The Trembling World

Chapter 114: It’s too much to deceive others


Li Changhui is a member of the elite group, one of the four level 4 players in the entire camp. In the real world, he is a famous city manager, a temporary worker, with a bad temper. Other players are a little scared in front of him and worry about him. Get angry and scold them or hit them.

In the past, in the real world, people were crushed to death by officials with a higher level. Here, people were crushed to death by players with a higher level. Just like Li Changhui, he could only manage vendors in the past, but here he is a member of the elite group. These small players at level 2 and level 3 must act honestly in front of him.

"I'm just here to exchange supplies, not looking for trouble. It doesn't matter what level I am now. If you think I'm not level 4, just think I'm only level 3." Liu Gan replied to Li Changhui calmly. sentence.

"That's quite aggressive!" Li Changhui obviously meant to intensify the conflict and was moving towards the scene Liu Qian wanted.

"This brother has just arrived. He may not pay much attention to his tone of voice. He is actually quite nice. He even saved Xiao Han in our team outside. Brother Li, please be patient." Wang Decheng quickly reconciled with a smile in the middle.

"Okay, you want to exchange supplies? What do you have? Take it out and take a look." Li Changhui asked Liu Qian with a sullen face.

"There are instant noodles, biscuits, mineral water, anti-inflammatory drugs, band-aids, water chestnuts, etc." Liu Gan replied to Li Changhui.

"What do you want to change?" Li Changhui asked Liu Gan again.

"Change to a bag of salted chicken." Liu Gan pointed to the two bags of salted chicken on the shelf behind Li Changhui.

"He wants salt water chicken?" The two people next to Li Changhui had sarcastic looks on their faces. High-level food like salt water chicken, even in the camp, is only available to players in the elite group and some who have made great contributions and need to be commended. Player, Liu Qian, a stranger came in and asked Li Changhui for this thing. Isn’t this ridiculous

"We don't want instant noodles and biscuits. Please bring out your mineral water, anti-inflammatory drugs, band-aids and water chestnuts for me to take a look at." Li Changhui didn't point out anything, but just rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was talking about. idea.

Liu Qian opened his backpack and took out a bottle of anti-inflammatory powder. Put it on the table in front of Li Changhui. His anti-inflammatory powder was found from five gangsters, and he just used a bottle on Zhang Shengli. There's still this bottle left.

"What do you mean?" Li Changhui glared at Liu Qian.

"A bottle of medicine for a chicken." Liu Qian answered Li Changhui.

"Just this bottle of medicine? Are you kidding? It's too little, I won't change it." Li Changhui waved his hand to Liu Qian.

"Medicine is a very scarce commodity in the last days. This bottle of medicine is enough to exchange for two salt-water chickens. Why can't I just exchange for one now?" Liu Gan replied to Li Changhui.

"Want to exchange a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine for two salted chickens? Do you know how many of these medicines we have here? There are several big pharmacies nearby! Boy!" Li Changhui looked at the other people around him with a smile on his face. The men, those men laughed together, and then looked at Liu Qian as if he were a fool.

"Okay then, can we add these water chestnuts?" Liu Gan took out a small bag of water chestnuts from his backpack. Put it on the table in front of Li Changhui.

Li Changhui opened the plastic bag, ate the water chestnuts inside, and shared them with the people around him. After a while, he ate most of the small bag of water chestnuts, but he never said anything. Exchange thing.

"Can you give me the chicken?" Liu Qian asked Li Changhui.

"He wants chicken! Haha, he wants chicken!" After Li Changhui bit another water chestnut and ate it, he looked at Liu Gan with a mocking expression, and then the people around him burst into laughter.

"These salted chickens originally belonged to this supermarket. They don't belong to you. Anyone can eat them. Since you came here first, I won't say anything. Exchange a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine and a bag of water chestnuts for a salted chicken. You have already taken advantage of me. But your attitude is really a bit too bullying!" Liu Qian glanced at Wang Decheng who was following him, and emphasized Li Changhui's tone.

Wang Decheng was also a little angry at Li Changhui's actions. Even if he didn't want to exchange things with Liu Gan, there was no need to humiliate him like this, right? To tell the truth, wouldn’t it be enough if the salted chicken was not exchanged? He brought Liu Gan in. If Li Changhui didn't give Liu Gan face, he wouldn't give him face. But due to Li Changhui's status and strength in the camp, Wang Decheng now dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

"You think it's too much to bully someone? Okay, okay! You can exchange it for salted chicken, and leave this girl and all your luggage in exchange. Then, get out of here with this salted chicken!" Li Changhui picked it up from under the table An empty bag containing chicken bones was thrown in front of Liu Gan.

"What do you mean? Looking for trouble?" Liu Gan looked at the bag of chicken bones on the ground in front of him. Glancing at Wang Decheng next to him, his face turned even more ugly.

The meaning is obvious. Previously, I did not rob the supplies in the camp because of your face, Wang Decheng. I just wanted to exchange things. But this Li Changhui’s attitude is too bad, right? If you bully people to this extent, then don't blame me for being merciless!

Wang Decheng sighed, he no longer knew how to deal with or resolve this matter.

"What's wrong with me just making trouble? Are you unhappy?" Li Changhui was very dissatisfied with Liu Qian's tone and attitude. He slapped the table and pushed away the woman in his arms and stood up. The four men around him also stood up. He stood up and approached Liu Qian together.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the woman quickly hid aside to avoid being affected by Chi Yu.

"You two... have something to say... don't do anything... it's all up to me..." Wang Decheng rushed over and stood between the two of them with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Get out of here!" Li Changhui pushed Wang Decheng away violently. His arm strength was so strong that he pushed Wang Decheng to the ground.

Li Changhui had already decided to beat up Liu Gan and drive him out, and then robbed Liu Gan's backpack and the beautiful woman next to him. The beautiful woman could either pay tribute to Lord Tiger to receive the reward, or keep him by his side to enjoy, but Wang Decheng also It was so shameless that he actually dared to come and stop him.

"You actually hit my brother Wang?" Liu Qian came over and helped Wang Decheng on the ground, with an expression of indignation on his face, but he was so happy in his heart... Li Changhui's teasing was so cooperative with him. In this situation, he Not only can he kill people and buy goods with confidence, but he can also win over Wang Decheng's heart.

"Brother Liu, forget it... A good man won't suffer the immediate consequences. Let's go. I'll find a chance to talk to Mr. Hu about this later." Wang Decheng persuaded Liu Gan in a low voice with an ugly face. (To be continued~^~)