The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 67: Star Century (4)


Having the honor to visit the museum with Yan Li is definitely a blessing. The big shot that they usually only see in the news is now alive in front of them. Speaking of which, it will definitely make the surrounding women envious. cry!

Some people even secretly took out their communicators to secretly photograph Yan Li, but as soon as they took them out, they were stopped by his accompanying escort.

Yan Li is an extremely indifferent man, and he doesn't care much about things that are about love between children. There are not many antiquities about ancient weapons unearthed from the general's tomb. There are a small number of swords, swords, halberds and firearms, because the era is long and long. Buried underground, these things cannot be used at all, and most of the iron tools are rusty and dull. He heard that the institute was replicating these ancient weapons to recreate the glory of the time, but he had not seen the finished product yet.

The Yan family has carefully studied this general's tomb. It is said that this general's tomb should have existed for more than four hundred years and was the founding general of the Xia Kingdom.

The founding general would be as powerful an iron-blooded figure as Yan Cheng, the ancestor of the Yan family, but what he saw here was more of the love between a son and a daughter.

He stood in front of a display case, and the director of the museum introduced him personally: "This is the marriage certificate of the general and his wife. However, no one has been able to accurately translate the meaning of this sentence. It probably means we will be together for a hundred years." It’s a good idea.”

Yan Li didn't care about this at all, but his expression was always cold and indifferent, and outsiders couldn't tell whether he was interested or not interested in this thing.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a white dress and a gauze hat of the same color came out. She clasped her hands in front of her belly, held the hem of her skirt and performed a ladylike ceremony. Her slightly red face was a little nervous and shy: "Yan. General Li, my name is Liu Yunshan, I am a student at Imperial University, I know the meaning of this sentence, and I hope to have the honor to answer it to you."

The curator was stunned and looked at the woman. She was only about twenty years old, tall and well-proportioned, and quite beautiful. However, looking at her clothes, one could guess that she was not from a famous family, but maybe a third-rate family in the empire, a A lady from a small family. He glanced at Yan Li. Yan Li's eyes were calm and did not waver at all. The curator quickly winked at the guards and asked them to "invite" this ungrateful woman away.

Even the people who had been watching Yan Li looked at Liu Yunshan, with surprise, wonder, and vague disdain in their eyes, as if they were mocking her for not knowing the heights of the world.

Liu Yunshan was quite smart and immediately noticed someone approaching. She still looked respectful and polite, and whispered in a soft voice, imitating the rhythm and appearance of Ye Zhen when she pronounced these words: "This sentence means: people with different surnames It is a worthy match for two families to get married, sign a marriage contract together, and form a good relationship. When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, it is the right time to get married. It is expected that the descendants will spread like melons in the future, and the descendants will be prosperous for generations. Write down the promise of growing old together in On paper, a God-given good match is recorded on the Yuanyang Book, just like the poem written by Red Leaf. This is proof."

She is a low-level brain evolver, and her memory ability is not bad. Although she can't understand the sentence Ye Zhen read before, and after a while, the sentence is only a little blurry in her mind. It must be stumbling, but not beautiful, but even though she only listened to this Star Century vernacular sentence once, she had already memorized it completely. Now she imitated Ye Zhen and said it, making her ordinary appearance immediately become very charming. , making people want to look at her unconsciously.

The curator looked at Liu Yunshan in surprise, and the people around her also looked at her in surprise. The guard who wanted to "ask" her to leave stopped, as if he was surprised that she would say such a thing.

Even Yan Li, his cold and calm eyes finally fell on Liu Yunshan, looking at her condescendingly. Liu Yunshan felt her heart pounding, her face became even scarlet, and the excitement and excitement in her eyes almost overflowed. She tried her best to restrain it. He didn't let himself lose his composure.

She saluted: "General Yan Li, please forgive my rashness. You are the idol of the empire and also my idol. I really want to answer your questions, general."

Yan Li's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the display cabinet again, and his voice was cold and smooth: "Since you can tell the meaning of this passage, you should also be able to recognize these words."

Liu Yun was shocked.

The man was used to giving orders, and now he said it with a force that could not be refuted: "Read it once and listen to me."

Liu Yunshan suddenly felt panic in her heart, but she had already come to this point, and there was no room for her to regret and look back. Although she was not the most outstanding brain evolver, she was still smart. She paused, thinking that the person she knew in the ancient text was originally They are all hidden as private property in the family. There are really not many people who can really understand these words, let alone read them in one sentence. Even archaeologists are half-informed. She really said it wrong. I'm afraid no one will be able to raise objections.

She quickly calmed down and tried to recall Ye Zhen's expression and emphasis when she read out these words. She repeated the above words extremely slowly. Because the pronunciation of some words was too difficult, she pronounced them a bit nondescript. Some words she If I forget it, I will blur it out. It is not as elegant and beautiful as Ye Zhen at all.

But even so, it was surprising enough, and the eyes looking at Liu Yunshan were even more intense.

Those who can come to visit the museum are those who have no worries about food, clothing, and a stable life. They have no worries or pressures in their lives. They pursue entertainment and enjoyment in their spare time. They are also used to following the trend, because the upper-level people are obsessed with ancient characters and ancient historical relics. After admiring it, people below followed it one after another, so that the whole society was pursuing the ancient style. But the civilization of ancient China is too mysterious and rare. Even in normal discussions, it is impossible to tell anything, unless it is a very powerful and well-established family, so at this moment Liu Yunshan immediately received extremely warm looks!

Liu Yunshan didn't care about them, she only cared about what General Yan Li thought of her. How lucky and happy it would be if Yan Li treated her differently. She was a low-level brain evolver and still had an advantage among ordinary humans. However, once she entered a higher education institution, where the best talents from all over the empire were gathered, she became the most inconspicuous and least capable person.

At this time, she didn't even think about whether Ye Zhen and the fat man were still there. If they exposed her on the spot, her end would be ugly. Now she could only see Yan Li. Like all young girls, she had also imagined a thrilling love affair with Yan Li. Now, this opportunity was standing in front of her, how could she not cherish it? Even if those bad consequences flashed through her mind, she immediately waved them away. She only wanted the present, not the future.

Yan Li looked at Liu Yunshan and ordered: "Since Miss Liu knows ancient writing, treat her like a guest."

She succeeded!

She jumped for joy, bowed and saluted: "Thank you, General."

Fatty Zhang was so angry when he saw Liu Yunshan's smiling face. He just answered the phone and looked up the "Thousand Character Essay". Why did the woman who looked down on them earlier just memorize what Ye Zhen said? Two words to become a guest of the Yan family? Absolutely abominable!

He is not a man who can tolerate it, not to mention that this time they have become a stepping stone for others. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go up and do something. Even if the other party was General Yan Li, he did not want to suffer this secret loss!

Ye Zhen stopped him with a smile: "No need."

Fatty Zhang's eyes widened in anger: "You don't need any of this? Miss Ye, everything Liu Yunshan has now should be yours! She got the treatment because she borrowed your words! You can't use it, I'm going to expose her now!"

Of course Ye Zhen could see clearly, that Liu Yunshan might be a brain in the process of evolution. After hearing her say it once, she memorized it, and then repeated it in front of Yan Li, she became a rare talent who understands ancient characters and became a The Yan family is here to welcome guests. But she was probably blinded by vanity. Knowledge itself is her own. If she can be deceived for a while, how can she be deceived for the rest of her life

She suddenly looked up at the monitor in the corner and laughed softly: "If Yan Li can't even see through this little trick, then I have to choose a partner again."

Fatty Zhang: "..." Is this little girl now so bold that she dares to test the most outstanding general in the empire

Ye Zhen glanced at the tall figure surrounded by people, then at the woman in white dress standing behind him, her eyes were calm, and she said quietly: "Let's go."

Fatty Zhang: "...Oh."

He found that he was not as calm as a little girl. Thinking about it carefully, Liu Yunshan just cheated the princess of her long dress. Once the long dress was lost, could she still be a princess

Ye Zhen and Fatty Zhang left the museum quickly. Ye Zhen went to the object station first and brought warm clothes and two quilts to Father Ye and Ye Xiao Yezhu. Because the quilts were larger, Fatty Zhang promised to let them Helping her deliver the quilts to her home, Ye Zhen thanked her and said politely that since she had already helped deliver the quilts, she would give her two more bags of rice and noodles, as the food at home was about to run out.

Fatty Zhang could only agree, and by the way told Ye Zhen that the family would help her get a place in the auction as soon as possible, because seeing her value, of course it was impossible not to be interested in her. He also said: "Ye Zhen, actually, I think if If you want to use the auctioned ancient characters as bait in exchange for a forest, it is not cost-effective. If they know the characters, they will translate more ancient characters, and there will only be more ancient tombs excavated in the future. When you If you hand over all the characters to outsiders, they will translate ancient Chinese books themselves, and your business will not be able to continue! It is better to sell books than to sell characters!"

Fatty Zhang’s plan was very good. He wanted Ye Zhen to directly translate “The Thousand Character Classic” into Star Century texts for sale. If one copy was not enough, he would buy a few more. Anyway, many ancient books were unearthed from the general’s tomb. There are not only general tombs, but also many ancient tombs. This means that the technology is in one's own hands, and the initiative is also in one's own hands, and there is no need to worry about being overturned and killed.

Ye Zhen also thought about whether to auction books or words. After thinking for a long time, she decided to auction words. Although books were important, they were not as good as words.

What's more, Chinese characters are broad and profound. Even if you know each one, it will be more difficult to combine them together to form sentences.

What's more, a book is definitely not enough to make a big family with a wireless advantage send troops to work for her.

The importance of writing is not very powerful among ordinary people, but it occupies the most important position among major families and governments. With different identities and powers, the value of seeing the same thing will naturally be different.

At least Ye Zhen never thought about exchanging words with ordinary people, but instead used rice.

Ye Zhen said: "It doesn't matter, just take pictures."

Fatty Zhang couldn't help but think of his eldest brother's words. He coughed and said, "Miss Ye, do you think there is anything our Zhang family can do? My eldest brother means the same as before. You give us the text and we will help you with things."

Ye Zhen thought for a while and said: "Actually, I also need money and resources. Let me think about it when I go back. If I find something suitable, I will find you."

Fatty Zhang immediately said yes with a smile, and walked her to the door before returning to the office. By the way, he called his elder brother and told him what happened in the museum. His elder brother was extremely surprised when he heard this, and said with admiration and emotion: "This Ye Zhen is so It’s amazing, no news has leaked out before, and I don’t know who she learned those things from?”

Fatty Zhang asked tentatively, but Ye Zhen didn't say anything. The way she looked at him with a smile told him why he wanted to tell you? You are just partners. If she doesn’t want to cooperate, just change her to someone smarter. There are many people who want to make a fortune! At first glance, she is not the kind of girl who is easy to deceive. She is very smart and can make full use of her own advantages. She will also give him enough benefits to maintain an extremely delicate balance between them.

They have experienced a lot in their travels, who doesn’t have a few secrets? But it was even more surprising when it came to Ye Zhen.

On the other side, as soon as Yan Li visited the general's tomb, he summoned the accompanying adjutant and said coldly: "Go and confirm the truth of what Liu Yunshan said."

The adjutant went immediately. They had learned through investigation that Liu Yunshan was a brain evolver with an average family background and not very outstanding achievements. However, the most common ability of brain evolvers is that their memory is much better than ordinary people, that is, they can Much smarter, what others take for a half-semester course, they usually only take a few days. Like Liu Yunshan, no matter how stupid she is, her memory is much better than ordinary people.

He transcribed the text on the marriage certificate, and then brought it to Liu Yunshan and asked them one by one. Liu Yunshan felt a little weak when she saw this posture, and forced herself to calm down: "Is this what the general meant?"

The adjutant said: "Miss Liu, please understand that this is a necessary assessment."

Liu Yunshan smiled and said: "Okay, I understand. In fact, I also gave a general meaning of that sentence, because I didn't understand a few words in it. If there are any mistakes, please ask the adjutant to understand."

She is not the smartest in the evolution of her brain. The only thing she is proud of is that she has a head that can memorize things by rote. Even if someone scrambles the words and uses them to identify them, she can still get through with her memory.

What's more, ancient characters are mysterious. When asked, she only needs to repeat the pronunciation. More, she doesn't need to explain at all. Even if Yan Li asks in person, she can also say that it is a family secret, or that it is because she is As a brain evolver, when she saw this line of ancient characters, she suddenly understood.

Liu Yunshan was sure that she could get through. After all, she thought of many countermeasures after she calmed down. The adjutant also maintained a gentle and polite attitude. When he finally left, he asked her to be more understanding and forgive him for his rashness. Liu Yunshan said no, She understood very well that he was working for General Yan Li, and his serious attitude would only make people appreciate him.

But when the adjutant reported to Yan Li, he said: "Liu Yunshan doesn't understand ancient writing, because one of the sentences I copied down was deliberately changed. Not only did she not recognize it, she didn't even notice the slightest difference, but her There are indeed familiar syllables in the pronunciation, so I guess she memorized it after hearing someone talk about it."

Yan Li knocked on the table and ordered in a cold voice: "Take Liu Yunshan into custody and find out the real owner behind Liu Yunshan."


After the adjutant discovered that Liu Yunshan was a fake, he immediately contacted the museum and asked them to send the records and surveillance of Liu Yunshan's entry and exit to the general's mansion. The curator asked nervously what was going on? The adjutant said: "Don't worry, curator. This matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to send what you need."

The curator immediately went to do it. Almost when Yan Li arrived at the General's Mansion, he had already seen half of the surveillance video, and soon discovered that Liu Yunshan had an argument with a fat man, and there was an extremely thin man standing next to them. Girl, it's a pity that she stood between the fat man and Liu Yunshan, her appearance couldn't be clearly seen, and because she was covered in gray, she looked dull, so it was easy for people to ignore her.

As for why Liu Yunshan and the fat man were quarreling? A special lip reading teacher immediately came to interpret it. It was probably Liu Yunshan who was laughing at someone for being so smart and pretending to know those ancient characters. The fat man refused to accept it and immediately started scolding him. After a while, both of them were quiet, seeming to be listening to the gray girl in the middle. Then Liu Yunshan said that none of us knew ancient characters, so of course you can say whatever you want...

After a few more arguments, they broke up, and then Liu Yunshan presented herself.

At that time, the shadow of the girl could still be seen in the footage captured by the monitor. She was standing behind the crowd. The fat man came back and realized something was wrong. He immediately stepped forward to argue, but the girl held him back because he was blocked by the fat man again. Face, I don’t know what she is talking about.

After Yan Li heard the report, he immediately had the video sent to his communicator. Then he watched the end and saw the dusty girl stopping the fat man from exposing Liu Yunshan's actions, and then she suddenly raised her eyes to look at the monitor screen. , which is very different from her thin appearance, is her pair of calm and bright eyes, which are dark and dark. Although it is just a glance, Yan Li even thought that she knew that he was looking at her, that she was facing him through the lens. See!


Yan Li immediately ordered: "Go and check, I want to know who she is."

As a general of the empire, Yan Li found it almost effortless to check who he wanted, and soon, the girl's information was placed in front of his case.

Ye Zhen, fifteen years old, currently lives in District 69. She has one father, one brother and one younger brother. Her mother died of illness two years ago. She is currently in the second grade of junior high school in District 69. It is said that her grades were very poor and she had taken several leaves in a row. She refused to listen to the teacher's advice and was an ordinary person with no future. She also went out of the city with Fatty Zhang from the 69th District Articles Station, and it was almost dark. She returned and could get food from Fatty Zhang’s item station every day. Some people said that her relationship with Fatty Zhang was not clean; she also often gave food to Yuan Kai, the most troublesome second-rate man in Sixty-Nine, as if she was raising him he.

Ye Zhen's father was a very good man. He would save his rations and bring them back to his children every day. Ye Zhen's eldest brother, Ye Xiao, was the one who took his younger brothers and sisters after his mother died. Every day after school, he would go outside the city to find wild vegetables and help people run around. The work helps support the family; Ye Zhen's younger brother is obedient and well-behaved, and often helps his elder brother with things.

It's Ye Zhen. Neighbors say she's degenerate. If she doesn't study hard, she'll take time off due to illness. She's obviously cured a long time ago, but she'll do whatever it takes to get food! She doesn't know if she deserves her dead mother.