The Trembling World

Chapter 25: brutal


The red-haired boy rushed forward a few steps, then fell to the ground, and the two bottles of mineral water in his hands rolled to the side.

This flying ax hit the back of the head, killing him directly.

Of course Liu Gan threw the axe. After he killed the mutated zombies and was promoted to level 4, his hearing and eyesight were greatly improved compared to before. When he was studying Wang Changshun's watch just now, Liu Qian was still paying close attention to possible dangers around him. The sound of the red-haired boy picking up his backpack and running away could not escape his keen hearing.

Pan Hua and Lulu, who had just seen Wang Changshun being disemboweled and vomiting, turned around and saw the scene of the red-haired boy being split open on the back of the head with an ax and died violently. They became extremely frightened again, and their stomachs that had just rested were also It writhed again.

In the past, their understanding of zombie games only stayed on the computer screen. When Liu Qian described those tragic scenes, Lulu couldn't bear it, but now she has witnessed this scene with her own eyes. Obviously what they saw with their own eyes was more difficult to accept than what they saw on the computer screen and what Liu Gan described.

"Have you vomited up? If so, let's leave here as soon as possible." Liu Gan walked over and pulled out the ax from the back of the red-haired boy's head, and then urged Pan Hua and Lulu a few words. Food is already in short supply in the apocalypse, so it would be too wasteful to eat and spit it out, right

Pan Hua and Lulu obviously haven't recovered yet, especially the scene where Liu Qian violently killed the red-haired boy with a flying ax, which made them very frightened. I felt that since Liu Qian could kill the red-haired boy, he might also kill them when he didn't like them in the future, without hesitation.

The red-haired boy was the first player Liu Gan killed. However, when Liu Gan killed him, he didn't feel the discomfort that ordinary people feel when they kill someone for the first time. Perhaps it was because he had killed a lot of 'humanoid' zombies before, and the feel was not far from killing, so now he didn't feel much about killing.

The red-haired boy had previously lured the zombies towards them, and Liu Qian saved the boy, but the boy always looked at Liu Qian with hatred in his eyes. Just now, he tried to steal Liu Gan's food. Once the red-haired boy succeeded, Liu Gan would be hungry tonight and tomorrow morning, or even suffer from hunger problems.

In the apocalypse, taking other people's food is equivalent to killing someone in disguise. Since the red-haired boy did this, Liu Gan would not let him go, so he went over and killed him neatly with an ax to avoid future troubles.

At this time, if Liu Gan didn't kill the red-haired boy, but just snatched the backpack back, scolded him a few words and still kept him in the team, based on the character the red-haired boy had shown previously, he would only be more serious in his heart. He hates Liu Qian, and he may use some dirty tricks against Liu Qian during the night watch. Of course, Liu Qian cannot let this happen.

"We are a team. This boy kept endangering the survival of our team, so I killed him. If you don't do anything wrong, I will definitely not do anything to you. If you think I am cruel and don't want to stay with me, Together, you can share some food and water from me and leave, go wherever you like." Seeing that Pan Hua and Lulu were still in a daze with pale faces, Liu Gan said a few words to them.

"No, boss, you are doing the right thing and it is for our own good. Lulu and I will not do stupid things like them. Don't abandon us." After hearing Liu Gan's words, Pan Hua's mind finally cleared. After waking up a little, he quickly assured Liu Qian.

Even if Liu Gan gave him and Lulu food and water, he didn't know where to go to be safe in this dark night. Maybe there was no safe place in this trembling world. He knew that he could not protect himself and Lulu, and only Liu Qian could protect their safety.

"Very good. If you are willing to stay with me, I will treat you as my companions and try my best to protect your safety." After Liu Gan replied to Pan Hua for a few words, he put the backpack on his shoulders and reached out to lift it from the ground. He walked forward with a full box of mineral water.

Pan Hua and Lulu looked at each other with pale faces. Pan Hua first picked up the half box of mineral water and handed it to Lulu, while he picked up another full box of mineral water. He comforted Lulu with a few words and then trotted off. After a few steps, he chased Liu Qian.

Although Liu Gan looked cruel, Pan Hua also saw that Liu Gan was a very principled person, and all his principles revolved around the theme of survival. As long as they did not violate his principles, or did not violate his By setting the rules, he should not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Before this, Liu Qian had indeed protected them several times. Wang Changshun felt that it was Liu Qian who caused him to be bitten. In fact, before his hand was bitten, when he was standing in the street and was attacked by zombies, if it weren't for Liu Qian Taking action in time, Wang Changshun was already bitten by that time.

Moreover, Liu Gan later tried to cut off Wang Changshun's arm to save Wang Changshun, but Wang Changshun was afraid of pain and refused to let Liu Gan do that.

As for the red-haired boy, he did not have a very good character and seemed too selfish in his actions. Liu Qian killing him for robbing the backpack seemed a bit excessive. But having said that, if Liu Gan didn't kill him, he might do something worse in private after everyone rested at night while everyone was asleep.

After thinking about it for a while, Pan Hua felt much better.

A gust of wind blew from the alleyway in the distance, and the full moon in the sky was obscured by dark clouds and became blurry, as if it was wrapped in a gauze made of black mist. Then several more gusts of wind blew by, and the full moon quickly disappeared into the dark clouds blown by these gusts of wind. The streets previously illuminated by the moonlight soon fell into darkness.

Liu Qian looked at the sky with some confusion. The weather setting in this trembling world seemed to be very strange. From the afternoon to now, the sky had been clear for a few hours after the thunderstorm, and then it immediately became gloomy again. Moreover, thunder and lightning appeared again at the end of the sky, and the cold wind tended to move above their heads.

I have to find a safe place to hide quickly, otherwise I will probably get wet in the rain again. What's more terrifying than the rainstorm is the continuous thunder and lightning. After Liu Gan experienced it once on the billboard, he never wanted to experience that kind of thrilling and trembling again.

Just when Liu Gan looked up to observe the weather, the dark clouds above his head rolled even more fiercely, as if the devil showed its ferocious face and stretched out its claws, ready to swallow up all life on the ground at any time. generally.