The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 132: Immortal Dao Mozun 37


"Let them in."

"Yes." Wuchen replied.

Immediately, a man and a woman walked in respectfully, saluted Chu Wuyong, "Your Majesty."

Chu Wuyong nodded slightly, "What are you doing here?"

"My lord, the Immortal Island has been opened." The young man among them said, "After the opening of the Immortal Island, there will be a month for all monks who have received the news and have not used up the opportunity to rush over."

Chu Wuyong's eyes flickered slightly, making it hard to see the emotion in his eyes. After a long time, he said: "Okay, I see, you guys go down."

The woman standing next to the young man didn't say a word, but when she exited the room, she couldn't help but glanced at Chu Wuyong secretly. Seeing that Chu Wuyong didn't put his mind on them at all at this time, he just turned his head to look at the young man with a peerless appearance beside him, couldn't help but look dark, then retracted his gaze, and hurriedly followed his elder brother out room.

When the siblings came in just now, Li Luo was in a daze, and he didn't come back until the siblings went out, and then found that Chu Wuyong had been looking at him for a long time, he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

In the past two hundred years, he has long thought of a way to explain to Chu Wuyong that he is going to leave this world in the end. After all, he can't tell the truth.

Chu Wuyong also knew that as long as these two brothers and sisters appeared, they would soon be separated.

But he just pressed him to do it in various places during the time he knew, so that he was covered with his smell inside and out, and then he went out with him afterwards and brought the brother and sister back.

"Wuyong, let's wait until the next time the fairy island opens." Li Luo looked down at his hand, only to suddenly realize that his hand had already been clenched tightly unconsciously.

Chu Wuyong stretched out his hand and bit by bit opened Li Luo's fingers that were about to pinch the bleeding marks on his palm, then put his hand into his own to hold it, lifted Li Luo's chin, looked into his eyes and said ;"No, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

If you miss this time, you will have to wait another thousand years for the next fairy island to open. During these thousand years, it is impossible for him to suppress his own cultivation and prevent him from breaking through to the fusion stage. In fact, in these three hundred years, he has already suppressed his own cultivation speed enough.

Chu Wuyong wished he could have Li Luo forever, and he also thought about the consequences of forcing him to keep Li Luo. Maybe Li Luo didn't think anything at first, but he would definitely hate him in the end. Even if he can be ruthless towards others, even if the person he really cares about gives him a disgusted look, it will be like a sharp knife cutting his heart, leaving bloody marks.

Early the next morning, after Chu Wuyong explained all the affairs in the Xuanming Palace properly, he and Li Luo dripped his own blood on a fairy island token shaped like a key but textured like crystal at the same time. .

After the opening of Xiandao, monks who need to go to Xiandao and meet the requirements of Xiandao, just need to drip blood on the Xiandao token, and the token will automatically guide the monks how to go to Xiandao.

When the blood touched the token, the originally colorless token suddenly shone brightly, floating from their hands into mid-air. Then, a tiny ray of light projected from the top of the key, pointing straight to the southeast.

After a full quarter of an hour, the key-shaped token fell from the air and returned to Li Luo and Chu Wuyong's hands.

Chu Wuyong took out a flying magic weapon, took Li Luo to sit on the flying magic weapon, and then drove towards the direction pointed by the token.

Every time a certain distance was passed, the key-shaped token would guide the direction again, and soon the two saw a piece of blue sea.

After reaching the surface of the sea, there is basically no place to stay.

Fortunately, the energy of the monks is much better than that of ordinary people. In addition, Chu Wuyong and Li Luo are already monks in the stage of transformation, so it doesn't matter if they don't sleep or rest for a year.

Chu Wuyong and Li Luo were flying aimlessly on the sea like this. On the second day, two monks flying with swords passed by them. Different from the walking speed of the flying magic weapon controlled by Chu Wuyong, they just flashed a shadow in front of Li Luo, quickly moved to the distance, and then quickly disappeared in front of them.

After four or five days, a huge island finally appeared before their eyes.

Most of the island is hidden in the thick white mist, and it is indistinct and indistinct on the vast sea.

When they approached the island, the light from the keepsakes they held became more and more dazzling, and they faintly wanted to fly towards the island.

Seeing this, Chu Wuyong stretched out his hand to hold Li Luo's hand that was not holding the token, and then held the key-shaped token with the other hand, and flew towards the fairy island.

When they came into contact with the white mist lingering around Xiandao, the white mist seemed to be dissolved by something, forming a passage enough for the two of them to enter, and it would disperse as the two of them moved. aisle.

After walking through the white mist for an unknown amount of time, another scene finally appeared in front of the two of them.

On the unusually verdant grass, a white hair ball seemed to sense the different movements around it, and immediately hopped on four short legs and hid in the grass not far away, and disappeared all of a sudden.

Li Luo got off the flying magic weapon, stepped on the soft grass, and looked around. The place where they settled was a huge grassland, and at a glance, they were all green like emeralds.

Li Luo remembered that the entrance to another continent was in a cave on this fairy island, but getting to that place was not so simple.

All those who entered Xiandao needed to obtain forty-nine different required items, and finally handed over all the items to a designated place in order to get the opportunity to enter that cave.

Some things are very easy to get, but where some things are, it will take a monk to escape, and some things may need to be snatched from other monks.

And all people have one year to fight for this opportunity.

This also means that he and Chu Wuyong have less than a year left to spend together.

Before Li Luo could think about it any further, in front of him and Chu Wuyong, there appeared two palm-sized naked children wearing red bellybands.

The two of them looked at each other hehe, and then flew to the shoulders of Li Luo and Chu Wuyong.

These two are the two small spirits scattered from the island spirit of the fairy island on the fairy island to show Li Luo and Chu Wuyong what items they need.

They are similar to the system dolls that assign tasks to players in the game.

Finally, after the monks have collected all the items they requested, they will guide those who have completed all the tasks to find the island spirit of Xiandao, and only after the island spirit of Xiandao is confirmed, will the monks who have passed the test be allowed to enter the lake in.