The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 24: Crazy Dragon Proud Sky 24


It was night, there was not a single star in the sky, and even the sickle-shaped moon was hidden behind a dark cloud.

Li Luo first asked the maid on duty tonight to go to the imperial dining room to bring a few plates of dim sum. After the maid entered the door, Li Luo stood aside, watching the maid take out the plates of dim sum from the food box and put them on the table. on the table.

When the palace lady turned her back to him and was unprepared, Li Luo slowly approached the palace lady. His footsteps were light, like a cat walking on the carpet, without making any sound.

The court lady didn't notice his approach at all, still lowered her head, took out a plate of walnut cakes from the food box, and carefully placed them on the table.

Under Xiao Qi's guidance, Li Luo knocked the palace lady unconscious with a quick and ruthless blow. The moment the maid fell down, Li Luo quickly reached out to catch the maid's body, then dragged her body, and put her on the bed.

The court lady's clothes also wore obscene underwear, so Li Luo didn't have much psychological pressure. He just took off the maid's coat and changed it on his own body. The universal disguise pill hanging around his neck transformed him into the appearance of the maid lying on the bed at the moment when his thoughts came down. A mole on the back of the ear of the court lady was truly reflected on Li Luo's body.

After Li Luo covered the palace maid with a quilt, he walked to the table and asked Xiao Qi to put all the snacks on the table into its space. He has been collecting these snacks for more than a week. Now that he has escaped from Bianjing, even if he walks on the road for a week, he can maintain his strength without finding a place to stay.

After finishing these, Li Luo picked up the food box, lowered his head, opened the door and walked out.

Immediately after he walked out of the room, several eyes turned around him several times with scrutiny and vigilance. They didn't turn their eyes away until they were completely sure of his identity.

Li Luo tried his best to keep walking like a woman, moving his feet in small steps, and slowly walked out of the courtyard where he was held.

Apparently, the guards who had carefully observed him no longer doubted his identity. When he left the courtyard, no one gave him a second glance.

[Congratulations to the host for escaping from birth and going to the free and unrestrained life avenue ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )~] Xiao Qi began to appear in Li Luo's mind after Li Luo stepped out of the courtyard gate. Can't help sprinkle flowers.

Li Luo watched Xiao Qi tumbling happily in his mind, almost slipped and fell to the ground. The corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, it's fine to escape, but what the hell is freedom

Because Xiao Qi was going to be used for the time being, Li Luo didn't let Xiao Qi fall into a dormant state. Although Xiao Qi is a little off-line, but in this situation, the only one who can find and negotiate, and help him is only Xiao Qi.

Li Luo is also a little lucky now that he still has Xiaoqi's system. If there is no system function of Xiao Qi, even if he knocks out the maid who serves him with one blow, when he pretends to be that maid and goes out, those guards will find out that something is wrong with him, and it is impossible to successfully leave and trap him yard.

Because it was night, the light of the lanterns carried by the palace people could be seen from far away. Every time Li Luo saw a bright light in the distance, he would turn around quickly, or find a place to hide first, so as not to meet those palace people head-on. After all, he doesn't understand the rules in this palace, if he meets a nobleman who needs to pay some respects, if he doesn't react, it will be bad if he is delayed.

Li Luo was cautious all the way, hiding from place to place, spending almost two hours, finally came to the big garden that Xiaoqi said had a secret passage leading to the outside.

[... Host, can you see the road map?]

The moment Xiao Qi finished speaking, Li Luo felt a translucent plan appear in front of his eyes, just like the Baidu map that is often used in the real world. The red dot indicates the destination, and the blue dot is the map. where he stands now. Because it is translucent, it will not block his line of sight.

Li Luo followed the red signs and quickly found the rockery hidden in a bamboo forest.


In the luxuriously decorated room, faint white smoke floated, and the intoxicating thick musky scent filled the entire hall. Layers of black and red veils hung from the inside of the room to the door, making it impossible for people standing at the door to see the scene clearly.

Empress Dowager Jingchun was lying on a couch with her head propped up, her eyes slightly closed, as if she had fallen into a dream.

There were several maids standing on both sides of her, one was fanning her with a fan, another was standing behind her and beating her shoulders, and two were kneeling at her feet, with meticulous techniques Give her a pinch.

A court lady hurried in from the door, lifted layers of veils, walked softly to the front of Empress Dowager Jing Chun, and knelt down on her knees towards Empress Dowager Jing Chun, first. He raised his eyes to glance at Empress Dowager Jingchun's face, and then said softly, "Empress Dowager, the chief guard of Yunyang Palace begs to see you."

"Oh? Yunyang Palace?" Isn't Yunyang Palace the place where that kid was imprisoned? Empress Dowager Jingchun opened her eyes suddenly, "Show him in."

"Yes." The maid stood up after receiving the order, quickly walked out of the room, and let the chief guard who was already sweating on his forehead walk in.

As soon as Empress Dowager Jingchun saw the expression of the chief guard, she knew that something was wrong. She frowned slightly, and her tone became much sharper, "What's going on?"

"Empress Dowager, the humble ministers didn't take care of Su Mucheng, and let him run away if they didn't stop."

"Run away?!" Although the Empress Dowager Jingchun had guessed three or four points in her heart, she still couldn't believe it when she actually heard the news. In order not to make mistakes, she gave Li Luo a chance to escape. How could she have sent so many of her elites to look at Li Luo? She really couldn't imagine how Li Luo could escape.

And now, the captain of the guard team she had carefully selected actually told him that the person she asked them to watch over just disappeared? !

It's simply unbelievable! !

Empress Dowager Jing Chun's face was completely black now, and the chief guard kneeling below did not dare to look at Empress Dowager Jing Chun's face at all, but he could only bite the bullet and continued to say under the pressure exerted by Empress Dowager Jing Chun: "Yes, Yes, after the maid who served him went in this morning, she found that the person lying on the bed had turned into another maid."