The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 3: Crazy Dragon Proud Sky 3


Because of Qin Yu's request, Zhao Mutian reluctantly accepted Li Luo as a registered disciple, and accepted his guidance with Qin Yu.

Compared with Qin Yu's, Li Luo's bones are extremely poor, and he is three years older than Qin Yu, and his bones are almost hard, so he is extremely slow to learn.

However, for Professor Zhao Mutian's Art of War, Li Luo is pretty good at learning it, probably because of the setting of this article. After all, he still has to follow the hero to fight in all directions, so he can't be too OOC, right

Time gradually slipped by between day and night, and Li Luo witnessed with his own eyes that the hero grew from a small bun to a slender boy with broad shoulders and long legs, and an extremely handsome face.

But at the same time, his troubles are also increasing day by day. Originally, his bed was more than enough for him and Qin Yu to lie on, but as the two of them grew in stature, the most important thing was that Qin Yu grew taller (he is now 16 years old, But the height is already a little taller than him, and even the figure looks a little stronger than him), the bed seems to be getting narrower and narrower, and the two of them can't turn around when they lie down.

It's not that Li Luo didn't think about redoing a big bed, but for some reason, it always failed in the end.


The night was quiet, at this time in Li Luo's room, two slender teenagers were lying down together, but because the bed was not big enough, the teenager inside was slightly sideways, a head of long black hair slipped from his thin shoulders, leaking water. Usually laid out on the bed, the jade-white ear tips and flexible neck exposed between the black hair are set off even more dazzling by the flawless white jade. The boy outside was holding his arms, staring at the boy lying on his side without blinking his eyes.

"Mu Cheng, we are going down the mountain tomorrow." Qin Yu looked at Li Luo's slender waist curve because of his sideways body, his Adam's apple couldn't help sliding up and down a few times, and his deep eyes were even darker. .

"Hmm." Li Luo half-closed his eyes and responded softly. Since a year ago, Qin Yu no longer called him Brother Su, but called him by his first name. Li Luo didn't care too much, even if he didn't change now, it would be impossible to call him that when he became emperor in the future. It's just that he was trained by Zhao Mutian for a whole day, now Li Luo is so sleepy that he just wants to close his eyes, and can't raise his mind to chat with Qin Yu at all.

"I'm a little nervous. I've been thinking about going down the mountain for a long time, just waiting for such a day, but what if we can't succeed?"

"If we don't succeed, we will live in seclusion together in the mountains. I'm sorry that stupid king can't find us. It's very late, go to sleep, and we have to get up early and go down the mountain tomorrow." Li Luo said indifferently, his eyes were tightly closed After a while, he fell asleep with his mouth slightly open and whispering.

"Hehe, live in seclusion together in the mountains and forests, Mucheng, you promised me that." Qin Yu was silent for a long time, until Li Luo fell asleep for a long time, he suddenly stroked his face and let out a low laugh. Then he leaned over and kissed Li Luo's slightly parted lips, and stared at Li Luo's beautiful waistline for a long time, but couldn't help but lift off the unsuspecting Li Luo's clothes, revealing a large piece of jade white hair underneath. She rubbed her beautiful back for a long time, and finally left a light hickey mark on it. Then she straightened Li Luo's clothes, put her arms around Li Luo as if possessive, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Li Luo woke up again in Qin Yu's arms. He carefully moved Qin Yu's arms around his waist and stood up from the bed, stepped over Qin Yu's body and got out of the bed, took out clothes from the cabinet and put them on.

Finally, he was going down the mountain, so he would meet the heroine Liu Ruoyan soon. In this way, it is estimated that Qin Yu will no longer cling to him like he is now, and he can finally have his own bed again. Now his happiest thing is not actually being able to meet the goddess he fancied in this book, but that he can finally sleep peacefully by himself at night.

How painful it is for an otaku who has never even held a girl's hand to give up his highest pursuit!

But two guys sleeping in each other's arms, and now that they're all this big, it's really weird. Every morning when he wakes up in Qin Yu's arms, his body clings to Qin Yu's body because the bed is too small. He really doesn't want to talk about that feeling. Moreover, why is he held in Qin Yu's arms like a woman every time? Is he so weak! I'm so tired!

Li Luo looked at Qin Yu resentfully, and met the eyes of Qin Yu who sat up from the bed. Qin Yu was a little confused and asked, "What's wrong?"

"En? It's okay. You should pack your things well and prepare to go down the mountain." No matter what, even if it's for the dignity of a man, he must sleep in separate bed with Qin Yu. Li Luo turned his face while thinking, took out a square cloth from the closet and spread it on the table, then folded the clothes and piled them on top. But obviously he is not good at it, and the clothes in his hands are still messy.

"I've already sorted out mine yesterday, Mu Cheng, how long are you going to do this, let me help you." Qin Yu looked at Li Luo's clumsy and flustered look, and couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes. He quickly After putting on his clothes, he walked to Li Luo's side and helped him tidy up his clothes. With Qin Yu's help, Li Luo's scattered clothes in the closet quickly became a burden.

"Leave all the banknotes with me, you just need to bring some broken silver with you." Qin Yu looked at Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded without any objection. To him, it doesn't matter who gets the big money, anyway, the two of them want to act together.

Qin Yu seemed to be in a good mood and curled up the corners of his lips, that handsome face that still had a trace of childishness suddenly seemed to be hit by countless spotlights, it was so dazzling that Li Luo couldn't help but stare blankly . He handed Li Luo's bundle to Li Luo, then took out another bundle that he put on the cabinet and carried it on his back, "Let's have breakfast first, and then go down the mountain."

Only then did Li Luo wake up from being stupefied by Qin Yu's smile. At that moment, he felt his heart beat a beat slower. Li Luo shook his head, this must be his illusion, he actually stared dumbfounded at an underage boy.

He quickly followed Qin Yu's footsteps, and walked side by side towards the kitchen where they used to eat.


Qin Yu's grandfather, Nangong Ao, was a general of the Qin Dynasty with hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands. He led the army to station at the border of Qin State all the year round, deterring the nomads in the north and Yan State, which was connected to the land of Qin State.

He had two sons and a daughter. Qin Yu's mother, Nan Gongyue, was the youngest daughter, and also the most beloved child of Qin Yu's grandfather.

Back then, Emperor Xuanyuan married Nangong Yue as his concubine in order to restrain Nangong Ao's power, but he did not expect to fall in love with her.

After Qin Yan poisoned Emperor Xuanyuan to death with lightning speed, assassinated Qin Yu, and forged an imperial decree to ascend the throne of God, Nangong Ao was furious, but he did not raise an army in name. He could only stay on the frontier, not listen to the new emperor's order, and simply became a local emperor.

When Qin Yu and Li Luo went down the mountain this time, they went to the frontier in Guanbei, defected to Nangong Ao, and planned to overthrow Qin Yan's rule.

The two rode horses and headed all the way from the south of the Yangtze River to the north. Because I am not in a hurry, I will stop and play for a few days when I encounter a town with a more charming style. If I can’t meet a town where I will stay, I will find a safe place to spend the night.

But what made Li Luo very depressed was that after this journey, as long as he could stay overnight, he still shared a room with Qin Yu. Except for the change of location, everything else was almost the same as before.

Qin Yu's explanation to him was that the road was too far, so the two of them lived together to save money.

Li Luo: ... Hehe, don't think I don't know how many bank notes you have and how much you can spend on accommodation! Didn't you see the disdainful eyes of those shopkeepers who came all the way and heard that we lived in one room

The most important thing is being hugged and waking up every day—so tired, I just don’t want to love Le _(:з)∠)_.

No matter what, after three months, Li Luo and Qin Yu, who can be said to have come all the way slowly, finally arrived at the destination of their trip.