The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 46: Holy Magician 9


After another ten minutes, the whole screening came to an end. There were more than half a square filled with people, but now there are only more than a thousand people left.

Luna looked at the white ball wagging its tail on the shoulder of Elvis standing not far from her, her heart was tickled by the cuteness, she couldn't help approaching Elvis, her pretty face was slightly red , asked in a low voice: "This classmate, can I touch your kitten?"

Elvis didn't speak, but just glanced at Luna with those blue eyes without any emotion, and then reached out to take off the white ball lying on his shoulder, and put it into the bag on his waist .

Luna: "..." Wait, is it really okay for you to be so stingy? We will definitely be classmates who will get along with each other for several years in the future, hey! And she just wanted to touch it, but she wouldn't take it away, so why was she so nervous

But under the gaze of those eyes that seemed to contain the whole winter, Luna didn't dare to say anything, just touched her nose, stepped back from Elvis before standing still, but still From time to time, he turned his head to look at the bag on Elvis' waist, hoping to see that cute thing again.

Li Luo, who was forcibly stuffed into the bag, struggled for a while before pushing the bag open with his head. He twitched his pink triangular nose a few times, and carefully observed the brown-haired girl who retreated silently. If he guessed correctly, this should be one of the heroines in the book he wrote. He raised his head and looked at Elvis gloatingly in his eyes. Sao Nian, if you treat your future wife so indifferently, you will probably be kicked out to sleep in the study in the future.

Elvis noticed Li Luo's eyes looking at him, lowered his head and looked at him for a while. Li Luo immediately turned his gaze away, moved his triangular ears, let out a cute cry, then lay down in the bag, opened a pair of big amber eyes and looked at Elvis above who was pretending to be innocent.

But he never expected that Elvis would reach out and close the bag cover, and then tied him to death.

Hearing the scratching sound coming from inside the bag, and the intermittent meowing in disbelief, Elvis couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, and there was an imperceptible pampering in his eyes. However, he still did not untie the strap of the bag in a bad manner, so he pretended not to hear the cry of protest from inside the bag.


It wasn't until night that Li Luo was released from the bag, and he jumped onto the bed immediately after he got out, laying there and not going to talk to Elvis any more.

Elvis did not try to appease Li Luo, but directly took off his clothes. After taking off the silk top, she immediately revealed her beautiful six-pack abs. Except for the abdominal muscles, his whole body is also very beautiful. Unlike ordinary magicians who only have soft flesh, his body looks very explosive at first glance.

Li Luo couldn't help turning his head slightly to look at Elvis' figure from the corner of his eye.

In the real world, he is an otaku. The flesh on his body is all soft, and his belly is even more fleshy. Although he is very thin, he looks like a chicken. Moreover, in the two worlds he entered, his figure was still very thin. This time, he was completely the body of a teenager who hadn't grown up. He didn't have the muscles like Elvis at all.

So sad... Li Luo glanced sadly at Elvis' six-pack abs, then turned his face away, and couldn't help but glance again.

It would be great if such abdominal muscles grew on him. Li Luo's cat face doesn't show any expression, but the villain in his heart has long since drooled a lot. Meat is simply his dream, okay

Unfortunately, in the real world, he had applied for a gym card, but... After going to the gym twice with great ambition, he never entered the gate of that gym again.

For dreams or something, let it go with the wind; for muscles or something, just take a look, hehe [manual goodbye].

Elvis naturally noticed Li Luo's eyes, his eyes flickered, he continued to take off his pants and then put on his nightgown, but his movements were a bit slow, as if there was a wordless expression in his every move. masculine charm.

Li Luo didn't notice Elvis' deliberate action at all, and watched the whole process without blinking with a pair of round cat eyes. It wasn't until Elvis put on his nightgown that he shook his ears, and stretched his legs to lie down next to the pillow.

Elvis lay down on the bed, stretched out his hand to caress Li Luo for a while, and then turned off the light, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, a small ball next to the pillow moved suddenly, and two balls of dim light lit up in the dark night.

Li Luo turned his head and watched Elvis for a long time before standing up and jumping off the bed without a sound.

Then his body quickly grew bigger and longer, turning into the appearance of a boy, and his soft hair also turned into the long silver-white hair of a boy. Different from being naked before, this time after the boy turned into a human form, he secretly took out a set of white robes from Elvis' storage bag and put them on, because Elvis was a bit bigger than the boy in size. circle, so the robe is very loose on the boy's body.

Li Luo folded his cuffs several times before exposing his arms. He walked around the room a few times, and the space wasn't very big—this was a unified room at St. Helier's School of Witchcraft and Magic. Four or five of the best qualified Students live in a suite, which is much better than other students, who have double rooms. Elvis was assigned to a suite.

Anyway, it was only one night, and the next day, they were about to leave for St. Helier Academy of Magic and Magic for a truly rigorous screening. And this time the screening is to distinguish their strengths and assign them to classes. For these students who have already set foot in St. Helier Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this test is the most important.

Li Luo walked to the door and was about to open it to see if anyone was there. If no one was there, he would go outside and stay there until he was about to transform back into a cat form before coming back. As he has frequently changed into a human form recently, the time he can maintain the human form is getting longer and longer.

It is now estimated that it can last for more than two hours.

Just when Li Luo reached out to turn the doorknob, a big palm slammed onto his hand. Li Luo was so startled that the fur on the cat ears on the top of his head exploded, and he turned his head in disbelief. look. I saw Elvis's back facing the moonlight outside the window, his whole face was hidden in the darkness and his expression could not be seen clearly, but those eyes were shining brightly, staring closely at his face.

"Who are you?" Elvis pressed his other hand on the door beside Li Luo, almost wrapping Li Luo in his arms. The azure pupils turned dark blue under the taint of the night, making it impossible to see clearly the expression flowing past his eyes.

"I'm Ludwig," Li Luo swallowed under Elvis' gaze for some reason, and replied subconsciously. He felt that the palm of Elvis' grasping him was also extraordinarily hot, almost burning his hand. He moved his hand uncomfortably, but couldn't pull it out at all, "E... Elvis, can you let me go now?"