The Trembling World

Chapter 29: sense of security


Soon Liu Gan considered another possibility, that is, the only survivor was the boss's wife. The boss was infected when the plague first started and gradually turned into a zombie. The boss's wife tied him up on the second floor at that time. On the bed, but still couldn't bear to hack him to death.

The person who went to the small supermarket in search of food and drinks was also the proprietress. Today, after the proprietress cooked a pack of instant noodles, the zombie-turned-proprietor suddenly broke the rope and rushed up from the second floor.

In the past two days, the boss's wife may have had a premonition that the zombie-turned-boss would break free from the rope that bound him, so she pulled a rope by the window in advance so that she could escape from the third floor at any time, but she failed to escape successfully. Her attachment to family ultimately killed her.

Regardless of the above possibility, Liu Qian finally found the real reason why the proprietress escaped, and also found out the truth about the appearance of zombies in the hardware store.

Liu Gan's purpose in deducing all this was not to be bored, but to thoroughly investigate possible safety hazards in the three-story building so that he could spend his first night in the trembling world safely.

After checking the second floor, Liu Qian went down to the first floor of the hardware store. The layout of the first floor is with a counter in front and a small warehouse in the back. The counter and warehouse are filled with all kinds of small commodities such as water, electricity, hardware, but there are also no traces of zombies. Everything seems very quiet. It seems that this three-story small building The building is indeed safe now.

The rolling shutter door on the first floor is locked. Even if the lock is opened from the inside, a key is still required. Although Liu Gan can use brute force to force it open, doing so is likely to make a loud noise and cause Pay attention to the zombies hiding nearby; in addition, once the lock is broken, the rolling shutter will be scrapped and will no longer be able to protect them.

So Liu Gan returned to the third floor, put the rope down again, and then climbed down along the rope. After descending to the ground, he held back his nausea and searched the bodies of the five fallen zombies. On one of them, A bunch of keys were found in the zombie's pocket, and another zombie had a bunch of keys hanging on his waistband.

The zombie with the keys hanging on its waistband had obvious strangulation marks on its wrists and ankles. This seemed to confirm Liu Qian's previous speculation, so Liu Qian could almost conclude that the owner of this bunch of keys was the owner of the hardware store, and he The bunch of keys on the waistband should be able to open the rolling shutter door on the first floor.

The female boss should also have the keys to the hardware store, so the torn women's clothes on the ground may also have the keys to the hardware store wrapped around them, but these torn clothes were mixed with a pool of stinking internal organs and corpses, and Liu I really don't want to reach out and look for it.

When Liu Gan walked back to the alley in front of the gate, Pan Hua and Lulu were still standing in their previous hiding place shivering. When Liu Gan suddenly appeared, they were even startled and heard Liu Gan Gan De spoke softly and relaxed a little after seeing clearly that it was Liu Qian coming over.

"I just said that the boss will not abandon us, right?" Pan Hua whispered to Lulu. It was obvious that Liu Gan had been away for too long. They were frightened and scared here, so they discussed whether to escape together. .

"The hardware store is safe. I found a few keys and tried to see if I can open it from the front door. If not, you have to climb up from the back with me." Liu Qian said to Pan Hua and the other two After saying that, he walked to the rolling shutter door on the first floor and tried to unlock the rolling shutter door with the key he analyzed.

One of the keys in this bunch can indeed open the rolling shutter door, which means that one of the five zombies is indeed the owner of the hardware store. It also means that the results of Liu Qian’s previous reasoning about what happened in the hardware store should also be correct. is correct.

Liu Qian opened the rolling shutter door to a height of about one meter, then walked back and threw his backpack and three boxes of drinks over first, and then got into the rolling shutter door with Pan Hua and Lulu.

After all three people entered, Liu Gan pulled down the rolling shutter door and locked it from the inside again.

After the rolling shutter door fell, Pan Hua and Lulu both let out a deep breath subconsciously. After a long period of fear, they finally felt a sense of security in their hearts.

"We rest here at night. The three of us take turns to stay on duty. As long as there is any abnormal movement, the person on duty must wake up the others immediately." Liu Gan said to them after taking the two to the room on the third floor. .

"Okay." Pan Hua and Lulu nodded quickly. Of course they would not have any objections to this.

After what happened to Wang Changshun before, one of them was a fat man and the other was a weak woman. They were all like scum of war. They knew that if they didn't follow Liu Gan, it would be difficult for them to survive in this zombie-infested world.

"When you stay here, don't turn on the lights or make any noise. There will probably be a thunderstorm later, and no one knows if zombies will be frightened and approach from the darkness." Liu Qian said to Pan Huahe Lulu explained a few more words. Although he had no experience surviving in the zombie world before, he had watched many zombie movies and TV series, and played many zombie games, so he still had a certain understanding of the characteristics of zombies.

"Okay." Pan Hua nodded again to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian checked his backpack and found that there was no shortage of food inside, so he took out two packages of biscuits and two bottles of mineral water and handed them to Pan Hua and Lulu. The two of them had vomited previously and probably vomited all the food in their stomachs. If they were not given some food to supplement, they would not have the energy or physical strength to stay up all night.

"Thank you so much! Boss." Pan Hua unexpectedly took the mineral water and biscuits and thanked Liu Gan repeatedly. He and Lulu were indeed very hungry now, so hungry that they both felt dizzy.

"We are a small team now. Before we find enough food and water, we must implement a quota system for food and water. You must understand this." Liu Gan said to Pan Hua and the other two.

"Well, it should be." Pan Hua nodded quickly.

"As the leader of a small team, I have to hunt zombies to protect you, and also take risks to find food and water, so I must first ensure my consumption, otherwise our team will definitely not be able to sustain it." Liu Qian told Pan Hua The two spoke again. Pan Hua and Lulu are both sensible people. Since they are a temporary team, it would be better to tell them some things openly.

"It's understandable. It should be like this." Of course Pan Hua nodded again. Lulu looked a little dazed all the time, but she also nodded.