The Trembling World

Chapter 36: Identify card


This sudden change caught the other four gangsters off guard. Just when they took out their weapons and wanted to beat Liu Gan, Liu Gan had already lifted up the nearly 80 kilogram body of the man in the yellow plaid shirt and threw it with all his strength. He turned over two people and then rushed in front of the other two people.

One of the two men had already taken out the machete he was carrying and slashed hard at Liu Gan. Liu Gan dodged the knife with one side of his body, and made a fist with his other hand to punch the machete gangster in the chest. A bloody hole was blasted out of his chest, and the machete gangster's body suddenly fell to the ground.

In addition, the gangster was completely frightened and didn't move at all. Is this still a human being? A punch punched a bloody hole in someone's chest...

After Liu Qian snatched the machete from the previous gangster's hand, he slashed it across without hesitation, and cut off the head of the frightened gangster. The same weapon exerts different powers in the hands of people with different strengths.

At this time, the two gangsters who were knocked over by the body of the man in the yellow plaid shirt had already gotten up from the ground. They had been hit hard just now, and they were still a little dazed when they got up, so... it soon became tragic, Before he had time to resist, Liu Qian rushed over and slashed him to the ground with his knife.

Pan Hua, who was following behind, saw what was happening outside. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly dropped the machete in his hand and walked over to untie the ropes that tied Lulu's hands and feet, and then said a few words to her with a nonchalant look on his face. What.

Lulu sat on the ground and looked at Liu Qian with dull eyes. The scene just happened so fast that she still hadn't realized what happened.

"Boss, I was wrong. I shouldn't have misunderstood you and almost ruined your business. I knew you were a good person and wouldn't harm Lulu." Pan Hua walked over and apologized to Liu Gan again.

Liu Gan glanced at Pan Hua coldly, without saying anything. He turned around, walked over, picked up the backpack he had just thrown on the ground, and began to search the bodies of the five gangsters.

Pan Hua and Lulu were too cowardly, especially Lulu. They were too timid to wake up Liu Qian in time when something went wrong during the night watch. This kind of stupidity was unacceptable to Liu Qian. After what happened this morning, he would not keep them anymore. It's around.

A person must be accompanied by teammates to survive in the apocalypse, especially after a tired day and falling asleep, it will be very dangerous if there are no trustworthy teammates by his side. Whether it is zombies, other players, or survivors in the indigenous world, they are all potential dangers that are difficult to guard against.

However, even if you don't have teammates, you can't just find a few pig teammates to follow you, as that will only kill you faster.

After coming back to her senses, Lulu walked over and helped the shivering naked girl untie the ropes tied to her body, and helped her into the hardware store. Then Lulu walked out again and headed towards the small supermarket. As she walked over, she remembered that the girl's clothes were in that small supermarket.

Pan Hua glanced at Liu Gan, who was searching for the body. After hesitating for a moment, he quickly grabbed the machete and followed Lulu to the small supermarket.

The five gangsters really had some good stuff on them. In addition to the two grenades in the hands of the man in the yellow plaid shirt, Liu Qian also found several bags of bread, bottles of drinks, and even a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs and band-aids on them. , it seemed they had raided a pharmacy before.

Liu Qian also found three cards on the man in the yellow plaid shirt. The cards looked like some kind of identity cards with the logo of Sanyu Company on them. Liu Qian couldn't help but frowned. How could these people have Sanyu Company's ID cards

There was a photo on the card that didn't match the appearance of any of these people. After Liu Qian walked into the hardware store and compared the face of the naked girl, he almost understood that they should have found this card from the girl.

Liu Qian went back outside and pulled a shirt from the corpse and walked into the hardware store. He came to the naked girl and covered her body with the shirt.

"Are you from Sanyu Company?" Liu Qian asked the girl.

The girl looked at Liu Gan in great horror, her whole body trembling without saying a word.

"Your name is... Zhang Yu?" Liu Ganbi confirmed with the girl on one of the three identity cards.

The girl remained silent, neither nodding nor shaking her head.

"What's going on in this apocalypse? Did you research the zombies?" Liu Gan asked.

Zhang Yu shook his head vigorously, and the look on his face became even more frightened.

"Do you know the game "Thriller World"?" Liu Gan asked Zhang Yu again.

Zhang Yu was stunned when he heard the words "Thrilling World", but he still didn't say a word. He was obviously frightened to the extreme.

"I didn't hurt you, and I won't hurt you. I just saved you from those people. I just want to ask you something. Do you know this game, right? But do you know why we people Will you be trapped in the game?" Liu Qian softened his tone and asked Zhang Yu a few more questions.

Zhang Yu shook his head again, looking a little confused, as if he didn't know what Liu Gan was talking about.

When Liu Qian saw her like this, he remembered the female staff member of the rescue helicopter he met on the billboard. At that time, he also wanted to ask her a lot of things, but the conversation between the two was completely inconsistent, and he was still confused after asking her questions.

Now he met a staff member of Sanyu Company again, but he still didn't ask anything.

"What are these cards for?" Liu Gan brought the three identity cards to Zhang Yu. When he played games in the past, he would always get various special prop cards in the game. Those prop cards would come in handy at the right time. These three identity cards made Liu Qian feel like prop cards in the game, and it would be more realistic to ask Zhang Yu this question.

Zhang Yu stopped shaking his head this time, but still refused to speak. He continued to stare at Liu Gan in fear, and his whole body was shaking even more.

Liu Gan frowned, guessing that the girl was frightened by those five gangsters, and she wouldn't speak if he asked her anything. If he continued to ask her questions like this, it would only frighten her even more stupidly and make her speechless.

Pan Hua and Lulu walked back from outside. Lulu found the girl's clothes in the small supermarket, squatted next to the girl and tried to help her put her clothes back on.

Liu Gan stood up and walked outside the hardware store, looking around.

"Boss, I picked up a very strange bottle under the shelf of the small supermarket. It has the logo of Sanyu Company on it." Pan Hua came over with a small bottle and handed it to Liu Qian in a flattering manner.