The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 81: Holy Magician 44


This battle was over within an hour.

Elvis put the magic wand in his hand back into the storage bag, and then looked up at the magicians standing on the city wall who were still looking at him with admiration. Then he motioned to Eli, who was carrying him and Li Luo, to lead them to the closed city gate.

The magicians above immediately understood what Elvis meant, and quickly asked someone to open the city gate, allowing Elvis and the others to walk in.

The city lord had already been waiting behind the city gate at this moment. He was a middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples. After seeing Elvis coming in, he hurried forward and bowed deeply towards Elvis.

But when he raised his head and saw Elvis' face, he couldn't help being taken aback, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes. He didn't expect that the savior who saved their entire town, whom everyone guessed was at least a six-star great magician, would be such a young man.

But immediately, the expression on the city lord's face became more and more enthusiastic, so that a young man can reach the level of a six-star great magician. Such a person must make good friends.

"...Thank you for saving all of us. I am Edson, the lord of Muir City. I don't know what to call you?"

Elvis has no intention of hiding his identity now, so he directly reported his name. Now even if he doesn't hide his identity and reveal that he still has the ability of a warrior, he can still protect himself and Li Luo very well.

"My friend and I just came out of a magical ruin, and we don't know what's going on now. You don't need to be thankful, just tell me what's going on outside now."

Edson nodded, "It's a long story, I think it's getting dark now, or the two of you can come to my house for dinner first, and I'll talk to you in detail after the meal This matter. After the meal, if you stay at my house for another night, it can be regarded as a small token of my gratitude. "

Elvis did not object. As the lord of a city, he must be more informed than other ordinary people. Instead of going around to hear what other people have heard, it is better to go to him first as Edson said. Let's talk at home.


Drink and eat.

After listening to Edson's words, even Elvis couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He didn't expect so many things to happen during the four years when he and Li Luo left.

The current continent is already full of footsteps of alien creatures. If these alien creatures are not eliminated, their living space will be infinitely deprived.

The current situation, to put it simply, is a battle for territory between all creatures on this continent and those creatures from other worlds.

Li Luo took a sip of the tea on the table, he already knew about this. Compared with the original text, the current situation is much better. After all, Elvis came out of it a year earlier. And Elvis still reached the level set in the previous book.

Having said that, but in another respect, it is not so optimistic.

On the way Li Luo and Elvis rushed to Moore City, he was always with Elvis, almost never separated. And Xiao Qi would never come out when Elvis was present, Li Luo finally found a chance to summon Xiao Qi.

But the answer he got from Xiaoqi made Li Luo feel a little troublesome.

It was exactly as he expected, as long as it was about his origin and the future development of this book, he couldn't tell Elvis.

Now Elvis has released the magic relic a year earlier, which means that he is one step closer to returning to his original world.

He didn't want to separate from Elvis so soon, but he didn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, Li Luo couldn't help but sighed.

Elvis heard Li Luo's slight sigh, turned his head and glanced at Li Luo who was sitting beside him, his blue eyes sparkled. Elvis turned to look at Edson, "My friend and I are tired, let's go down and rest first."

Naturally, Edson would not say anything, so he quickly summoned the maid in the house and asked her to lead Elvis and Li Luo to the guest room that he had already ordered to arrange.

The maid led the two to a room with a smile on her beautiful face, "This room is for Mr. Elvis, and Mr. Ludwig's room is at..."

Before the maid finished speaking, Elvis interrupted her, "No need, Ludwig can just live in this room with me."

"... huh? Okay, okay." The maid was stunned for a moment, and then she put away the inappropriate expression of shock on her face, and then she pretended to glance at Elvis and Li Luo casually, her eyes suddenly There was a flash of understanding, "In this case, the two guests should rest early. If there is anything, just pull the rope in the room, and someone will come over soon."

After finishing speaking, the maid turned and left, leaving only Elvis and Li Luo in place.

After the maid disappeared, Elvis suddenly opened the door and pushed Li Luo into the room.

Li Luo was a little caught off guard by Elvis' sudden attack, and Li Luo didn't react until Elvis pressed against the door panel.

Elvis lowered his head, looking at Li Luo who was a head shorter than himself.

There is no light in the room, only the hazy moonlight seeping in from the window, as if covering the furniture and furnishings in the room with a misty white cloth.

It was also because of this that Li Luo couldn't see the expression on Elvis' face clearly.

"Ludwig, is there something on your mind?" Elvis narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down at Li Luo.

Li Luo didn't know how to answer Elvis, after all, he couldn't tell what troubled him, so he could only swallow it all.

Even if Xiaoqi told him that as long as Elvis completed the achievements that the hero needs to achieve in the book he wrote, he would return to reality, but there must be a way to change this situation, right? His relatives in reality cannot be separated, but he also does not want to leave Elvis, there will always be a way to get the best of both worlds, there will definitely be.

"There's nothing wrong."

"Are you trying to lie to me again?" Elvis said word by word.

Li Luo clearly felt Elvis' displeasure, he hesitated for a moment, finally sighed, and looked at Elvis helplessly, "I don't know how to tell you, these words, I don't care I can't tell you, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that I don't have the ability to say it." After Li Luo finished speaking, he reached out and hugged Elvis' waist, rubbing against his chest, "I will definitely think of a solution There is a way, Elvis, I want to be with you."

Elvis' original displeasure disappeared immediately after Li Luo asked for a hug, and the half-sentence that followed. He couldn't help but put his arms around Li Luo's shoulders, and then said: "Ludwig, I understand what you mean, you don't want to hide it from me, but what restrictions you have, what troubles you have, I can't tell me clearly at all. However, I still hope that I can share your troubles, not just for you, but for the two of us."

Elvis thought for a while, and then said: "Since you can't speak directly to me, let's use another method, Ludwig, you should be able to use other expressions to listen to me. This may be more It’s difficult, but you just need to tell me the most important thing. As long as I can be with you, the rest is actually not important to me.”

Li Luo suddenly realized something, Elvis was right, since he couldn't say it directly, he should be able to express it by turning around a few more times. But how to express exactly what he wants to say is still a problem.

Elvis lowered his head and kissed Li Luo's forehead, "It's okay, you can tell me slowly, I think we still have a long time to communicate slowly."


After staying in Moore City for a few days, Elvis and Li Luo continued on the road. In the past few days, Li Luo talked a lot with Elvis intermittently.

Although what he said was somewhat vague, Elvis still guessed a lot from Li Luo's words.

Elvis was not surprised that Li Luo was not from this continent, as if he had known this before.

And it doesn't matter whether Li Luo is from this continent, the most important thing is that he can stay by his side and will not leave him.

But the key to whether Li Luo can stay or not lies in himself.

Elvis looked at his hands, the reason he originally wanted to become stronger was to protect Li Luo. But now he understands from Li Luo's words that the faster his level rises, the closer it will be for him to leave him.

And now that he is a nine-star great magician, as long as he improves his cultivation by two levels, Li Luo will have to leave him.

Others are worrying about how to improve their abilities and strive to become a master, but Elvis is now worrying about how to slow down his upgrade speed.