The Trembling World

Chapter 44: The smell of death


"You must have something to hide from us, right? Why doesn't the game have a clear exit option?" Lulu saw the flicker in Jiang Jinyuan's words and asked him relentlessly.

"Lulu, don't be like this..." Pan Hua quickly tried to persuade her. If he wanted to return to the real world in this situation, he would need Jiang Jinyuan's help. So although Pan Hua was very angry, he did not want to offend Jiang Jinyuan and lose the opportunity to return to the real world.

"There should be an exit option. I didn't know there was no exit option before I came in. Maybe it was a technical problem? I'm really sorry for the abnormality in the game this time. I'm just an ordinary employee of Sanyu Company, because I don't know this. The situation here is why Sanyu Company sent me here to investigate. If I can go to the main city space laboratory alive, I will find a way to report the situation here to the company, and the company will definitely take action on the game. The program has been improved so that you can exit normally." Jiang Jinyuan sighed and comforted Lulu a few words, but his tone still sounded like he was perfunctory.

"Sanyu Company will not care about us. This is a huge conspiracy! We have all been harmed by Sanyu Company!" Lulu felt a little cold in her heart and her body was shaking.

"No matter what, as long as you help me go to the main city space laboratory, you can return to the real world with me. Instead of complaining here, let's think about how we can get to the main city." Jiang Jinyuan persuaded again. A few words from Lulu.

"What he said makes sense. Lulu, don't get too excited. Let's find a solution together." Pan Hua also persuaded Lulu.

"What are your plans? How are you going to get to the main city?" Lulu asked Jiang Jinyuan with a cold face, her mood calmer than before.

"Where is the Liu Gan you mentioned? Can you contact him?" Jiang Jinyuan was obviously more interested in Liu Gan. He needs a strong bodyguard to go to the main city now. Judging from Pan Hua and Lulu's description of Liu Gan just now, he is very strong and not too bad-hearted. If there are appropriate benefits in exchange, An agreement should be reached between him and Liu Gan.

"You are going to let him take you to the main city and then leave the two of us here, right?" Lulu felt even more desperate after hearing Jiang Jinyuan's question.

Sure enough, if you are too weak, you will not be welcomed wherever you go!

"No, I'm not that kind of person. If I meet other players along the way, I will take them all with me and try my best to bring as many people as possible." Jiang Jinyuan quickly shook his head.

"When faced with danger, you will still give up on us, because you only want to go to the main city laboratory. Now you are telling us this just to get the whereabouts of Liu Qian from us." Lulu told Jiang Jin Yuan no longer has confidence, just like Liu Qian left her and Pan Hua here before.

"No..." Jiang Jinyuan replied to Lulu again.

"Boss Jiang, after the game started, hundreds of thousands of players disappeared. Has the government given any explanation to our families?" Pan Hua saw that Lulu finally became silent, so he asked Jiang Jinyuan an important question.

From yesterday to today, it has been almost a whole day. A major event like the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of players should have been a big deal on the real-world network, right

"I have been staying in the company since the game was launched yesterday. I also slept in the company last night. I am not very clear about those things." Jiang Jinyuan shook his head.

"How is that possible? Don't you use a mobile phone? Don't your company computers have access to the Internet? You've been lying!" Lulu couldn't help but get angry again after hearing Jiang Jinyuan's words.

"The research work of my department involves some company secrets. Mobile phones are not allowed, and computers can only be connected to the company's intranet..." Jiang Jinyuan explained to Lulu patiently.

"None of this makes sense at all! Hundreds of thousands of players have disappeared while playing games, and Sanyu Company is still fine and has not been seized? Isn't there a government working group sent to your company to investigate? What are you hiding?" Lulu was not satisfied with Jiang Jinyuan's explanation and yelled at him.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook slightly. Jiang Jinyuan glanced into the distance and couldn't help but widen his eyes...

A mutated zombie actually appeared in the Happy Garden Community. After going around from behind a certain building, it saw the three people in the central square and immediately roared and rushed towards it.

Although the three of them had never seen a mutated zombie before, they obviously immediately understood it when they saw its huge body that was three to four meters tall, with no skin and exposed muscles, as well as the extremely ferocious face shape and mouth full of fangs. This thing that came over was definitely not a kind person.

Jiang Jinyuan couldn't help but cursed in his heart. The company just teleported him to the wrong mission location, hundreds of kilometers away, and even teleported him near a mutated zombie. In this case, how should he complete the tasks entrusted to him by the company? When he came in, he was not prepared to go back alive, but if he couldn't complete the task, he wouldn't be able to get the compensation he had agreed upon before. If he couldn't get the compensation, how would his wife and daughter live in the future

Jiang Jinyuan and Pan Hua sensed something was wrong and immediately ran away. Lulu looked at the mutated zombies rushing towards her at high speed, but she was frightened as usual and was frozen in place. Her legs became stiff even if she wanted to escape. He was frozen and couldn't move at all.

"Lulu, run!"

Pan Hua, who had already fled more than ten meters away, saw Lulu standing there motionless. After hesitating for a moment, he rushed back, shouted to Lulu, and then walked towards her. I pushed hard through the small square.

Lulu woke up from a dream and quickly screamed and ran away, but Pan Hua was not so lucky. His actions just now clearly attracted the attention of the mutated zombies. When he pushed Lulu away and wanted to When he ran away again, the mutated zombies had already rushed over, waving his fists and slamming Pan Hua to the ground. Then he used his claws to snatch away Pan Hua's clothes and belly, and his intestines and internal organs were also removed from inside. Was pulled out.

Pan Hua screamed loudly in pain and shouted for help, but he also knew at this time that no one could save him in this situation.

Pan Hua could already faintly smell the smell of death in his nostrils. If death could really return to the real world, it wouldn't matter, but why does it hurt so much? It's just a game, no matter what, it can't cause the player such pain, right

This death was so real that it even gave Pan Hua a strong feeling that once he died in this game, he was really dead and it was impossible to return to the real world.