The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 26: Crazy Dragon Proud Sky 26


Qin Yu rode a black horse and stood under the city wall of Bianjing.

There was already a little stubble on the top of his lips, and there was an obvious black and blue under the eye sockets, and he looked a little decadent. But his eyes were unusually bright, and he looked extremely energetic.

After more than ten days of traveling day and night, he finally led a group of soldiers to the city of Bianjing. After seeing the closed city gate of Bianjing, Qin Yu's originally extremely impatient mood suddenly calmed down for some reason.

He looked coldly towards the direction of the imperial palace in Bianjing, and his hand holding the rein couldn't help tightening.

The spies he sent into Bianjing City did not have any news after they told him that Li Luo was in the palace. I am afraid that they have all been found and killed by Queen Mother Jing Chun and Qin Yan.

Although he is completely unable to grasp what Li Luo's situation is like now, he has an intuition that Li Luo's life is definitely not in danger now.

Bianjing, inside the palace.

The whites of Qin Yan's eyes were a little bloodshot. He walked around in the huge palace irritably, and his steps seemed a little messy.

"Queen, now that Qin Yu has arrived at the city, but Su Mucheng is no longer in our hands, what should we do? Are we going to capture that little bastard Qin Yu without a fight?"

The Empress Dowager Jingchun was sitting on a chair beside her. She used to like to dress herself up finely, but now she has no thought at all. Her clothes are very simple, and her tired face looks several years old.

She rubbed the corners of her forehead a few times, but a gleam of light burst out from her pupils, "My lord, I don't think that kid Qin Yu knows that Su Mucheng is no longer in our hands, and he also Did not return to Qin Yu's side."

Qin Yan paused, turned to look at Empress Dowager Jingchun, with a trace of doubt on his face, "Mother, what do you mean—"

"It's just what you think, I want Qin Yu to still think that Li Luo is still in our hands, so that he will be afraid of us and dare not do anything."

This is a risky move, a game, and the bet is how much Qin Yu cares about Li Luo.

The sun has risen to the middle, and this is the time when the sun is at its strongest.

On the high city wall of Bianjing City, a beautiful woman in a gorgeous palace costume appeared. She stood on the city wall and looked at Qin Yu who was riding a horse below.

The moment she saw Qin Yu, Empress Dowager Jingchun's eyes flashed an imperceptible hatred and disgust. Qin Yu looked a little like the Queen Nangong back then. Seeing him, she couldn't help but think of that attractive The woman who captured all the Emperor's attention.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the Empress Dowager Jingchun standing on the city wall. The sun was so dazzling that he couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but he still sensed the slightest disgust from the woman standing above him. Emotions.

"Qin Yu," the woman in the gorgeous palace dress above lowered her head slightly, looked at Qin Yu, and said in a very stern tone, "Aren't you afraid that you will be ashamed of your ancestors a hundred years later if you do such a rebellious thing and have no intention of usurping the throne?" Liezong?"

Qin Yu couldn't help laughing "heh", looked at the woman above with sarcasm in his eyes, and didn't reply her a word.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn't answer, Empress Dowager Jingchun continued to describe Qin Yu as a young man who had lost his footing, and advised him to change his face now, and promised Qin Yu that as long as he retreated, the emperor would give him the title of prince. .

Qin Yu didn't have the patience to listen any longer, so he interrupted Queen Mother Jingchun and said, "As long as you release Su Mucheng, I will let you and your son leave here alive."

Empress Dowager Jing Chun didn't feel embarrassed at all when she was interrupted, she brushed her temple hair, "Su Mucheng is naturally in our hands, his safety depends entirely on your choice." Looking at Qin Yu with a smile, it seemed that he was sure that Qin Yu would agree to her conditions.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the Empress Dowager Jing Chun above for a long time. Then, there seemed to be a stern light flashing in his eyes. He slightly pursed the corners of his lips, but at the next moment, he suddenly broke into a smile, and said suddenly: "Mu Cheng is no longer in your hands, is he?"

Empress Dowager Jingchun's expression remained unchanged, but a trace of panic flashed quickly in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up, and she covered her mouth with a light smile, "Hehe, it's not with us, is it by your side?" ?"

The smile on Qin Yu's face became more and more obvious, and he became more and more sure that his guess was correct. The big stone in his heart was completely let go at this moment, and the decadent expression was swept away immediately, and he became full of fighting. Since Mu Cheng was no longer in the hands of the mother and son, he didn't need to have any more scruples.

Without talking nonsense with Queen Mother Jingchun, Qin Yu pulled the reins, turned the horse's head around, and turned into the army behind him.

For the siege of Bianjing, from this moment, it officially began.


Li Luo rode on the mule without crying, and continued on his way.

He finally arrived at Sushui City ten days ago, only to find that Qin Yu had already set off with his army. He had not walked on Qin Yu's marching road before, so he never met Qin Yu at all, and now he could only turn around. He rushed towards Bianjing again, only hoping that Qin Xiaoyu would not be deceived by those two villains, thinking that he hadn't escaped yet and was under their restraint.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that when he arrives, the war will come to an end, or it will be over.

Just as he guessed, on his way, Qin Yu finally killed Qi Sheng who had just recovered from his injuries and came out to fight again during the two battles.

Then, the Xiangbei Army, which had joined the Xiangnan Army, doubled in size. It took a week to completely defeat the 100,000 troops under Qin Yan who were fighting stubbornly. Immediately afterwards, he broke through the gate of Bianjing, entered the city mightily, and surrounded the palace.

Empress Dowager Jingchun and Qin Yan were just like what was written in his book. They had no hope of escape and were unwilling to be captured and tortured by Qin Yu. They both drank poisoned wine and died in the Jinluan Hall. After leaving the palace, even if he died, he would not let Qin Yu ascend to the throne earlier.

Fortunately, the Xiangbei Army and Xiangnan Army put out the fire in time to control the spreading fire. In the end, only a few palaces were destroyed by the fire that filled the sky, but the Jinluan Palace where the Empress Dowager Jingchun and Qin Yan died were burned beyond recognition.

Therefore, the grand ceremony for the new emperor's ascension to the throne can only be postponed slightly until the Golden Luan Hall is repaired.

But even so, Qin Yu is worthy of the name the supreme ruler of Qin.

However, the young king who has become the supreme ruler of the Qin Kingdom is not as proud as others thought, but rather slightly melancholy.

The people he cares about don't know where they are now. Although he can be sure that he is safe, but he hasn't seen him for so long. The longing for his beloved has already gathered into a vast ocean, which is about to drown him up.


Li Luo hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at the city of Bianjing a month later. At this time, the city of Bianjing had already changed greatly. The soldiers standing at the gate of the city were all wearing the uniforms of the Xiangbei and Xiangnan Army. They stood upright and stared straight ahead with sharp eyes, appearing Extraordinarily energetic.

Li Luo rode a white mule into Bianjing City, because the soldiers didn't know him, so they only regarded him as an ordinary citizen entering the city.

Li Luo didn't stop, and rode a white mule, trotting all the way to the gate of the palace.

The soldiers standing outside the palace immediately blocked his way, and one of the little commanders standing right saw that Li Luo looked familiar, so he couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face, "Adjutant Su ,is it you?"

Li Luo looked at the little commander with a smile on his face, nodded and said: "It's me, I'm back. Yu... should be called the emperor now, where is he now?"

The little commander asked the other soldiers to put away their swords pointing at Li Luo, "You are finally back, Commander... His Majesty has been thinking about you all the time, and just after Bianjing was captured, he sent a lot of people to look for you." You don't know how ugly the emperor's face is after you were taken away, and the aura around you is very scary... "

Hearing what the little commander said, Li Luo couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart. After hearing that Qin Yu hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few months, he felt that his heart had been stabbed severely. He didn't agree with Liu Ruoyan to go out, maybe such a thing would not happen.

While talking, the little commander brought Li Luo into the palace, and walked directly towards the emperor's meeting hall inside the palace.

Because Qin State just took over, and Qin State under Qin Yan's rule has been eroded and riddled with holes, and now everything is in ruins. Qin Yu had to call all his counselors, as well as those who could be used by the court, to discuss the new laws of Qin. And such an extremely busy life can also make him temporarily forget the fact that Li Luo is not by his side now.

Now, Qin Yu is sitting on the upper seat of the meeting hall, looking down at the officials who are arguing about a taxation system.

After knowing that Li Luo was fine, he also began to gradually fall asleep at night, so now the black and blue spots under his eye sockets have disappeared, and only a faint spot can be seen.

Just when he was about to interrupt the noisy officials below, his head hurting a bit, his heart suddenly moved, and his eyes turned to the direction of the hall door for some reason.

When his gaze swept over, he happened to see two figures cast on the door. Although one of the shadows is still a bit indistinct, it can be seen that he is very slender, but his shoulders are narrow, and he looks very delicate.

Qin Yu was startled for a moment, then Huo Di stood up from his seat and looked straight over there.

The officials who were arguing enthusiastically below also noticed Qin Yu's actions. They immediately stopped their quarrel and looked at Qin Yu, thinking that the young emperor was about to express his opinion. But he saw the extremely handsome young emperor step by step down from the upper seat. Then, almost in the blink of an eye, they came to the front of the palace door. He stretched out his hand, his fingers trembling slightly, but he opened the closed door very quickly.

Li Luo was standing half a step behind the little commander, waiting for him to knock on the door and let him in to make an announcement, but he didn't expect that the door opened before their eyes before the little commander knocked on the door.

Behind the quickly opened door, Li Luo clearly saw the young man who was getting taller and taller. After seeing him, his eyes immediately burst into a look of ecstasy.

Before Li Luo could speak, Qin Yu hugged him tightly into his arms, as if trying to embed him into his body.

It's as if he is his whole world, as long as you hug him tightly, you can have the whole world.