The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

Chapter 865: Leadership cooperation


Such a record naturally not only alarmed the Nine Heavens Profound Immortals who were scattered in the Immortal City, but the leaders of the remaining four forces were equally shocked.

I was able to run a force here in just a few years, and they were both very arrogant people, but they had to be side by side with the rest. Of course, it was because of the competition between them. No one can do anything. Nobody.

Since his family knew their own affairs, several leaders estimated the strength of their own forces and understood that they could not do this. When Yuan Ting Xuanxian suddenly did it, breaking the balance between them must not be ignored.

Soon, there were dozens of figures, divided into several directions, coming all together, falling on this huge field.

Among them was a man with a towering cloud on the temples, with a beautiful appearance and a temperament like snow, with a ruthless look between his brows and eyes, and a trace of evil spirits in his eyes. Just looking at her, she felt as if she was carrying a boundless resentment and sadness, and she couldn't help making people retreat and unwilling to get close to her.

She is a female fairy, calling herself "li hate", of course she is full of hatred in her heart.

Behind this fairy Li Henxuan, followed by more than a dozen graceful female fairies, each of them looks very good, but they are the same, but they are also quite indifferent, and their eyes flowed with a sense of resentment. .

And they are the confidants of Li Hen Xuanxian.

The other three leaders are male immortals.

One of them was a heroic hero, and he glanced at Lihenxuanxian after arriving, and then sighed, his eyes fell on the heads of the Yue people hanging from the pillars, his expression was very firm.

But he never noticed that when he retracted his gaze, Li Henxuanxian also looked back and turned his head angrily.

Every leader took his confidant with his own confidant, and when they really saw that the heads of these Yue people were real and not at all false, the look on their faces couldn't help but become a little complicated.

Now that the balance has been broken, Yuan Ting Xuanxian's move... why

Afterwards, all Xuanxians looked away, but they were looking for the traces of the people in Yuanting's Mansion.

Na Yuanting hung the head of the Moon Clan. Isn't it at all to show off his might? There should be something to ask for.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a majestic blue-clothed young man walked down in the void. He was wearing a high crown and a handsome face, and he had no intention of avoiding it at all.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he smiled and said, "I would like to ask all of you colleagues to come to our house as a guest. If you have important matters to discuss, how about?"

Upon seeing this, several leaders thought about it, and they all agreed: "Yes."

Na Yuanting Xuanxian smiled and said, "Please!"

Soon, all the Xuanxians entered Yuanting's Mansion, and that mansion had already set up a banquet and arranged seats, obviously preparing for this for a long time.

The four leaders sat down on one side and didn't say much. They just watched that Yuan Ting took the first seat, and wanted to hear what he could say.

Yuan Ting Xuanxian, under the agitated mood of the previous few days, killed the many Yue people, and made such a wanton move, also in order to mobilize the blood and spirit of the many Xuanxians in the fairy city. However, he would not ignore the consequences after things were done, according to his scheming.

At this moment, he opened his mouth and said: "Our methods for finding Yue people are similar. I was able to kill such a number of Yue people suddenly for some reason. But now I don’t know if you are willing to do a big fight with me. Yes, that reason should also be shared, and if I refuse, I can’t hide it. I hope you forgive me.”

As soon as Yuan Ting Xuanxian's voice fell, Li Hen Xuanxian snorted first, "Could we have to rely on you so that we can hear you secretly? What a joke!"

This tone is really bad.

Yuan Tingxuanxian frowned slightly, then let go.

He knew that this female fairy had a bad relationship with that Juntian Profound Fairy, so he hated the men under heaven and would never belong to any man.

It was not surprising that she said such words.

Fortunately, Yuan Ting Xuanxian did not mean this. He saw the other three leaders also watched it, and shook his head slightly: "It's not to take refuge in me, but to do a big thing with me. Most things are negotiable. Okay, but if the situation is urgent, you have to trust me more."

Hearing this, Li Henxuanxian's face improved a bit, and the other three leaders were not gloomy either.

Among them, Xuanxian that Yuexuan said, "I don't know what the major event is, can Yuan Tingxuanxian tell us first?"

Yuan Ting Xuanxian groaned slightly, seemingly hesitant.

Another Zhenpengxuanxian said loudly: "If we don't know anything, how do we make a decision? Yuan Tingxuanxian is open-minded, so don't care about everything!"

After these few words, it is not a deliberate run, but it really understands the bottom line of the leaders.

Yuan Ting Xuanxian knew this. He was just pretending to be a gesture before. At this time, he smiled and said readily: "I want to gather all the Xuanxian's personnel and select the strongest and strongest. Go to attack and kill the Yue people. Just like I did a few days ago, when I kill a few more batches, the Yue people will become angry and come to attack my fairy city. We take precautions in advance and take the opportunity to seclude this month. Kill all the Yue people in the realm!"

It is said to be a major event, but the intermediate plan is actually very simple.

But this is indeed a major event. As soon as I said it, the murderous air rushed into my face, as if performing a big bloody scene, which made the hearts of the many mysterious immortals present, but also felt it, Strong determination in Yuan Tingxuan's words.

Several leaders were a little surprised: "It is indeed a major event, but Yuanting, do you really have this certainty?"

Yuan Ting Xuanxian took a deep breath: "You all know that if you want to come, the people of the moon tribe will treat our people in the fairy world as delicacies, but now they are more ambitious and regard the female fairy in the fairy world as... Three days ago, I personally saw it. Seeing those animals acting is horrifying. If their plan is really successful, the longer we hesitate, the stronger their strength will be. When one goes down and the other grows, we wait until then, I'm afraid that if we want to resist, we can't. "His voice was very painful, "We don't have much time. We should act decisively and fight them to death! I would rather fight to death than be eaten by them!"

The seats were all silent.

Indeed, not only did that Ye Jing bring news to Xuanxian Lihen, but also because of the preaching of Yuan Ting Mansion's men, several leaders and even the entire Immortal City knew that the Yue people had again given birth to heinous tricks.

Because of this matter, Lihenxuanxian had been very worried because all his subordinates were female fairies, but he had never found a useful method. Under the other three leaders, there were also some scattered female fairies who had stayed in the city alone or with their brothers, who came to take refuge in order to be safe and secure.

However, there is such a ferocious Moon Clan people staring at him, in this moon secluded realm, even if under the hands of several major forces, where can he get real stability

For a long time, Xuanxian Jun Tian said readily: "Yuan Ting is right. We can't just sit and wait for death. We should take the initiative. Now since you can kill hundreds of Yue people in a few days, you must have some means. That's it, I Wait for it, what's the problem!"

Li Hen Xuanxian heard him speak first, and when his expression changed, he had to refute. But after seeing her more than ten confidantes behind her, she endured forbearance and suppressed the refutation again.

—She is not a villain who destroys her public heart because of private grievances.

Xuanxian Yuexuan took a step slower, but he also said positively: "I don't want to be left behind, I will allow this matter!"

This Xuanxian originally did not use the name "Moon Death", but since he knew that the Yue people were so arrogant and fed on people, their hatred could not be suppressed, so he made a big aspiration. If not all Yue people die, He took it as his responsibility to kill the Yue people, and did not change his name.

Now that there is such a big event that allows him to settle with the Moon Clan people, after he thinks about it, of course there is nothing unwilling.

In the end, Zhen Peng Xuanxian was also aroused, and he responded in the same way. Although Li Hen Xuanxian never took the initiative to say any eager words, he drank all the wine in the cup and never left.

She also agreed.

Yuan Ting Xuanxian is overjoyed.

After that, he toasted and respected each other, drank this cup with all the leaders and all Xuanxians, and from then on forged an alliance. Instead of fighting separately, he had to make a plan to accomplish this great event successfully.

After drinking, the atmosphere is much more harmonious.

Although all Xuanxians used to compete with each other, but now they are cooperating, they will no longer discriminate or confront each other.

Zhenpengxuanxian smiled and said, "Now, Yuan Ting, you should be able to tell us the secret?"

Yuan Ting Xuanxian also smiled, and said to Han Tianxing beside him: "Go and invite Yun Jianxian and Xu Xianyou to come."

The two like to be quiet but not to socialize. He knew it well in his heart, so he went to invite each other when they had a discussion.

Han Tianxing went soon.

The leaders below are somewhat puzzled.

On the contrary, a female fairy in Cuishan who followed Li Henxuan behind her expression moved slightly.

Xu Xianyou... Could it be the fairy in Tsing Yi who saved her back then

If it were him, he would be strong...

She didn't know how much speculation she had in her mind, but she never said it.

Left and right, we will know later.

Not long after, two immortals came together under the leadership of Han Tianxing.

The one on the left is dressed in white, with a cold temperament and a murderous aura condensed around him. Although he does not speak, he gives the leaders a strong sense of threat—this person is a sword fairy, and even one who can cause great harm to them. Sword fairy. Although this sword fairy didn't reveal anything, several leaders felt vaguely that if they were to fight against each other seriously, they would be planted in his hands.

As a result, the eyes of the leaders condensed, and their hearts stunned.

Unanimously, he was a little jealous of this sword fairy.

Then, these leaders looked at the other person.

This one seems to be much more friendly, his appearance is gentle and handsome, if he is more in touch, he can't even think of his temperament. But the leaders are not just looking at their superficials. When they just felt relieved, their hearts moved, and then they looked closely again, and they felt a seemingly dangerous sense.

It seems that there is some quiet and terrifying power that is also hidden in this person's body.

Several leaders frowned slightly.

This one is not a good match either.

However, Yuan Ting invited these two people here at this time. Could it be that the previous killing of those Yue people was related to these two people

Naturally they can't believe it.

If only two people can influence the birth and death of a clan, wouldn't it be a joke for thousands of Xuanxians like them to be trapped here!

However, Yuan Ting Xuanxian said: "These two friends should be the first to kill those many Yue people."

The implication of the words is actually very clear. Without these two people, they would still be as before, and it would be impossible to get the record of the head of the Hundred Moon Clan!

In the next moment, Zhen Peng Xuanxian's brows wrinkled tighter: "Could Yuan Ting be joking?"

Yuan Ting Xuanxian shook his head and said, "I never laugh when it comes to big things."

As soon as this statement came out, the other three leaders looked ugly.

Even Xuanxian Jun Tian, who is the most open-minded, sighed at this moment: "It's not that we don't believe it, it's really hard to believe."

It seems that I already knew that we would encounter such a situation. Yuan Tingxuan smiled and said: "I have a word, I will not deceive you. Now what if you choose a few good players first and go with us once? What is the fact, You know it at first sight. If a few fairy friends want to see it with their own eyes, it’s okay."

When the other four leaders heard it, they groaned.

After a brief anger of being deceived, they quickly calmed down and immediately understood that Yuan Ting would not fool them with such a simple lie. With Yuan Ting's ability alone, how can he withstand the anger of their Quartet? Then I am afraid that Yuan Ting really said it is true.

And since they couldn't believe it, then picking some people, or simply going there in person, is indeed the best way.

After thinking about it, the leaders nodded: "Since we want to believe in you, Yuan Ting, we will not easily break the contract."

After all, they really started to choose the manpower, to choose the most powerful confidants, and go with them.

After a short while, they were finally selected, each of which had ten people, and Yuan Ting Xuanxian's party was counted as fifty people.

Among them, the leader-level Xuanxian can deal with the one-month clansman, and most of the other Xuanxians can also deal with the moon clansmen without losing their lives immediately. Their combined attack technique is even more clever.

After such careful preparation, even if something wrong happens, it is enough to deal with-not to mention, although you can't trust the fact that two people can dominate the battle, the leaders will not suspect that Yuan Ting Xuanxian deliberately gathered them. , To kill them, to fight for power.

The outstanding leader among the dignified Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, even if he has a calculation in his heart, he will never make a move to betray the clan!

Those leaders discussed enthusiastically, but Xu Ziqing and Yun Li were sitting quietly by the side.

Yun Yu came here to accumulate murderous aura and to practice himself. Xu Ziqing came here to eliminate evil and confirm what he learned. The two of them are naturally capable, and they also intend to use Yuan Ting Xuanxian's prestige to kill the Yue people here first. Say it again and again, as to whether the leaders of the other major forces believe them, they don't care.

Xu Ziqing calculated it secretly, and said to Yunxun in a voice transmission: "If I let Rong Jin come out and enjoy it later, let the people of the Yue clan also taste the feeling of being treated as a delicacy, what do the seniors think?"

Yun Li said: "Don't have to, let some credit and people wait for the future."

Xu Ziqing thought for a moment, but he was a little surprised.

Yes, now he is still practising the two-type addition method of creating his own immortal method first, and releases Rong Jin when the Moon Clan members have big actions in the future.

The places in many caves are still a little smaller, and Rong Jin can't open it up. He wants to swallow all the flesh and blood, and falls in the eyes of these profound immortals. It must be unsightly-besides, the bodies of the Yue people are still useful today.

The two brothers here spread a few words, and there, Yuan Ting Xuanxian and other leaders are also ready.

However, at this time, the other leaders did not have any intention of making friends with Xu Ziqing and Yun Li, but for some reasons, they also greeted lightly. On the contrary, it was the fairy Ye Jing who followed Li Henxuan, and after realizing that she was a lifesaver, she smiled and nodded at Xu Ziqing to show respect.

Xu Ziqing smiled and didn't care.

Afterwards, he and Yun Li followed Yuan Ting Xuanxian, a group of dozens of people, vast and mighty, each evacuated, and went out of this fairy city together.

As mentioned in the previous article, there are several roads outside the city, all belonging to several leaders. On the roads owned by Yuan Ting Xuanxian, the Yue people were killed all the way by him, and now I don’t know how many people are left, and I don’t know the other Yue people. Do you know that so many people have fallen, and what conspiracy and tricks have been made

But the leaders are rich in experience. Even if they all came out of the mountain, they still left a lot of good hands. They gathered all the immortals in the fairy city. Once the Yue people attacked this place, they would definitely feel it.

Now, they only need to choose a path first.

Yuan Tingxuan said: "Since it is difficult to decide, I might as well sacrifice the body of the Yue clan here and point out the direction."

He has hundreds of corpses in his hands, and it's okay to waste a little.

Then, at several intersections, the leaders took a corpse of the Yue clan and sacrificed it. After a while, those silver horns and heart fragments quickly pointed out the news of the Yue people.

After a lot of consideration, all the Xuanxians chose one of the roads.

In this road, there are more than ten Yue people, within a thousand miles.

It was really fitting that they came as the first battle for the cooperation of the leaders.


Maybe it’s because the place where the Yue people gather is closer to the Fairy City. Where they are, they haven’t caught a few female fairies to spoil them, but there are bones that can’t be gnawed away in their lair. A few.

Xuanxian recognized that this bone was originally owned by a Xuanxian who had exercised his body so much. Because of his practice, the bones and flesh and blood were all pale gold... Unexpectedly, he was already victimized. It was eaten so much that there was nothing left.

The people of the moon have done too much evil!

Every time I saw it, the Xuanxians couldn't help but feel angry.

In the next moment, several leaders instructed their confidantes and divided them into teams to encircle and suppress the people of the Moon Clan!

—Not only Yuan Ting Xuanxian has the means of hiding, the other leaders actually have them.

They came silently and surrounded all the Yue people.

At the same time, the other four leaders are exchanging immortal knowledge, paying attention to the performance of Yun Yu and Xu Ziqing.

They want to see what they have used to control this stalemate for many years!

Yun Yu didn't change his expression, but suddenly turned into a white glow, like lightning, and directly slammed the Yiyue Clan.

This time, he has never experienced the attack methods of the Yue people as before, but he burst out with murderous intent, his sword aura is like a rainbow, his footsteps on the sword intent, and the speed of his body is not slower than that of the Yue people after burning flesh and blood. !

I saw a silver light burst and another extremely crisp sound. The Yue clan member hadn't had time to react, and even just when his wings were unfolded, his heart was already hit by the cloud and the sword, after two consecutive times. , The skin was ripped apart, and the core of the heart was shattered, and died.

After Yun Yu's two swords were clicked, he seemed to know the ending, and he didn't stop for half a minute. He flashed in front of the other Yue Clan member very quickly. He used a few tricks to envelop the Yue Clan member so that he could not go anymore. He attacked other profound immortals, and then he slammed forward again, and also quickly came to him, smashed the sword, and shook him away.

This is only among the lightning and flint, Yun Li has killed two people in a row.

The prosperous killing intent, the quickness of his body and the sharpness of his swordsmanship are almost all shocking.

He seemed to be more at ease, the Yue Clan people couldn't hurt him, instead he shuttled through it, as if the Yue Clan people were his prey, killing heartily.

Several leaders held their breath for a moment, and had to admit that this person had extraordinary combat power, one person was comparable to ten people, or even more.

Such people play fast, as long as they can be killed before the Moon Clan people escape into the void, they really have a great credit and can make extremely strong results.

And the other...

Before waiting for the leaders to take a closer look, they already realized that this cave seemed to become crowded

Then their eyes flickered, and wherever they looked, they were the tall and rigid blue people.

These azure men are like soldiers, and the aura of the great avenue exuding is extremely strong. Each one is equivalent to a nine-day profound immortal. They are densely attached to every part of the cave, and they are also like a blockade, so that people outside are not allowed. Enter, so that the people inside cannot get out.

Yuan Tingxuan smiled: "Look again, everyone."

The hearts of several leaders moved slightly.

They came to understand that these azure people were Xu Ziqing's fairy method.

Isn't this... one person is like ten thousand people

However, these leaders can of course be aware of how insightful these leaders are, and there must be some flaws in this.

And this defect, I am afraid it is time.

Only then, when these leaders discovered that after the Yue people escaped into the void, these azure people could stretch their arms together and forcibly pull them all out of it, and finally couldn't help but sigh: "If it can, then It's flawed, and it's enough..."

Those who practice the Tao of Space are not as pure as the Yue people, and those who do not practice the Tao of Space can only let the Moon people escape.

But this Xu Ziqing, he can let the Yue people have nowhere to escape.

Even if there is not enough time for him to persist, the other Xuanxians are not people who can be underestimated.

At the time of the war, this kind of skill is really very useful!

That big event is bound to happen!