The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

Chapter 877: Destroy the void


All kinds of powers spurted out, and instantly bombarded the hidden void.

The place was originally very secretive, but when these countless forces collided and exploded, it would cause turbulence in the void, and the space would suddenly be torn apart!

The dark space cracks open, and the space fragments are densely scattered, and after several bombardments, they are completely broken up.

-But this is just the surface layer of the void, and all the heavenly monarchs understand very well that the moon clan heavenly monarchs are hiding in the deeper part of the void.

It is difficult to find, I am afraid that in a short time, it will be impossible to shrink.

Not only did the heavenly princes of the Five Heavenly Court resorted to many methods, but the celestial princes of the sacred beast clan also used their own magical powers to stir up all kinds of storms in the void, causing the space to fluctuate endlessly and no longer be stable.

There was a divine beast, about the blood of basalt. He was transformed into a giant tortoise. The four tortoise feet slammed into the dangling void several times, and the void was further separated on both sides, emitting a lot of breath of void air.

The sacred beast "pouch" several times: "Ge Laozi, I have been driving away for seven or eight miles, why can't I see the shadows of those turtle sons?"

In addition, a few sacred beasts laughed: "You turtle eggs, you haven't eaten rice today, so you don't have the strength to work?"

After speaking, these sacred beasts also turned into prototypes, and they all went around the torn void, grabbed their feet and claws, and pulled them in all directions.

After too much time, the stubborn void can always collapse again for a few miles.

Jinlong said: "All the generals under his command, all go and do it!"

So all the sacred beasts have changed their prototypes, using their supreme flesh to tear the void into pieces.

Not long after, these sacred beasts have already made a lot of credit.

When Wufang Tiandi saw this, he refused to fall behind.

At the moment, the Central Heavenly Emperor issued an order: "You fellows, attack the cracks and destroy the inside of the void!"

All heavenly monarchs also responded in unison: "Yes!"

Immediately, they used the most powerful immortal method, all aimed at the cracks, and smashed in!

Immortals are different from divine beasts. The latter are physically strong, but apart from their natal supernatural powers, they are inferior to the immortal, while the immortal has complete control over the immortal law, and the way of the body is freely manipulated, while the flesh is far inferior to the divine beast.

Now the two sides cooperated, first attacking together, blasting the void out, and then the god beast Tianjun turned the crack into a big hole, and then some immortals punched the power into it and destroyed the inside.

With this cooperation, more void air flows out of it.

Because this piece of space has long been locked, it is like a piece of condensed fat, as long as it can go deep, it can pull out the Moon Clan Heavenly Monarch.

The sacred beasts had already advanced dozens of miles into it before, but there was still a lot of distance from where the Moon Clan was hiding. When the immortal Tianjun blasted his Dao power in, he used this vast power to blast open the passage!

But just that, the heavenly monarchs can't enter rashly.

Fighting in the void, the Moon Clan always beats them by a few points, and if the heavenly monarchs of the fairy world are to gain the upper hand, they must collapse the void as much as possible, so that they have no room for dodge and can only be with the fairy world. The heavenly princes are head-to-head-only this will show the methods of the heavenly princes.

All the heavenly monarchs didn't say much at this time, and they all made their efforts.

This piece of void collapsed extremely badly. From the beginning there were only a few cracks, and the cracks turned into huge holes, revealing the various air currents inside, a mess.

However, if you want to go in with confidence, it is still not appropriate.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Li, Huang Ya and Lei Beast of the divine beast clan, are very special people.

Although they are of the rank of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, they have powers comparable to Heavenly Monarchs, so they can come here at the end of the battle. It's just that although they are here, they have never had the opportunity to take action.

But Xu Ziqing thought that, as far as he was concerned, he could do it.

Right now, his brows flashed with blood, and the extremely thick bloodthirsty monster vine burst out in an instant, releasing more than ten thousand blood-colored vines, rushing into those void holes!

The Bloodthirsty Demon Vine is now the most able to break through the space. It pierced through those holes fiercely and stirred it all through. Everywhere it passed, it would vigorously shake the vine, whipped and beat, and made quite a lot of battles. .

Because it can make some gaps every time it penetrates, and then a lot of heavenly monarch power enters, and it continues to expand along the gap, and in a short period of time, it can travel many miles.

Yun Li's sword soul has nine refinements.

The power of the Nine Lian Sword Intent is terrifying, especially when he cultivates the ruthless killing sword way. All the Tao intents are condensed into one word "kill". The penetrating power is stronger than that of other sword immortals who cultivate the Tao intent. Powerful scores.

Therefore, countless silver sword lights raged with the blood vine, and the sword intent contained the true meaning of the broken sword, so that every time it passed through, it would shatter the void in that place, one sword after another, The power is even better than some heavenly monarchs.

Almost invincible.

This pair of senior brothers all showed their strength soaring compared to the previous ones.

Huang Ya and Lei Beast were no exception to the divine beast clan.

I saw the incomparable fiery light penetrated straight through, and its firepower was so powerful that it was too much for the immortal body of Tianjun. Its true meaning in the fire was extremely mysterious. When the burning swept through, all places that were contaminated with sparks would be melted by its true meaning. !

At the same time, the thunderstorms are extremely terrifying, and it seems to be with infinite power of heaven's punishment, hitting the space like dead branches and leaves!

These four people performed so well that they were all seen by the surrounding heavenly monarchs.

If the strength is slightly better, it's fine, if the strength is a little inferior, he will be cruel in his heart.

Although there are always some gods who are far better than other immortals of the same rank, you know that Gui knows that all gods are quite proud, and they don't want to be other people's stepping stones.

So the more surging Taoism will flow freely.

The continuous voice of Taoism swept wildly around with extremely magnificent power.

The void collapsed faster.

Many heavenly monarchs also know very well that in a short while, they will eventually find the whereabouts of the moon clan heavenly monarch-or when the void completely collapses, those moon clan heavenly monarchs will no longer have a place to hide or stay!

The Zhiming Tiannyu said warmly: "The location of the Moon Clan... is approaching." She seemed to be thinking about something, and it seemed to be calculating something, and then continued, "They are brewing a conspiracy, I am afraid, it will take a few hours to achieve it."

At this time, all the heavenly monarchs thought of something together.

The livestock of the Moon Clan, are they about to make that arrow

No, go ahead at full speed!

In a short time, there are dozens of swordsmen, and they can shoot swords at the same time!

The mighty sword light and surging sword intent converged at this moment.

These forces formed a huge sword, like a thunder, piercing forward suddenly!

Upon seeing this, Yun Li also raised his sword to cut down.

The terrifying sword intent melted in instantly, and the blade of the giant sword seemed to be quite cold.

And Yun Li is not alone.

There are also some Sword Lords, or not the Nine Refined Sword Lords, but they have also released their sword intent, almost completely unreserved, and all merged into the giant sword.

In an instant, the giant sword traveled faster. On both sides of the strong sword energy that the giant sword radiated, there were hundreds of heavenly monarchs who practiced immortality. They also gathered their immortality skills from the two wings. , Help the giant sword!

Xu Ziqing manipulated the blood vine to hit the surrounding space to create a gap.

In the bottom of his heart, he also sighed slightly.

This situation and situation reminded him of the five leaders who led thousands of profound immortals in the Moon Realm, and gathered their celestial skills into a torrent, carefully deployed and attacked the Yue Clan.

How similar is the scene at this time to then? It's just that the celestial skills of the heavenly monarchs are condensed, and compared to the nine-day profound immortals, they are much stronger and too much stronger!

Heavenly monarchs who have successfully cultivated, all the immortal methods have actually been melted into themselves, the sound of their mouth is the sound of the Tao, and the Tao of their own body has been revolving, and they have already released the sound of the Tao.

Therefore, the current performance is not very fancy, but simple and unpretentious, but exudes endless coercion.

Finally, the giant sword rushed forward, and in just a few dozen breaths, it had already cooperated with so many forces, and the void of this blockbuster was completely collapsed!

And in the next instant, an extremely powerful sense of danger also suddenly came—