The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 36: Three more merged


Li Luo never imagined that one day, he and Qin Yu would wear thick black and red dresses of the same color, walk with him through the red carpet that stretched for hundreds of meters, and be watched by thousands of people to hold the ceremony. ceremony.

His hand was always held by Qin Yu. Every time they passed by, people in each place would kneel down and kowtow to him and Qin Yu.

In the end, Li Luo was led by Qin Yu to that high position, and sat beside him.

Although sitting at such a high place and looking down at the dark crowd below is indeed quite refreshing, but those people are not included, they are full of hostility towards him, and most people say "it's you shameless" The little goblin confuses our emperor, it is simply a disaster for the court, and it has no shame! ' looked at him.

Li Luo felt like crying, and he didn't want to marry Qin Yu either. If all of you can be useful and persuade Qin Yu, how could such a thing happen.

He has never even kissed a girl's small mouth, but he was hit by a man's home run first, and now he is even married to him.

Li Luo couldn't help checking the progress in his mind, the progress bar was still at 99.5, his wish to disappear on the spot was simply impossible to come true.

In an extremely quiet and solemn atmosphere, Qin Yu completed the ceremony for Li Luo. He embraced Li Luo, showing the first extremely satisfied smile since Li Luo disappeared.

The palace where Li Luo and Qin Yu got married was also very festively decorated. The palace was covered with red gauze curtains and red candles were lit everywhere. The two red candles burning on the table in front of the bed were even more impressive. The child's arm is so thick, with a golden dragon and a phoenix hovering above it, and the table under the candles is filled with various festive melons, fruits and pastries.

The walls were also reapplied thickly with pepper and mud, so that the palace was filled with a strange fragrance.

After the grand ceremony, Qin Yu led Li Luo for a while, then directly reached out to hug Li Luo, and walked into their new house with great strides.

Putting Li Luo on the table beside the bed, Qin Yu picked up the jug and poured two glasses of wine, still smiling. In the deep eyes, there seemed to be two pools of warm spring water flowing, which made Li Luo, who was locked by his eyes, feel that his heart was involuntarily soaked and softened.

"It is said that couples in the folks all want to drink a cup of wine. Our big wedding today cannot miss this link." Qin Yu said while handing a wine glass full of wine to Li Luo's hand.

Under Qin Yu's gaze, Li Luo took the wine glass involuntarily, and Qin Yu crossed the arm holding the wine, and unconsciously put the wine into his mouth.

After drinking, he realized that he had just drank a cup of wine with Qin Yu so naturally? !

The villain in his heart suddenly bumped his head against the wall a few times, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

After drinking the cup of wine, Qin Yu hugged Li Luo and lay on the bed again, but he didn't do anything to Li Luo. She just put her arms around his waist, rubbed against his back, and then told Li Luo many things that happened around him during the five years when Li Luo was not around.

Almost the whole night was spent in the sound of Qin Yu's voice. Li Luo didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, Qin Yu had long since disappeared.

That night, Li Luo's heart was very peaceful, as if he and Qin Yu had returned to the time when they were together, sleeping together on the same bed, falling asleep together, Qin Yu would chat with Li Luo about what happened that day, no matter Is happy, or sad.

Li Luo lay on the bed, looked at the red top of the bed above him, and sighed, if only Qin Yu could get along with him like he did last night, instead of hoping that he would treat him like a lover. He will not leave for five years as soon as he leaves, and the time he spends with him may be longer.

But maybe in that case, in the end, he might not want to leave so soon, right

Li Luo sighed again, put an arm across his eyes, not to look at the red scenery.


Before I knew it, another two months passed.

Qingxiao Kingdom, outside the capital city.

Li Luo sat on the edge of the bed in the big tent where Qin Yu lived. Since he married Qin Yu, he finally put on the same clothes as usual, but Qin Yu did not relax his supervision. And because Qin Yu was always by his side, Xiao Qi couldn't scream at all.

Li Luo looked at the progress of the system again, and it was already 99.8. In fact, he knew it without looking at the progress. Now he and Qin Yu are camping outside the capital of Qingxiao Kingdom. The progress of this point is only a matter of a few days.

Fortunately, Qin Yu couldn't help but put on the commander in person and lead the army to attack Qingxiao Kingdom, otherwise the progress would be very slow.

With Qin Yu's leadership, Qin's million-strong army became even more powerful, attacking directly from the central part of Qingxiao Kingdom to the outside of the capital.

As long as the capital is conquered and the palace is entered, the progress will definitely reach 100%.

This also shows that he is leaving this world and returning to the real world.

In fact, apart from what Qin Yu did to him, he was really good to him and took care of him meticulously. Basically, Qin Yu could immediately understand what he meant with just one look from him.

But it is impossible for him to spend his whole life with Qin Yu like this. He felt that Qin Yu had almost a morbid possession of him now, and he looked at him tightly and tightly. Although the control over him has been slowly relaxed now, he is still not allowed to move around at will.

There was a burst of shouting and killing outside, but it seemed that he was separated from him by two worlds. No matter how noisy it is outside, the place where he is is so quiet.

Occasionally, a figure with a sword can be seen appearing on the tent, but it will soon be eliminated by layers of guards guarding outside the tent, turning into a bloodstain on the tent.

The fight lasted for three full hours before it ended. The army of the defeated Qingxiao Kingdom retreated into the city, and continued to start a tug-of-war with the Qin army.

But their army suffered heavy losses in this battle, and it is estimated that they will not last long.

After a while, the tent was lifted, and a slender figure walked in with an evil spirit all over his body. It was Qin Yu. He was wearing a silver battle armor, and there were a few obvious bloodstains splashed on the battle armor, which made his evil spirit even heavier.

After entering the tent, Qin Yu did not walk towards Li Luo again, but turned around and walked aside, took off his blood-stained battle armor, put it on the table placed there, and Call the guards to prepare bath water for yourself.

Between the bed where Li Luo was sitting and the door of the tent was a screen specially ordered by Qin Yu to be placed, so Li Luo did not see Qin Yu's hostile look.

After taking a shower and changing into a new set of clothes, Qin Yu turned around the screen and walked towards Li Luo.

With her long hair loose, Li Luo squatted on the bed with her knees in her arms, her face buried behind her knees, only a pair of peach blossom eyes with a hint of amber looked at Qin Yu. The two white soles of the feet seemed to be shining against the dark black sheet below her body. The skeleton of his body is much smaller than that of ordinary men, and when he huddles up, he looks like some kind of harmless little animal. He can only huddle up in front of the ferocious beasts that prey on him, with wet eyes I earnestly begged the beast not to eat me. But he didn't know that it was this kind of posture that made the already distracted beast even more want to throw him down, tear him to the ground, and eat him without any scum left.

Qin Yu picked up Li Luo and wrapped him into his arms. Although he had already embraced him in his arms, he still felt very uneasy in his heart today, just like the person in his arms It's about to disappear anytime.

This feeling was like a surging tide coming from nowhere, submerging him all of a sudden, making him unable to breathe for a moment. He buried his face into Li Luo's neck, felt the warm touch, and took another deep breath, only then did he feel the sudden panic in his heart slowly disappear.


Five days after that day, the gate of Qingxiao Kingdom's capital was finally breached by Qin's army. Qin's army poured into the city from the broken city gate. Overwhelmed the soldiers of Qingxiao Kingdom who had already been routed.

At this moment, Li Luo was sitting in a carriage that looked very ordinary on the outside, but was very comfortably furnished on the inside, and the entire carriage was made of iron wood that could not be cut with a sword. Drive towards the palace of Qingxiao Kingdom.

Everything has become a foregone conclusion. It is estimated that within a few hours, Qingxiao Kingdom's palace will definitely be breached by Qin's army. The territory of the superpower founded by Qin Yu has finally become complete today.

Li Luo checked the progress of the system in his mind again, and the progress has become 99.9, which is about to become 100%. But at this time, after being captured by Qin Yu, Li Luo was always looking forward to the faster progress, but he was not at all happy as he thought, but became a little heavy for some reason.

I'm really leaving.

Li Luo leaned against the wall of the car, and somehow remembered Qin Yu's childhood. At that time, Qin Yu still had a round apple face. He always liked to follow him and call him Brother Mucheng, and his eyes were always bright. It was so bright that it seemed to fill the entire starry sky. Any good things will be delivered to him in front of him, and after watching him accept it, he will chat happily with him all the time.

Then the child who was only one stone table tall grew up slowly, the round contour of his face gradually became three-dimensional, the round eyes slowly elongated, and finally turned into an extraordinary handsome man.

Even when he became an adult, his gaze was always fixed on him, and he never moved away.

It's just that my feelings for him have changed from relying on admiration to wanting to have him, wanting to get him, and let him have the same passionate feelings as he has for him.

But Li Luo couldn't respond to his feelings, even though he was pressed under Qin Yu so many times, his body still felt it. But the stimulation of the senses does not mean love, let alone that he was forced by Qin Yu in the first place.

But even after being treated like this by Qin Yu for a few months, he still didn't feel any resentment against him, but he couldn't return to the state of treating Qin Yu as his younger brother before.

The current Qin Yu is different from the soft little child before. He can no longer rely on himself, and he no longer needs his protection. The current Qin Yu is already extremely strong, so strong that no one can hurt him.

The carriage moved forward slowly, without any sense of bumps. Sometimes it would stop, but the time was not long, and it would move forward soon.

Finally, the carriage finally stopped, and the door of the carriage was opened, revealing a handsome face that he was very familiar with.

"It's safe, Mu Cheng, come down."

Li Luo walked out of the carriage half bent, and found that the carriage was parked in a huge courtyard.

The flowers in the courtyard are very bright, but there are several potholes, which do not match the beautiful courtyard.

With sharp eyes, Li Luo also saw a bloodstain that was not wiped clean on the edge of the flower bed that he could see.

Li Luo got off the carriage, and Qin Yu led him to a room not far away, and said, "The two of us will stay here tonight, let's put all our things in there first, and we will hold a celebration banquet later in the evening. Just sit next to me."

"Oh, okay." It was already the moment of the final reunion, Li Luo didn't make any trouble, and agreed to Qin Yu with a nod.

Qin Yu's eyes suddenly showed happiness because of Li Luo's reaction.

Time soon came to night.

This time the celebration banquet was held in a spacious hall. All the titled generals were placed in this place, and many other soldiers were placed in other places.

Li Luo was wearing a robe of the same color as Qin Yu's, but the style was more gorgeous than Qin Yu's, making his handsome face even more beautiful.

While drinking, Qin Yu looked at Li Luo who was sitting next to him. Although he was not drunk, his eyes were full of drunkenness.

Naturally, Li Luo could also feel the fiery gaze from the person beside him, but he had been stared at by this gaze for several months, he was completely used to it, and he didn't feel any restlessness from being burned.

The soldiers below looked at Qin Yu and Li Luo above from the corner of their eyes from time to time. It is well known that their emperor married a male empress, not to mention that the emperor had gone to great lengths to find this person for several years.

Li Luo acted as if he didn't see the gazes of those people below. He didn't want to touch the wine. The last time he touched it, Qin Yu directly ate it several times. He just stretched out his chopsticks to pick up those delicious-looking dishes and ate them, as long as his stomach was full.

At the end of the meal, some of the soldiers below fell asleep on the table, and Li Luo felt that he had eaten enough, so he simply put down his chopsticks.

Seeing him put down his chopsticks, Qin Yu asked, "Are you full?"

"En." Li Luo nodded.

"Then let's go back." Qin Yu stood up and said to Li Luo.

"Okay." Li Luo also stood up, followed behind Qin Yu, and walked away through a small door next to him.

At this time, the moon has risen to the highest place in the sky, and the silver moonlight swaying down casts a layer of white halo on everything. Qin Yu dismissed all the eunuchs and maids, took a lantern in his hand, and walked beside Li Luo. The hazy yellow light from the lantern only illuminated a little bit of the road ahead, but the light was extraordinarily warm. In fact, under such moonlight, there is no need to support another lantern, but Qin Yu really likes to see the lines of Li Luo's face becoming softer under the hazy yellow light.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but tonight, Li Luo also seemed to be looking at him from the corner of his eye from time to time, and when he met his gaze, he would immediately look away like a frightened little rabbit.

It's really cute.

Qin Yu's heart was about to melt under the warm light, but for some reason, under such a peaceful and peaceful way of getting along, Qin Yu felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, which was like The flowers in the moon water in the mirror will disappear as soon as they are touched, but once they calm down, they will immediately reappear there, and they cannot be erased no matter what.

Qin Yu turned to look at Li Luo who was walking beside him, stretched out his hand, grabbed his palm tightly, and wrapped his hand completely in his own.

"What's wrong?" Li Luo turned his head to look at Qin Yu with doubts in his eyes.

"It's nothing." Qin Yu exhaled. He has completely controlled the world, so what is there to be afraid of? Even if Li Luo wants to run away again, he still has enough manpower and material resources to bring him back to his side again. .

Back in the courtyard where they lived, the moon had already slanted a little to the east, and the silver moonlight became more and more hazy.

Qin Yu pushed open the door, and the inside had already been cleaned again by the eunuchs and maids who originally belonged to the Qingxiao Kingdom, and it looked similar to the room that Qin Guo Li Luo lived in for a few months.

Li Luo took off his shoes and coat and lay down on the bed. Qin Yu also went to bed and lay down next to Li Luo.

Then Qin Yu hugged Li Luo's waist and kissed him on the lips.

Li Luo stroked his lips and said, "Can we not do it today? Let's talk with me." He has already seen that the progress bar in his mind has reached 100%, and it may not be long before he I'm going back to my own world.

"Okay." Qin Yu was not in high spirits tonight, his mood became more and more depressed for some reason, he couldn't help reaching out, grabbed Li Luo's palm, and placed it on his chest.

Li Luo seemed to be able to feel the pulsation of Qin Yu's heart, and his mood sank accordingly. He didn't know how deep Qin Yu's feelings for him were, but it seemed that he had been persistently looking for him during those five years, even at the expense of In manpower and material resources, we can see his persistence.

Li Luo also shook Qin Yu's hand, and talked with Qin Yu about the first time they were brought back to the mountain by Zhao Mutian.

Memories are always exceptionally good, Li Luo fell asleep unknowingly while talking.

When he was in a daze, Xiaoqi's voice suddenly sounded in his head, [The host is big, the time-space transmission is ready, you are about to be teleported back to your home in the real world, please get ready. The countdown will start soon~]

Li Luo woke up suddenly. He looked at Qin Yu who was lying beside him. Qin Yu seemed to be in a deep sleep, but his brows were slightly frowned for some reason. His hand was still holding Li Luo's hand. Still on his chest.

Li Luo wanted to pull his hand out of Qin Yu's, but he couldn't pull it out no matter what, so he had to give up.

He asked Xiaoqi in his mind, [Is this okay?]

[It doesn't matter, the host's soul will be directly molecularized, and the host has created a complete soul lifestyle for this character. Therefore, the remaining body will be exactly the same as the previous personality behavior of the host, and will continue to live in this world, and no one will find anything wrong.]

Li Luo nodded, took the last moment to carefully look at Qin Yu's appearance, then leaned down and whispered in his ear: "Ah Yu, goodbye." When he said this, Li Luo felt that the bottom of his heart was Feeling sour, his eye sockets also felt a little hot. He really wanted to lose sight of this person, but a feeling of reluctance suddenly emerged in his heart.

Qin Yu's eyelids were also shaking violently, as if he wanted to wake up.

But he didn't seem to be able to wake up, but he held Li Luo's hand even tighter, tears began to flow from the corners of his eyes, and his lips twitched as if he wanted to say something.

[… 20… 15… 10…]

Li Luo felt that a circle of white light began to glow on his body, which gradually turned into spots of light and dissipated in the air.

Qin Yu seemed to have finally broken free from the invisible shackles on him, and opened his eyes. His entire eyes were red, as if filled with blood and tears.

"Do you want to leave again! Don't go! Don't leave me! Do you want to leave me alone like this again!" Qin Yu looked at Li Luo's glowing body with a look of horror in his eyes, "You Where are you going? Don't go, okay?" He stretched out his hand as if to catch those scattered light spots, but it was just a cloud of air in front of him.

Looking at Qin Yu's appearance, Li Luo burst into tears unconsciously. Before being forced by Qin Yu, he always wanted to leave Qin Yu and go back to his own world. But seeing Qin Yu like this now, for some reason, he felt like his heart was being stabbed by a blunt knife, slowly opening one after another, and the pain was unbearable.

Realizing that he couldn't catch the scattered light spot at all, Qin Yu could only grab Li Luo's hand and hold it tightly in front of his chest, hot tears fell drop by drop into Li Luo's palm, "I won't shut it down again." With you, you can go wherever you want, and I will not force you anymore. As long as you stay, I will promise you everything, okay?"

Li Luo had never seen Qin Yu cry so hard, so sad. Except for that time, when he cried because of his parents' death, at other times, no matter how hard or tired or painful, he never shed a single tear.

Li Luo held the shattered teardrop in that hand, as if catching Qin Yu's shattered heart.

In the end, his consciousness fell into a blur, and the last thing he saw was Qin Yu's eyes full of sadness.

real world 1

Li Luo woke up from the state of indulging consciousness, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the ceiling that was still very familiar to him after so many years.

Li Luo stayed for a moment, then sat up all of a sudden, and glanced around, all the decorations he was familiar with.

He's really, really back.

Li Luo didn't feel any joy, he stretched out his left hand in front of him, there was nothing in his white palm, but Li Luo felt that it was heavy, as heavy as a thousand catties.

Li Luo clenched his hand tightly, as if he could still feel the scalding temperature of Qin Yu's tears that dripped into his palm at that time.

"Don't leave me!" Qin Yu's voice seemed to be still ringing in his ears.

[Host host, welcome back to the real world~]

Li Luo didn't answer, Qin Yu's heartbroken expression at that time was all in his mind.

[... Host, what's wrong with you?]

Li Luo held his left hand with his right hand, his heart constricted.

Now it is different from those five years, he has completely left Qin Yu's world, it is impossible to say that he can go back to see him if he wants to.

If every time he leaves a world, he will be so sad and difficult to leave, then he has only experienced one world now, what should he do with the worlds he is about to go to in the future

[The host is big, it has been detected that your negative mood value is high. Do you want to use the emotional extraction soda provided by the system for free?]

[What is this? ] Li Luo asked.

[Because we often have to serve some hosts to travel to various worlds, but in the end we always have to return to the real world. Many hosts will have various emotions for the people in the world they travel through. In order not to affect the life of the host, after each world, we will provide a bottle of emotionally extracted soda, just like in the myths and legends of your world. The Mengpo soup is the same. But the effect is not that great, it just allows you to forget the emotions accumulated in the previous world.]Xiao Qi explained carefully.

Li Luo was silent for a moment, but shook his head, [No, I'll just rest for a few days. Let's talk about it when I come out of the next world.]

[Okay, I can provide it to you at any time if necessary.]Xiao Qi knew that Li Luo was in a bad mood, and he didn't act cute in Li Luo's mind. After saying this, he became quiet, as if he had fallen into a standby state.

Li Luo fell back on the bed, didn't want to do anything else at all, closed his eyes and thought a lot, then fell asleep again.

In the dream, it seemed that the handsome man was looking at him with great sadness, with tears of despair in his eyes, "Could it be that you really can't fall in love with a man?"


Li Luo was woken up by the ringing of the phone, he reluctantly snorted softly, frowned, groped for the phone that was ringing and vibrating from the bedside with his eyes closed, and was in a daze. Pressed the answer button, "Hello?"

"Hey what?! I'm your elder sister. How long has it been since you've been out of the house, kid? Get out of here and have dinner with me, do you hear me?!" A mid-spirited female voice came from the opposite side , roaring directly in his ear.

Li Luo sat up from the bed at once, his thoughts seemed to be still on the scene where Qin Yu looked at him with tears, he scratched his hair and said in a depressed mood: "I don't want to go—"

"Okay, just wait, I'll come pick you up now."

"Hello, wait, sister, sister?!" Li Luo heard the busy tone of "beep beep beep" from the other side, and cut off the phone helplessly.

Half an hour later, there was a hasty knock on the door of his room, and Li Luo walked to open the door with a chicken nest on his head and his slippers.

Standing outside the door was a tall and slender beauty with big curly hair, a professional suit, and a pair of black high heels. She looked very capable and neat—it was Li Luo's sister, Li Ning.

As soon as he saw Li Luo, Li Ning stretched out his hand to pinch his fair and tender face, and then took a disgusted look at his messy chicken coop. Fingers with red nails poked Li Luo's head, "Didn't I tell you to prepare to go out? Why do you still look so sloppy?"

"Sister, I don't want to go out." Li Luo lowered his head and said.

Li Ning raised one eyebrow, and glanced at Li Luo, "Okay, go and change your clothes, if you don't change your sister, I will change it for you."

Li Luo reluctantly turned around and went to the bathroom to change into a T-shirt and jeans, combed his hair with a comb dipped in water, and walked to Li Ning's side as usual.

Li Ning dragged Li Luo up, and after closing the door, he hurriedly dragged Li Luo downstairs and got into the car. Sitting in the driver's seat by himself, he removed the top roof and side windows of his sports car. After the car was completely open, Li Ning stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out.

The early spring wind is also mixed with the fragrance of flowers, which blows on the cheeks, and the breath in and out seems to wash the dirt in one's body. Coupled with the warm spring sun approaching the evening, it is even more warm and soft.

Li Ning took a deep breath, then smiled and turned his head to look at Li Luo who was sitting next to him, "How about it, do you feel better?" Seeing that Li Luo's originally sleepy face improved a bit , she went on to say, "If you are in a bad mood, don't be bored at home. It will only make you feel more uncomfortable when you are bored at home. You should go out with your sister to eat and go for a drive. You will stay in that small room all day long. You are a writer, those who don’t know think you are growing mushrooms in it!”

Li Luo blew the wind for more than ten minutes, and the discomfort in his heart seemed to have dissipated a lot with the wind. Hearing Li Ning say this at this time, he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Li Luo's smile, Li Ning felt relieved, "Tell me, what is it that upsets you?"

"It's nothing, just encountered some problems in writing." Li Luo couldn't tell what he was really worried about, so he could only tell a little lie.

"Oh, then you can let it go for the time being and go out for a walk more. Now that your sister is taking you to dinner, don't think about it for the time being."

"Yeah." Li Luo smiled, and the originally gloomy mood infected by his energetic sister became cheerful.

Li Ning took Li Luo to a private restaurant and stopped in front of the counter. As soon as the receptionist at the counter saw Li Ning, he stood up with a smile and said, "Is this Miss Li? The room you booked is No. a22, please Wait a minute, I'll call the waiter to come and take you there."

"Okay." Li Ning nodded politely towards the front desk, and waited until a young woman in overalls came to lead the way, and then walked inside together with Li Luo.

After ordering the dishes, Li Ning seemed to remember something, and said to Li Luo who was sitting opposite him: "Xiao Luo, have you read the newspaper you ordered this morning?"

"No, what's the matter?" Li Luo asked suspiciously.

"Hey, do you still remember your roommate in college, that Jin Chenji?"

"Huh? What happened to him?" Li Luo bit his chopsticks and asked in confusion.

"He was in a car accident. It is said that he was out of danger this morning. He is currently recuperating in the intensive care unit of the hospital, but he is still unconscious."

"Car accident?" Li Luo opened his eyes wide and asked in disbelief.

Jin Chenji is a classmate and roommate of Li Luo University for four years, that handsome guy who has no friends. Not only is he handsome, but he also has a good family background. He is not from the same world as him in every respect.

It is said that Jin Chenji had already been an intern in his family's group company when he was in high school. After graduating from high school, he took over a project worth tens of millions, and even doubled the profit of this project. There are also companies that take care of both, and also serve as the chairman of the school's student union, who is simply the hero in some domineering president's stories.

Being able to be roommates with such a god-level classmate, it stands to reason that a normal person would want to hug his thigh. But Li Luo always felt that he and he had different personalities, and they couldn't hang out together at all. It wasn't until something happened that changed their relationship and made them friends.

But after graduation, their contact gradually decreased. Thinking about it, Jin Chenji took over the position of president of the family business, and I'm afraid he has been too busy to forget that he is a dead home boy who only knows to stay at home every day.

But when he first heard that something happened to Jin Chenji, Li Luo still couldn't help becoming nervous, "What's going on?"