The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 40: Holy Magician 3


Li Luo squatted on the carpeted floor, lowered his head and stuck out his little tongue to lick the small bowl of milk in front of him—as a newborn cub, all he could drink was milk up.

Fortunately, the milk here tastes very good, the milk taste is very rich, it doesn't taste like the milk sold in supermarkets in the real world, it doesn't have the sweetness of milk at all.

Elvis was sitting on the sofa next to Li Luo, holding a book in his hand. The book was unfolded, and he seemed to be reading it seriously. Little Li Luo of milk. Seeing that he was almost done drinking, Elvis bent down and easily picked up his small body with one hand, put him on his lap, and stroked Li Luo's back with one hand. The soft fluff, and finally stretched out a slender finger to slowly scratch Li Luo's chin.

"Little thing, can I give you a name?"

Li Luo couldn't resist the feline nature, under Elvis' stroking and chin scratching, he squinted his eyes and let out a pleasant purr. After hearing what Elvis said, he raised his round head, put one of his front paws on Elvis' finger scratching his chin, and opened his mouth softly to "meow".

There was no suspense about his name at all. As the author of this book, and he still has the general direction of the world in his mind, Li Luo, who knows all the important people very well, turned his head and licked his paw, that fleshy cat face showed a look of indifference His expression couldn't be more calm.

Seeing the appearance of the little thing on his lap, Elvis couldn't help curling the corners of his lips, pulled out the fingers caught by Li Luo's claws, and continued to scratch the small chin that felt so good, making fun of it She said, "You are so cute, why not call you Mengmeng?"

Li Luo: "..." Mengmeng, your sister, Mengmeng! Bear boy, you are called Mengmeng, and your whole family is called Mengmeng.

Li Luo twitched the corners of his mouth and showed Elvis that he hadn't grown any sharp claws, and the hair all over his body was blown up. In order to further show his dissatisfaction, he also shouted at Elvis with a fierce expression. "Meow meow meow" several times.

Elvis looked at the fluffy-looking little guy on his leg with his claws dancing, couldn't help but clenched his fist and put it on his lips to cover up the smile that couldn't be hidden at the corner of his mouth . At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and a name quickly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but said: "Ludwig, your name is Ludwig." This sentence Not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence. On the road where Elvis lives, the name Ludwig means light.

And the arrival of this little thing in his arms made him experience a joyful emotion that he had never experienced since he became a waste. In the dead stillness of his heart, vitality appeared again in his withered heart. And I don't know why, for this little thing, he always wants to treat it better, hoping that it can stay by his side forever and never leave him.

After Elvis's voice fell, Li Luo felt as if something sprang out of his body, like a hidden instinct, prompting him to stand up, grab Elvis' fingers with his claws, and open He opened his mouth and bit his finger. The sharp teeth pierced Elvis' finger in an instant, and then Li Luo instinctively swallowed a few drops of Elvis' blood.

After Li Luo swallowed the blood, both of them felt the resonance from the depths of their bodies at the same time. It is like a strange rhythm that has been passed down from ancient times. There is an indelible connection between the two. This connection exists in the soul and cannot be erased.

Elvis was stunned for a moment. This feeling should only appear when signing a soul contract with a contracted beast, but why can Ludwig also sign a contract with him

Elvis looked down at the snowball-like ball on his leg in disbelief. Could it be that this little thing is not an ordinary animal, but a magical beast

However, he simply doesn't have the ability to contract a monster right now. The little guy chose him, but he can only stay at home like an ordinary person, and cannot take the little guy to see the wider world. Elvis didn't worry about Li Luo's level and potential at all, but felt extremely guilty towards him. If he hadn't signed a contract with him, his Ludwig would definitely have found a better master.

Elvis held Li Luo's two front paws so that his amber cat eyes could look at him, "Ludwig, I may not be able to make you change like the masters of other contracted beasts. Even so, don't you regret signing a contract with me?"

After Elvis finished speaking, a small paw slapped his face, and then the tip of his nose was licked, as if to comfort him, telling him not to give up on himself.

Elvis' mood immediately improved again, he hugged Li Luo into his arms, rubbed his white hair with his hands constantly, and showed an uncontrollable smile on his face again.


The Rossis family where Elvis belongs to will test the magic power contained in the body for free for the members of the family every year.

This year was no exception. Many teenagers and girls in their teens were waiting there before dawn on the square where the magic power was tested. Everyone was full of expectation and looked at the high platform in front of them with fear. Occasionally, a few close friends gathered together and whispered, but their voices were all placed very low, and they couldn't hear clearly unless they were close enough to listen.

As the sun rose, there were more and more people on the square, and more people were discussing, but the voices were still kept low, so it was still not noisy.

Elvis walked into the square with Li Luo in his arms when the assembly was about to end. After entering the square, he silently walked to the end of the line without making a sound.

But there are still many people who noticed him, and most of them showed ridicule and contempt when they saw him, and of course they were gloating more in their eyes.

Before Elvis lost his magic power, every time their parents taught them, they would definitely take Elvis as an example, making them hate Elvis in their hearts.

Now that Elvis has fallen from the altar and turned into a waste, they are naturally the happiest.

Not long after Elvis arrived, a man with white temples and wearing a black robe walked up to the high platform in front of a group of boys and girls standing in the square, his brown eyes glanced lightly, and originally whispered The sound of the sound disappeared immediately, and the square was so quiet that you could almost hear a needle drop.

Then the man withdrew his gaze, turned around and looked at the one-and-a-half-person-high object with a black curtain hanging behind him, and stretched out his hand to tear off the black curtain above, revealing a crystal clear crystal stone with a height of one person below. Come.

The man's hands under the black robe stretched out, revealing the five stars embroidered on the cuffs faintly, and in his hand was a staff inlaid with sapphires on the top. He muttered something in his mouth, and the sapphire on the staff suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and a beam of light immediately shot at the huge spar.

Inside the originally crystal-clear spar, suddenly there was a group of white light that seemed to be glowing, floating slowly in the spar like a cloud of mist.

"Go ahead, first child up."

The man withdrew his staff and looked at Tails, who was standing at the front of the line, with a rare smile on his serious face.

Tails was like a peacock that was being watched by everyone, with a smug smile on his face that he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried, he raised his feet and walked up the high platform.

When he put his hand on the spar and began to input magic energy into the spar, most of the people in the audience held their breath and watched the changes of the spar with their eyes wide open. Seeing that the color of the originally colorless spar gradually turned into a dazzling red light, the boys and girls below couldn't help but secretly gasped. They didn't expect that Tails had already reached the level of a trainee magician! And looking at it like this, it has been consolidated very well.

The man standing next to Tails nodded in satisfaction and said, "You're fine, next."

There was pride in the corners of Tails' eyes and brows. He turned his head and glanced at Elvis standing at the end of the line without any trace, and the pride in his eyes became more and more obvious. Now he is the focus of all attention, and the stumbling block that was pressing on his head before no matter what can't be overcome, has turned to dust by itself-it's really good.

The number of boys and girls standing in front of him was gradually decreasing, but Elvis seemed to have seen nothing, just lowered his head, stroking his arms with his hands, feeling very comfortable being touched, squinting his eyes for a nap Li Luo's back hair.

It wasn't until the last boy in front of him walked up to the high platform to finish the test, and the man looked at him without any emotion, that Elvis raised his head, walked up to Li Luo in his arms, put him aside, and put himself He put his hand on the spar.