The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 124: Immortal Mozun 29


Before he knew it, Li Luo became Chu Wuyong's servant for more than two months.

In the past two months, the number of times Li Luo and Chu Wuyong have met is very small, and he just went in to tidy up the yard that basically had nothing to clean. Of course, he never entered the room that Chu Wuyong specifically mentioned.

Although Li Luo has no way to get closer to Chu Wuyong now, but at least he has come to Chu Wuyong's side, and the next thing can be slowly figured out.

But the most important thing now should be the Han'an Cave Mansion which will be opened next year. I don't know if Chu Wuyong has got the token now.

But now Li Luo doesn't have any channels to know Chu Wuyong's movements, but with Chu Wuyong's halo as the protagonist, this opportunity should not go anywhere.


On this day, Li Luo tidied up the yard a bit, and then walked back to his room under the brilliance of the sunset.

Today, he is not going to go to the cafeteria to pick up his own food. After all, every time he goes there, he has to accept the scrutiny and jealous eyes of a group of servants, and it will be uncomfortable for anyone.

He decided today to cook for himself in the small kitchen that comes with his room, and he prepared the ingredients a day in advance.

Because he ate alone, Li Luo planned to make a bowl of noodles for himself.

Li Luo's cooking skills are actually pretty good, but because he is a homebody and he is too lazy to do it, he usually eats out or orders takeaway, and rarely cooks by himself.

The bones were boiled in the pot when he went to clean the yard, and now it is still simmering on a low fire. Li Luo pried off the pot cover to have a look, and added a handful of firewood under it.

Then, Li Luo kneaded the rested dough for a few times, used a rolling pin to make a thin layer, and then cut the dough into thin strips of noodles.

After processing the other ingredients, Li Luo looked at the bone soup again, and decided to take a bath first, and come back later, he should be able to use the boiled bone soup to cook noodles.

Thinking of this, Li Luo fetched several barrels of hot water and poured them into the bathtub he put in his bedroom. After preparing the change of clothes and putting them aside, he took off his clothes and went into the bathtub.

The bathing conditions in ancient times were indeed not as good as those in modern times, but it is still very comfortable to take a hot bubble bath like this.

Li Luo simply loosened his bundled hair and washed it like this.

Then he leaned against the bathtub and soaked comfortably.


Chu Wuyong sat cross-legged on the bed in the room, and when he smelled the vague fragrance at the tip of his nose, his originally closed eyes opened suddenly.

This smell gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Chu Wuyong stood up from the bed suddenly, he quickly opened the door and walked out, as a cultivator's incomparably keen senses, he quickly discovered the source of this fragrance.

Chu Wuyong appeared at the door of the hut where Li Luo was in just a flash of his figure.

Standing in front of the door of the hut, the scent that seemed to be there at first became intense in an instant.

Smelling this fragrance, a memory in Chu Wuyong's mind involuntarily emerged.

That was when he had just arrived at the side of his master Gu Qingchen, and this body was also very thin because of the previous owner.

His master looks very lonely and not easy to get close to, but in fact his personality is very gentle.

When he was young a few years ago, at the end of each year, Gu Qingchen would cook a bowl of hot noodles for him for a few days.

Until he came back from the secret realm, maybe because he was getting older, or maybe because there were more people traveling to and from Qingyu Peak, Gu Qingchen didn't cook him any more food. But this familiar smell was deeply imprinted in his memory.

After two lives, after so many years, no one would treat him like Gu Qingchen without any purpose. Even in the end, she fell for him.

Chu Wuyong sniffed the scent that reminded him of his memories, opened the door and walked into the small kitchen next to him.

I saw a row of cut thin noodles neatly placed on the chopping board of the stove, green vegetables, mushrooms and other vegetables neatly arranged in the bowl next to it, and the small pot on the stove was gurgling. steaming.

Li Luo, who was taking a bath in the next bedroom, quickly stood up from the tub when he heard the sound of Chu Wuyong pushing the door, dried his body and quickly put on a long robe.

But the hair that reached to his hips was hard to manage, and he couldn't use spells, so he could only brush it half-dry, and let it hang wet behind him like this. Then he put on his shoes, trotted quickly and opened the small door connecting the small kitchen to the bedroom.

After seeing the slender figure standing in front of the stove, Li Luo immediately lowered his head and bowed to Chu Wuyong, "My lord."

Chu Wuyong's deep eyes swept over Li Luo, who was half-bowed towards him. The young man in front of him was obviously running over in a hurry. He was only wearing a long robe, without a tie. Waist, wide neckline revealing a slender fair neck and a small piece of collarbone, more hidden in the shadow of the robe.

His long black hair was wet behind him, slightly moistening the white robe, and his calf without underpants was very fair, like a piece of art carved from beautiful jade.

Chu Wuyong's eyes darkened slightly, "Did you cook this noodle?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Li Luo didn't understand why Chu Wuyong came here suddenly, and when he saw him questioning, he could only answer obediently like an obedient servant.

"Make a bowl for this deity." Chu Wuyong continued.

When Li Luo heard Chu Wuyong's words, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Did not hear the reply, Chu Wuyong frowned slightly, his voice became a little colder, "What? Do you need to say it again?"

Only then did Li Luo come to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to look at the bone soup in the small pot. Now the soup had turned milky white, bubbling and exuding a strong aroma. The meat on the bones They have all been boiled until they are soft and rotten, and they look almost ready.

Originally, he wanted to eat noodles by himself, and he didn't make much noodles, but he didn't expect that Chu Wuyong would appear suddenly. After having one more Chu Wuyong, the noodles he made before are definitely not enough. Naturally, he couldn't make it for himself first, so he could only silently order noodles for Chu Wuyong first.

After a while, Chu Wuyong received the noodles that Li Luo had cooked for him, and he sat down at the side table without any discomfort, then picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the noodles into his mouth.

When the more familiar taste spread in his mouth, Chu Wuyong couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, looking at Li Luo who was eating the second bowl of noodles with his back turned to him.