The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 134: Outside the story, the clouds are heavy


The time should be three months after Jin Chenji has recuperated and returned from honeymoon with Li Luo.

Li Luo and Jin Chenji had been blending oil for almost half a year, and finally remembered their own job, and since they hadn't coded for half a year, Li Luo's hands also felt a little itchy. When Jin Chenji went to work, he just stayed at home and crawled the grid. The hand speed, which was a little rusty because he hadn't coded for more than half a year, regained his feeling after a few days. Moreover, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Yundu Zhongzhou was online again.

He immediately sent a smiley face in the past.

Yundu Zhongzhou replied quickly, but the reply was still very concise.

Yundu Zhongzhou: [In. ]

Li Luo quickly typed the reply and sent it.

Wen Mo on the pen: [Long time no see! How have you been recently? ]

There seemed to be a pause over there, as if they were meditating on something, and it took more than a minute before they replied to Li Luo.

Yundu Zhongzhou: [Very good {smiley face}]

Li Luo's current life is like being soaked in honey. Although he doesn't know who Yun Du Zhongzhou is, he only knows that he should be a man with a very serious and restrained personality, but Li Luo chatted with him For so long, he has already regarded him as his friend.

Maybe the current society is not very accepting of homosexuality, but Li Luo also doesn't want to deceive his friends, if he tells Yundu Zhongzhou that he likes a man and he can't accept it, then maybe the two of them will have sex in the future. One will lose contact.

Smell on the pen: [I recently got married, with a guy {shy}]

Yundu Zhongzhou naturally knew that he was a man. After Li Luo finished typing, he looked at the computer screen with bated breath. After all, he still attached great importance to his friend Yundu Zhongzhou.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [Well, not long ago, I also got together with the person I have been secretly in love with for a long time, and he is also a man. ]

Li Luo didn't expect that Yundu Zhongzhou was also gay and had a crush on him. In his impression, Yundu Zhongzhou should be a man with a successful career, and his way of handling things is very calm and reliable, Li Luo really can't imagine that he would have a crush on someone.

Wen Mo on the pen: [You will have a crush, is it true? can not tell. ]

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [Because he is too slow {smile}]

Wen Mo on the pen: [Unexpectedly, you like this kind of silly type? Hehehe, how did you fall in love with him? ] Li Luo couldn't help gossiping, after all, apart from couples like him and Jin Chenji, he had never seen another same-sex couple.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [He's so cute, I just want to take a bite and taste it, and... he's still so cute {smile}. ]

cute? How can I describe a man as cute? And look at it and want to bite

Li Luo imagined Yundu Zhongzhou's other half in his mind, but he couldn't imagine what a man Yundu Zhongzhou called cute would look like.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [How do you feel about your other half? ]

How is Jin Chenji? Li Luo looked at the computer screen, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his waist. Normally, Jin Chenji was very kind to him, but the demand was greater at night, so it was already afternoon, and his waist was still a little sore. Of course, he couldn't tell Yun Du Zhongzhou about this.

Wen Mo on the pen: [He treats me very well, anyway, I will always be with him in my life. ] When Li Luo typed these words, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes shone slightly. He even couldn't help but see the scene of him and Jin Chenji, two white-haired, trembling, walking forward, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

There seemed to be something on the other side, and Li Luo didn't reply until almost half an hour later, Li Luo had already coded a chapter of the novel, and the button information box on the notification bar lit up again.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [Well, I will also treat my lover well, so that he will never want to leave me for the rest of his life. ]


Because of this common topic with Yundu Zhongzhou, Li Luo felt that the friendship between himself and Yundu Zhongzhou became stronger.

After all, apart from him, he has no one else to talk about this topic.

And chatting with Yundu Zhongzhou, Li Luo will feel very relaxed, although he has never met him, but he feels that Yundu Zhongzhou knows him very well, so Li Luo prefers to chat with Yundu Zhongzhou.

Yun Du Zhongzhou seemed very busy, but when he had time, he would definitely reply to his messages.

Therefore, whenever there is time between Li Luo's code words, he will chat with Yundu Zhongzhou.

On this day, Li Luo completed a day's coding task, and because he was bored, he had a sudden whim and went to a gay forum. When he saw a red-marked post, he was silent for a long time, and then clicked on the chat box with Yundu Zhongzhou secretly.

Smell the ink on the pen: [Chongzhou, are you there? ]

After a minute, there was a reply.

Yundu Zhongzhou: [Huh? ]

Li Luo put his hands on the keyboard and hesitated for a long time before typing a word.

Wen Mo on the pen: [Tell me, will my partner agree to let me be on it once? {cry}]

After a long time, the other party replied to him again.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [Why do you have this idea? ]

Li Luo immediately put the address of the post just now on the chat box.

It took a long time to reply.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [Just ask, he will agree {laughs}]

Smell the ink on the pen: [Really? Then I will ask at night, hehehe, I will be very gentle to him. ]

Yundu heavy boat: [{smile}]

Then, when Jin Chenji came back in the evening, Li Luo followed him from the door to the kitchen, watched him cook, and followed Jin Chenji out with the dishes like a puppy.

Jin Chenji looked at Li Luo's puppy-like eyes, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips. Looking at Li Luo, his long eyelashes drooped slightly, making it hard to see the emotion in his eyes, "Xiao Luo, Is there something you want to tell me?"

Li Luo looked at Jin Chenji, couldn't help being a little timid, his eyes drifted a few times, and then he mustered up the courage to look at Jin Chenji, "Shen Ji, I want to be on top tonight." He even thought of Jin Chenji's refusal If he said it, he would pull out the website and show it to him, and then said that if he didn't let him be on it, he just didn't love him.

A dark light flashed quickly in Jin Chenji's eyes, and his thin lips curled up slightly: "Okay."

Then, when he was sleeping at night, Li Luo finally got what he wanted, but this night he cried more terribly than usual, his eyes were swollen from crying, his chest and waist were covered with Jin Chenji's hickey marks, his waist There were also the finger marks that Jin Chenji suppressed.

After the incident, his legs didn't belong to him at all, even when he fell asleep, he moaned softly, feeling aggrieved.

Jin Chenji seemed more satisfied than usual, and then he silently collected the homepage of the gay forum that Li Luo gave him. After all, he glanced around in the afternoon and found many different ways to eat it. Very satisfied.

This way of eating tonight is also very delicious, and I will try other things next time.

Li Luo was in his sleep, completely unaware that the person next to his pillow was already planning to study how to taste him over and over again in N ways.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Li Luo sat up from the bed tremblingly, feeling that his arms and legs were trembling, especially his legs, and he couldn't get out of bed at all.

Li Luo wanted to cry but had no choice but to continue lying on the bed. Depressedly, he opened the button of his phone, and then saw Yundu Zhongzhou's trembling profile picture.

Yundu Zhongzhou: [How did you feel last night? ]

Li Luo recalled last night, the pleasure that made his scalp tingle, and the appearance of crying even more embarrassingly, he replied silently.

Smell the ink on the pen: […]

Yundu Zhongzhou replied to him in the next second.

Yun Du Zhongzhou: [What's wrong? Did you feel sick last night? {touch head}]

Comfortable is very comfortable, but it is completely different from what he thought. With a sad face, Li Luo was about to reply to Yundu Chongzhou, but seeing Yundu Chongzhou's reply just now, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded in his mind.

Then he gritted his teeth and typed the reply word by word.

Wen Mo on the pen: [Jin, Shen, Ji? ! ]

In the spacious office, a handsome man in a neat black suit looked at the words that popped up on his computer screen, and the corners of his already curved lips could not help but curl up again, "It seems that I am so happy , my little fool finally found out."

Then he wanted to send a message to coax his little baby, but found that after sending his message, the system directly gave a prompt "the other party is not online".

Jin Chenji looked at the reminder, reached out and touched his slightly pouty lips, "Are you so angry?"

In the evening, Jin Chenji pinched Li Luo's waist, his eyes were deep, and he leaned over to lick his ear pinna while moving, "Hey, pull me out of the blacklist."

Li Luo cried and grabbed the bed sheet, out of breath, his voice was already hoarse: "No... don't pull..."

Jin Chenji ate a few mouthfuls of Li Luo again, then took out his mobile phone, clicked on it, and then directly logged into the X-dot account, and generously tipped Li Luo's new article hundreds of thousands.

"Be good, be obedient. I'm your number one benefactor now, get me out of the blacklist quickly."


"... Jin Chenji, uh... you... bastard..."

In the end, I don’t know if Li Luo pulled Jin Chenji out of the blacklist that night. I only know that at noon the next day, Li Luo still couldn’t get up from the bed, and the employees of Jin Chenji’s company still couldn’t get up. I think the boss today is very easy to talk to.