The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 72: Star Century (9)


Three days later, Shen Lan came to District 69 again, and she almost didn't recognize the place.

The ground was full of dilapidated houses and buildings, mixed with the unknown smell of burning. The ground was soaked with blood and wet. The skirt she was wearing was too long and she had to carry it with her hands to avoid being stained by the blood on the ground. Occasionally, I walked through a collapsed ruin, and I could see human legs beneath the stones. Although there were soldiers searching for survivors and cleaning up the carcasses of beasts, they could not be completely cleaned up in this short period of time. There were too many casualties. Occasionally, there were still Find a living person who can still breathe under a pile of corpses.

There are also many survivors on the road. Their clothes are stained with blood, their eyes are dull, their faces are full of tears, and they are mumbling something...

She endured the turmoil in her stomach to prevent herself from throwing up.

She thought of her sisters. What happened in District 69 scared them so much that they refused to come out again no matter what. They said it was too scary here. The people here were dirty, smelly, stupid and ignorant. Some are poor and backward, and that beast attack will make them avoid this place from now on, never wanting to set foot here again.

The family originally did not agree with her coming here at this time. Firstly, the place had just experienced a disaster, and the situation was chaotic and accident-prone. Secondly, ordinary people had little ability. After this catastrophe, they could only get through the winter with relief. Although they could Send some supplies, but there are more than two million people suffering this time, and they really don't have that much spare money; thirdly, it is easy to develop various diseases after a disaster, and Shen Lan should not be the one to go at this time.

Shen Lan is the daughter of the Shen family, the apple of the eye, and a rare brain evolver. She should not take risks at this time, for irrelevant and unworthy people and things. After she repeatedly requested and said that nothing would happen to General Yan Li if he came here, the family reluctantly agreed and asked her to go back as soon as possible.

District 69 has changed, but Shen Lan is no different from three days ago. She is as beautiful and elegant as ever, wearing a beautiful long dress. She is still the most dazzling presence in the crowd along the way.

She frowned, her eyes filled with worry and compassion.

"I didn't expect this beast attack to be so powerful. The ferocious beasts and raging fires directly destroyed this place." She was worried. "Major General, have you calculated the number of casualties? This should be the most serious attack in the empire in more than ten years. A beast attacked, and after experiencing such a catastrophe, I don’t know how many families will be destroyed, wives and children scattered, white-haired people giving away black-haired people... "

She looked at the man beside her. He was a cold and tough man wearing a black military uniform. He was tall and handsome. When his dark eyes swept across, they were as cold as frost in the twelfth lunar month, and as sharp as a sharp blade. He was awe-inspiring! A man with such a powerful aura, walking in this dilapidated and desolate District 69, makes him more and more like a man of heaven, no one can match him!

Every step he took seemed to be measured, unhurried and unhurried, with the caution of a soldier.

Yan Li said: "It was the beasts that destroyed this place. The fire was deliberately set to stop the beasts. If it weren't for the fire, the beast attack would have spread to at least the 50th district."

Shen Lan was stunned. She had never heard of this or thought about it. She asked doubtfully: "I haven't heard of this statement before?"

"Yes, neither did I." Yan Li was also a little surprised. He never thought that these ordinary people would burn down their only home to stop this beast attack. In the previous beast attacks, these ordinary people would just panic and run for their lives. , dare not care about anything, just want to save his own life, cowardly and timid, very different from this time, he saw with his own eyes the rare decisiveness and courage in these ordinary people.

He suddenly thought of the girl standing on the wall throwing a torch, and her plain features became brighter in the brilliant firelight.

Shen Lan said: "That's good. Although I lost my home, I saved more lives. If I still have life, I can rebuild my home. When I go back this time, I will ask my family to send more food. I hope I can do my part. A meager strength."

Yan Li hummed lightly.

Shen Lan couldn't help but look at his cold and perfect side face, which was like an ice sculpture. The man seemed to feel something and looked sideways at her. She pursed her lips and smiled, naturally and generously, walking beside him with her skirt held up.

Yan Li retracted his gaze. He glanced in the distance and suddenly saw the thin girl in the crowd. She was still dressed in black. Her porcelain-white face had scars from when she ran away. The soles of her shoes were made of dried blood. Stain, despite experiencing such a catastrophe, her eyes became darker and brighter, as calm as ever, like the rising sun in the morning.

When she looked at him at this moment, she neither hid nor avoided, neither looked at him with joy nor nervously evaded, but simply looked at him from the crowd. He was a general and she was a victim of the disaster.

Shen Lan found that Yan Li had been looking at the ordinary people watching from a distance. She couldn't help but look sideways and found that the people there were old and young, covered with the vicissitudes of life that had experienced disasters. Looking from a distance, He didn't even dare to take a step closer, let alone make a loud noise. Except for the faint crying and wailing, the scene along the way was surprisingly quiet.

This is Yan Li's prestige.

His presence can stabilize the morale of the army!

Shen Lan called softly: "Young General?"

Yan Li still looked ahead.

Shen Lan looked at him and said, "Major General?"

Yan Li didn't look at her and said in a low voice, "Is something wrong?"

Shen Lan said: "It's okay..."

Yan Li said: "Since there is nothing wrong, Miss Shen should go and do your business first."

Shen Lan was stunned and looked at the man's cold side face: "Yes, it's time for me to get busy. There are too many people here who need our help."

Yan Li: "Yeah."

Her entourage said: "Miss, the materials to be distributed in the square have been arranged, and many civilians have already gone over and lined up."

Shen Lan hummed, a little disappointed.

She said goodbye to Yan Li and walked away gracefully.

Yan Li squinted his eyes and looked at the thin girl in the crowd.

Finally walked away.

Ye Zhu was crazy with excitement. The first time he saw Yan Li was when he led his army down from the sky to save them from the fire and water. The second time he saw Yan Li at close range was now. Every move of that man was reflected by countless people. People watch and admire.

He shook Ye Zhen's hand: "Second sister, I will become a man as powerful as the Major General in the future! I can protect you, my elder brother and my father!"

Some people around laughed at him for being stupid. Not everyone can do this as a major general. He is a brain evolver, and he is also a physical evolver. He is talented and has a photographic memory. He has shown talents that others cannot match since he was sensible. Listen to It is said that he personally participated in the design and production of the fighter planes used by the Richemont team he founded. The laser gun on his waist can kill a black-faced spider with one shot. His brain evolution is particularly outstanding in mechanical research, and his body His evolution is even more extraordinary. I heard that he once suffered an assassination. When he was besieged by dozens of people, he not only fought his way out of the siege, but also tore apart the opponent's fighter planes with his own hands! The kind of black-faced spider that can cause countless casualties to ordinary people is not worth mentioning in front of him! Not only is he powerful, he is also extremely fast, and his five senses are extremely sharp. Coupled with his super-fast brain analysis, his powerful explosive power is unmatched!

"Little brother, you are just an ordinary person, how can you be as powerful as the Major General? Don't dream!"

Because of these words, Ye Zhu has been depressed and sad for a long time: "Can't ordinary people become stronger?"

Ye's father couldn't answer him, and Ye Xiao was also troubled by this question. Can't ordinary people become stronger

Ye Zhen patted her little brother's dirty head and said, "You can become stronger."

Ye Zhu immediately became happy: "Really? Second sister, can I become stronger? What should I do to become stronger? Tell me, I can definitely do it."

Even Ye Xiao who was standing aside pricked up his ears and looked at Ye Zhen. He didn't know why, but now he had a blind trust in Ye Zhen. As long as it was her, he could trust her unconditionally, regardless of the reason. Trust her.

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "Next time when a beast attacks, if you can lead your father to bravely escape; if you can escape, you will not rush to choose the route, but can observe the surroundings to see if you can find favorable terrain to increase your survival. If you have a chance; if you can successfully escape with dad, your first step to becoming stronger will be successful."

Ye Zhu's face fell, and he seemed to understand: "Second sister, I want to be as powerful as a young general! I don't want to just run away..."

Ye Zhen gently curled her lips, and the silence sent a chill down Ye Zhu's back. He pinched his little hands, shrank his neck, and hid behind Ye Xiao.

Ye Zhen said: "Xiao Zhu, do you still remember what happened three days ago?"

Ye Zhu immediately nodded and said: "Remember!"

How could you forget? He will never forget it for the rest of his life!

Ye Zhen said: "Okay, go and write down your experience in this matter when the beast attack happened... Forget it, there is no paper and pen now, just think about it, think about what you have done and what you can do at that time , and then come back to me."

Ye Zhu's whole body trembled. Even though he had not encountered any disaster in the past few days, he still had nightmares every night. In the dream, he was caught by a black-faced spider and watched with his eyes open as it tore him into pieces. After eating it, he woke up from a nightmare and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. Now the second sister asked him to write down everything that happened before

Ye Xiao also said: "Second sister, third brother is still young, this matter is too terrible..."

"Who can guarantee that something more terrible won't happen in the future? We are ordinary people living in the most dangerous and poorest District 69. How can we just talk about wanting to become stronger?" Ye Zhen said and looked at it. Ye Zhu said, "It's not someone else, it's you."

Ye Zhu looked at his elder brother and responded obediently: "I understand."

Ye Xiao watched Ye Zhu lie down on the bed and think about something. He looked at Ye Zhen and said, "I went to see our house and it was burned down. The two quilts you bought before were also burned down." The burn is gone.”

He sighed: "The damage this time is too serious, and I don't know how long it will take to recover."

Now everyone in District 15 is hiding in the shelter, with nowhere to go. The winter clothes sent by the government have been distributed, and one person is already the maximum limit. The relief food sent is also decreasing day by day. After all, with so many people, it is extremely dangerous to make ends meet.

Ye Zhen looked at the chaotic and noisy shelter. There was still the smell of blood spreading in the air. The smell was so mixed that it turned into a stench.

This so-called shelter is actually a big hole dug in the ground. The hole is winding and winding. It is now packed with people, and beds are spread on the ground. There are so many people that there is no free space at all. Most of the people who survived at this moment were injured, or had gone back to see their former homes. It seemed that nothing was left, and their faces and eyes were full of confusion and despair.

The bravery in the face of disaster will turn into confusion and confusion when facing the future after the disaster.

In the past few days, she often went outside and saw some people crying holding their dead relatives on the ground; others were rummaging through a pile of ruins and found some food and supplies, and then cried with joy. That was the result of their survival. The property that took several years or even more than ten years to be built was destroyed in a disaster; I also saw people looking around blankly on the streets. The confusion of not seeing the future can make people scared.

A person can have nothing but hope.

But Ye Zhen couldn't see hope in these people's eyes.

Ye Xiao's worries are not unreasonable. When things were good, the empire could not guarantee that they would have food to eat. More than two million people were waiting for a bite to eat. I was afraid that life would be even more difficult.

On the first day after the disaster, each of them could still eat two meals, two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. There were still a few vegetable leaves in the porridge. However, when they went to receive the meal today, the steamed buns were replaced by steamed buns. The vegetable leaves have also disappeared, and there will only be less but not more in the future. Needless to say, this matter is understood by everyone. They are ordinary people and cannot enjoy many rights of the empire.

When Ye Zhu was still lying on the floor thinking about something, Yuan Kai came over with his two younger brothers. After two days of raising him, he regained his previous energy, but his face was less unruly and more solemn and worried. . He and Ye Zhen said: "I went to see our competition venue. It had been flattened and nothing could be seen! Fortunately, I was alert and dug a hole under the granary to store food. There was no loss when the disaster struck. How much, otherwise..."

Of course Ye Zhen understood that if it hadn't been hidden underground, there would probably be nothing left now.

Yuan Kai added: "I heard that the city gate was recruiting workers to repair the city wall. Many people had already gone there. When we heard about it, we were already late when we lined up to sign up. Now they are no longer recruiting people. Ye Zhen, we should do it in the future. What to do? That game will definitely not go on. The temperature has dropped more and more these days, and I'm afraid it will snow soon."

The winter in Star Century is very cold. Once it snows, the snow can be several meters thick. It is difficult to find any weeds, and life will be even more difficult. Not to mention that there are so many wounded people and insufficient medicine, so many people may die.

Ye Zhen has been thinking about what to do and what to do these days.

She walked to the entrance of the cave and saw many people rummaging through the ruins. Yuan Kai and Ye Xiao stood beside her. They were obviously bigger than her and had harder fists than her, but they were inexplicably led by her.

Ye Zhen said: "The game will continue."

Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai were stunned and looked at the thin girl intently. Her eyes were firm and serious, as bright as before: "Not only must we continue, but the scale must be bigger than before."

However, the content of the competition is no longer about physical balance and the like as before, but it has become street cleaning.

This time it was even stricter than before. When registering, not only the name and age were reported, but the strong ones formed a team to move the stones, while the weak women, old people and children followed behind and rummaged through the ruins for anything that could be used. , the unusable ones were piled together and thrown away. The burned-out homes had to be cleared out, and of course the place where they lived now couldn't be done casually. They divided the shelter into several areas, with one place for the seriously injured to rest, and they even sewed a curtain to separate them, so those with minor injuries were next door. , the ground must be swept clean, no blood stains or garbage can be left, and of course people must keep it clean. We are afraid that the plague will break out after the disaster. It will be really miserable then. Fortunately, the empire attaches great importance to the plague, and we have to fight the epidemic from the sky early. Spread the medicine.

Not only that, but everyone's specialties were also written down. Of course, the first thing to do is to find someone who can build a house. They will be able to use it directly after spring tomorrow. Only by clear division of labor can we avoid wasted work.

Although it was just a preliminary plan, Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai immediately started to do it as soon as they heard it. Yuan Kai asked his brothers to go to various shelters immediately to notify people. Those who are willing to come can come, and if they don't want to come, don't force them. Of course, the first ones who came were the brothers who had participated in the competition and had rescued people in disasters and set fires together. They didn't even hear about any rewards. They just heard the word "Miss Ye" and came here.

With the first group of people, things will be much easier to handle after that.

Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai each led hundreds of people to clean up from around the shelter. They dug through the ruins and sometimes found some quilts and food that had not been contaminated by blood and water. Sometimes they found a vague corpse, and the materials were collected together. , the body can only be taken to the cremation site and burned, kowtow, wipe away the tears and continue working.

The more than a thousand people led by Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai are the weird ones in the entire fifteenth district. Even the ignorant people feel strange when they look at them and laugh at them for doing useless work. The empire doesn't care about the slums. They are more than a thousand people. Do you still want to take care of it personally? Why bother and only eat so much every day? Why not save more energy to resist the coming winter! Or go outside the city to grab more wild vegetables. I heard that the eldest lady of the Shen family is kind-hearted and has launched a charity event. I hope that people across the country will donate materials and money for this beast attack. Go to the square and line up early, maybe you can get some. More!

No, they not only had "Miss Ye" behind them to support them, but they also had the courage to run away when they cooperated with each other to escape. Although they were depressed for a few days, "Miss Ye" said that the game was still going on, and they saw hope again. There is hope when people live. If your home is gone, you can still build it. What are you afraid of

They are very good at resisting: "If your home is destroyed and you don't clean it up, who do you expect to clean it up?"

"The entire civilian area is our home. If you eat a few steamed buns every day to save energy, you might as well move two more stones!"

"That's right, you've been waiting for death all day long and why do you still blame us for doing so much?"

"We will definitely queue up, but now you are thinking about it before they even come. As expected, you can only wait to die!"

"Ignore them, it's better to just move two stones than to waste all your words!"

They persisted for five days, and the number of people from 1,000 to 4,000 turned into 4,000. The area around the shelter was almost cleaned up, and all the waste was thrown to the garbage station. The remaining large rocks that could be used were built outside the shelter. There are several short houses, although they have no roofs, they still look like houses.

Gradually, they spread around, and more and more people knew about them. Some of them did not go to the city gate to work, or accidentally saw them on the road, so they naturally joined the team, helping to move rocks, clean up ruins and throw away garbage. Nowadays, everyone is about the same. Some are lucky enough to find some food at home and save it for the winter. Now more than two million people eat from a big pot, and there are meal points set up outside every two shelters. When the time comes, we line up together to receive the meal. When the time is up, we go to eat together, and we can continue working after the meal.

Tens of thousands of people came to Yuan Kai to register, and people in other districts followed suit after hearing about it. Instead of crying while guarding the ruins, they should stand up and turn the ruins into homes again!

Today's climate has suddenly changed. When Ye Zhen went to look outside, she could already see dilapidated but clean streets and houses. In the past, most of the people walking in the streets in a hazy manner were reduced. With things to do, the whole person All changed.

Ye Zhu, who had been thinking about it for several days, finally stood in front of her. He lowered his head and said, "Second sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Ye Zhen said: "What's wrong?"

Ye Zhu thought of his dream to become a powerful person like a major general, but he was an ordinary person with a great dream, but he could not forget his own conditions. His second sister was right. The reason he became stronger now was to survive the beast's mouth, instead of becoming a burden to his family.

He didn't understand why the second sister asked him to think carefully about the beast attack. When he finally thought about it, he finally understood, because when the beast attack happened, he would only hide in his father's arms and tremble. What did he do? I can't do anything except cry, I can only be afraid, I can't even run away.

After thinking about it, he knew that he was wrong. He should not dream of reaching the sky in one step. He clenched his fists and said: "Second sister, don't worry, I will be a drag on you, dad, and eldest brother. I will run faster. I will become stronger and I will protect you!"

Ye Zhen patted his head: "Okay, I'll wait."

Ye Zhu promised again and again, and then followed Ye Xiao out every day. When Ye Xiao moved big stones, he would move small stones. When Ye Xiao swept the floor, he would throw away garbage. In short, he was very motivated.

Because more and more people joined in, in less than ten days, the people led by Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai completely cleared out District 69. The cleared grains were stored together, and the coins that were occasionally found were also put together. ,in case for need. After the 69th District, they started to go to the 68th District. The collected materials were stored separately by district to avoid disputes. After going through this district, almost everyone joined in, and by the first battle in winter Now that the winter snow has fallen, things have gotten much better.

Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai were busy every day, and of course they were full of energy every day. After hearing about it, Ye's father was very supportive and started leaving steamed buns for them to eat at work. No one could stop him.

As time goes by, the food in the food group becomes less and less, the rice porridge becomes thinner and thinner, and the steamed buns become smaller and smaller. It may not be long before this food group ceases to exist. However, there were quite a few people who came to do charity and gave away winter clothes and food. If one person took some of them, they could last for a while.

Their side is getting better and better, but they don't know what kind of shock it has caused to the empire.

Everyone knows that the place where ordinary people live is, to put it mildly, a civilian area. To put it bluntly, it is a refugee camp. The people there are able to make a living. Many disasters have happened before, and District 69 is the first to bear the brunt. , after every disaster, it takes more than half a year to regain some strength. Even if you look back after a long time, you can still see the desolate and messy ruins and the unclaimed corpses. They have no energy or fighting spirit and want to get out. Unable to withstand the powerful nature, they want to stay in the city but do not have perfect bodies and intelligence. They are neither good nor bad, and are a drag on the empire. They can only live day by day in a muddle.

After this beast attack, some people speculate that it will take at least a year or two for these refugee camps to recover. During this time, most of them will definitely be killed or injured, and maybe more. They are poor and have no ability, so they can only wait for relief. This time it really It's miserable.

However, only one month has passed, and photos of the refugee camp have come out again. They are completely different from the time when the disaster occurred!

Even though there were collapsed stones all over the ground, even though there was no complete house, and even though the order was broken, they were still shocked when they saw the cleared road! This is so beyond imagination that everyone who sees it can’t help but be stunned!

Of course Yan Li also heard about it. His adjutant sent him photos of the 15th district that was attacked, and then told him, "It is said that two young people organized people to clean up the 69th district at first. Later they We went to District 68 and District 67 again. The team grew bigger and bigger, and others in other districts also followed suit. Now these two young people are very prestigious in this area. They are almost unanimous and everyone knows them. "

So in just one month, amazing changes have taken place.

Yan Li glanced at the photo and had to say that this change surprised him. He had been there since the disaster. Naturally, he knew better than anyone what the situation was like there. It was not good, it was very bad. Those people could not see it in their eyes. A little angry. But not long after this passed, earth-shaking changes actually occurred.

He finally became interested, "Who are these two people?"

The adjutant said: "One is named Ye Xiao and the other is named Yuan Kai."

Yan Li's eyes deepened and he immediately remembered that Ye Xiao was Ye Zhen's eldest brother and Yuan Kai was Ye Zhen's adopted younger brother.

His bony fingers tapped on the table.

In fact, he was waiting for Ye Zhen to use ancient writing to negotiate with him after the disaster, whether it was to take out the 10,000 square meters of forest as soon as possible, or to ask him to give more food and medicine, or to ask him to provide more food and medicine. Let him take their whole family away from District 69.

Of course, as this month passed, he was busy asking people to get a map of the uninhabited forest, because considering that it would be very dangerous to enter the mountains due to heavy snowfall, the plan could only be shelved until after the new year; He read the "Tao Te Ching" to improve his strength, and the more than one hundred words were indeed different, making his long-stagnant strength take another step forward. He was too busy, and so much time passed that he almost forgot about the quiet, thin girl. When someone mentioned it, the girl's figure suddenly popped into his mind, unexpectedly vivid.

Yan Li: "Ye Zhen didn't look for me?"

The adjutant was puzzled for a moment, as if he didn't understand why Yan Li would ask such a question? He shook his head and said, "No."

Yan Li leaned back on the chair. He didn't expect the girl to be so calm. After experiencing such a disaster, she could still live stably in District 69.

His dark eyes fell on the two photos, and his intuition told him that Ye Zhen must be behind this incident.

As the first snowflakes fall in winter, there are fewer and fewer people on the streets.

Fatty Zhang came over to see her that day and whispered: "I have prepared enough for everything you want. If you need it, let me know in advance. It's snowing heavily this winter, so it will take me some time to deliver it."

Ye Zhen thanked you: "Sorry to trouble you, sir."

Fatty Zhang waved his hand: "What's the trouble? Trouble, I made a lot of money by selling the cross-stitch you gave me. My eldest brother has a very active mind and even made an upgraded version of embroidery. The sales were good and he made a lot of money. But you , really don’t think about moving?”

He looked at this simple cave. Not to mention the crowds and noise, there was not even a table, and there was no hope of having enough food. He heard that the relief food provided by the empire had almost been used up. Regarding the support here, It's almost done. Once the food groups outside are moved, it will be difficult to get a hot meal! But he also knew that the winter in the civilian areas was very difficult, but Ye Zhen was fully capable of having a good time, but she would not live a good life!

Fatty Zhang really admired Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen said: "It doesn't matter, it's nice here."

Fatty Zhang shook his head and had no choice but to say nothing, and then asked Ye Zhen: "I've read the news. It said that Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai organized people to clean up this area. It's really amazing! How did they do it? When I came here just now, I thought I was in the wrong place!"

I have seen tragedies in the world. Although the tragedies are still there, I can still see the hope for life and the courage for the future from above. This is why the comparison before and after is so surprising and shocking. That kind of emotion can Let people be inspired from the soul!

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "We live here, of course we must build it well."

Fatty Zhang doesn’t even admire his elder brother, but now he admires Ye Zhen, who looks thin but is more powerful than anyone else!

Look, after experiencing life and death, you still dare to stay here! What's more, he also heard about Ye Zhen's plan to burn the black-faced spider to death, so he looked at her differently because of her courage.

Ye Zhen suddenly said: "Sir, can I ask you a favor?"

Fatty Zhang immediately patted his chest and said, "Just ask me if you want me to help you. I, Fatty Zhang, will definitely help you if I can!"

Ye Zhen said: "You have also seen that my eldest brother and Yuan Kai are running outside every day. We want to protect our home from being invaded, but our power is limited. All we can do is run away without resistance. But even so, I hope my eldest brother can live longer and run faster."

Fatty Zhang hesitated: "Do you want to find a martial arts teacher for your elder brother?"

Ye Zhen nodded and said: "Well, I hope that my eldest brother and the others will be able to protect themselves when facing danger. Even if it is just one thousandth of a chance, they will not give up."

Fatty Zhang was very hesitant. It wasn’t that he couldn’t find a martial arts teacher, but that Ye Xiao was an ordinary person. When facing real danger, he had no power to fight back!

Ye Zhen added: "We can survive the beast attack this time, so naturally we want to live longer. If we don't struggle and give up, we will die unjustly."

Fatty Zhang said: "Well, I happen to have a brother, and he has nothing to do this winter. I will go back and talk to him and ask him to come over and teach your big brother."

Ye Zhen said gratefully: "Sorry, sir."

Fatty Zhang waved his hand and didn't care.

Ye Zhen thought that there were too few things that could be done in winter. Once it snowed heavily, she would have to stay here and it would still be cold. She might as well learn something. Not only would warming her body improve her own abilities, there would be no harm in doing anything. .

On the other side, Yan Li had arrived in District 69. He saw a completely different scene from a month ago. Although it was still dilapidated, it was not as desolate as before. He could also see more people, and their faces were better than before. Many of them walked in a hurry, saying they were going to work somewhere. The despair and confusion in their eyes were no longer replaced by perseverance.

Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai were invited suddenly. The man was wearing a black military uniform, which symbolized the identity of their master - Yan Li.

They were shocked and confused, wondering why the most outstanding major general in the empire met with these two incompetent civilians? In addition to shock, there was also surprise.

Yuan Kai didn't have much brains and didn't think much or deeply. He just felt that the young general must have come to them because what they did was so good that they looked extraordinary. However, Ye Xiao was sensitive to the fact that Yan Li came to them. , not only because of what they have done recently, but also maybe because of his second sister.

The man stood upright, his dark eyes sweeping over Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai. Ye Xiao and Yuan Kai felt a chill on their backs, and the feeling of being suppressed by the powerful momentum made them feel uncomfortable.

The two said in unison: "Major General."

With just one glance, Yan Li knew that they alone would not be able to do such a thing.

He became more and more curious about Ye Zhen, that thin girl who seemed to contain countless secrets in her body, secrets that even he could not see through.