in person! I'm so happy!"

"Yes, yes, it would be better if we could take a group photo!"

Ye Zhen and Fatty Zhang were squeezed to the outer edge. Fatty Zhang was also so excited that his chubby face was trembling, "We are lucky today. We met General Yan Li and came to the museum. It seems that this trip was not in vain."

Ye Zhen knows that generals in a peaceful world will not be respected and liked as much as they are now. The reason why Yan Li is so popular is because the world is not peaceful. In addition to attacks by natural disaster beasts, we also need to prevent attacks from other countries. The peace on the surface today is an illusion, and evil intentions are hidden behind smiles. An extraordinary human like Yan Li, whose brain and body have evolved, has won several battles on behalf of the empire, and naturally has an extraordinary status in the empire.

While he was thinking, a man in black military uniform came into view as he was escorted by guards.

His sword-shaped eyebrows flew into his temples, his dark pupils were starry, his eye sockets were deep, his nose was high and his lips were thin. His facial contours were extremely cold and hard, and his eyes were even calmer. When he glanced at him, he felt cold and ruthless, sending chills down his spine. .

It was the blood and carnage of someone who had actually been on the battlefield and killed someone, like a sharp sword stained with blood.

Because of the man's appearance, the whole scene suddenly came to a standstill, making people hold their breath involuntarily.

When I saw him on TV before, I thought he was very powerful. But when I saw him in real life, I felt that he was not like a living person, but like a robot with highly intelligent thinking and extraordinary strength.

When Ye Zhen saw him, she felt that half of her goal was accomplished, as long as the Yan family wanted to get the "Thousand Character Classic".

There was a sudden vibration in the communicator, and Fatty Zhang was suddenly awakened. He looked around awkwardly and found that many people were as shocked as him. But when he saw Ye Zhen, he could clearly see the calmness and naturalness in her eyes. , and even looked at it vaguely.

he:"… "

… He knew that Ye Zhen’s favorite bidder was the Yan family.

Ye Zhen was too ordinary, and she seemed even more ordinary among the many glamorous figures. Yan Li's eyes swept across the crowd. In the small corner, he could only see a rough shadow, and a pair of eyes seemed to be very bright. , he disappeared in the blink of an eye, he looked away, and the irrelevant things were automatically eliminated from his mind.

Fatty Zhang secretly ran outside to answer the call. It was his eldest brother who was calling. He was still thinking about the young general inside and said quickly: "Brother, we will talk about it later. I saw the young general of the Yan family in the museum now!"

Fatty Zhang's eldest brother didn't care about that much. He didn't even hear the little general carefully, but said excitedly: "Blessed, you really met Bao this time! I just received news from Xiao Quan that he is in the general The thirty characters you brought home were found among the cultural relics unearthed from the tomb. I heard they were the first three characters of the "Thousand-Character Classic"! It's true. Although a few characters are blurred and cannot be seen clearly, the others They can all match up, even the gestures are exactly the same!"

Xiao Quan is the son of Fatty Zhang's eldest brother. His nickname is Zhang Quan. Quan means "nothing is lacking".

Fatty Zhang didn’t even know that this was happening. He was in the museum and didn’t notice it? He didn't care about the little general and immediately rushed to look for books, calligraphy and paintings. Not to mention, he actually found it! Carefully comparing the words above with what he remembered, he almost cried. Sure enough, the most valuable treasures are those taken from the scrap heap!