The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 133: Immortal Dao Mozun (End)


In some dark caves, a silver moon-like sword glow suddenly flashed, illuminating the entire cave for a moment.

A gigantic monster like a hill howled, and a large stream of blood immediately flowed out of its body, splashing out like a fountain. Its eyes as big as buckets stared resentfully at the monk who stood in front of him, who was smaller than him, roared angrily, and wanted to rush forward and tear up the monk who had cut it in pieces. Its voice was also powerful, knocking down all the rocks on the wall of the huge cave, and even the whole cave trembled uncontrollably.

Chu Wuyong stood steadily on the ground, without changing his posture at all due to the violent tremors in the cave. He held a big sword as tall as a person in his hand, and the transparent sword surface reflected Chu Wuyong's face. A handsome face without a trace of expression. The big sword trembled slightly in his hand, as if he was enjoying the battle.

Both giant eyes of the giant beast turned blood red, obviously entering a berserk state. It slapped the ground twice with its giant claws, and then rushed towards Chu Wuyong standing in front of it. The rock-like armor on the outside of the skin swelled and gathered, making its whole body The body looks like a rolling huge stone ball.

When the giant beast was about to bump into him, Chu Wuyong's figure suddenly appeared above the giant beast's head, and the big sword in his hand slammed down on the rock armor covering the giant beast's body. The dazzling sword light, the sparks that burst out like cutting through metal, the giant beast's hard armor was cut open by the sword light of the big sword, revealing the flesh underneath, and then the next moment, another A large number of blood donations came out.

The giant beast howled suddenly, as if it wanted to retreat, but its huge body blocked its way of escape. It can only be like a huge target, being abused by Chu Wuyong.

Finally, it raised its head and let out a long howl as if it couldn't stand it any longer, and the muscles all over its body burst apart inch by inch. The thick armor that was originally protecting the skin was like an arrow shot out in a hurry. Like arrows, they all flew in the direction of Chu Wuyong.

When Chu Wuyong resisted these attacks with all his strength, a faint white light suddenly appeared on the chest of the giant beast, and then, a white ball jumped down from the chest of the giant beast like lightning, and was about to jump into the ground below. When it was hiding in the rock, its limp body was pinched by two slender fingers.

"Hmm!" Bai Tuanzi twisted wildly, like a bouncing little meat ball.

Li Luo could only grasp the white dumpling with his whole hand. The kid in the red bellyband sitting on Li Luo's shoulder looked at the white dumpling in Li Luo's hand and patted his little hand, "Congratulations, you have caught the item you need this time." —The body of the Chongming beast.”

The white dumpling in Li Luo's hand is the real face of that monster just now.

This kind of spirit beast is very rare, and the difficulty of killing it is not very difficult. The difficulty is to catch it before it touches the ground after its body escapes. If this opportunity is missed, the Chongming Beast will hide in the ground, and it will take hundreds of years to condense the same huge body as before, and then it will come out. Because of this, Li Luo and Chu Wuyong had failed three or four times before, and finally succeeded this time, and it took them more than a month to find this Chongming beast that likes to hide in caves.

"You have collected all the required items, do you need to find the island spirit now?" The palm-sized child in a red bellyband swung his feet and asked Li Luo.

In fact, Chu Wuyong and Li Luo should be able to collect all the things a lot earlier, but they are not in a hurry to collect them. It was not until two months ago that Chu Wuyong collected all the items he needed. , and then rejected the proposal of the kid in the red bellyband to take him to see the island spirit, and continued to help Li Luo collect the requested items.

The spirit body split from the island spirit naturally did not refuse his request. After all, if the collection of items is not complete, the island spirit must not be seen, and after collecting the requested items, whether to see it or not depends entirely on the choice of the monks they follow .

In these long years, it's not like they haven't seen all the needed items after all the hard work, but at the last moment, they suddenly gave up all the monks.

Li Luo looked at Chu Wuyong who was walking towards him, and suddenly felt a little flinched in his heart.

Because Chu Wuyong still wanted to help him collect the required items, and the two of them didn't have a reason to spend much time, so now the time left for them to leave Xiandao forcibly is only the last day.

Chu Wuyong had already walked in front of Li Luo at this time, and he also clearly saw the struggling expression in Li Luo's eyes, and his eyes softened instantly.

"Let's go," Chu Wuyong stretched out his hand to hold Li Luo's palm tightly, but said the last sentence to the child in the red bellyband sitting on his shoulder, "Take us to find the island spirit now."

Hearing Chu Wuyong's words, the two children in red bellybands who were sitting on Li Luo and his shoulders immediately stood up from their shoulders, and they flew to Li Luo and Chu Wuyong holding hands. A semicircle was drawn in the air.

Suddenly, the air in front of Li Luo and Chu Wuyong fluctuated, and an invisible door appeared in front of them. After the door appeared, two palm-sized children flew in first. Chu Wuyong took Li Luo's hand and followed them into the door.

The originally dark cave scenery was suddenly replaced by a green world.

The place they went to was also a cave, but the space here was obviously countless times larger than before.

The ground is full of green grass and clusters of gorgeous flowers that are blooming, and the rock walls in the distance are also covered with green vines. And in the sky above their heads, the silver moonlight was swaying down from the entrance of the cave there, covering the scenery inside the cave with a thin layer of silver gauze, making everything seem like a dream.

In the center of the soft grass is a very clear pool of water, and in the middle of the pool stands a huge tree, the diameter of its trunk requires more than a dozen people to hug together to encircle it. The huge canopy is like an open green umbrella, with countless silver moonlight jumping on it, refracting a little bit of dazzling starlight, and then, these silver lights slowly gather and become the shape of a person.

Not long after, a young man in a moon-white robe and long silver-white hair appeared in front of the two of them with his hands behind his back. The two children in red bellybands flew in front of the young man the moment he appeared, and after saluting with his palms together, they disappeared into the air.

Then the man turned his head, and stared at Li Luo and Chu Wuyong with silver-gray eyes as light as the moonlight, and his expression was also very gentle, "After more than three thousand years, another monk finally came to me .”

He raised one hand, and suddenly, the moonlight shining on the top of the treetop consciously merged into a thin stream, flowing towards his palm, and turned into two small translucent jade bottles. liquid is flowing.

"Later, I will take you to the teleportation formation leading to another continent. Before entering the teleportation formation, both of you need to drink this bottle of moonlight wine, otherwise you will not be able to pass through the transmission formation."

Li Luo didn't move, while Chu Wuyong reached out and took the two small jade bottles.

"Follow me." Dao Ling saw the hands of Chu Wuyong and Li Luo holding each other, didn't say anything, just turned his head and floated towards the big tree in the pool. When his body touched the trunk of a big tree wall, the trunk directly cracked a circular hole for one person to pass through. Dao Ling put his hands on the hole and jumped down.

Chu Wuyong took Li Luo and followed Dao Ling to jump down from the hole. After sliding down for a long time in the long channel formed by many tree roots, the three fell to the ground.

Below is a very pitch-black space, but in the darkness, there is a rotating circle of light floating in mid-air that exudes a glint of light.

That aperture is the teleportation array leading to another continent.

Dao Ling stood in front of Chu Wuyong and Li Luo, did not continue to move forward, he pointed to the circle of light suspended in mid-air, "After you drink the moonlight wine, you can directly enter this teleportation array, It is safe within the position I am standing now. And after another step, it is all within the range of the magic circle, and you will be sucked into the magic circle uncontrollably. The magic circle will disappear after an hour, and after another thousand It won't show up again until a year later, so good luck."

After Dao Ling finished speaking, his figure disappeared in front of Li Luo and Chu Wuyong.

When Li Luo was talking to Dao Ling, his heart beat uncontrollably and quickly, until Dao Ling left, his heartbeat did not calm down.

Now it's really the last moment, he doesn't know how he feels in his heart now, and there are only two choices in front of him now, if he chooses to enter the teleportation array, then it is him and Chu Wuyong now The last time to be able to get along; if they give up, after that hour, they will be forced to leave the fairy island, and then he may be with Chu Wuyong for a long time, but in reality, he may die just like this, and lie in bed. Jin Chenji who was on the hospital bed would also sleep forever.

[... The host is big... The host is big! ] For the first time, Xiaoqi ignored Chu Wuyong, who was threatening to him, and did not listen to Li Luo's call before waking up. It shouted directly in Li Luo's mind, [Now the progress has reached 99.9% , It’s almost there, you must not give up all your previous efforts. ]

Li Luo came back to his senses at Xiao Qi's shout, indeed, the life he and Chu Wuyong are living here is very good. But these are always illusory, and his family and friends are also in reality, and that is where he should really be.

And the brief separation here at this moment is for him and Jin Chenji to meet again in reality.

Although Chu Wuyong here doesn't know Jin Chenji's name, and after he returns to reality, Jin Chenji may not know at all. During the days when he was in a coma, his soul has followed him through time. several worlds.

But Jin Chenji's feelings for him will not change, just like after experiencing these worlds, he has already put him in his heart.

So there is nothing to be afraid of now.

Li Luo finally adjusted his mood, and was about to take the moonlight wine from Chu Wuyong's hand, but Chu Wuyong suddenly clenched the two small jade bottles in his hand, and his deep eyes had completely turned into one. Tuan Deep Purple, "Little Luo, you said that no matter before or after, you will always belong to me, right?"

Li Luo looked into Chu Wuyong's eyes, and nodded firmly at him, "Yes, I will always belong to you." Whether it is Qin Yu, Elvis, Chu Wuyong or Jin Chenji, they all It was the same soul, and what he loved was that soul.

Chu Wuyong stared at Li Luo's eyes for a long time, the deep purple in his eyes gradually receded, and turned into pure black like a deep night, then he let go of his hand and let Li Luo take it away from him. Picked up one of the small jade bottles.

The two each drank the slightly sweet liquid from the jade bottle in their hands.

Li Luo only felt a strange warm current in his mouth, sliding down the liquid from his throat, his limbs seemed to be soaked in the warm liquid, very comfortable.

After drinking the moonlight wine, Li Luo and Chu Wuyong walked in the direction of the teleportation array. Sure enough, after walking the distance mentioned by the island spirit, they immediately felt an irresistible suction force. I just felt that my body was floating with this invisible attraction, and flew into the teleportation array above.

The teleportation array is surrounded by golden light flowing upwards, and above it is some dazzling light. Apart from these, there is nothing else to be seen. Only he and Chu Wuyong follow the golden light constantly rushing upwards. where to.

"Little Luo." Chu Wuyong suddenly called him at this moment, and after Li Luo turned his face away, he directly kissed his lips.

This kiss is different from Chu Wuyong's usual aggressiveness, but extremely lingering, Li Luo can't help but immerse himself in this kiss.

The light above became more and more dazzling, and finally completely engulfed Li Luo and Chu Wuyong.

[The progress of the world is 100%... All the world strategies are completed, congratulations to the host for completing the task! ]

Just before Li Luo's consciousness completely disappeared, he heard Xiao Qi's joyful voice in his mind, and immediately after that, he didn't know anything.


Li Luo opened his eyes, and in front of him was the dark ceiling because the sky was not yet bright. He returned to reality, and he couldn't help reaching out and touching his lips, which seemed to still carry the kisses that Chu Wuyong had kissed before. his heat.

[Host host, you have completed all the tasks, and the surprise gift package has been sent automatically. Regarding the world you can go to, do you want to choose to use up the opportunity now? ]

Hearing Xiao Qi's words, Li Luo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly sat up from the bed, ran to the front of the closet and flipped through his clothes without even wearing slippers.

[I'll talk about that opportunity later, is Jin Chenji awake now? ] Li Luo asked Xiaoqi while putting the clothes on himself.

[Should be about to wake up. ]

Li Luo received an affirmative answer, and felt that his heart was beating much faster in his chest. He wanted to see Jin Chenji right now!

Li Luo didn't know what he had put on himself, so he casually put on his shoes, opened the door and ran out, hailed a taxi and rushed to the hospital where Jin Chenji was.

After arriving at the hospital, Li Luo didn't even look at how much money he had given the driver, and went straight into the hospital in a rampage. Seeing that the elevator was still at the top floor, Li Luo paced around the door of the elevator a few times. Run up the stairs.

At this time, the top floor of the hospital was filled with white wards. The young man lying on the snow-white hospital bed suddenly moved his hand connected to the ECG monitor, and then his closed eyes trembled a few times, and the next second, he opened them. After a moment of haze, those pitch-black eyes suddenly became clear.

With his waking consciousness, countless memories crowded into his mind.

Qin Yu's, Elvis's, and Chu Wuyong's, these memories seemed to be vivid in his mind, and they were linked together into pictures in his mind, filling his entire mind.

Then all these pictures merged into the image of a person—that is the person he has silently loved for a long time, and wants to put it in his palm and care for him for the rest of his life.

At this time, Li Luo had already run into the ward out of breath, and Jin Chenji's eyes, which had become deep because of flashing too many memories, happened to meet Li Luo's eyes.

Li Luo looked at Jin Chenji's gaze towards him, took a few breaths, his eyes were like the lit up night sky, walked over slowly, and slowly took hold of the palm that Jin Chenji raised towards him.


The author has something to say: It’s my birthday today, I don’t know it at all, it’s only when my friend called me that I remembered [Laughing and crying][Laughing and crying][Laughing and crying]

Next, we can start the extravaganza. If you have any requests, I will try my best to meet them. Hope to see the sky...