The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 121: Immortal Mozun 26


The main peak is considered to be the largest mountain in the Xuanming Palace. There are a total of 108 palaces of different sizes built on its peak, the largest being the main hall above the peak - Mingyue Hall.

Sitting on the flying instrument, Li Luo glanced at the Mingyue Palace, which towered above the peak and was more beautiful than other palaces, shining brightly in the sunlight.

That should be the place where Chu Wuyong is staying now, after all, Mingyue Palace was prepared for the Demon Lord.

Li Luo originally thought that the big man would take these servants to the smaller palaces below, but what he didn't expect was that the big man took him and the other five people directly to the Mingyue Palace at the top.

"You guys are considered lucky. It just so happens that our lord has sent away most of the former servants in the palace. Now is the time to hire people. I brought a few batches before and gathered dozens of people. You are the last ones. A few people who can enter the Mingyue Palace, I will send you to the place where the servants lived before. As long as you work hard in the palace and satisfy the Lord, you will naturally get more rewards than other palaces There are many."

The big man brought the six people together with Li Luo to the open space in front of Mingyue Hall, turned around and looked at the young-looking servants standing behind him, and said something like .

Li Luo stood at the back of several teenagers, a glint of happiness flashed in his eyes.

This is just right, he doesn't need to think about how to enter Mingyue Palace to find Chu Wuyong.

Immediately, like the other teenagers, he lowered his head slightly, and said "yes" obediently to the big man, and the big man nodded in satisfaction, and led the six of them into the Mingyue Palace.

The same as the appearance of Mingyue Temple, the inside is also carved with jade columns everywhere, and there is no place that is not exquisite and gorgeous. It looks very dazzling and overwhelming.

And Chu Wuyong is not a person who likes luxury, everything here, after Yun Tianheng conspired to seize the position of Demon Lord, and rectified it up and down, it became the luxurious look it is now.

Li Luo pretended to be the same as the other teenagers, and he understood the rules very well. He followed behind the big man with his head slightly lowered, as if he didn't dare to look up at the surrounding scenery.

Everyone bypassed a long corridor built on the shimmering water, and when they were about to walk to the exit, the big man seemed to have seen someone, and stopped immediately, and then respectfully moved forward He bowed down, and even the domineering look towards the six of them just now completely disappeared, as if he was just a small person who can be kneaded at will, not worth mentioning, and called out in an extremely respectful voice. Said: "My lord."

Li Luo's slightly lowered head couldn't help lowering his head when the big man called out this title, although he really wanted to see what Chu Wuyong had become now, after all, he was already three hundred years old. I haven't seen Chu Wuyong for many years.

But he doesn't know what Chu Wuyong's current cultivation base is like. If he rashly shows actions that are different from others, and Chu Wuyong recognizes his real appearance behind the disguise, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it at all. Before he could say anything, he would be killed by Chu Wuyong.

With lowered eyes, Li Luo only saw a piece of black clothes gently drifting past his eyes, and disappeared from his vision in an instant.

After a long time, the big man seemed to have finally found his voice, and said to the six of them, "What are you standing there for? Follow me quickly."

Li Luo also turned back to his thoughts of following the hem of the black clothes, and followed closely behind the big man who had become smug again, like the other five teenagers.


Li Luo was holding a broom, sweeping the fallen leaves in front of him time after time. He had been in the Temple of the Dark Moon for more than half a month, and since he just came in, there was no arrangement for his group of people. The more urgent errands were arranged to clean the courtyards of the inner and outer halls of Mingyue Hall.

The young man he partnered with was more talkative, and he would chat with him during the breaks of work, perhaps because of his personality, he was also relatively well-versed in grasping the news. Li Luo was also very willing to listen to the young man's information that he didn't know, after all, he had no access to any information at all right now, and this young man seemed to him to be sleeping on a pillow—just right.

This day was the same as usual, Li Luo had already spotted the young man peeking around the corner of the flower bed, he pretended not to notice, and continued to clean the field in front of him.

The boy moved behind the flower bed for quite a while without seeing Li Luo, so he could only walk out from behind the flower bed, then walked behind Li Luo, and patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Luo," he called Li Luo He turned his head and looked around for a while, then turned his head and whispered in Li Luo's ear, "Have you heard any news?" At this point, the boy stopped on purpose. After talking, he looked at Li Luo, as if he was waiting for Li Luo to ask about the follow-up.

Li Luo was amused in his heart, obviously the young man in front of him had a look of greatness in his eyes, but now he deliberately suppressed it.

He knew that even if he didn't ask, the young man would soon be unable to resist telling him the news he just got, but Li Luo didn't intend to deliberately tease the young man, following the young man's expectation, he asked, "What? information?"

"Just last night, it was said that a former confidant of the Demon Venerable replaced the servants who served the Demon Venerable in daily life, and then assassinated the Demon Venerable while serving the Demon Venerable. Instead of letting the assassin succeed, he killed the assassin. Now it is said that the body of that servant was also found in a well in the inner hall."

The young man paused for a while, and then continued: "Because the servants serving the demon king are gone, now we have to choose a new servant to serve the daily life of the demon king. Although the demon king likes to find someone like us These mortals who have no magic power serve, but they are probably selected from among those old people, so we have no chance."

When the young man's voice said this, it seemed a pity. After all, although serving the demon king is a bit dangerous, the benefits he gets are definitely better than being an ordinary servant now, and he may even be allowed to embark on the road of cultivation. From then on, get rid of the birth, old age, sickness and death of mortals, and seek longevity.

Just as Li Luo was about to say something to the young man, at this moment, a young man who was dressed in clothes a little darker than the servants on him and the young man, and with a jade plaque on his waist, came over—this was in the Palace of the Moon. An old man who has been a servant for several years. He walked up to Li Luo and the young man with a haughty face, and glanced at Li Luo and the young man with his small eyes, "What are you two doing together before you finish your work?"

After Li Luo and the young man respectfully stated to him that they would never make this mistake again, the young man's eyes flashed with color, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"You two come with me. Although you don't have much chance to choose someone this time, His Majesty is kind enough to allow you new servants to enter the inner hall together to increase your knowledge."