The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

Chapter 92: Immortal Mozun 5


Chu Wuyong is not a person who likes to be entangled secretly. For things that make him appear abnormal, Chu Wuyong will first test to see how dangerous he is to himself.

If you feel that that thing will become out of your control, just wipe out that unstable factor directly.

But now, Gu Qingchen in front of him was the factor that made him feel a little unstable.

Chu Wuyong's eyes became a little dark, and when he got close to the thin and slender figure standing not far from him, he immediately smelled the faint fragrance of plum blossoms coming from that person .

The faint cold fragrance was like lingering love threads, which entered his heart and spleen from his nostrils, lingering in his body, lingering endlessly.

When they were brought back by Li Luo before, the speed of the magic weapon they were riding on was too fast, and the breath of the wind was blowing over their faces. And after getting off the magic weapon, he kept a moderate distance from Li Luo, Chu Wuyong didn't smell this smell at all.

But now that he was so close to Li Luo's side, the feeling was so clear. But he didn't hate this feeling, instead, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable desire to get close to the person in front of him.

At this moment, the willows were already on the moon, and the cold moonlight fell from the sky, through the misty mist in the mountains, and swayed on the person in front of him. Under the rendering of the moonlight, his fair skin showed a bit of jade. The clarity of the quality comes.

Seeing the person in front of him under the moonlight who seemed to be flying into the sky at any time, Chu Wuyong felt more and more that there was something in his chest that was about to break through.

The person in front of him undoubtedly had a great influence on him. This feeling that he can't control is actually very dangerous to him.

But Chu Wuyong didn't show any killing intent towards Li Luo. And inexplicably, I feel that I have been waiting for this person to appear, waiting for the moment when I can have him.

He had a strange feeling that the person in front of him must belong to him.

Chu Wuyong couldn't help breathing quickly, but soon he suppressed the inexplicable commotion that surged up from his heart, dark and faint, like the eyes of two bays of ancient pools looking straight at Li Luo.

Now Chu Wuyong's height only reaches Li Luo's chest. Standing in front of Li Luo, he can only look up at Li Luo's face, but the expression on his face is not like a child at all, but looks very calm .

"When the disciple observes the exercises that the master gave the disciple, he can understand the general content. There is only one point, and the disciple is a little confused..." Chu Wuyong looked at the person in front of him with soft lines, but without any trace. With a cold face, he was talking to Li Luo.

After listening to Chu Wuyong's words, Li Luo nodded slightly. Under the guidance of the system, he began to explain Chu Wuyong's doubts. At this time, he still had to pay attention to maintaining Gu Qingchen's usual indifferent expression and cold tone. I was afraid that I would be OOC if I was not careful, so I didn't notice Chu Wuyong looking at him with deeper eyes.

After the moon had already slid from the willow branches to the eastern sky, Li Luo stopped talking under the system's signal.

Li Luo looked at Chu Wuyong who had been listening to him with his head up, and saw his Zhengtai face, which had become round after a few days of raising it with him, and those big, moist black eyes. eye. Trying to hold back the urge to pinch his face, he said calmly, "Do you understand everything?"

When Li Luo looked at him, Chu Wuyong withdrew his gaze from staring at him, covered his eyes and bowed to Li Luo, "Thank you for your guidance, Master, the disciples understand."

In fact, Li Luo didn't even know what he just said. When he was repeating what the system said to him, he had already lost his mind. But at this time, he still had to maintain his original aloof attitude, and nodded to the male lead indifferently to express his satisfaction, "Very well, then you can go to rest now."

Chu Wuyong bowed in Li Luo's direction again, then turned and went back to his room.

After Chu Wuyong's figure disappeared behind the door, Li Luo also turned around and returned to his room.


Chu Wuyong's talent is indeed very high. Just three months after Li Luo finished "guiding" him, he went from an ordinary handyman disciple who hadn't even broken through the Qi refining period to practicing Qi refining in one jump. The ninth layer of Qi period.

As long as he gets another opportunity, he can break through from the Qi refining stage to the Foundation building stage. And as soon as he enters the foundation building period, he can become a well-deserved inner disciple and enjoy more favorable treatment from the inner sect.

The people who were waiting to see Li Luo's jokes in the sect heard the news, their eyes widened in disbelief, and the eyeballs almost fell out of their own sockets.

Originally, with Gu Qingchen's temperament, if it wasn't because of his extraordinary talent, he received the attention of the entire sect, and now he has become a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he must have been solved secretly by the offended people.

In front of the main hall where new disciples were selected, when they saw Gu Qingchen choose a handyman disciple who was completely worthless, many people, although they didn't show anything on the surface, were laughing in their hearts and waited In the future, I will see the genius in this sect make a fool of himself. It is estimated that such a disciple will not be able to reach the foundation establishment stage in a hundred years.

But they never expected that Chu Wuyong, who was a completely unremarkable handyman disciple before, would become a Dzogchen disciple in the Qi refining period in just three months. As long as he strives a little more, he will soon become a monk in the foundation period.

At this time, the two master and apprentice, who were under the discussion of thousands of people, were sitting and standing in the courtyard, looking at each other.

Li Luo was holding his hands behind his back, his face was still cold and calm, but his eyes were stern, looking at Chu Wuyong who was sitting on the stone table not far from him.

Chu Wuyong sat on the stone bench, because the original owner of the body had been bullied by other people, and he couldn't eat well, so now his body is a little malnourished. Although he is twelve years old, but now his height is only like a child of eight or nine years old. Sitting on the stone bench now, one pair of legs can't touch the ground.

On the stone table in front of Chu Wuyong, there was a table full of food, exuding a slight fragrance.

Li Luo stared at the child sitting in front of him, silently looking at the child with food in front of him, and felt his forehead throbbing.

Although I know that this child's body is actually filled with a thousand-year-old Mozun, but even if this person is his lover, his body is still just a child who has not entered the foundation stage. In order to cultivate, he forgot to sleep and eat until he only ate one meal a day, which was simply destroying his own body.

"Let's eat," Li Luo glanced at the food placed in front of Chu Wuyong, and said, "Before you become a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, you are not allowed to practice often without eating."

Chu Wuyong looked at the full of food in front of him, the expression in his eyes fluctuated, but there was a strange warmth in his heart. In his previous life of more than a thousand years, no one has ever paid attention to these small things.

And the person in front of him was the first one.

Chu Wuyong didn't speak, but silently picked up the chopsticks in front of him, took a mouthful of the still hot dish and put it in his mouth, it was obviously a very common taste, but now he tasted it, it was like the world The tastiest thing.

Seeing that Chu Wuyong had already started eating, Li Luo walked over and sat opposite Chu Wuyong. The right hand picked up the chopsticks placed on the bowl, while the left hand pulled the sleeve of the right hand to prevent the overly long sleeve from touching the food on the table, and took a mouthful of braised eggplant into his mouth.

The pale pink lips were dipped in oil stains, revealing a seductive luster.

Although he is now a monk in the Yuanying stage, he no longer needs to eat vegetables to fill his stomach. As long as he absorbed the aura between the heaven and the earth, he could fully consume it for his body, and even if he didn't eat for decades, he wouldn't feel hungry.

But Li Luo is not a real monk after all, for him, he still likes to eat.

Chu Wuyong glanced at Li Luo in front of him indiscriminately, that incomparably handsome face was still very deserted. It's just that the phoenix pupils at the end of the eyes seem to be slightly brighter than usual, and the light-colored lips that are smudged into a thin red, the thin white teeth between the opening and closing of the lips, and the faint white teeth behind the teeth. Yoyo's tender red tongue...

Chu Wuyong's eyes dimmed suddenly, and he immediately shifted his gaze. He continued to focus his gaze on the rice bowl in front of him, and picked up a chopstick of the stewed eggplant that Li Luo had just eaten, and put the crystal white rice in his bowl into his mouth.

Li Luo didn't notice Chu Wuyong's small movements at all, and continued to eat a piece of braised pork.

Although he still wanted to continue eating, but in order not to be overwhelmed, Li Luo only took a few mouthfuls, then reluctantly put down his chopsticks, and said to Chu Wuyong who was still eating on the opposite side of him: "Before the foundation building period, when it's time to eat, I will wait for you here and have dinner with you. If you can't even do this, don't appear in front of me again."

Chu Wuyong paused for a moment, and immediately agreed: "Yes, Master, I will definitely not disobey your order." Because he lowered his head slightly, Li Luo didn't see it. Afterwards, the corners of Chu Wuyong's lips raised a small arc unconsciously.

No matter what, starting from this day, every day when it was time to eat, Li Luo and Chu Wuyong would sit at the stone table in the courtyard and eat together face to face.

Chu Wuyong was also under the daily supervision of Li Luo, and his body like a small bean was getting better and better. Within a few months, he quickly grew six to seven centimeters.