The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 6: Crazy Dragon Proud Sky 6


In the blink of an eye, Li Luo and Qin Yu lived in Nangong Mansion for three months.

In the past three months, Li Luo couldn't see Qin Yu's figure on many occasions, but almost every night before going to bed, Qin Yu would come to talk to Li Luo, and when Li Luo couldn't bear it anymore, he fell asleep in a daze will leave.

As the author of this book, even if Li Luo didn't see Qin Yu, he knew that he was conspiring with the three generals of the Nangong family in the dark room of the study.

Regarding this situation, Li Luo said that he is very happy to hear and see it. The male protagonist speeds up the speed of taking power over Qin, and the time before him returning home will be relatively shortened, which is simply great!

Li Luo looked at the slow-growing progress bar on the system sleep interface in his mind, and expressed his satisfaction.

Qin Xiaoyu, keep going, ahem, it would be better if you don't disturb his sleep time at night.

But people, you can't ask for too much.

Well~ In fact, I haven't seen Qin Yu face to face for such a long time... He won't admit it, but he actually misses him a lot.

After all, in ancient times now, there are too few entertainments, and it is good to have a good friend who grew up together to chat with.


Li Luo was lying on the reclining chair under the shade of the trees in the yard, the folding fan in his hand kept fanning himself, but there was still a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

Unknowingly, the time has come to the middle of July of the second year. During this year, with the help of the old general Nangong, Qin Yu secretly has the right to speak with the few from the Qin State, and has a long-standing relationship with the new emperor. The dissatisfied prince approached secretly, and now a consensus has been reached, as long as the right time comes, they will help Qin Yu regain the throne.

And the right time is coming soon.

This year's summer is extremely hot, even the land in the northern part of the Great Wall where Li Luo is located, let alone the area south of the northern part of the Great Wall.

Li Luo covered his forehead with a fan, squinted his eyes through the shadow of the whirling trees, and looked at the sun hanging high in the blue sky without a trace of cloud.

The scorching sun scorched the vast land below without the slightest restraint, and the emerald green grass blades crawled sluggishly on the ground, looking a bit dry.

This year, since the founding of the state of Qin, there has been a rare drought in a century. The rain that nourished the land did not fall in time as in previous years, but instead ushered in endless bursts of sunlight. The fields were dry and cracked into pieces under the sun, the river was almost dry, a large number of crops died, and farmers had no harvest.

But at such a difficult moment, Qin Yan did not reduce the tax, but increased it by 10%. The farmers who were so hungry that they could only gnaw bark and eat grass roots were overwhelmed by the heavier taxes and fees. Some even began to sell their sons and daughters. Under such tyranny, public grievances arose immediately.

And at this time, it happened to be the best time for Qin Yu to start seizing power.

Thinking of this, Li Luo slapped the fan a few more times. As long as Qin Xiaoyu starts to seize power, such a comfortable life will not be long. He is going to fight north and south with Qin Xiaoyu, and it is estimated that he will live in a tent for a long time. Compared with now, his living standard will definitely plummet immediately.

So while he can still enjoy it now, it's better for him to enjoy it. Li Luo squinted his eyes, picked up the watermelon that was chilled on the small table next to him, put it to his lips and took a big bite. The light-colored lips were covered with red watermelon juice, and they immediately turned into a pink color.

What Qin Yu saw when he came over was such a scene with attractive lips.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and there was an imperceptible darkness in his dark pupils.

"Huh?" Li Luo suddenly felt that a shadow was cast in front of him, and immediately opened his half-closed eyes. After seeing Qin Yu, he asked suspiciously: "Yu, you are here, so close to me. What?"

Qin Yu straightened his body and did not answer Li Luo's question. Instead, he picked up a small piece of watermelon that Li Luo had cut from the small table and put it in his mouth. After chewing for a while, he said, "It tastes good."

Li Luo also immediately forgot about the question just now, and nodded, "I specially put it in the well in our yard to freeze it last night, cut it up today and put it in ice cubes, it's the best to eat in this weather It's over." After that, he picked up another piece and put it in his mouth, his beautiful peach eyes narrowed, showing a satisfied expression.

Looking at his appearance, Qin Yu felt that his lips and teeth, which had just been moistened by the sweet watermelon juice, began to dry up again, and his already hot body became even hotter at this moment.

No, not yet, even though the thought of longing for this person is like a beast, about to break through the cage that traps it, but his reason still tells him that it is not yet time, but when it comes, it will come soon up.

Ah, why is time so hard

Qin Yu moved his fingers beside him, but he couldn't hold back after all, and reached out to wipe Li Luo's lips. There was a slight smile on his lips, as if that action was just subconsciously done by him inadvertently, "Mu Cheng, the watermelon juice you ate has flowed out, I wiped it off for you."

"Oh, okay." Li Luo didn't think too much, and smiled at Qin Yu. Continue to stuff cold watermelon pieces into his mouth like a little hamster.

When Li Luo wasn't paying attention, Qin Yu put the finger that had wiped the corner of Li Luo's lips to his own, stuck out his tongue and licked it, and immediately narrowed his eyes——as expected, it was so sweet. It tasted sweeter than the watermelon he just ate, but to such a degree, it was far from able to reduce the scorching flame that was burning in his heart.

Not enough, not at all.

Qin Yu took a deep breath, and while his rationality was still able to suppress the monster in his heart, he quickly turned around and walked towards the courtyard gate.

Li Luo looked at Qin Yu's back in bewilderment, "Yu, you're leaving just now?"

"Well, I just remembered that there is one thing I haven't done yet, so I'm leaving first."

"...Oh, that's it, then go get busy. We'll talk later in the evening."


Li Luo didn't wait for Qin Yu at night, probably because he was still busy. It's just that when he woke up the next day, he felt the numbness that he hadn't experienced for a long time again. He looked at his back in front of the bronze mirror, and he saw five or six red marks behind him.

The mark this time, compared to when he first lived here last year, looks redder and more painful. There is also a red mark, which is looming under the binding of the trouser waist, almost biting against his buttocks.

Li Luo secretly wondered why this year's worms are more ruthless, is his blood so delicious

And last night he burned insect repellent incense, how could it be of no use at all...

No matter what he thought, Li Luo, who thought he was unlucky, could only find Qin Yu to help him apply the medicine. After all, he couldn't reach those parts by himself.