The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 32: Crazy Dragon Proud Sky 32


When Li Luo woke up again, he found himself lying on a bed. After he opened his eyes, he immediately glanced around, but did not find Qin Yu's figure.

Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to sit up from the bed, but felt something was wrong. When he lowered his head, he found that his upper body was completely naked, only wearing a thin red gauze, which was basically the same as not wearing any. Through the gauze, he could clearly see the two small dots on his chest, and his jade-like white skin was even more white and translucent against the light red.

Li Luo: "..." Wait, what's going on

Li Luo lifted the quilt again, and sure enough, he didn't wear pants either, and there was this ankle-length red gauze dress all over his body. A red ribbon was tied around his waist, making his already thin waist even thinner.

Li Luo looked at his attire and felt that he was going to be too square. He quickly checked the progress of the plot in his mind, and it has progressed to ninety-nine percent. He had seen so much before, but it stopped there and did not change.

Li Luo had no choice but to cover the quilt again, calling Xiao Qi to come out, and asked him to help him get a piece of clothing hidden in the system space.

Xiaoqi was different from usual, she appeared slowly, [Host Daddy, what's the matter with you?]

[Xiaoqi, help me get a suit of clothes. ] Li Luo said quickly, wearing such clothes now, he simply felt uncomfortable all over.

[I'm sorry, the host, I can't let other people discover my existence. Xiaoqi just scanned the room, and there is no clothes for you to wear QAQ.]Xiao Qi's voice seemed a little embarrassed.

Li Luo was about to say something, but Xiao Qi hurriedly said in his mind: [Su... the host is great, the hero is here, I'm leaving first, call me when he's not here!]

——What's the use of you falling!

Li Luo was dumbfounded, but when he realized who the hero was in Xiao Qi's mouth, his body stiffened immediately.

Sure enough, after only a few seconds, the originally closed door was opened, and the bed where Li Luo was staying was blocked by a whole screen outside, so he couldn't see the scene outside clearly, and the people outside couldn't see it either. not to him.

Li Luo heard the footsteps of many people, but soon these footsteps went out of the room again. But Li Luo could clearly feel that Qin Yu was standing behind the screen.

It wasn't until half a cup of tea passed that Li Luo saw the taller and taller figure turn around the screen, with black pupils looking straight in his direction. At the moment when he saw Li Luo's appearance, a dark light seemed to flash in his eyes quickly, but it disappeared quickly.

Li Luo has now returned to his original appearance, his long black hair is not tied up, it just hangs over his back and shoulders which are much narrower than other men. The red gauze was like a light red mist, covering his body neither loose nor tight. The two dots on the chest are faintly visible, looming between the folds of the gauze.

Li Luo saw Qin Yu standing there looking at him without saying a word. He and Qin Yu looked at each other in silence for more than ten seconds, and finally couldn't help but said: "Yu, can you help me get a piece of clothing for me?" I wear?"

Listening to Li Luo's words, Qin Yu half-closed his eyes, and a half-smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

In just a blink of an eye, Li Luo had already come to the bed, bent down to look at him, reached out and clasped his chin so that he could only look up at him, "Isn't this good? Although I don't know if you are How easy it is, but as long as you don't have clothes, you can no longer escape from my side, right?"

Li Luo: "..." He was speechless. Moreover, the things on his body, including the universal Yi Rong pill on his neck, have been taken off by Qin Yu, and he doesn't know where to put them. Now even if he wants to escape, he doesn't know what to do.

Li Luo immediately thought that the system still had items that had not been exchanged, but as long as Qin Yu was by his side, or anyone was by his side, it was impossible for him to take out the items and use them.

"What are you thinking? Are you still thinking about how to escape from my side?" Qin Yu's deep voice rang in Li Luo's ear, pulling him back from his thoughts in an instant.

Qin Yu was still looking at him half-bent, but there seemed to be two bottomless pools in those dark eyes, which seemed to be able to swallow everything. Although he didn't say anything, Li Luo knew that he was angry, very angry. This anger has been suppressed in his heart for five years, but now it is still hidden. But as long as there is any spark that can ignite his anger, it will suddenly form a prairie fire, causing him to explode quickly.

Li Luo looked at Qin Yu, his eyes flickered, and then he said, "No."

"Lie." Qin Yu stroked Li Luo's chin a few times with his fingers, and there was still a smile on the corner of his lips, but there was no warmth. "You are lying to me."

Li Luo swallowed hard, looked at Qin Yu's deep eyes, moved his lips, and finally did not speak.

Qin Yu smiled self-deprecatingly, and a sad look immediately appeared in his eyes. He hadn't seen this person in front of him for five years, and he wouldn't understand what kind of suffering he had been through these five years.

On the day Li Luo disappeared, he first waited for three days, then frantically searched every inch of the entire palace, and sent thousands of people to search for him in Bianjing City, but there was nothing, nothing. could not find it. He began to fear, afraid that he would never be able to see him again, a lifetime is too long, without him by his side, how would he survive these long decades

The person in front of him would not understand the panic and fear burning in his heart, the pain of losing his most precious thing, like the pain of half of his heart being dug out.

Qin Yu didn't want to taste that kind of pain and suffering again, so he didn't even think about leaving his side again.

Li Luo saw the hurt in Qin Yu's eyes, and he was even more speechless. He said goodbye without saying goodbye for five years, and the first thing he thought of when he saw Qin Yu was how to escape, which made him dare not face Qin Yu's eyes at all.

However, if Qin Yu could promise him, stop thinking about doing that kind of thing to him, and continue to be friends and brothers with him, he would not want to run away either.

Li Luo looked at Qin Yu and asked with difficulty: "Qin Yu, can't we really just be friends? I really only regard you as my younger brother, and I don't want to have more feelings with you than friends .”

"Hahaha, friend? Just treat me as a younger brother?" Qin Yu suddenly laughed, "But I don't want to be friends with you, I just want to fuck you. As early as when I was fifteen years old, I was thinking about something It's time to sleep with you."

Qin Yu stopped laughing. Although there was still a smile on his face, there was a sadness in his eyes that made Li Luo worry. He lowered his head, bit Li Luo's lips fiercely, then pushed him down on the bed, and kissed him fiercely. His chest fondled. Qin Yu didn't take out his hand until the gauze on Li Luo's body was crumpled and the two spots of pink were red, and he licked Li Luo's bloodshot lips, squinting his eyes and said, "We eat first."