The Trembling World

Chapter 24: gloat


Pan Hua and Lulu stood still, looking at Wang Changshun and then at Liu Qian, with hesitant expressions on their faces. The red-haired boy had a look of gloating on his face. If Liu Gan hadn't been so skilled, he would have taken this opportunity to encourage everyone to kill Liu Gan and steal his backpack.

"Which of you is willing to follow him, it doesn't matter to me. I can survive here well alone." Liu Gan turned around and said to Pan Hua and Lulu.

"Boss, of course we have to follow you." Pan Hua quickly replied to Liu Gan. His hesitation just now was not because he wanted to leave Liu Qian, but because he felt that Wang Changshun was very pitiful, and being abandoned like this would definitely lead to death.

The food is all in Liu Gan's backpack. If they don't follow Liu Gan, Liu Gan probably won't let them take away the drinking water. Wang Changshun was likely to turn into a zombie if he was bitten. The red-haired boy was frightened. With his and Lulu's ability to survive, leaving Liu Qian, there was only one way for them to die.

At this moment, two zombies who were hiding somewhere suddenly rushed out of their hiding place after hearing Wang Changshun's cry, and instantly knocked down Wang Changshun. One zombie bit open Wang Changshun's neck, and blood spurted out from Wang Changshun's neck. The other zombie grabbed Wang Changshun's clothes and belly, and pulled out his intestines and internal organs. , and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

As Liu Qian said before, Wang Changshun did not die immediately, but kept struggling and screaming, but his struggle was completely in vain, and he could not break away from the two zombies.

All this happened too fast, and it happened just a few meters away from Pan Hua, Lulu and others. They were completely frightened after witnessing all this at close range. Lulu even screamed uncontrollably.

"This is definitely not true..." It was the first time Pan Hua saw such a tragic scene with his own eyes. He involuntarily took two steps back, but failed to move away. He sat down on the ground, completely frightened. .

"Stop screaming!" Liu Gan came over and covered Lulu's mouth with his hand, preventing her from screaming for too long.

Wang Changshun's voice gradually weakened as he was being torn apart and eaten by two zombies a few meters away, and then fell completely silent. The only thing left on the scene was the disgusting sound of two zombies tearing and devouring his internal organs.

Liu Gan took off his backpack and threw it on the ground, and rushed towards the two zombies with an axe. The two zombies that were biting Wang Changshun's body looked up and saw Liu Gan, and immediately stood up and howled towards Liu Gan. . Liu Qian killed one with an axe, and stretched out his other hand like lightning to pinch the neck of the other zombie.

Originally, he could just crush the zombie's neck and explode it. Considering that the other three people were watching not far away, Liu Gan changed his mind in an instant. While crushing the zombie's neck, he used the ax in his other hand. Chopping the zombie's head a few times and pretending it was an ax killed the zombie.

After completing all this, Liu Qiancai walked back and looked around.

"He...he...he's not really dead, is he?" Pan Hua asked Liu Gan after getting up from the ground, his voice still trembling.

"You've been bitten like this, how can you not die?" Liu Qian replied to Pan Hua as he looked at Wang Changshun's disembowelled corpse, with the flesh on his face chewed to the point of revealing the bones.

Pan Hua looked like he wanted to say something more, but after he accidentally saw Wang Changshun's corpse on the ground through the moonlight, he couldn't say anything. His stomach was churning and he almost vomited.

Pan Hua resisted vomiting, but Lulu, who also saw Wang Changshun's mutilated body, bent over and vomited out all the water and biscuits she drank earlier. Pan Hua, who had been holding back, also couldn't hold back at this time. Unable to go down anymore, Lulu and I vomited together.

Liu Gan shook his head. Have these two never seen such a tragic scene when they played zombie games before? As for vomiting like this

Maybe what you see on the computer screen is different from what really happens in front of you.

Liu Qian suddenly thought of something. He quickly walked over and knelt down to look at Wang Changshun's watch.

The screen of Wang Changshun's watch has gone out. There is no response at all when pressing the screen or the buttons next to it, and it does not light up again.

Liu Qian picked up the ax and cut off Wang Changshun's arm three times, five times, and two times. He took off his alloy watch from his wrist and wanted to study what happened to it.

After taking off Wang Changshun's watch, Liu Qian found that the bracelet of the watch was completely integrated with the watch, and it couldn't be called a bracelet, it was just a metal ring. Liu Qian put Wang Changshun's watch on the ground and tried to chop the metal ring of the watch with an axe, but he couldn't.

Liu Gan tried to increase his strength and continued to chop the watch with the axe, but he still couldn't chop the metal ring. After thinking about it, Liu Gan turned the other side of the ax and hit the whole watch hard. He hit it more than ten times and a hole was made on the ground, but the whole watch was still intact.

What material is this made of? How can it be so strong

Such a strong material also seems to mean that if players want to take off the watch by force, it is simply impossible, unless they cut off their wrist first.

Just when Liu Gan put down his ax and reached out to pick up Wang Changshun's watch from the ground and continue studying it, the extremely hard watch suddenly disappeared from the ground and turned into a black mist that floated into the dark sky. , and soon disappeared without a trace.

Liu Qian looked at the sky in surprise. What was going on with these strange black fogs? He knew that when he killed zombies, black mist would escape from their bodies and enter his body, just like the experience points in the game. But how can the extremely sturdy watch on the player's wrist, which cannot be broken no matter how hard it is smashed, turns into black mist and spreads around

Is this black mist the player's soul or something like that

Liu Qian finally figured out one thing... When he got off the billboard and looked around in the square, he found all the grenades left by the players, but he didn't find a watch.

The red-haired boy looked at Pan Hua and Lulu who were in a daze after vomiting, and then at Liu Gan who was squatting on the ground looking at the sky, with a sinister look in his eyes. He rushed over and quickly picked up Liu Gan's backpack, then reached out and grabbed two bottles of mineral water from the mineral water tank, and ran into the dark alley late at night without looking back.

But before the red-haired boy took a few steps, an ax spun through the air and flew over from behind him, 'Poof! ' There was a muffled sound, nailed to the back of his head.