The Transmigrating Beauty is Poisonous

Chapter 99: Missy (19)


Since Liu Ting was sent to the police station, even though she was only detained for a period of time and did not suffer any serious crimes, Liu Ting's self-esteem and pride have been completely trampled on. She even felt that everyone who looked at her had sarcasm in their eyes. and ridicule.

They laughed at her, laughing at her for drugging a man in order to climb into his bed. Unfortunately, she took off her clothes and stood in front of him but failed to seduce him. In the end, she was kicked out of the room and handed over to him. He was investigated and taken into custody by the police, leaving behind a criminal record and a lifetime of shame.

They laughed at her for being such a considerate woman, but she couldn't arouse the interest of men.

Even when she returned to school, the rumors about her in the school became more and more intense and terrifying. They also rumored that she was playing with several men. Some male classmates looked at her with a look of extreme concern and scrutiny. , they looked at her breasts and legs, and occasionally said some obscene words to provoke her...

Under such circumstances, even if Liu Ting told herself not to care about them, she still couldn't truly turn a blind eye.

She could only take a few days off to go home and recuperate. Mother Liu was also disgraced because of her affair. She used to dote on her, but now she dislikes her. She always shakes her head and sighs when she looks at her. Liu Xuan, who protected her the most, stopped speaking for her. They were too disappointed in her. If they decided to do it, why should they fail? Otherwise, he wouldn't be scolded and ridiculed like he is now, with no face at all.

Liu Ting also thought about contacting the person who gave her the medicine. Although she failed now, she was still a grasshopper on a rope. The other party couldn't turn a blind eye if something happened to her. It's a pity that the tall man who came to see her at the beginning didn't leave any extra contact information. He just gave her medicine and told her to go directly to work on the ship. Everything else had been arranged for her. Even if she wanted to look for it, where would she find it in the vast sea? What's more, since her failure, the other party has never appeared again.

Liu Ting was sad and even more painful. She lived in regret and resentment all day long. Even in her dreams, she could still dream of the disgust and disgust in the eyes of the gentle young man when he pushed her away. But when he faced Ye Zhen, he was Such joyful and affectionate gaze can make people bewitched...

Naturally, she was filled with hatred, and Ye Zhen became her most direct target of revenge.

She hates Ye Zhen, hates Ye Zhen, it was Ye Zhen who brought her to this point.

It would be fine if there was no Ye Zhen. As long as Ye Zhen disappears, then all her unhappiness will also disappear.

Yes, she wants Ye Zhen to disappear.

Ye Zhen is so bad, but just because she has a good family background, everyone supports her and flatters her. Even if she does something wrong, no one will blame her, there will be people to clean up her mess, and she can also be liked by the little prince. She is Jingui's little princess, and she is just an inconspicuous maid beside the little princess.

What's so good about Ye Zhen? Why should she!

Apart from her good family background, she is obviously nothing!

Once such an idea comes out, it can no longer be stopped.

Liu Ting's mind was tortured, and her thoughts became more and more extreme. She only thought that Ye Zhen could disappear.

She had gone to peek at the door of Ye's house several times, and met Fu An several times to see Ye Zhen back. She watched the man she admired hug another woman so tenderly and dotingly; watched him kiss her, and was fascinated by her; Watching him look at Ye Zhen as if only love is coming...

Ye Zhen is also worthy? That is an arrogant and domineering devil!

It would be better if there was no Ye Zhen...

The gun was stolen by Liu Ting from the suitor. She invited him out for dinner. At the dinner table, she cried and complained about her experiences during this period, saying that she had been framed and slandered. The other person liked her very much and must have believed her words. He kept comforting her and encouraging her, and then the two of them drank a few more drinks together.

She took the gun over while he was drunk. She didn't know why, but at that moment, she easily touched the gun in her hand, then staggered out of the hotel and took a taxi to the door of Ye's house.

Liu Ting knows how to use firearms. She has experienced a lot with Ye Zhen and other rich second-generation people. Horse riding and shooting is the most basic form of entertainment. She is very talented. The coach said that she can be regarded as a semi-sharp marksman.

She arrived outside Ye's house all the way, feeling her blood boiling all over her body. She was very nervous and wanted to retreat, but she was also very eager not to look back.

Until he saw Fu An and Ye Zhenruo kissing in the car without anyone else.

That gentle man who looked at her as if she was dirty actually fell in love with such a little devil with many bad intentions.

She couldn't help but pointed the gun at Ye Zhen.


At this moment, she felt very happy and felt that her whole body was liberated. But Fu An found out, and he went to save Ye Zhen regardless of it! He even used his own body to protect the devil!

She was shaking with anger and her eyes were bursting with tears!

Again, "Bang!"

Missed again!

When she fired the third shot, someone rushed out, held her hand, raised it up, and shot her on the top of the head, making people's ears ring.

Liu Ting looked up and recognized the other person as Ye Ran. Ye Ran actually stopped her from hurting Ye Zhen? It's really funny. Ye Zhen clearly bullied him the most at the beginning, but now he actually comes out to protect her

She struggled desperately to resist, holding on to the gun: "Ye Ran, what are you doing? As long as that devil is dead, no one will bully you, and you will be the only heir of the Ye family... Ye Ran, don't you hate Ye Zhen? She is so bad."

Ye Ran: "No, no one can hurt my sister except me."

Liu Ting laughed: "...Sister? Your sister? Does she recognize you as your younger brother? Don't be ridiculous."

The two were fighting, refusing to give in, and Liu Ting even began to threaten, saying that she would shoot Ye Ran if he didn't let go, and don't blame her if he gets hurt. It's a pity that no matter how she threatened, she didn't make Ye Ran retreat even a little bit. She didn't even raise her eyebrows. It was as if she had never worried about her own safety. The hand that held her wrist without caring about it was so strong that it almost crushed her. crumb!

Liu Ting could only hold the gun tightly with all her strength. Gradually, she was driven crazy by the paranoia in Ye Ran's eyes, and her whole person became hysterical. Why? Why did even Ye Ran, who should hate Ye Zhen the most, have to protect her with all his strength? Why even Ye Ran rebelled! She and he should be on the same side! Why did even Ye Ran have to protect that devil!

Liu Ting felt like her mind was in a mess, filled with why and resentment. She wanted all of this to disappear!

She was screaming, her hand holding the gun was not heavy, and she suddenly heard two loud bangs, deafening. At the same time, Ye Ran could only see Ye Zhen running towards him desperately. He saw her Nervous, he heard her tell him to be careful, saw her suddenly pale cheeks, and called him: Ye Ran.

Accompanied by the sound of gunshots, hot liquid was sprayed onto her face—

This finally gave Liu Ting a moment of clarity in her chaotic mind.

Liu Ting suddenly froze, looking at the tall and thin boy in front of her stiff body. His eyes were wide open, his chest was soaked, and his pale face showed disbelief and confusion. She felt that her hands were sticky, and when she lowered her head, she saw her There is blood all over my hands...

… Blood…

She was stunned, not understanding what was happening.

Did she shoot

But suddenly she felt pain in the back of her neck. She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Ye Ran looked at Liu Ting who fainted, and then looked at Ye Zhen who knocked her out with one punch, and said quietly: "My sister is still more powerful, I knocked her down in one go."

Ye Zhen knew that when people are full of resentment, they will always burst out with infinite power. Ye Ran couldn't think too much because she was snatching the gun. It happened in those few seconds. In just a few moments, she rushed here with all her strength. It's still a step too late.

She gasped, and just as she took a step forward, Ye Ran suddenly collapsed, and his tall but thin body fell towards her. Ye Zhen opened her arms to catch him, she staggered back, and they fell to the ground together.

Ye Zhen pressed his wound, but couldn't stop the blood from gushing out.

She took off her coat and held it tightly, her voice tight and trembling slightly: "It's okay, the ambulance will be here soon, it's okay."

Ye Ran was lying on the ground, suddenly raised his lips, and smiled innocently and harmlessly for the first time: "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't want to die, I wanted you to look at me."

Ye Zhen: "Well, I know you won't die."

Ye Ran looked at Ye Zhen. This was the first time he saw such a serious look in her eyes after he returned to China. He pursed his lips, no longer arrogant or contemptuous. She stared at his injuries and stared at him with a look in her eyes. There was also worry and nervousness, but she really saw him in her eyes instead of ignoring or dismissing him.

His shadow was reflected in her eyes, which made him feel infinite joy. Even if his body ached, he could not restrain his joy. It was the first time in his life that he felt satisfied and happy.

No one really sees him, she is the only one who acknowledges his presence.

Ye Ran is very happy. He likes such gaze, likes such worry, likes such nervousness, and also likes his sister very much.

"elder sister… "


"I want my sister to hug me."


"Sister, don't cry."

"Ye Ran."

The boy with a satisfied smile closed his eyes forever.

The Ye family was silent for a long time.

Mr. Ye aged a lot overnight, and he sat in front of his soul and cried for half the night.

Ye Zhengzhi accompanied the old man, his own eyes were red.

He had never cared much about his son. Even when he first took him home, he only left it to others to take care of him. He rarely interfered. Recently, the relationship had finally gotten better, but he didn't expect that they would be separated forever.

He felt sorry for him.

He failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, failed to teach him and raise him properly, and even failed to face his existence. He deliberately ignored him, made him suffer a lot, and finally sent him away...

Ye Zhengzhi thought a lot for a while, thinking about all his mistakes and losing money, thinking about how he finally felt so sad that he couldn't breathe, fainted, and was sent to the hospital in panic. The Ye family was in complete disarray.

The Guan family all came, lighting incense and saluting seriously, thanking him for saving Ye Zhen. Although their family doesn't like Ye Ran, they don't want him to die. They just remain strangers to each other and have no contact with each other until death. Now this situation can't help but make people feel sad. It's not what it feels like.

The Fu family also came, and Mr. Fu even had a few drinks with Mr. Ye. Guan Shan was also there, and several old men who were not easy to deal with got drunk for a rare occasion.

Fu An had been standing by, looking at the motionless girl kneeling in front of the spirit.

She was dressed in black and her face was silent.

The slightly lowered eyes were as quiet as he had ever seen.

It was not until a long, long time that the arrogant and squeamish girl seemed to have grown up. She finally stood in front of him and told him with a smile: She was going abroad.

Fu An was stunned. Why

So suddenly. He thought she would get better after being sad instead of leaving alone.

Are you escaping

Ye Zhen shook her head, "I have a king, and I want to help more children."

Ye Zhen said: "Fu An, you can't keep me."

Fu An also knew that he couldn't keep her.

Her persistence is as untouchable a barrier as her pride.

The last time she went on a date with him, she ended up halfway up the mountain to look at the stars.

Under the starry sky and in the closed carriage, Ye Zhen tore his shirt, and the buttons fell to the ground. As domineering and direct as ever, she smiled and kissed him; he hugged her harder, tearing her apart. Underwear, the deepest intrusion.

She clung to his shoulder, swaying her black hair, as if entangled in his heart, deciding his life or death.

Two people who have longed for each other are entangled with each other, as fiercely as if the world will fall apart tomorrow, giving each other the last pleasure.

The day Ye Zhen left, he went to see her off. He hugged her and said, "My forever queen."

Ye Zhenxiao: "Fu An, I haven't said thank you to you yet. Thank you."

His first reaction at such a dangerous moment was to protect her. He protected her directly and decisively regardless of himself. This was the purest and purest emotion.

Fu An tightened his arms and was reluctant to let go: "I don't want 'thank you'."

Ye Zhen patted him on the shoulder: "Yes. I'm leaving."

Just like countless times before, she only looked ahead and never looked back.

Ye Zhen left for a long time. She took Feng Xuan away, and also took away the tall man who had been following Ye Ran, and then went to Wall Street where Ye Ran once worked.

Fu An rarely heard from Ye Zhen at first, until she suddenly became famous in the past period of time, all because of her extraordinary comeback, which made her hundreds of millions.

Later I heard that she established a relief center for orphaned children, she established an office to help weak children resist violence, she sponsored many poor students, she was passionate about charity, she made a lot of money, but she gave it all away. .

News interviews with her will appear in financial magazines from time to time. She is only 26 years old, but she has already become one of the ten outstanding young people in the world.

From time to time, people in the circle would hear various sighs. Everyone thought that the once arrogant little princess was the least promising one, but they never expected that she could do the most promising things than any of them.

Is this still the irritable little princess from back then

Of course not, she became a real queen.

Ye Zhengzhi was also very happy with his daughter's achievements, but it was a pity that his daughter was not very close to him. The most common topic between father and daughter was asking questions. He knew that he was sorry for his children, and they all resented him.

Moreover, since that time he was hospitalized, his health has not been as good as before, and there are signs of a slight stroke. He resigned from all positions three years ago and rests at home, accompanying the old man, planting flowers and grass, and some people are urging him to marry another After all, he was alone when he came back, but he rejected them all. He really didn't have the intention.

The old man is getting older day by day, his energy is gradually running out, and he sees that his time is running out. He is aging too fast, and his memory is not very good. Sometimes he will ask: "Is Ye Ran back?", "Zhen Zhen hasn't come to see me yet.".

Ye Zhengzhi couldn't bear to hurt him, so he would lie to him and say that Ye Ran and Zhen Zhen were still in school.

Occasionally when the old man wakes up, he will sit there alone, sighing and feeling lonely.

As for the Guan family, Guan Manshan has a resolute and resolute personality. She manages the Guan family in an orderly manner, and outsiders can't really say anything bad about her. She is getting better and better, unlike him, who has exhausted all her energy.

Moreover, as the general election approaches in the past two years, the imperial capital is in turmoil, people are panicked, and everyone is in danger.

Their circle is not as lively as before, and they are afraid that if they are accidentally caught, one person will be in trouble and the whole family will suffer.

Ye Zhengzhi withdrew early. The fire did not burn him much, but he was also affected and his assets were seized.

Fu An told him not to worry, he would take care of it.

Six years later, Fu An was already the deputy mayor of the imperial capital. After Ye Zhen left, he never stopped. Even because he had to keep up with Ye Zhen, he focused all his attention on study and work. He is a genius and is good at maneuvering. Although there are bumps along the way, he is already amazing enough.

He has grown from that gentle and cheerful boy into a mature and courageous man.

His status was displayed there, and his appearance was extremely outstanding. Naturally, there were a lot of women who jumped at him. Unfortunately, everyone who came close to him did not get a good end. Whether they were fired or thrown out without regard for face, they were enough to scare them. People shunned him because he was too ruthless and showed no pretense to anyone. There were also rumors circulating that he liked men.

However, he was soon slapped in the face by people familiar with the matter. They told him that the reason why Mr. Fu did not approach women was because he had a queen living in his heart. Then he dug out "Business Weekly" and said, "No, that's her, from Wall Street." Genius girl, great philanthropist, Ye Zhen."

Ye Zhen? I'm sorry Xiao Zayu has never heard of Ye Zhen's reputation.

They watched Ye Zhen's deeds written out in the interview. It cost hundreds of millions just to donate money to improve various systems and establish offices around the world, not to mention her achievements in business in the past few years, her kingship Already famous internationally.

No wonder, probably such an outstanding woman can stand side by side with the equally outstanding Fu An.

They were still sighing when someone suddenly pulled their sleeves: "Look at the quick card, is the woman in front of her the one in the book?"

I saw a woman who suddenly arrived at the office building wearing a red knee-length skirt. She wore sunglasses and had lazy black hair. Her bodyguards cleared the way. She walked with full aura.

It wasn't until the woman in the red dress got on the elevator that the people around her finally couldn't help but discuss in low voices: "That's her! It's Ye Zhen!"

"Damn, he's so handsome and beautiful."

"... Could it be that she came back to find our deputy mayor?"

"So Ye Zhen and the deputy mayor are really having an affair?"

"Wow, why do I feel so excited?"

Isn't it exciting? One is a queen who is flamboyant, and the other looks gentle and gentle but is an old fox. When these two meet, what is it but exciting

Fu An didn't know Ye Zhen was back yet. He was standing by the window talking to someone on the phone. Before the call was hung up, the wooden door behind him was kicked open. The huge roar shook the whole house. .

The little secretary who was following Ye Zhen was so scared that her heart was shaking. Just now she said she would open the door, but Ye Zhen said no and kicked her away. Her posture was obviously domineering like a street gangster, but Ye Zhen could do it. , as natural as a queen, she wiped her sweat and wanted to say something, but Feng Xuan shushed her before she could speak.

Ye Zhen, who was as proud and bright as the sun in a red dress, stood at the door. She crossed her arms across her chest and slightly raised her chin to look at the man in the distance. He was standing against the light, looking elegant.

Ye Zhen: "Fu An, your queen is back."

A few months later, Ye Zhen and Fu An held a grand wedding.

When Ye Zhen returned to "nothingness", she opened her eyes and stared at the starry sky for a long time.

In this life, she sent away many people.

She sent away Ye Ran, sent away Mr. Ye, sent away Ye Zhengzhi, and then Guan Shan, Mr. Fu, Guan Manshan...

At that time, the emotion of parting was still echoing in my chest.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep for a long time, and she could still vaguely feel the joyful emotion of "Nothingness". It seemed to be very satisfied. Even if Ye Ran died, it seemed to be even more satisfied.

Ye Zhen doesn't understand this pattern, she has never been able to see through it.

It wasn't until a long time passed that her emotions became very weak again. Ye Zhen woke up again at a birthday banquet - Zhou Guodong's 70th birthday.

The Zhou family is a prominent family in City A. It has been an unshakable existence since the last century. Its influence is involved in all aspects of politics, military and business, and it is the target of various families vying to fawn over.

Zhou Guodong's birthday is bound to come.

Naturally, Ye Zhen also came. The Ye family is a scholarly family, and several generations of the family have been teaching and educating people. Ye’s father is the dean of A University, and Ye’s mother is a professor of A University, so they are naturally highly respected. Of course, the most important thing is Ye Zhen. Zhen is the fiancée of Zhou Guodong's eldest grandson Zhou Zicheng. Zhou and Ye are related by marriage, how could they not come

Now sitting next to Ye Zhen is Zhou Zicheng.

She glanced sideways at him. He was only 23 years old, and his face was still handsome and energetic without being polished by society, with a hint of aloof arrogance.

"Sister Zhenzhen, what are you watching brother Zicheng do? Eat quickly."

Ye Zhen smiled slightly and glanced at the woman who spoke.

The man's name is Han Yuntao, who is Zhou Zicheng's cousin. The two have always had a good relationship. This time Zhou Guodong held a birthday party, Han Yuntao naturally followed him. Not just this time, Han Yuntao often followed Zhou Zicheng to various occasions, and occasionally Han Yuntao He was also there when he took the host on a date. Gradually, the host and Han Yuntao naturally became familiar with each other, and Han Yuntao affectionately called her "Sister Zhenzhen."

But this is just what the host thinks is intimacy.

Hosted by a scholarly family, the world she sees and the education she receives are bright and upright. She has a gentle personality, is dignified and polite, and speaks and does things with dignity. Even the etiquette when drinking and dining is meticulous. She lives a serious and serious life. , there is no fault in every aspect. Although Zhou Zicheng is a little cold towards her, he often takes her out on dates, not to mention that the host really likes Zhou Zicheng.

No matter how dignified and gentle a woman is, she will always be confused and at a loss when facing the man she likes. She doesn't know how to get along with her boyfriend. She is slow and dull, so she lives a tepid life. In other words, it was only suitable for Zhou Zicheng to sit with her, so she thought it was enough.

She thinks it's enough, but in the eyes of men, it's just uninteresting. If you just look at the face for the first time, you might find it pleasing to the eye, but when you see it too much and the novelty wears off, you'll naturally become bored. Zhou Zicheng naturally became more and more indifferent to her.

The host would never have thought that Zhou Zicheng and Han Yuntao had an unusual relationship, and she was just a shield.

Han Yuntao looked at Ye Zhen, poured red wine into her glass again, and smiled very pleasantly: "Sister Zhenzhen, let me propose a toast to you. Thank you for taking such good care of me, and thank you Brother Zicheng."

As she wished, Ye Zhen picked up the goblet and took a sip, saying: "You're welcome, you are Zicheng's good sister, I should take care of you."

Han Yuntao smiled again, seemingly without any scheming.

After a few more sips, Ye Zhen's cheeks became flushed with alcohol. She rubbed her forehead and looked at the noisy banquet hall.

Zhou Zicheng said: "Drunk? It won't be over here for a while. You can go upstairs and rest for a while."

The host's physical capacity for alcohol was indeed low. Before she came, the host was already half-drunk, but she just pretended not to be drunk. Later, she drank another glass and was really a little dizzy.

Han Yuntao volunteered: "Then I'll take Sister Zhenzhen to rest. Brother Zicheng, if you have anything else to do, go ahead and do it."

Zhou Zicheng hummed and told Han Yuntao to come find him after seeing Ye Zhen off, and call if he couldn't find her. Han Yuntao naturally responded with a smile. Han Yuntao is cute, has a cheerful personality, and his smile is really lovable.

But it was such a lovely person who, while sending his host to rest upstairs in the hotel, sent her to another man's bed.

Han Yuntao helped Ye Zhen to take the elevator upstairs. He saw her half-closed eyes and rubbing her forehead, feeling very uncomfortable and confused. She was getting drunk. She had always been dignified, and she was careful about smiling without showing her teeth and speaking softly. Now she was suffering from alcoholism. , unexpectedly beautiful and captivating.

Han Yuntao didn't like it. She was afraid that Zhou Zicheng would fall in love with this woman because she was too beautiful. When a woman looks at a woman, she always pays attention to her appearance first, and her personality and talent come second.

She helped Ye Zhen out of the elevator and said a few words in a warm voice. From a distance, she saw a waiter sending a man into the room, and a room card dropped on the ground.

Today is Zhou Guodong's birthday. Many people came, it was chaotic and noisy. Not only did they book half of the hotel, but they also invited some of the biggest stars in the entertainment industry to sing. It was a huge pomp and extravagance.

She was born with evil in her heart.

She only knew that by sending Ye Zhen in, she would no longer be a threat, but could also become a handle, and Zhou Zicheng would always be hers.

Ye Zhen leaned against the wall and watched Han Yuntao open the door. She pushed her in and said, "Sister Zhenzhen, go to bed and have a rest. I will bring Brother Cheng to you later."

She didn't know whether she heard it or not, but she touched the wall and entered the room. Han Yuntao looked outside the door for a while, and then he closed the door after hearing her enter the bedroom.

Her heart was pounding. She would kill anyone for her own sake, not to mention the future for herself and Zhou Zicheng. Zhou Zicheng could marry Ye Zhen, but he could never fall in love.

She calmed down, turned around and ran away very quickly.

Ye Zhen was lying on the bed, sleeping in a daze.

At some point, the man next to her seemed to have felt her presence. He was extremely forceful and pressed directly towards her. His palms skillfully reached under her clothes. He was very skilled, gently, gently, slowly, slowly twisting her clothes. The kiss left her unable to utter a single word, so she weakly stretched out her hand and climbed onto his shoulder. Her whole body looked helpless, confused, and confused after being drunk.

The temperature in the dark room gets higher and higher the deeper it gets.

The tenderness and fragrance of women fascinated him.

She hugged him and hummed softly.

After a long time, she shouted in a hoarse voice: "Zicheng."

The man was a little drunk and was stunned for a moment.


He opened the bedside and finally heard clearly what the woman was calling: Zicheng.

His nephew.

He finally saw clearly that the woman he kissed just now was his niece-in-law, Ye Zhen.

The woman who had always been dignified and virtuous now had an alluring personality under him.

Even Zhou Yuan, who prided himself on being dishonest, couldn't help being startled at this moment, and he stood up.

Ye Zhen finally woke up. She opened her eyes and looked at the man standing on the ground in a daze.

His clothes are half-undressed, he has black hair and dark eyes, a handsome face, and his deep eyes are slightly narrowed. The aura of drunkenness and lust adds a touch of lazy sexiness to him. He is the most inconspicuous and the most popular person in the Zhou family. The feared Third Young Master.

Compared to Zhou Yuan, Zhou Zicheng was not impressive enough in front of him, not even one of his fingers could match him.

It's just that Zhou Yuan is too romantic and unruly, and Zhou Guodong can't do anything about him, and he can't control him, so what can he do? Leave it to him.

At this moment, Ye Zhen saw him and looked at her body again. She almost immediately pulled up the quilt without screaming or crying. She turned her head to the side, revealing half of her beautiful profile, and said seriously and calmly: "Get out."

He looked like a moral defender unwilling to be humiliated.

Zhou Yuan plucked his hair and looked at the bra he threw on the ground. He had held it and ate it just now... Damn it! He grabbed a nightgown and turned around and left the bedroom.

The banquet was almost over, and Zhou Zicheng found Han Yuntao: "Which room is Ye Zhen in?"

Han Yuntao said: "What's wrong? Sister Zhenzhen must be sleeping soundly now. Wouldn't it be better for us to disturb her now? Besides, it's just one night. It's not too late to go back tomorrow."

Zhou Zicheng frowned: "Well, if Uncle Ye asks later, I will tell her that Ye Zhen is drunk and let her rest in the room without disturbing her."

Han Yuntao said yes with a smile, and said that they might as well not go back at night, but would stay here and go back together tomorrow.

By then, after a night's sleep, it will be too late whether the rice is cooked or not.

By then, Zhou Zicheng would not even look at Ye Zhen.