The Trembling World

Chapter 118: Sneak attack


"It's very simple. I have already punished the people who made mistakes on my side. Now it's time for you, Brother Liu, to kneel down and apologize in public! Then clean up the dirty shelves and floors, and at the same time, double the punishment for everything you ate. Compensation, I will not pursue this matter today." Deng Hu looked at Liu Qian with sharp eyes.

"Kneel down! Apologize!" The three people around Deng Hu also started making noises together.

"Kneel down to apologize and pay double compensation? I think you think you didn't die quickly enough?" Liu Gan sneered.

"It seems that Brother Liu doesn't want to be reasonable at all?" Deng Hu's face became increasingly ugly.

"You want to reason? Very good, then I will reason with you! What happened today was that your people humiliated me and ate my water chestnuts by force. I just ate them back! For the sake of Brother Han and From Brother Wang's point of view, it's your luck that I don't argue with you! If you insist on continuing to entangle, don't regret it if it leads to some bad consequences!" Liu Gan replied coldly to Deng Hu. , with murderous intent already showing on his face.

This Deng Hu re-employed evil people like Li Changhui, while good people like Wang Decheng and Han Guangming were marginalized. Birds of a feather flock together, and it seems that they will not be good people.

Liu Qian did not kill Deng Hu and occupy the camp because of this, which was indeed a great honor. With his ability, it was easy to kill Deng Hu, and he had to trek several kilometers to get here, and even almost lost Zhang Shengli. If another villain with similar abilities entered this supermarket and took over the camp and all the supplies, they would have slaughtered the place without any excuse.

"What are the consequences?" Deng Hu asked Liu Gan.

"Kill you, seize this camp, and then kill anyone who disobeys." Liu Gan replied to Deng Hu calmly, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

Deng Hu said nothing, but glared at Liu Qian angrily.

The scene suddenly became quiet, just like the calm before a storm. The atmosphere in the entire supermarket became extremely solemn, and no one onlookers said a word. He just looked here quietly, waiting to see how their leader Deng Hu would respond.

"What an arrogant guy! Master Hu. He is bluffing!" A level 4 player next to Deng Hu suddenly said.

"Bluffing? Why don't you come over and give it a try?" Liu Gan twisted his neck and waved to the player.

"You! Go to hell!" The player glanced at Deng Hu, then drew out the knife from his waist and prepared to rush over to chop the willow trunk. However, Deng Hu pulled him back and shouted at him to move away.

"Master Tiger!" The player looked very unconvinced.

"Okay! I know how to handle this!" Deng Hu yelled at the player.

The player retreated behind Deng Hu angrily, with a very unhappy expression on his face. At this time, he should be lucky that Deng Hu caught him in time, otherwise his end would not be any better than that of Li Changhui. Maybe he turned into a corpse as soon as he rushed over.

"Well, since you are definitely not willing to apologize, let's end this matter! But you are not welcome in my camp, so I ask you to take your people and leave as soon as possible." After being silent for half a minute, Deng Hu said His face suddenly softened, and he spoke to Liu Qian calmly.

"Master Tiger!"

Several players around Deng Hu were a little unhappy, so just let them go? Isn't this too infuriating? He ate so much meat, drank more than half a box of beer, and made a mess everywhere. After all, he had to leave that girl behind to give them a good time, right

"Let him go!" Deng Hu stopped the three people around him. Of course he didn't really want to let Liu Qian go. I'm just waiting for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

When Deng Hu advanced to level 5, he awakened a superpower, a superpower that was displayed as 'Spur' on his watch. He could use it by holding his breath and concentrating. The interval is about a quarter of an hour each time. The moment the attack was launched, his body's speed was as fast as lightning. Targets attacked within two meters have no way to hide.

He had tried to use this power to kill several ordinary zombies before, and it was a one-hit kill within two meters, but he had never had the chance to try it on mutant zombies or players of similar strength to him. Now was a good opportunity. All he had to do was wait for Liu Gan to come two meters away from him, and use the sharp blade in his hand to instantly pierce Liu Gan's heart, killing the intruder who dared to kill and plunder on his land. , to maintain his prestige among these players.

Liu Qian glanced at Deng Hu, then called Yinhe over and took off the backpack from her hands. He threw out all the biscuits and instant noodles inside, and stuffed the remaining meat into two backpacks one by one. It wasn't until it was full that it couldn't be filled anymore, then he stood up again unsteadily.

He promised to bring some food to little sister Li Dingxin, so he couldn't break his promise, right? In addition, Zhang Shengli has taken good care of his body and needs to eat some meat to replenish his health.

Liu Qian picked up a bulging backpack and threw the other bulging backpack to Yinhe.

"Master Hu! They are moving! Do you really want them to leave?" After seeing this scene, the three elite group players became even more intolerable. Liu Gan pretended to take away all their food rations! This man ate so much that Master Hu didn't care about it, but he actually dared to pack it up in a big way!

It's so humiliating!

"Let him go!" Deng Hu once again stopped the three cronies around him. No matter what Liu Gan did now, he would endure it until the right opportunity appeared, and then kill Liu Gan with one blow!

Liu Gan seemed to have drunk too much beer, and he was carrying a heavy backpack full of meat. He was staggering when walking, and it seemed a little difficult to hold the fire ax in his hand. With the help of Yinhe, he could barely stand still. body, and then walked towards Deng Hu and the others.

"Brother Wang, thank you for your hospitality." Liu Qian held up a half-drunk beer can and greeted Wang Decheng, who was standing by the shelf in a daze, with a smile.

Wang Decheng looked sad and didn't know what to say. With Liu Qian leaving, Mr. Hu might have vented all his anger on him. After all, he was the one who brought Liu Qian in, and he was the one who caused such a big trouble. His responsibility.

"He's just bluffing." The player who just tried to provoke Liu Qian muttered to the others around him unhappily.

"Shut up!" Deng Hu scolded him again.

Five meters, four meters, three meters...

Deng Hu kept calculating the distance between him and Liu Qian in his mind. Based on his previous practice, within two meters was the best distance for him to use his quick stab ability. Once activated, he would be unstoppable! (To be continued~^~)