The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 127: Immortal Dao Mozun 32


Li Luo was in the dark prison of Xuanming, although there was nothing he could do, and Chu Wuyong had never come to see him, but luckily there was Xiaoqi who could let him play the game of Star World as before, and he could also play the game in his mind. Code words, otherwise a normal person would be insane in the face of the darkness.

In this way, almost four months passed without knowing it, and Han's Cave Mansion had been opened not long ago. Li Luo asked Xiao Qi of the system, and learned that Chu Wuyong had successfully entered Han's cave, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least this plot is still running according to the original track, and then Chu Wuyong will definitely obtain the most suitable exercises for his current body in Han's Cave Mansion.

On this day, Li Luo was still the same as usual, ready to enter the game account that Xiao Qi opened for him, and went to a life game in the future world that he had already played to more than 20 levels.

Just as he opened the game and was about to log in to his account, Xiao Qi suddenly stopped him.

"Host host, wait, don't enter the game, someone is coming."

What, someone is here? In the past four months, not to mention people, not even a fly appeared in front of him, and the surroundings were extremely quiet and dark. Apart from him, there was no living thing, as if there was no one. I remember that he was locked up here.

And now Xiaoqi actually told him, someone is coming

This person can't be Chu Wuyong, after all, he is still looking for opportunities in Han's Cave Mansion.

So, who is this person coming here now

Li Luo couldn't help but opened his eyes curiously, and looked towards the still dark front, which was the direction of the door.

Li Luo didn't have to wait for long, only half a cup of tea later, there was a slight sound from the door of his cell, and then the solid cell door opened slowly in front of him, and the outside was not Inconspicuous light also came through at this time.

Although the difference in light was not obvious, Li Luo, who had been in the darkness for a long time, couldn't help squinting his eyes, and finally saw a slender figure standing at the door of the cell.

"Your Majesty," the slender figure hurriedly approached, and the voice was also very charming, with a hint of eagerness, obviously very concerned about him, "Great, it's really you. This subordinate will rescue you right now." The face of the visitor is also like the voice, very charming and charming, every move is natural.

Li Luo looked at the glamorous woman who hurriedly walked in front of him, and a character setting flashed through his mind - the right demon envoy under Yun Tianheng's seat, Hongxiu.

Hongxiu was originally a little girl who was almost sold to a brothel by her family, but was rescued by Yun Tianheng unintentionally. Yun Tianheng originally took a fancy to her special physique, so he rescued her conveniently. But Hongxiu has regarded Yun Tianheng as her savior since then, and she is loyal to him.

Li Luo also wrote in the original book that after Chu Wuyong killed Yun Tianheng, the Xuanming Palace was in chaos, and everyone was vying to be the master of the Xuanming Palace, but only Hongxiu worked hard to recruit people. If he continued to chase and kill Chu Wuyong, he would naturally have to die in the end.

When Hongxiu was written to death, many readers gave him bad comments in his article, saying that he would rather write a beauty to death than classify this beauty into the male protagonist's harem.

Closer to home, now that Hongxiu came here to help him escape from prison

But he didn't want to escape from prison.

Hongxiu immediately took Li Luo's hand who was still sitting on the ground, "My lord, hurry up, I'm afraid this subordinate won't be able to hide it for long." Saying that, Hongxiu took Li Luo and walked towards him quickly. Walk outside Xuanming Prison.

Before Li Luo had time to say anything, he heard a louder voice outside.

After hearing these voices, Hongxiu's face suddenly changed. She didn't expect to be discovered so quickly.

Sure enough, when Hongxiu led Li Luo out of the cell where he was being held, he saw two groups of people confronting each other outside. When the people saw Li Luo, they immediately exploded. They didn't expect that the former Demon Lord Yun Tianheng would actually be here.

Obviously none of them knew that Li Luo was imprisoned by Chu Wuyong in the Xuanming Prison.

Now seeing Li Luo, the crowd became even more excited, and one of them said, "No wonder you little bitch, Hongxiu, can't pretend any longer. It turns out that your master is locked up here. We will lock you up now." Capture or kill all these traitors, and His Majesty will reward us when he returns."

Apparently, other people also think the same way as this person said. After Chu Wuyong took charge of the entire Xuanming Palace, he has always been very clear about rewards and punishments. The punishment has no feeling at all, so that everyone dare not disobey him, but the reward is also the person who makes everyone envious of being rewarded. generosity.

So they looked at Li Luo and Hongxiu as if they were looking at two magic weapons that would glow.

Li Luo looked at the scene in front of him, and realized that after the crowd on the opposite side, there were no two people who put him in the prison that day, and he wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

Even if he doesn't want to leave now, he probably has to leave with Hongxiu, otherwise he may not even save his life. God knows what those people on the other side will do to him after they catch him.

Hongxiu sneered at those people, although the tone of her voice was still uncontrollably charming, but her eyes looked at those people who were already eager to try, without the slightest emotion, "You people, before They are all subordinates of Your Majesty, now His Majesty is only temporarily losing power, you turned around and became Chu Wuyong's dogs, begging for mercy at him, this kind of behavior of begging for food is really disgusting."

"You—" Many people on the other side turned dark immediately, "Later we'll skin you, little bitch, and tear off your mouth, and see how you scold us."

On the contrary, the smile on Hongxiu's face became even brighter, "Hehe, it's up to you?" Not long after she finished speaking, a layer of light pink smoke quickly filled the dark cell corridor unknowingly, It quickly enveloped everyone.

Not long after, the screams of countless people emerged from the originally dark dungeon.


Chu Wuyong dodged to avoid the attack of the huge dragon-shaped phantom. Seeing that his attack did not hit Chu Wuyong, the giant dragon phantom immediately raised its head to the sky and roared angrily. The entire huge dragon body flickered, lingering With a layer of dazzling golden light, he continued to swoop down and attack Chu Wuyong.

Chu Wuyong held a big sword that shone with a cold light in his hand, his whole body seemed to be integrated with this big sword, just like this big sword, his whole body was full of fierce aura. He looked expressionlessly at the phantom of the giant dragon rushing towards him, and the sword slashed out a few sword auras that seemed to freeze the air. He raised his sword to meet him.

When Chu Wuyong was about to be swallowed into the belly of the giant dragon, purple light flashed in Chu Wuyong's eyes, and the whole body of the great sword was immediately surrounded by a layer of purple air. He slashed hard, and suddenly, a sword qi with the momentum of splitting mountains and seas split the air, and slashed towards the giant dragon.

The dragon's head was shattered by the irresistible sword energy, and the dragon's body couldn't bear the general shattering. After a while, it turned into the same golden color that wrapped the small box in front of it. The mist was only slightly lighter than the rich golden mass I saw before.

Chu Wuyong retracted the great sword into his sea of qi, and the great sword hummed, as if he was dissatisfied with himself that he had come out not long ago and wanted to go back again. But in the end, he was obediently accepted by Chu Wuyong in the sea of energy in his dantian, and was suspended there steadily.

Chu Wuyong walked to the small box placed under the statue of the master of the main hall, stretched out his hand and opened the box, the protective golden mist outside the box no longer hindered Chu Wuyong's movements, and spread out obediently, allowing Chu Wuyong to move smoothly. opened the box.

I saw a broken horn like deer antler lying quietly in two small boxes the size of palms. This is exactly the secret treasure that Chu Wuyong wants to get most now—the most important material in the secret method of reincarnation, the dragon's horn.

Chu Wuyong carefully picked up the dragon horn in the small box and looked at it, and found that there was nothing wrong with it. When he was about to put the dragon horn back, his movements paused, and he looked at the person who had just picked up the dragon horn. The box, this box, seems to have a mezzanine.

Chu Wuyong opened the interlayer, and there lay a golden-rimmed silk scroll quietly inside.

Chu Wuyong unfolded the scroll and saw that the expression on his face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that this time, he would find this thing in the secret place where he came to get the Dragon Horn.

This scroll is naturally what Li Luo hopes Chu Wuyong can get, and it is the most suitable exercise for Chu Wuyong's physique.

After Chu Wuyong put away these two things, he checked the hall carefully. After finding nothing else, he turned around and passed the teleportation formation in the hall, and returned to the outside again.

At this time, there are two groups of people fighting outside.

Two of them were the ones that Chu Wuyong ordered to take Li Luo away, the two he trusts most now.

After Chu Wuyong joined, the outcome of the battle was quickly decided. The four or five monks who had besieged Chu Wuyong's subordinates saw that Chu Wuyong had come out, and they were already afraid of Chu Wuyong's fighting power, so they also He didn't want to fight, and soon after losing, he left.

"Wuxin, Wuchen thank you for your help."

"It doesn't matter, the time is almost up now, and I have also got the items I need. Let's go to the teleportation point now and wait to be sent out of Han'an Cave Mansion."


After Wuxin and Wuchen simply healed their wounds, Chu Wuyong took the two of them, driving the flying magic weapon, and rushed towards the teleportation point.

At this moment, he still doesn't know that Li Luo, whom he originally ordered Wuxin Wuchen to lock up in the Xuanming Prison, has been robbed and "escaped" more than half a month ago.