The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 86: Back to reality 1


Li Luo opened his eyes, his consciousness was hazy for a while, and then he woke up. When he saw the familiar furnishings around him, he realized that he had returned to reality.

[Host host, congratulations on returning to reality. ] Xiao Qi said in Li Luo's mind after he regained consciousness.

Li Luo's mind still had the look in Elvis' eyes when he watched him leave at the end, he closed his eyes, and asked: "Xiaoqi, how long do I have to stay in the real world before I can enter the next world?" ?”

[Three days, three days later, host, you must stay at home, and then we can start space jumping. ] Xiaoqi replied.

"Three days..." Li Luo sat up from the bed, unlike coming back from the previous world, now he is looking forward to entering the next world. He wanted to see if his thinking was right, and he hoped that his guesses were right.

The protagonist of the next world is the person he is looking for.

Thinking about meeting again in three days, the separation is actually not long.

It's just that when he may see his lover again, he probably won't recognize himself.

But even if he doesn't know each other, since he fell in love with him in the last two worlds, he will definitely be with him in the next world.

After thinking of this, Li Luo didn't have much to worry about, and now that he has returned to reality, he should deal with things in the real world first.


After Li Luo washed up, he went downstairs to have dinner.

Although the time when Li Luo returned to reality was the time when he left before.

But in fact he has lived in another world for over a hundred years, and now he has returned to reality, which made him a little uncomfortable, but it took a whole morning for Li Luo to adapt to the current living environment again.

After all, he has lived in this world for more than 20 years, and he still has some memories.

After Li Luo returned to his house, he turned on the computer.

When Li Luo saw the familiar interface appearing in front of his eyes, Li Luo was so moved that he hugged the computer and kissed him a few times.

If we say in the world of the holy magician, what is the thing he regrets the most. Then it is definitely these various electronic products, TV dramas, novels, and animations in this world.

Now there are three days, except that he will go to see Jin Chenji's situation tomorrow, he decided to spend the rest of the time on the Internet.

Of course—before that, let’s update the text first _(:з)∠)_, after all, this is the guy he eats in this world.

But after such a long time, he has already forgotten the content of the new book he wrote.

Li Luo fumbled to open the website where he posted the message, and then entered the password several times according to his vague memory. After almost being locked, he entered the author's background.

After entering the backstage, Li Luo first took a look at the manuscript of his article. After seeing that there are three or four chapters to come, Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if he can't code it now, he can survive this time in this world.

Li Luo immediately felt relieved, and then found out the outline and detailed outline that he had written before, read it carefully several times, and then flipped through the previous content roughly.

It has to be said that after returning from the magical world, he also gained something. At least now his memory is inexplicably better than before.

Although he couldn't reach the perverted level of being able to memorize all the content in his mind at one glance and ten lines, but after looking at it roughly in this way, he remembered most of the content, and he could sort out the context very clearly in his heart.

This was something that he had never experienced before, and coupled with the outline he read at the front, a new plot soon appeared in Li Luo's mind.

Facing the blank document, Li Luo flicked his fingers like flying. It took more than an hour to type up the three chapters in one go.

After coding, Li Luo checked and found that there were no mistakes, and after connecting with the previous chapter naturally, he put his new chapter under the previous saved manuscript.

Then, Li Luo opened the TV series in his favorites, clicked on the beginning and started watching again.

After watching two or three episodes of the TV series, Li Luo habitually clicked on his own article and read the readers' comments.

After all, writing an article is not enough to rely on oneself to be high, not to mention that he also has to eat this bowl of rice. Readers are his god. Without the support of readers, he will have to starve.

Therefore, every time Li Luo has to read the readers' reaction to his article, if he doesn't like this plot, he will try to shorten this plot as much as possible, and if the reader likes it, he will try to write it longer. Of course, these There is a necessary degree, that is, it must be natural.

As soon as he opened the comment area, Li Luo saw that it was filled with comments with similar content.

[It's cool without pants]:

The front row of onlookers watched the thick line of local tyrants.

[Every beauty in the world loves me]:

Kneel and wait for the local tyrant to appear, by the way, local tyrant, do you need a boyfriend? The kind who went to college and is good at driving.

[Old paper bragging is number one in the world]:

Kneeling and waiting for local tyrants +1

[Male God with Diaosi]:

I'm just watching the local tyrants, everyone make room for me, come one by one, don't crowd!

Local tycoon? ! who is it

Li Luo frowned, and slowly flipped through the comments one by one, the memories in his mind kept flashing. Then, when he glanced at the overlord list in his book and saw the name of the overlord at the top, he finally remembered.

The clouds are heavy.

This person would tip him 10,000 Hua Guocoins every Saturday. Since he graduated and started writing books at home, every week has never stopped.

Naturally, Li Luo added this stingy friend of this smug parent, but this person insisted on giving rewards on a fixed day every week, and the words he talked to him were very concise, not at all like every day. He will be rewarded with 10,000 a week, and he will be rewarded several times more on holidays.

Every time Li Luo said several words, he only responded with one word. But Li Luo strangely felt an inexplicable sense of security from this person.

Every time he encounters something unhappy, Li Luo will choose to talk about it with Yundu Chongzhou.

Then Yun Du Zhongzhou said a few words to himself, and within half an hour, he could enlighten himself.

Li Luo thought that before he left this world, he hadn't knocked on Yundu's boat for almost a week, so he planned to talk to Yundu's boat.

Li Luo opened his camera, only to find that Yun Du Zhongzhou's profile picture was gray. Disappointed, Li Luo minimized the clipping, and then continued watching the TV series.

When it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, Li Luo looked at his profile picture again, Yun Du Zhongzhou's profile picture was still gray and white.

Before going to bed, Li Luo looked at the picture again, and after confirming that his profile picture was still gray, he closed all the programs and went to bed.