The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 110: Going back to college 1


Li Luo's consciousness was hazy, and he floated and sank in the darkness for a long time. He didn't know how long it took before he gradually regained consciousness.

After handing over the spirit weapon to Chu Wuyong, Li Luo handed over his body to Xiaoqi of the system to control. He originally thought that he should be able to leave that world easily, just like the last two worlds.

But when Xiao Qi manipulated his body to explode himself, Li Luo felt a pain that made him faint, under this pain, Li Luo fainted unconsciously.

Li Luo opened his eyes, but he didn't see the familiar ceiling of his room, but the interior of a car.

In a blink of an eye, Li Luo saw Li Ning in the front driver's seat, wearing a pair of brown sunglasses and a beautiful fiery red dress, driving.

As if sensing Li Luo's gaze, Li Ning turned his head slightly to look at Li Luo, and said, "Xiao Luo, are you awake? School is coming soon, you just woke up, drink some water to moisten your throat. "

School? Li Luo's mind became more and more confused, why did his sister take him to school? Which school are you going to

[The host is big, because of special circumstances, he was forced to leave that world before, and Xiao Qi has already used most of his energy to resist the pain the host will feel and protect the host's soul from damage. Now the host, you are meeting the possibility of only one-third of the original, and you have gone back to a few years ago. Because the system consumes too much, it may not be possible for the host to return to the normal time and space after a few days. Please wait patiently. ]

Li Luo didn't expect that he would actually go back to a few years ago, but he has traveled through several book worlds, so going back to the past is not really surprising him.

Xiao Qi seemed to think of something again, and then said in Li Luo's mind: [Because this is a few years ago in the real world, so the host must not use what he knows in the next few years to affect the reality, otherwise it may cause serious damage. Bad consequences, please the host must keep in mind. ]

Ahem, in fact, a dead homeboy like him who likes the second dimension basically has no idea about the development of that kind of social news, and he can't do anything he wants to do, so the rebirth and change in the book My own life trajectory, etc., is simply unrealistic for a strange creature like a deep house... What about buying lottery stocks and getting rich overnight, I'm sorry, he doesn't have any impression of it_(:з)∠)_

Li Luo silently turned his head and looked out of the car window, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar street scenes along the way, Li Luo immediately understood what school Li Ning was talking about.

This road is clearly a commercial street that he must pass every time he is sent to school by his sister, and he is clearly heading towards his university—N University in City H.

So, he is now back at least three years ago

Seeing the familiar scenes passing by in front of him one by one, Li Luo couldn't help feeling nostalgic in his heart.

He has not set foot on such a road for nearly three years.

After graduation, he basically lived in the house he rented, and rarely went out unless there was a need.

But seeing this familiar scene now, Li Luo couldn't control the emergence of many fragmentary memories, and these fragmentary memories flashed by in his mind like a horse on a horse. , and brought up more memories.

Soon the car arrived in front of the gate of N University. Li Luo looked at the crowded crowd at the gate and the huge banner above the gate saying "Warmly welcome the 10th freshmen", and immediately knew that he was back a few years ago.

He is clearly back to the year when he was just admitted to university!

Because it is another freshman year, there are a lot of parents who come to send their students to school. Although the gate of N University is very wide, it still can't handle the crowds. I was able to find a nearby parking spot and park the car there.

Li Luo got out of the car and took his suitcase from the rear compartment, Li Ning locked the car, took off his sunglasses and put them in his small bag, then walked towards the crowded school gate together with Li Luo.

The two of them didn't want to be crowded with people, so they stood behind and waited for a little less people in front before entering the school gate.

As soon as they entered the school gate, a boy with some pimples on his face came over, asked which department Li Luo was a freshman, and kept peeking at Li Ning from the corner of his eyes. , and then I was a little dazed.

Li Luo coughed lightly, and then hooked back the boy's soul that was about to drift towards Li Ning, "Senior, you haven't told me where to sign up yet."

The boy with pimples just came back to his senses, his face blushed immediately, "I... I'll lead you there now." After speaking, he almost walked forward with hands and feet.

Li Ning couldn't help but covered his lips and let out a smile, leaned into Li Luo's ear and said, "Hey, Xiao Luo, I didn't expect that the young man is so funny."

Young or something, his sister seems to be only a few years older than him, right? And his sister must have done it on purpose, otherwise why did she lean into his ear and talk so loudly

Li Luo could clearly see that the face of the boy with acne in front of him turned red up to his ears.

After leading Li Luolining to the place, the boy with the pimples ran away as if flying, like a beautiful woman who was still alive just now, but now she has turned into a pink and bone female monster who can eat people.