The Trembling World

Chapter 27: Outwit


There were some chewed bones and pieces of meat scattered on the ground beside the five zombies, which should have been left by the woman. Judging from the blood stains on the ground, they seemed to be still fresh.

Thinking of the woman's underwear on the balcony on the third floor, Liu Gan deeply suspected that the woman who was eaten by five zombies was probably the proprietress of this small shop. Liu Gan subconsciously looked up. Sure enough, the window at the back of the room on the third floor was open, and there was a rope hanging down from there.

Needless to say, something urgent must have happened to the proprietress. She tried to climb down the stairs by a rope from the third-floor window, but was ambushed by these five zombies and was buried in their belly.

I don’t know why she didn’t open the rolling shutter door on the first floor and go out through the front door of the store, but chose to sneak away along the rope from the rear of the small building through the window on the third floor. But now is obviously not the time to consider these things, and the answer to this matter is of little significance to Liu Qian, so Liu Qian just thought about it casually, without delving into anything, but focused all his attention on the five On the body of a zombie.

When it gets dark, the big explosion on the other side of the square attracts many zombies in the streets and alleys here, but there are still some zombies that get stuck on the way forward and do not join the other zombies to form a zombie wave in the square, just like These five zombies now.

Although these things have no human consciousness, their vision, hearing, smell, etc. seem to be much more sensitive than humans. Fortunately, Liu Gan was standing downwind, and he had been moving lightly, so the five zombies didn't notice Liu Gan and just continued to eat their food.

Looking at these five zombies, Liu Qian frowned slightly. He had to make a decision as soon as possible whether to give up this foothold and choose another foothold.

If you want to choose this small building as your foothold, you must clean up these five zombies first, otherwise they will alert them if they make the slightest movement. Once they are attacked by them, they will inevitably be in a hurry, and even attract other zombies to attack them. When I was about to leave, I surrounded the small building. This kind of small building is not comparable to that billboard. If there are a large number of zombies gathered below, they can climb up the stairs in the way of stacking arhats.

If he gave up this foothold, Liu Qian couldn't guarantee that he would soon be able to find a foothold with a better view and safer than this small building in this dark night.

Now the time is getting later and later, the night wind is getting stronger and stronger, and thunderstorms may fall in these streets and alleys at any time. Once the heavy rain falls, Liu Gan's vision will be further restricted, and the thunder may also trigger the zombies hiding nearby to go crazy, making their sneak attacks even more difficult to guard against under the cover of the rain screen.

Now Liu Gan must find a suitable place to settle down as soon as possible no matter what. After comprehensive consideration, Liu Gan quickly decided to clean up the five zombies and settle down in this three-story building tonight.

If there were only three zombies, Liu Gan would not hesitate too much. He now knew that three zombies would not pose much of a threat to him, but he was not sure about five zombies. It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, it's mainly because he has never tried to deal with five zombies at once before, and now that the surroundings are dark, it will be very inconvenient to fight.

In the fight between normal people and zombies, zombies have no scruples because they are not afraid of injury or death. They will attack and attack again and again without fear of death, using all their strength to claw and bite the target. But that's not the case for normal people. When fighting zombies, normal people want to kill zombies more effectively on the one hand, and on the other hand they must try their best to avoid being scratched and bitten by zombies, otherwise they may be infected if they are injured. The consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, even if Liu Qian has now reached level 4 and his abilities have been fully improved. Under normal circumstances, it should not be a big problem to deal with five zombies. He still did not take the risk to fight five zombies head-on, but adopted the strategy of outsmarting them. The way.

When there are many enemies, the best way to fight is to distract the enemies and draw them away to defeat them one by one. After Liu Gan decided on his tactics, he bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it at the back of one of the zombies closest to him.

After being hit by a pebble on the back, the zombie turned back to look at Liu Gan. When he saw Liu Gan, he immediately roared, gave up the corpse he was eating, got up and rushed towards Liu Gan. Liu Qian quickly hid behind the corner before the other zombies could react, and stepped back a few meters, concentrating on waiting for the zombie to come around the corner.

At the same time, he was also ready to lure five zombies over at the same time. In this case, he was prepared to fight or flee.

Liu Gan's tactics were very successful. Only one zombie was attracted. After Liu Gan took a few steps back to lure it away, he hit the zombie in the face with an ax and took advantage of it to sway back. At that moment, he stepped forward and slashed its neck with an axe, easily killing it on the spot without making too much noise.

One end of the hatchet can be used for hammering, and the other end can be used for chopping. It is also durable and is perfect for killing zombies.

After the first one was eliminated, the rest became easy. Liu Qian adopted almost the same method and quickly lured two of the other four zombies over one by one and eliminated them one by one. When there were only two zombies left behind the small building, he had no worries and rushed over and knocked them to the ground with a violent beating.

After taking down the five zombies, Liu Qian returned to the street in front of the shop. He briefly explained to Pan Hua and Lulu what had just happened and his plans, and asked them to hide in a hidden place for the time being. Then he returned to the back of the small building. He was going to climb up the window alone and enter the small building to investigate. After confirming that it was safe, he would find a way to open the rolling shutter door on the first floor from the inside and bring the two of him in from the outside.

Looking at the rope hanging from the third-floor window, Liu Gan suspected that zombies had appeared in the small building, forcing the proprietress who originally lived in the small building to escape from the third-floor window. She fled so fast that she probably fell directly to the ground. On the ground, or he was suddenly attacked by several zombies hiding nearby, and ended up being eaten.

Therefore, you must be extra careful when climbing up.

Liu Gan pulled the rope and felt that it was quite strong, so he used the rope to climb up. Of course, he did not rely entirely on the rope. Instead, he held the rope with one hand and used the other hand to climb up. Cling to the wall with only one hand to prevent the rope from breaking or other accidents.