The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

Chapter 884: It's regrettable


Fang Yuanmu was born in a military and political family, his father Fang Zhenguo was in politics, and his grandpa was an important member of the military. He and his eldest brother Fang Yuanfeng were fraternal twins when they were young, and they had a good relationship since they were young.

Their mother, Li Xiuyuan, was lively and charming when she was young. After marriage, she was gentle and graceful, and she had a deep relationship with her father. In addition, their two outstanding sons, who had become famous in the military in their teenage years, could be said to have a happy family and a harmonious life.

But it is a pity that happiness belongs to happiness, but everyone else is too busy, often leaving only the mother at home. The mother is very lonely and has always wanted to have her next child, but unfortunately it has not been able to do so.

Until the year when their brothers were eighteen, the adult gift they received was that their mother gave birth to their youngest brother... and this brother, who filled his mother’s loneliness, was a solace for all of them, but became their family again. The scars that are hard to heal, and the regrets of a lifetime.

One month after the baby was born, he was diagnosed with a strange disease. His organs are prone to ageing by nature, and his physical fitness is very weak, so weak that it will break when touched.

According to the doctor’s diagnosis, if this continues, he will probably die before the age of five, but the younger brother is the one that the mother has finally hoped for, so how can he bear to give up

Moreover, for such a fragile baby, Fang Yuanmu and Fang Yuanfeng fell in love with him the first time they saw him. The feeling of blood connection made them want to take care of him carefully.

As a result, the younger brother was named "Fang Yongan", and did not rank according to the genealogy like them, but carried the expectation of a family-they hoped that he would be "always well".

Younger brother Yongan was pitiful when he was born, but he couldn't help but love him when he was growing up.

Fang used a lot of ways and found countless good doctors to treat Yong'an. Yong'an had to be kept in the ward from childhood and had to perform many operations on his weak body.

But even if Yongan is so young and has suffered so much, he will still comfort them after every operation, and always show them a calm and gentle smile.

Yongan is naturally kind and never seems to be angry. He would rather embarrass himself than make them sad.

Such a young brother made Fang Yuanmu and Fang Yuanfeng feel a heavy responsibility. Although they had not found a lover, married and gave birth to offspring, they almost regarded the young brother as their own child.

Because Yongan, no matter how busy they are, Fang Yuanmu and Fang Yuanfeng have to come to take care of them personally. Fang Zhenguo, his father, who always works outside, has gradually shifted his focus to his family members and came to visit and accompany his wife.

Their family has become more united in the pain of losing loved ones at any time, and they understand and cherish more.

But even so, Fang Yongan, who suffered all his life, passed away at the age of eighteen.

The Fang family searched all the famous doctors, tried countless ways, but could not continue to keep him. And Yongan's death made them plunge into long-term sadness.

After the funeral, many more days passed, but no one could forget Yongan.

Among them, the most painful, and the most unable to get away, is his mother Li Xiuyuan.

She pinned her sorrow on the flowers and trees that Yongan loved. Apart from going out to buy some flowers and plants occasionally, she never wanted to leave the small villa full of plants.

Year by year.

Suddenly one day, Fang Yuanmu found that his mother became happier than before.

Then he knew that it was because of the family who had moved to the opposite side of their villa.

The new neighbors are two young people.

Their demeanor looks intimate, they seem to be a pair of lovers. The younger one seems to know flowers and plants very well. After helping his mother save a pot of bluegrass in an accident, he got acquainted with his mother.

Fang Yuanmu went to check the identities of the two.

But this seemed to be hidden by something that made him return without success. He can only know that they used some very old ginseng and other precious medicinal materials in exchange for the house on the opposite side and planned to settle here.

They also seem to really like flowers and plants, and within a few days, there are many more beautiful plants near their house, exuding a lot of vitality.

Two handsome-looking young men with long hair occasionally played flowers and grass on the opposite side, playing the piano and playing chess, as if they were walking out of ancient paintings.

day after day.

The young man named Xu Ziqing who likes flowers and plants is getting closer and closer to his mother.

Their relationship has become very good, and their mother is getting happier, and the sorrows from the past seem to fade away.

The young man named Yun Li is indifferent, but as long as Xu Ziqing is there, he is always with him.

Later, after Fang Yuanmu returned home from work, he found that the two young men were sitting in the living room. Xu Ziqing was talking and laughing with his mother, and Yun Li was silent.

I don't know when, have they been able to get so close

It was also during this close encounter that Fang Yuanmu finally understood why his mother's emotions would recover.

—This Xu Ziqing is really similar to his younger brother Yongan.

The arc of the smile, the warm gaze, the occasionally narrow but gentle expression, and the patience to the mother, the gentleness, the whispering, the eyes full of tolerance and relief.

He is like a Yongan living a normal life, making him wonder, if Yongan had no illness since childhood and grew up in An Ran, would he become a tolerant and peaceful person like him? He has all the good qualities of Yong'an, but he doesn't have the sorrow that Yong'an tries to hide, but he makes people want to be close.

Mother thinks so too, right

Therefore, she forgot to be sad, left behind and missed, and didn't feel pain anymore.

But why is it such a coincidence

Fang Yuanmu felt that he should go and check carefully to see if someone had made any conspiracy against Fang's family. But when he watched, watched and watched... Why couldn't he let his emotions spread without a trace of suspicion and vigilance

The longer he gets along with Xu Ziqing, the better Fang Yuanmu understands his mother's feelings.

Because even he himself is like this.

Later, the eldest brother Fang Yuanfeng returned, and his father Fang Zhenguo also returned.

They also knew Xu Ziqing and Yun Li, and they also saw their dead family members in Xu Ziqing, and they couldn't doubt and were willing to get close.

Many years have passed since then.

Xu Ziqing became the mother's godson and also their godbrother.

Hearing him calling "Big Brother" and "Second Brother", just like Yongan back then.

Gradually, they became more like a family.

Xu Ziqing slowly filled the blank of Yongan in their home, as if Yongan hadn't left. He just temporarily disappeared for a few years. After returning, he took his lover with him.

If so... how good would it be


Unconsciously, fifty years have passed.

Xu Ziqing sat on the head of the bed, holding a withered hand.

This is his mother, Li Xiuyuan, in his previous life. Although the difference in the past was sad, she has always been happy and stable over the years.

In a world with an average age of 120 years, the mother is now close to this age. Although her life is dying, she can also be called a joy or mourning.

At this moment, the family is not in the ward, but in the mother's room at home. Holding her mother's other hand is his still healthy father Fang Zhenguo. The two elder brothers and their partners are also waiting by the side.

Xu Ziqing called out softly: "Godmother..."

Li Xiuyuan's eyes were half-open and half-closed. She looked at Xu Ziqing, her voice was extremely weak and barely audible: "It's called'Mother'."

Xu Ziqing was startled, and smiled slightly: "Mom."

Li Xiuyuan's expression was very satisfied, and she laughed too.

Then, Li Xiuyuan turned her head strenuously and looked at her beloved husband who had been with her for life. She looked at her two sons again, her lips trembled, as if she was calling them.

Fang Yuanfeng and Fang Yuanmu both hurried over.

Xu Ziqing stood up and gave her mother's hand to her elder brother.

Fang Yuanfeng and Fang Yuanmu held them almost at the same time, and they knelt down, a little sad and a little bit sad.

However, Li Xiuyuan seemed to be very contented. She smiled kindly at her two sons. Finally, she grabbed her husband's hand and slowly closed her eyes.

Just before she stopped breathing, she murmured: "Yongan is back... It's great."

Fang Yuanfeng and Fang Yuanmu's eyes turned red for an instant.

They closed their eyes silently, finally stood up and pulled the mattress for their mother.

Xu Ziqing felt a slight pain in her heart when she heard those words, and then disappeared again.

At the moment when his mother passed away, he felt that something was missing and something was always filling up. He looked at the family in the house, and the regrets that he had suppressed originally seemed to be finally fulfilled at this moment.

Now, it's time for him to leave.

He could feel that the dragon of consciousness was roaring, and it was about to crash against the barrier!

Then, Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Li.

Yun Yan nodded slightly.

The bodies of the two also glowed with a faint light.

In an instant, it attracted the eyes of everyone in the room.

Xu Ziqing smiled and looked relieved: "Eldest brother, second brother, father... Your family members." He sighed softly, "Ziqing is gone." He raised his head again with a gentle smile, "Yongan is gone."

The next moment, the light was dazzling, and the figures of these two people also suddenly disappeared—

Fang Yuanfeng and Fang Yuanmu suddenly stretched out their hands, but they only held the last touch of light.

In an instant, countless information flooded into their minds.

Scenes after scenes flashed extremely quickly.

The boy who was once sick and reincarnated in another world, went through all kinds of hardships, got a companion, and finally ascended to immortality, and when he became the god of heaven, he returned to the original time.

It's Yongan! It really is Wing On!

Fang Yuanfeng and Fang Yuanmu had a huge upheaval in their hearts, with huge surprises, but they also vaguely felt that something was suddenly confirmed.

Yes, my mother recognized Yongan.

And they... didn't they recognize it

Yongan has never concealed it, and even after these years, except for accompanying his mother, they have never left this villa area, and even their appearance has not changed a little.

It's just that they haven't asked.

The two brothers covered their eyes and breathed slowly.

very nice.

Yongan is now truly healthy forever... It's great.