The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

Chapter 867: The Moon Clan sieges the city


Every day, there are nine hundred mysterious immortals, divided into three rounds, patrolling from time to time.

Most of these mysterious immortals have special spying magical powers, or have excellent eyesight, have the ability to penetrate, or immortal consciousness is particularly strange and can extend farther.

Because they have been accounted for a long time, they know that the Yue people will take action, and they will work diligently every day, and dare not slacken a little.

A few days later, there was a number of mysterious immortals, with rainbows in their eyes, straight through the sky.

They unanimously said in unison: "Something happened!"

Immediately behind him, there were dozens of mysterious immortals, shooting out like meteors, flying away in all directions in the city! At the same time, many busy Xuanxians in the city noticed this, their complexion changed, and they all prepared!

The Nine Heavens Profound Fairy flew extremely fast, and the notification was also extremely fast.

Yuan Ting Xuanxian and others were reading the news. They also speculated that the behavior of the Yue people was extremely busy recently. Suddenly Xuanxian entered here and explained the situation to him. When it was, his eyes lit up and he stood up suddenly. A cry: "Okay! It's finally here!"

The same scenario also occurred in Zhenpeng Mansion, Juntian Mansion, Lihen Mansion, and Yuexie Mansion.

The leaders quickly dispatched their troops and gathered them into a torrent, just as they had discussed in the previous few days, they moved separately and stationed everywhere in the fairy city.

Yun Li and Xu Ziqing also received the notification.

The two of them stood up together, and soon gathered with Na Yuan Ting Xuanxian.

Yuan Ting Xuanxian led his troops to Beicheng quickly, and said quickly: "Two friends of immortals, just as said in advance, please live in the middle of the two, but if there is any unsustainable side, please support."

Xu Ziqing understood, and quickly replied: "Naturally."

After speaking, he joined hands with his senior brother and moved up, and soon stood at the highest point of the entire fairy city.

In the southeast, northwest, and all sides, there is a leader leading the soldiers on each side, and because the Yue people have plots against the female fairies, the female soldiers led by the Lihenxuanxian are scattered throughout the city, and they control many organ hubs.

As for Li Hen Xuanxian, at this moment, she is even holding the center of the Immortal City, with her unique sense of immortality, taking over every part of the Immortal City.

In the next moment, the entire fairy city glowed brightly.

The city walls, the ground, the buildings, and every inch of the land slowly emerged with a pattern, and a thin layer of light flashed quickly, making the rigid patterns come alive in an instant.

Undoubtedly, these formations have already been activated!

And on the four high towers on the four sides of the city, where the leaders led their soldiers, there are also traces of the mystery. Tentacles stretched out around them, like countless bands of light. These bands of light float slightly, seemingly very It's soft, but the faint sense of danger can make people know that once this thing really works, it shouldn't be underestimated!

In the city, there are still many Nine Heavens Profound Immortals, divided into dozens of queues.

In each queue, there is a huge roulette wheel erected in front of them.

These queues gathered the roulette in one place, waiting in full array, and the expressions on their faces were also solemn and very solemn.

Everything was ready. Suddenly, there was a strong, violent vibration on the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A huge figure, a path came straight.

Wherever he went, all the obstructive grottoes and stone pillars were all crushed to pieces. These figures were extremely arrogant. In the eyes of countless Xuanxians, the naked eyes rushed over!

These giant shadows really came from all sides, with strong coercion, and the evil spirit that made people almost impenetrable, and soon came to all sides of the fairy city.

At this moment, many leaders and Xuanxian have finally seen their appearance clearly!

They are more than a hundred feet tall, covered in scarlet skin and greasy mucus on their skin, almost naked, and they are extremely ugly.

On the top of their heads, there is something like a sticky lump. Behind them, there are a pair of hairless fleshy wings, which are also ticked with mucus, which is blood-red like peeled skin.

Such an image is too hideous, too evil, and too... disgusting!

When all the Xuanxians saw it, they couldn't help feeling nauseous.

Where did these disgusting monsters come from? Where are those Yue people

The leaders did not dare to be careless.

The people of the Moon Clan can hide in the void, and they have already arrived, but where they hide and how they shuttle in the void, it is difficult to guess for a while.

Despite being severely disgusted, the leaders immediately gave orders.

Some nine-day profound immortals with supernatural powers in their eyes had already been assigned to the soldiers on all sides, and they all stood up at this moment, using the immortal technique to look into the void, looking for the whereabouts of the Yue people.

They are very good at this, but every time they start, it consumes a lot of time, and it takes a few breaths. Therefore, if they travel to hunt the moon clan on weekdays, they are not suitable, but if it is in such a battle Here, it can be of great use.

After a while, these nine-day profound immortals continued to speak: "Yue people, hide in the void behind that monster!"

Yuan Ting Xuanxian asked, "What about the number?"

Jiu Tian Xuanxian examined it for a while, and hesitated a little: "It seems that there are more than two hundred? Farther away, with my ability, it is difficult to see clearly."

The same situation happens on every side.

All the leaders already know that in these four sides, there are hundreds of monsters like this on each side, and there are two to three hundred remaining Moon Clan Profound Immortals.

In the realm of Yueyou, the total number of the Moon Clan Xuanxian was no more than a thousand, nearly half of them died before, and the rest was no more than eight or nine hundred.

In the fairy city, there are as many as five thousand Nine Heavens Profound Immortals.

It's just that the sudden appearance of this monster is a bit unbelievable... and their origins are even more weird.

In the hearts of many extremely intelligent Xuanxians, in fact, after calming down, they have already speculated.

But that speculation was too evil and too unbearable.

Therefore, they just thought about it in time and were unwilling to continue.

At the next moment, all the leaders issued the order: "Kill!"

Does the enemy have to wait for the enemy to attack the city first? Destroy a monster first!

All the Xuanxians obeyed, behind each leader, thousands of Xuanxian simultaneously displayed magical powers!

In the blink of an eye, countless celestial techniques were stimulated on all sides of the city, forming a torrent of mighty torrents. Those magical techniques gathered together, no matter what kind of avenue or power they came from, but they gathered in After being together, it formed a power that seemed to be able to destroy the world, with an extremely terrifying attack power, and attacked the monster in the forefront!

The monster at the front was hit by the torrent.

In an instant, it was submerged by the torrent, countless immortals shining on it, almost in an instant, it was blown to pieces!

The aftermath of power has even hit the left and right everywhere.

All the monsters exposed slightly ahead, as long as they are contaminated by the aftermath, they immediately screamed, and the skin of their bodies was also damaged a lot.

However, the monster that really died under this blow was only the one that was hit from the front.

Such a record caused several leaders to frown slightly.

The monster's defensive power was too strong to deal with... Although it was huge and easy to hit, it was not as easy to kill as the Moon Clan Xuanxian who flees extremely fast.

The attack of thousands of mysterious immortals must kill at least ten heads before they can be regarded as meritorious.

Today, it is not.

But no matter how dissatisfied the leaders are, those monsters must be killed as soon as possible.

And those monsters were injured just as they arrived, and they were equally angry. They didn't even care about showing off their might, and they flashed away all at once!

Their physique is too fast!

Under normal circumstances, the larger the body, the harder it is to make achievements in body skills, but although these monsters are so huge, after the body skills are used, all the Xuanxians actually only feel a flower in front of them, and they have found them close in front of them!

Immediately, there was a popping sound!

Those monsters actually surrounded the entire fairy city, using their fists, with extremely strange power, towards the top of the city, just violently smashed—

There were hundreds of powerful attacks, all of which fell on the fairy city!

If the mysterious immortals in the city were hit, under such a strong force, I am afraid they would all be beaten and bleed, and they would not be seriously injured!

However, how can the fairy city be broken so easily

After these attacks fell, the sky above the fairy city suddenly showed many circling fairy formations, which were densely scattered throughout the city, covering the entire city inside.

Those attacks did not make it into the city with a single blow, but were blocked by the fairy formation before it had time to show off.

On the immortal formation, the light was shining brightly, preventing a trace of power from infiltrating the city.

At the same time, these immortal formations were completely fine, as if the blow was an understatement and trivial.

The faces of the monsters are even more hideous.

And the leaders, with a light smile.

When the fairy city was established, it was to give the Xuanxians a place to stay and stay forever. Xuanxian had already expected that the people of the Yue clan were hard to fill, and they were extremely vicious, and it was impossible to let go of any Xuanxian.

Therefore, it is necessary to build a city with a strong defense ability and defend it for the final battle!

It is conceivable that in order to let the Nine Heavens Profound Immortals have the upper hand, countless proud men who came here have used excellent methods to build the entire city into a golden soup—they have to guarantee that even if the Yue people come to attack the city, they can also make the Xuan The immortals live steadily.

Therefore, the formation in this city is as many as 129,600, which is one yuan. Among them, the small arrays are connected in series, and the large arrays are surrounded by small arrays. One is embedded and the other affects the other.

If someone wants to enter the city, they must first destroy the 129,600 formations, but every attack they make will be scattered to all formations at the moment they strike.

Indeed, the attack was extremely powerful, but when the strength was divided into more than 100,000 parts, wouldn't it be as if the breeze was blowing, and there was no more powerful impact

All the leaders understand that when it was first completed, they also put a lot of effort into it.

Now that the monsters' all attacks seem to be telling them that the energy they used to expend is really excellent, and there is no intention of wasting it.

The mysterious immortals in the city were still a little frustrated with these monsters, but now they are extremely happy when they see this.

It's just something ugly, no matter how wicked it looks, what's so great

After that, the leaders again ordered: "Attack!"

As a result, there are thousands of people on every side.

This time, because the monsters got closer, after the torrent of celestial arts rushed out, it was linked to the surrounding area. In an instant, there were four or five monsters in each area, all of which died under the torrent.

However, after the monsters suffered a loss, they would not continue stupidly.

Suddenly gusts of strong wind blew between the sky and the earth, and the wings behind them opened, making them soar into the air!

Zhenpengxuanxian frowned: "No! They are fast!"

The rest of the leaders, once again ordered!

But this time, that attack never hit.

It turned out that with the help of its wings, this monster had already flapped its wings instead of using its hands in the hands of the Xuanxian.

The previous torrent of immortals was avoided by them!

At the same time, these monsters jumped up over the city, while avoiding constantly, they aimed at the more than one hundred thousand immortal formations and launched a fierce attack!

The immortal array is indeed unloaded and can disperse the attack, but no matter how powerful the immortal array is, it will eventually become saturated.

The monsters intend to fight for this guerrilla, and they must continue to attack to saturate the fairy formation, and then it is the time for them to rush into the city and feast on it!

Yes, the monsters have to fight the war of attrition.

And the leaders have seen through their purpose.

But these proud people of the sky are already very unhappy when they are succumbing to the Moonlight Realm and confronting the Moon Clan people. They finally have the opportunity to turn around, and they are about to retaliate. How can these monsters rely on such a move? Suppress them

Xuanxian perished that month, he sneered: "We dare to show off the micro tricks!" Then, he waved his hand, "Department of Heaven, let it go!"

Soon, dozens of gray-clothed men swayed all over.

They also stood behind each leader, between their eyebrows, like a copper coin, constantly exuding a mysterious mood. Their fingers swiftly shuttled, playing a series of hand tactics, and then the copper coins on the center of the eyebrows suddenly fell, quickly fitting one by one, forming a sword of copper coins!

When it was, the grey-clothed man in the lead screamed: "Heaven's secret guides the way! Disperse!"

Immediately afterwards, the sword of this copper coin turned into dozens of handles, trembling slightly, and the sword's blade pointed in different directions. However, most of the swords of copper coins fell down the moment they pointed the direction.

There are five more handles remaining.

Yuexuanxian immediately shouted: "Attack!"

He shot instantly, dividing the thousands of immortal arts into five ways before forming a torrent.

Immediately these five roads went to the point where the five copper coin swords pointed, and attacked and killed them.

The next scene is very strange.

There were no monsters in those five directions, but when these five torrents rushed away, there were actually five monsters that happened to be there, and they happened to be hit by this torrent—the monster’s fast body. , I can't avoid it!

It's like, the monsters take the initiative to pounce on the five torrents!

-If you think about it a little bit, you will know that this is the movement traces of the monsters that the five torrents have calculated in advance, so that they can attack at the moment they appear!

This was exactly what the Ministry of Machinery was capable of.

Immortals have warning signs for themselves, but there are also many immortals who are naturally good at divination, and the avenues they practice are also related to this way.

In the Department of Heavenly Mystery, it is the gathering of many such profound immortals, and using their immortal techniques together to fill in the gaps, many things can be calculated.

It is true that they are not as knowledgeable as the goddess, but if they consume some strength, they will be able to make a great contribution in this war.

As before, those monsters thought very well. They escaped fast and their trails were erratic. Even if those gathered attacks could kill them quickly, if they saw their traces and attacked again, they would definitely be able to dodge them. At that time, the Xuanxians couldn't hit them, but they were able to weaken the 129,600 immortal formations everywhere.

It's just that they have strategies, and leaders also have countermeasures.

It's true that the monsters are extremely fast, making it difficult for them to attack, but once the monsters' movements have been calculated before they acted themselves

Just like before, all the Xuanxians in the Tianji Department tried their best to calculate, and quickly pointed out the direction. With the help of this, the leaders on all sides also took only one blow, so that there were at least five monsters on each side, and they were caught off guard and fell under the torrent of immortality!

However, the secrets of the secrets are not enough, and the secrets of secrets are changing very quickly.

This stalemate between the monster and Xuanxian still needs some time to fight.

In a mere moment, many things have happened.

The war is unpredictable, the four parties are very fierce, and various methods are emerging one after another, and it is almost impossible for others to intervene.

But in the center of that fairy city, there was a person who was stunned on the spot.

Xu Ziqing looked at the monsters attacking the city, with a rare surprise in his expression: "Month-level... monster?" He couldn't help but turned his head to look at Yun Li, "Brother, do you see that is a month-level monster?"

Yun Yu's gaze also fell on the monster.

They can't even enter the city now, but their various performances are in their eyes.

Immediately, he nodded slightly: "It should be."

Xu Ziqing took a breath.

When in the lower realm, the monsters outside the realm made a great disaster, causing many big worlds to be involved in great chaos. He thought he had already expelled them at that time, and even thought that this outer monster was only bred in the outer void storm—the crystallization of the power of time and space in their body seemed to prove this—but he never expected it. In the fairy world, they can also be seen.

Although, this is a month-level monster.

He is more than a hundred feet long, has a sarcoma on his head, and his wings are ugly and unmatched.

It was so obvious that he wanted to doubt, but he couldn't.

Xu Ziqing suddenly remembered the touch of familiarity that flashed through his heart when he first saw the Yue people.

The skin of the Yue people is pale gold, unlike humans. They have a single horn on their head, and a core in their chest. Although they are extremely beautiful and ugly with the monsters outside the world, there is a slight connection between them. , Suddenly some thoughts came to his mind.

Could this beast from the outside world originated from the Moon Clan? So after countless years in the fairy formation, they can now appear impressively, is it related to the monsters outside the world

The monsters outside the realm just caused a great calamity in the lower realm, and there are people from the Moon Clan in the immortal realm who have escaped.

The many questions almost made Xu Ziqing a little anxious.

If the mystery can be learned, can the immortal world calamity this time be solved smoothly

Yun Yu looked at Xu Ziqing: "Don't worry, let me try."

Xu Ziqing heard this, and settled: "Brother, be careful."

He is not suitable now, but when the brother flees with the sword intent, he is extremely fast, so he should do it.

So Yun Yu swayed out, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the city.

In this city, anyone with a talisman can enter and leave, but those moon people and monsters are blocked.

Yun Yu was unambiguous, and immediately shot!

There was a silver sword intent under his feet, and his escape was so fast that even the afterimage was almost blurred. Someone looked at it, but it seemed that they only saw a wisp of smoke, and they couldn't catch the trace of the other party in an instant.

Yun Yu directly stopped in front of a monster.

When he grabbed his right hand, a silver fairy sword appeared in his palm.

This fairy sword swelled upon seeing the wind, and it was more than ten feet long in a blink of an eye. Yun Yu's figure was still as usual, but he was holding this long sword as if it were normal.

After that, the fairy sword moved.

After a few swordsmanship, the monster fought with the long sword very quickly with a pair of sharp claws.

Just a few breaths, there are countless sounds.

The monsters and Yun Li are too fast, not only Xuanxian can't intervene, other monsters are also difficult to join. The fight was fierce. Suddenly, the long sword trembles fiercely, turning into a stream of light, and stabs out—then there is a sharp, penetrating sound.


That long sword pierced into the depression of the monster's chest.

Yes, although there is a piece of armor protection here, it is true, there is a depression.

In the previous few matches, Yun Yu's sword made a continuous move, pushed it aside, and hit it again, in the middle of that place!

After this sword, there shouldn't be any extremely serious injuries, but the monster was too late to scream, fell backwards, and died.

The other monster uttered a long roar.

Yun Yu did not back down, he turned around abruptly, grabbed the long sword again, and swallowed his sword intently, unexpectedly faster than before.

This time, he suddenly landed above the monster, and his long sword slashed horizontally—"Swipe!"

The huge sticky meat fell to the ground, and the monster that fell to the ground at the same time!

Xu Ziqing slowly exhaled.

