The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 116: Going back to college 7


Time has entered winter, and the bleak cold wind has already swept across the entire campus. At this time, students don't like to run outside as much as other times. Even when they are resting, most of them will choose to nest in the quilt and linger with the warm quilt, instead of going out to surf outside.

Li Luo belongs to the kind of person who is afraid of both heat and cold. In summer, he wishes to wear as few clothes as possible, while in winter, he wishes to live and die with the quilt.

Because the final exam is approaching, the courses are almost suspended, so the students have more free time every day.

When Li Luo didn't have classes, he simply hid in the dormitory, just like now, he directly set up a small table on the bed, covered his hands with the charging water bag, and typed at the computer.

After all, it is a novel that I have written before, although I have almost forgotten the details, but the general direction and climax point when he returned to reality from other worlds before, he still has memories after making up for it, plus these After years of writing skills training, writing will actually be much better than my youthful writing style before.

But in order not to spoil the future development, when Xiaoqi was talking to Li Luo before, he directly made some minor changes to the computer Li Luo is currently holding. When Li Luo was writing a plot, no matter what plot he was writing, the computer would automatically convert the plot he wrote into the original plot of the novel he wrote before.

And this computer can also be connected to the star network, Li Luo can freely switch the computer interface to the star network, and code the new article he conceived.

Li Luo is very satisfied with this. He can directly code the new articles he conceived on the computer, and he can cheat and directly produce the old articles that he coded before to earn income.

Inspired by this refreshing feeling, it was night before he knew it, and Li Luo happened to have a small climax at this time, and a pair of big amber eyes showed obvious excitement.

Jin Chenji opened the bedroom door and walked in. What he saw was Li Luo's lips curled up slightly, looking at the computer screen with bright eyes, and his white and slender fingers were also jumping quickly on the computer keyboard. Completely entered the realm of ecstasy.

After Jin Chenji slowly invaded Li Luo's life at his own pace, he naturally knew what Li Luo was doing now. Although in his opinion, Li Luo earns very little for this job, as long as Li Luo likes it.

Thinking of how Li Luo was like a child offering treasures, mysteriously taking the manuscript fee he earned to treat himself to dinner, Jin Chenji's lips could not help but bend a slight arc upwards, looking at the man who was working hard. Li Luo's eyes, which were crawling, became more and more gentle.

During the two years of getting along with Li Luo, Jin Chenji also discovered that Li Luo was very slow in matters of feelings. But this also shows that Li Luo is still a blank slate in terms of emotions, and has never been stained by anyone's color, and he will not let Li Luo have this opportunity in the future. He will completely paint Li Luo's heart with his own color, and it can only be his own.

But now is not the time, Jin Chenji slightly lowered his eyelids, he has not fully controlled the power in his family, he can't let Li Luo be exposed in front of those people, they won't care too much if they are just good friends, but if it is The people his heart belongs to are different.

Jin Chenji's hand holding the takeaway bag in his hand was imperceptibly clenched for a few minutes, and then when he walked slowly to Li Luo's bed, it became the same as usual again.

Li Luo had just reached the place where he was excited, his fair cheeks were flushed with blood, at this moment, he heard a deep and pleasant voice calling his name.

"Xiao Luo, eat first, and you can continue after eating."

Only then did Li Luo recover from the excitement, and saw Jin Chenji standing beside his bed, and the plastic bag in his hand, and then turned his head to look at the time on his computer—19:30 , He started typing on the bed after lunch in the cafeteria. He didn't expect that he had already been typing in front of the computer for so long.

And as soon as Jin Chenji reminded him, his stomach, which he hadn't noticed before, immediately became hungry.

Li Lang went out on a date today, and the other two were not in the dormitory either. If it wasn't for Jin Chenji who still remembered him, it would have been impossible for him to go out for food to fill his stomach by the time he realized it.

"Shen Ji, thank you for bringing me the food, otherwise I would have to go to bed hungry tonight!" After Li Luo clasped his palms together and thanked Jin Chenji, he didn't speak politely to him any more, and directly greeted him. Pass through the bag that Shen Ji handed over, and put it on the small table in front of him. Opening the bag that was wrapped outside, Li Luo immediately saw that there were several dishes he liked inside the transparent packing box.

Li Luo couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart. Although Jin Chenji looked very indifferent, he was really careful about his friend.

After Li Luo finished his meal, he continued to code. It was not until 11 o'clock before the lights were turned off that Li Luo turned off his computer, climbed out of bed, and ran into the bathroom to wash up while the lights were still on.

After washing with the fastest speed, he quickly rushed back to his bed and lay down under the still warm quilt.

It was probably because he used too much mental power today, and after only a few minutes, Li Luo fell asleep leaning on the pillow.

But in the middle of the night, Li Luo felt in a daze that the more he slept, the colder his legs became. He turned over several times, but finally couldn't bear the cold, and opened his eyes in the dark.

After he regained consciousness, he realized that the feeling of cold just now was not his own illusion. He clearly felt that the part of the bed that his thigh was leaning on seemed to be wet a lot, and the cold wetness was clinging to his thigh. It's winter again, so it's no wonder it doesn't feel cold!

It was only then that Li Luo remembered that such a thing had indeed happened in his junior year. The ceiling of their dormitory leaked, and the heavy rain that fell outside just before going to bed seeped in directly. And the place where the leak happened to be directly above Li Luo's bed, so it was Li Luo's bad luck.

Li Luo reached out and touched his long johns, luckily it was only a little wet, but the quilt covering him was already wet a lot, the wet quilt would definitely not be able to keep warm, that's why he was caught. Waking up from the cold, and in the current situation, it is impossible for him to lie down and sleep.

Li Luo touched the mobile phone he was charging by his bedside, and swiped open the screen to see that it was already five o'clock in the morning, and it was only over an hour before dawn. Li Luo didn't want to sleep anymore, and didn't want to disturb the other roommates who were sleeping. He sat up halfway without making a sound, leaning his back against the wall, and started playing with his mobile phone.

When the first roommate got up in a daze, and saw Li Luo sitting there playing with his mobile phone, he was immediately startled, "Damn, Xiao Luo, you woke up so early today, before resting Didn’t you prefer to die before leaving the bed in the middle of the day?”

Li Luo suddenly felt dark, he did not expect that in the eyes of other roommates except Jin Chenji and Li Lang, he turned out to have such an image. However, as a dead home boy, he doesn't like to go out and hang out, and it's normal to like to sleep in, isn't it, cough cough!

Li Luo was speechless for a moment, then helplessly pointed his finger above himself, and said, "It's raining heavily outside, and it's raining lightly here, how can I sleep? I woke up from the cold last night."

"Fuck, what's the situation, isn't our dormitory said to be the best dormitory in the school, why is it still leaking?" After Li Luo reminded that roommate, Fang Junpeng, he immediately saw that the ceiling above Li Luo's bed was already wet. A large piece was broken, and the water was still dripping down.

Under Fang Junpeng's loud voice, the remaining three people who hadn't woken up were also woken up.

"...What's the situation, what's going on? How can you sleep when it's all leaked like this?"

"Even if I report it to the dormitory supervisor, I'm afraid Xiao Luo won't be able to sleep in this bed these days."

"Then where will Xiao Luo sleep first?"

Li Luo watched everyone chattering about his "placement issue" in the next few days after they woke up, and felt that he, who was originally a hard-working protagonist, was now a bystander_(:з)∠)_.

"These days, you stay with me first." Just as everyone was discussing in full swing, a calm male voice, like ice water poured down in the winter, made everyone quiet in an instant.

Li Luo knew that Jin Chenji had bought a suite in a neighborhood near N University, and he would go back to the suite he bought every time after class.

Now when Jin Chenji is not in the dormitory, he always goes back to live in that suite.

Li Luo had also been to Jin Chenji's suite for a few days before, and he still had a little impression of it.

Now his side of the bed is already like this, and the final exam will be in two days. If he lives in the dormitory again, he will not be able to sleep well at night, and it will not be good for the exam.

Going to Jin Chenji's suite is his only choice now.

Everyone seemed to have been thawed at this time, and they all "recovered" and said, "Brother Jin has a place for you to live in, so Xiao Luo, don't refuse Brother Jin's kindness, go live with him first Come back after the ceiling is repaired." Although Jin Chenji was not the oldest in the dormitory, but I don't know when, except for Li Luo, everyone called Jin Chenji by this name.

—Hey, he didn't seem to say no, did he? Li Luo couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then looked at Jin Chenji, "Shenji, then I will go to your suite to disturb you for a few days."

A gleam of light flashed in Jin Chenji's eyes, and his thin lips seemed to be slightly curved, "Yes."

Thus, the resettlement site for Li Luo's bunk after the disaster was decided in this way.