The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 77: Star Century (14)


The auction was extremely fierce, and the number doubled several times. Three wooden plaques were bought by the three famous families of Li, Wang, and Shen. Yan Li sat steadily and gave up the final bidding right after raising the plaques several times. Everyone saw what he did, and they all cursed in their hearts: What a scheming person!

They are not really stupid, of course they can see that this move is Yan Li's way of showing favor to Miss Na Ye. This move not only raised the price, but also gave her three more protectors, which also showed that he would stand on her side. He is also really generous, and he gave up this kind of opportunity just as he said.

Faced with this situation, many people have concerns in their minds.

But compared to these formulaic calculations, Shen Lan's face was very pale.

All she knew was that the young general, who had always been fond of sex and not close to women, was actually showing his affection to a woman? Not only did he invite her into a private room to sit with her, but he also publicly supported her on such an occasion!

Shen Lan is very aware of the importance that various aristocratic families place on ancient writings, but at the same time, she also knows better what kind of person the man she secretly loves is. Yan Li cares about ancient writings, but he is not a person who will wrong himself for some kind of benefit. A man who deals with other people. According to her knowledge, the most normal thing for Yan Li to do is to take down all three wooden cards, leaving no chance for his opponent! But he didn't, not only didn't he, but he also helped to give it up after raising the price

This abnormality was unsettling and made her panic even more, as if she was losing something, which frightened her.

After the auction, the Li family sent the wooden sign they had bought and told them that all they had to do was take the wooden sign and copy the ancient text he needed to ask about and give it to their auction house. , and then handed over to Miss Ye by the auction house, who will give the answer, and finally give the answer with both hands. It also reassures them that Li's Auction House will never harm the interests of any customer without permission.

Shen Qing touched the wooden sign. The word "Ye Family" was very conspicuous because even if it was new, it still looked antique. He held it in his hand and looked at it. He said, "Miss Ye, won't you come forward in person?"

Li's man smiled and said, "Miss Ye said it's all trivial. There's no need for her to come forward in person. You just need to write down what you want to know in the notebook, and she will answer it one by one. This saves time and effort. It also saves a lot of trouble.”

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows, and Shen Lan was frightened by the confidence and power in these words!

Li's people still had something to do, so they didn't stay long and left after explaining carefully.

Shen Lan couldn't bear it anymore. She controlled her emotions that were about to lose her temper and said, "Brother, since the auction is over, shall we go say hello to the Major General?"

Chen Qing stood up. He also had this intention and wanted to meet Ye Zhen.

The brother and sister walked together to the private room No. 5 where Yan Li was. However, they found that there were many people coming with them. Regardless of whether they took pictures of the wooden sign or not, many people from aristocratic families came over, and the ones who came were all young. The first generation, the leader of the family, just wanted to meet Miss Ye - since she is willing to auction the text, it means that she is not a person who hides her personal secrets, but a person who can be impressed with money. They are also afraid that you are high-spirited and honest but don't have anything. Impressed, since they love money, it will be much easier to handle. They have plenty of money!

Who wouldn’t want to get along with someone who knows a lot about ancient texts? Who wouldn’t want to win over her? nobody! Even if you have some worries in your heart, you still have to smile and be happy on the face!

Unfortunately, many of them were blocked at the door of the room by Yan Li's guards: "I'm sorry, Miss Ye is not seeing guests."

With so many people here, who wouldn’t be complimented when outside? Now I went to the door in person to ask for a meeting, but I was still rejected

I am a member of the Wang family, and my sister is the First Lady. I even took a photo of the wooden sign, but it is also missing

No, no, no.

If you want the right to use the wooden sign, please come directly with the question. Ms. Ye is only responsible for translating an ancient text, and you can do anything else. Besides, she didn't say that she must see you if she takes the wooden sign! So everyone, let’s go, let’s go!

She is really tough and treats everyone equally!

Don't tell me, this face really hurts. It was slapped loudly when it was delivered to the door.

Someone asked again, why didn’t you see me? They didn't mean any harm, they just admired her talent, so what if they met her in person

The commotion outside the door was too fierce. This time Yan Li's accompanying adjutant came out to speak: "To be honest, it was because someone admired Miss Ye's talent too much and wanted to use despicable means to get her. Miss Ye was greatly frightened by this." , it’s not that she doesn’t want to see you, but she’s afraid.”

… Damn it, who is so hateful that he dares to strike first! Even if you strike first, why the hell have you succeeded yet? What a shame!

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, trying to figure out who did this? Of course, the people present were all human beings, so looking at it like this, I really couldn’t tell who did it.

The adjutant said: "Because of this incident, Miss Ye was mentally stimulated, so for the sake of Miss Ye's health, I can only apologize to you all."

Shen Qing's hand holding the wooden sign tightened slightly, something strange flashed through his heart, and he frowned unconsciously.

Shen Lan tugged on Shen Qing's sleeves, but Shen Qing didn't respond. She endured it. Then she saw that the people gathered here were all the proud ones. They usually talked happily with her, and they also marveled at her. However, at this moment, no one noticed her. Miss Ye had already stolen everyone's attention before she appeared! — Even her eldest brother is like this.

Such a gap made Shen Lan very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Wang Lin, a disciple of the Wang family, said: "How is Miss Ye's health now? I know the best psychiatrist in the country, and I can invite her to diagnose and treat Miss Ye."

Others also agreed, something can happen anywhere, but not mentally! What should I do if I am mentally confused and forget ancient writings? He also asked if he had found out who the murderer was? If caught, you will be severely punished!

The adjutant quickly thanked him and declined, saying that he had already invited a doctor to look at him. As for who the murderer was, he shook his head helplessly and did not say clearly. He just said: "Miss Ye said that she refused to cooperate with such a terrible person."

… Huh? Refuse to cooperate? That would be great! This will help them suppress the next powerful family in the future without any effort!

Wang Lin and others all agreed: "This is indeed the case. We must not tolerate some people with malicious intentions!"

Shen Qing finally understood where the strangeness he noticed before came from. It turned out to be here! As expected, he personally walked to the door and was slapped hard!

That Ye Zhen could say those words before and take down his people with premeditation shows that she is definitely not a soft-hearted person. On the contrary, she is deep-minded, decisive and direct! How could such a person teach him ancient writings as if nothing had happened, regardless of previous suspicions? Now he actually incited these people to deal with him with just a few words!

Shen Qing knew that these aristocratic families were at odds with each other and had many dirty tricks in private. Once they were caught, they would definitely be cannibalized and devoured.

This Ye Zhen, good, good! Sure enough, it was a calculated step by step!

Ye Zhen couldn't deal with the Shen family on her own, so she had to be tactful and use other methods.

She sat quietly, hearing the conversation outside the room, and glanced sideways at the man in black next to her. He sat upright, his crisp uniform outlined him meticulously, and his broad and well-joined hands held a celadon tea cup. He took a sip slowly, and there was an indescribable sense of dignity in his cold temperament.

Of course, what surprised her was that he was actually willing to accompany her in this scene, and he did it so well, provoking an invisible dispute with just a few words.

Ye Zhen said: "Major General, in return for helping me, if you need anything, please just ask."

Yan Li glanced at her and said calmly: "Just think you owe me once."

Ye Zhen was surprised and raised her eyebrows.

He suddenly raised the corners of his lips, implying a deep meaning: "Ye Zhen, I never do business at a loss, so you must be mentally prepared."

Ye Zhen said: "Apart from knowing a few more words, I really don't have anything else. If the young general opens his mouth, I have the right to refuse."

Yan Li smiled again: "Don't worry, it won't be difficult for you."

For some reason, Ye Zhen suddenly felt a chill on her back, as if there was something hanging above her head, capable of pressing down and swallowing her up at any time, "We'll talk about it then."

Yan Li stood up without comment and said, "Now that everything is almost settled, we should leave."

Ye Zhen went out with Yan Li, and almost all the people waiting outside had dispersed. After all, they were also people who wanted to save face. They made it so clear that they couldn't do anything like standing guard at the door. Of course, they didn't forget to send someone. The person is guarding there and cannot be seen in person, and cannot even inquire about information

So as soon as Ye Zhen and Yan Li came out, everyone in the family heard the news. Of course, Shen Qing also heard about it. He wanted to meet Ye Zhen before, but now he hesitated. At this time, he was not sure whether the girl had a future. Besides, there was Yan Li beside her. Would Yan Li be kind enough not to tell her that it was actually the Shen family who had touched her? He couldn't appear in front of her rashly.

While he was hesitating, Shen Lan had already walked out first. She met Yan Li and Ye Zhen in the corridor. She looked at the two people walking side by side. The man had a slender figure and a cold face, but he just faced them. When you come, you will bring a powerful aura that is irresistible! The thin girl next to him was wearing the same black clothes as him, a simple top and trousers, her black hair was tied up, and she had no makeup on, she was clean and natural, and her beautiful black eyes were extremely bright, just like the gray ones in the photo. She looks different, she becomes more alive and different, at least no one will look down upon her just because she is wearing cheap clothes...

But when they first met, Shen Lan had many thoughts in her mind. However, these were not what surprised her the most. What surprised her was that the girl looked extremely natural and calm when she walked beside Yan Li. There was no trace of emotion in her eyes. There was no hesitation or flickering, no shyness or nervousness, and of course no fear or timidity... Even she couldn't help being nervous and cautious when facing Yan Li, let alone others.

It was this naturalness that made her cheeks turn white.

Yan Li and Ye Zhen had already approached. Shen Lan clenched her fists, took two steps forward, and said in a gentle and polite manner: "Young General, long time no see." She looked at Ye Zhen again and said with a smile: "You are just the rumor. Miss Ye, right?"

Yan Li frowned. Ye Zhen smiled slightly, hummed, and said, "Hello, Miss Shen."

Shen Lan was stunned: "Do you know me?"

Ye Zhen said: "We know you. I live in District 69. Miss Shen often comes to deliver supplies. I have met you several times."

Shen Lan really didn't expect that Ye Zhen would say that, and she would not shy away from saying that she lived in District 69? That is the dirtiest, messiest and lowest-level area in the empire! She knew that many people who had lived in the civilian areas would deliberately hide it from others after entering the 50th arrondissement, for fear of being laughed at and looked down upon, but now she actually admitted it? Shen Lan was surprised and surprised, and hesitated: "I didn't do anything, I just couldn't see anyone suffering..."

Ye Zhen said: "I still have to thank Miss Shen. You have helped a lot of people. After the previous beast attack, I heard that you organized a charity event and donated a lot of winter clothes, which made our winter much better."

Shen Lan forced a smile. She looked at Yan Li and found that there was no emotion in the man's eyes. He was calm and indifferent, as if Ye Zhen was talking about something ordinary.

"Miss Ye is so powerful. I heard that you know a lot of ancient Chinese characters, and you also know the "Thousand-Character Classic". I am nothing compared to you..." she said, "I have never heard of anyone being so powerful like you before. You are Who did you learn it from? Then wouldn't your teacher be more powerful?"

Ye Zhen said: "Sorry, this is my secret."

Shen Lan smiled sheepishly and saw that Ye Zhen's face was not panicked at all. She was as calm as before and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry, I was just too curious."

Ye Zhen shook her head and said it was okay.

Yan Li frowned and coughed, then glanced at Shen Lan: "If Miss Shen has nothing else to do, Ye Zhen and I will take the first step."

Shen Lan: "...ah, okay, okay."

She watched Yan Li and Ye Zhen leave together. The tall and short figures were obviously very different, but she actually saw that the man who had never understood amorous feelings deliberately slowed down and walked with Ye Zhen.

As she looked at it, she felt a pain in her heart.

Shen Qing suddenly walked up to her, patted her shoulder and said, "What's wrong? You saw the Major General getting too close to other girls and you felt unhappy?"

Shen Lan shook his head and said, "No."

Shen Qing laughed, remembering that the girl was only sixteen years old this year, and Yan Li was already twenty-nine and thirty, so he still wanted to be an old cow chewing on young grass? He didn't have any shame in speaking!

"Don't think too much, it's impossible for the two of them."

Shen Lan was delighted: "Really? Why is it impossible?"

Shen Qing thought for a while and said, "These two people are incompatible in every aspect."

Why not match? Shen Lan thought about it carefully and found that it really didn't match.

Yan Li was a major general and was born into a wealthy family, while Ye Zhen was an ordinary person from District 69. Even if they knew ancient writing, the gap in status between the two would be insurmountable.

Only the prince who marries Cinderella in the fairy tale will live happily.

The auction was very successful. Ye Zhen got three large sums of money. Over the past few days, people from the Li family sent notes to her for translation.

She discovered that the sentence Li sent her was a sentence from "Tui Bei Tu". She had read it before, but she had just glanced at it. She couldn't remember the whole text, but she had a vague impression; and the Wang family The book sent was a sentence from "The Analects of Confucius".

The words in these books are indeed closely related to their evolution, otherwise they would not be hidden so deeply. If it were just the function of words, it would not be hidden like this, and it would definitely be widely publicized. Moreover, because it contains many unknown powers, words become a key to unlocking some mysterious power, and this key naturally becomes precious and important.

Maybe because she is not an evolved person, she cannot feel any power from these words.

She translated these ancient characters, explained them in Star Century characters, and then handed them over to Li.

The people from the Li family also said: "The Shen family has not used wooden signs yet. We contacted them and they said they will come when the time comes."

The Shen family is quite smart and knows not to get into trouble so early.

As for the new round of auction ten days later, there is no need for Ye Zhen to sell it in person. She has given full authority to Li. She only needs to transfer the money to her card and send the ancient texts that she needs to translate. This way the division of labor is clear. There was no need for her to come forward at all. And since the news of such an auction spread, not only the empire was in a sensation, but other countries were also rushing into Star City. In order to get an entry invitation letter from Li's Auction House, they wanted to buy a wooden sign. In addition to wanting the wooden sign, of course she also wanted people. Ye Zhen had no choice but to be investigated again. However, at this time, there were already many people protecting her, both covertly and covertly. She was really surrounded by people. If she wanted to succeed, unless Ye Zhen did it herself, Otherwise it's really impossible.

The adjutant reported Ye Zhen's situation to Yan Li one by one, and then said with emotion: "Miss Ye is really powerful. Now I'm afraid even we can't take her away easily."

But this is also a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you will push yourself into a pit of fire.

Even though she knew it was dangerous, she still did it, placing herself in the most conspicuous position, with a knife on her head, which was thrilling but ordinary.

Yan Li pressed the position of his heart. The excitement and joy there could not be contained at all. Now, whenever he mentioned that name, his body would have a passionate desire to get close to her and explore her. Only she, is The only woman who can stand beside him.

He unbuttoned his collar and said coldly: "How is the development going on over there in the no-man's land?"

The progress there was going quite smoothly, but the speed was relatively slow. There were too many dangerous animals and plants in the forest, and they did not dare to venture into it. According to this progress, they would have to wait until at least the end of the year to complete the task, and they had to speed up their actions before winter came.

However, compared to the progress in the no-man's land, the adjutant is more concerned about another thing: in just a few months, "Yejia Town" has really turned into a complete city in the mountains!

He originally thought that they were just having a fight. After all, Miss Ye was kind and donated many trees for free. Her only request was for a few stone houses. This was not a strange request in the first place, but she was extremely sympathetic to these people who had no money and no ability. They are civilians, but I don’t know why, after these stone houses are built, they look more and more strange. And that wall is built taller and thicker than the walls of their Star City!

He also sent someone over to take a look and found out how hard those civilians worked. He also said that since Miss Ye liked them, of course they should do their best! As for the wall being built so high and thick, isn't it because Miss Ye likes stone houses? How dangerous this mountain is. Tall and ferocious animals are everywhere. If it is destroyed, then Miss Ye will be happy for nothing. Wouldn't that be too bad? Miss Ye has helped them so much, how could they let her down

To be honest, there are still too few houses, the walls are not high enough, and the foundations are not deep enough and stable enough. They still need to be repaired!

And in order to prevent big beasts like the black-faced spider, they are also planning to dig a river outside the wall and divert the river that can lead to the mountain stream to form a half encirclement, which is a little more security!

... Still repairing it

"Of course, if something happens to Miss Ye in the stone house we built, wouldn't we be the eternal sinners?"

"That's it! No, no, no, dig a little wider. Thinking about all the wild beasts in our Star City breaking in, such a small distance is definitely not enough!"

"Yes, Miss Ye is considerate of us and specially sent us rice and noodles. How can we not do our best?"

"We are not villains who don't repay kindness!"


The person who went to inquire was quite shocked. He deeply felt Miss Ye's status among the common people. No one could surpass her. Her status had probably surpassed that of the Prime Minister of their empire!

The adjutant showed the photos he took to Yan Li, "Major General, look at these houses. Not only are they built neatly and orderly, but even the walls are built in strict accordance with the city's specifications. There is also the big ditch outside. The common people are so outrageous that they actually want to divert the river water!"

There are more than two million people in civilian areas. Hundreds of thousands were killed and injured in that beast attack, and countless people are missing, but there are still two million people. Especially in the 15th district, which had been the most severely affected, almost every family had someone go to the mountains to dig a moat for Ms. Ye. They went happily and were full of energy every day without any force! Because of the long journey, the repaired stone houses became the best place to stay. Since the walls were built and many dangers were eliminated, more people stayed. Some people simply dragged their families over. When working in the mountains, women cook at home, and also go to the mountains to pick some wild vegetables and fruits. If they are lucky, they stew a large pot of meat and bones, which is so fragrant and strong that they can be smelled from a distance!

Preliminary statistics show that there are at least millions of people who have dug the soil for Ye Zhen. With one person and one hoe, the moat can be dug out, which fully demonstrates that there is power in numbers!

Yan Li looked at the photo and thought of Ye Zhen again.

He rubbed his forehead, never expecting that he would fall in love with such an ambitious girl.

While the moat was being dug in full swing, Ye Zhen also went to take a look. Because Ye Zhen town is located in a deep mountain, there will inevitably be ups and downs in the terrain. She went to look at the river that would lead to it and said: "You can dig a few small ditches next to the stone house to bring in the water. It will be more convenient to use water in the future."

When Yuan Kai heard this, he thought it was feasible. Ye Xiao took out a pen and drew, and said, "Let's give it a try."

Ye Zhen hummed and said, "Have you found a suitable place for shelter?"

Ye Xiao shook his head and said: "These underground areas are full of tree roots, and the roots are intertwined. It's not as simple as digging a river."

Ye Zhen made a sound and said doubtfully: "Why is it underground? You go look for it on the side of the mountain. Why don't you just dig a hole in the mountain? Just be careful not to collapse."

Ye Xiao: "..."

Probably because their shelters are all underground, so of course he wanted to dig a cave underground. In this way, even if there was an accident, it would be the safest to hide underground. But they forgot that they were not in Star City now, but in... In the deep mountains with large resources, they don't need to dig holes underground. Digging holes in the mountains is the safest and most effective way! It just so happened that there was a big mountain over there where they took the rocks, which was perfect for a shelter!

In this way, most of the problems are solved.

When Ye Zhen went back, she asked Ye Xiao to carve thirty-two circles of the same size out of wood for her. Ye Xiao almost didn't ask her what she was doing with that thing, and he agreed and gave her the logs the next day. I got it, so Ye Zhen took a knife. What she did at home every day was to carve chess pieces. Chess is also a kind of Chinese civilization, and it has a longer history. Although not many people know about it in Star Century, it is popular. If you go out, it should be fine, right

Ye Zhen was not sure. After she finished carving it, she wrote down the rules. However, this could not be carried out by leaving it to Fatty Zhang. At most, he could make some chessboard pieces for sale later.

The first person to play chess with her was Yan Li.

Yan Li is smart and has a photographic memory. As an excellent soldier, he commands an army of millions, and his commanding ability is unparalleled!

Playing chess with Yan Li, she lost the first game, tied with her in the second game, and tied again in the third game. In the fourth game, Ye Zhen found it extremely difficult to deal with it. The brain evolver has simulated tens of thousands of possibilities and outcomes based on her chess skills in order to maximize her own interests.



Ye Zhen's head hurt, so she went to find Fatty Zhang after pushing the chess game and handed him the chess model. With Yan Li, I believe that it won't be long before a chess trend becomes popular. Of course, she has more important times, which is to use The money she earned from the auction was used to buy a batch of scientific research equipment.

Fatty Zhang was stunned: "What do you want those for? Although they are available for sale, they are extremely expensive. Although you made a lot of money at the auction, it is difficult to buy them all."

Ye Zhen said: "I am useful, you can book it for me first. As for the money, don't worry, I will get it."

Fatty Zhang was not worried that Ye Zhen would not get the money. He was concerned about why Ye Zhen suddenly wanted such a large amount of experimental equipment? There are also those technological products, computers, communicators, and she even asked for a flying car. Why did she want a flying car? She said she wanted to see it and was curious. Of course, it would be better if she could get weapons. Although private armies are allowed to exist in this world, weapons are strictly controlled. Private armies also need to be recognized by the government before they have the right to equip themselves with weapons.

Fatty Zhang: "..."

Why does he feel like he can't understand Ye Zhen more and more

Is it just out of curiosity or something else...

He suddenly became nervous!

Ye Zhen looked at Fatty Zhang's suddenly solemn expression and smiled and said, "Sir, don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm really curious too."

Fatty Zhang's voice became hoarse: "... If I find these things for you, what can you really research?"

Ye Zhen thought for a while and said: "I don't know, I have to give it a try."

She was an excellent scientist in the past world, but here, in addition to knowing ancient characters and some antiques, she does not know the real technology here. Her current plan is to first recruit a group of outstanding scholars to study together, It's definitely not enough for her alone.

Of course, just in case, she hopes to use current technology to do what she has done before. In this world, tanks should be more suitable. They can not only deal with people, but also beasts. They are also hard and thick enough. , put a few on the wall, it looks safe. As for the gun, she remembered the structure of the one Shen Yu carried with him. He had taught her how to shoot a gun. After drawing the blueprint, it shouldn't be a problem to figure it out...

Ye Zhen thought about it a lot, but she was definitely going to do it anyway. If Fatty Zhang didn't help her, she would have to cooperate with the Li family. Their "Back Pushing Picture" should really need her.

Fatty Zhang said that he would discuss it with his eldest brother. After all, he belonged to the Zhang family and such important matters could not be decided based on his own preferences. When he went back and told his elder brother, his elder brother was also shocked, "What is Ye Zhen going to do?"

Fatty Zhang shook his head and said: "I heard that the forest that the Major General cleared for her has now been built into a Yejia town. The walls are taller and thicker than those in our Star City. A river has also been dug outside the wall. Not only In this way, they also dug a shelter along the mountain wall. It looked like... they were leaving Star City to live there. She asked me for those things again today, and I felt that she had an unusual idea. She probably wanted to... "

He paused without saying anything, "Brother, should we help her?"

Brother Zhang thought about it all night, and finally decided: "Help, it's just to buy some scientific research equipment, and we don't have to pay for it, so it's okay."

Fatty Zhang immediately understood what his elder brother meant: pretend to be stupid. They are businessmen, and businessmen are only interested in profit! Moreover, it is not illegal to buy and sell scientific research equipment. Now many brain evolvers have a research laboratory in their home. Now it is just for ordinary people to use, and no one says no!

Fatty Zhang immediately started to get it done. However, scientific research equipment is not only expensive and expensive, but also not easy to buy and sell. Some are easy to buy, and some need time to be customized. This process naturally consumes a lot of time, and He searched for resources in this way so as to attract the attention of some people.

Ye Zhen was picked up by Yan Li's accompanying adjutant.

The black speed car sped through the endless forest until it landed on a high platform in the mountain somewhere. She got out of the car and saw the man's tall back. He stood with his hands behind his back, cold and indifferent.

Ye Zhen stepped forward, and the rustling autumn wind made her hair fly.

She stood for a while and smiled: "It's so beautiful here."

Yan Li raised his hand and pointed with his slender index finger somewhere down the mountain, "That's the most spectacular place."

Ye Zhen looked around and saw a row of stone houses arranged in the shape of a "field". The stone houses were protected by tall walls. Outside the wall was a wide river. I heard that the hanging door carved out of the wall was extremely spectacular. I don’t know who designed it, but every morning and evening, one liter was released to protect it into a paradise. Now it stands out in this lush green forest.

"Actually, I haven't been there for a long time. Major General, would you like to go with me?"

Yan Li glanced at her and said, "I heard that you also bought a lot of scientific research equipment?"

Ye Zhen agreed and said: "When the shelter is repaired, I will move the equipment there. It is spacious enough and safe enough."

"Then what?"

"What are you worried about, General?" Ye Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, and said helplessly, "Young General, don't forget, I am an ordinary person, I just don't want to be like ordinary people, that's why I want to try. Why can’t we ordinary people do what you evolved people can’t do? Maybe I’ll give up after I fail a few more times.”

Yan Li didn't believe Ye Zhen would give up, he didn't believe Ye Zhen's sweet words at all!

What's more, who in the entire imperial capital doesn't know that there is Yejia Town deep in the huge forest

Legend has it that there are clean and solid stone houses, clean water flowing through every household, and high and thick city walls! There, ordinary people can go into the mountains, pick fruits, have wild vegetables all over the ground, hunt in the mountains, and have clean rice...

It’s a paradise for ordinary people!

The news spread more and more widely, and even the Prime Minister heard about it and personally came to investigate.

Fortunately, Ye Zhen is very thoughtful and good at strategies. No matter how outsiders check, this Yejia Town is a gift given to Miss Ye by civilians because she is generous, because she is kind, and because she has saved two million of their civilians! They built this stone town with just a little effort. They just wanted to get better the more they built it, so they ended up in this situation today. Besides, the Ye family can't live in the town. They are just taking a temporary rest. They will be here in the future. It's for Miss Ye. Is there any problem? Doesn’t the forest belong to Miss Ye? Should we take care of this too

No problem, of course no problem.

However, the photos here were sent back to the imperial capital and attracted widespread attention.

Yan Li looked at the girl beside him, and some uncontrollable emotions almost swallowed him up.