The Trembling World

Chapter 47: Sincerity


I fly forward across a sea of time

We also often get hurt in love

I saw that the entrance to Lumeng was a bit narrow

It was the most beautiful accident that I met you

As Lulu sang, Pan Hua's eyes slowly became hollow when he looked at her, and his hands hung down weakly, but the expression on his face looked very peaceful, as if he had fallen asleep.

Liu Qian glanced at Lulu in surprise. This girl's singing was indeed very good, especially the despair and desolation in her crying and singing voice, which was shocking.

However, this is of no use.

Liu Qian shook his head and waved away those negative emotions.

"Fat man, wake up! Wake up! You promised me... to protect me and take care of me... you can't just leave me!" Lulu stopped singing, crying and shaking Pan Hua's body vigorously, but It was obvious that Pan Hua would never wake up again.

"He told me to chop his neck." Liu Gan said to Lulu. Pan Hua was injured by a mutant zombie and must have been infected. There is a high possibility that he will turn into a zombie after death.

"No!" Lulu shook Pan Hua's body and continued to cry.

"Sorry, you crying like this will only attract more zombies. I won't be able to control you then." Liu Qian forcibly pulled Lulu away from Pan Hua's body, and then raised his ax and chopped it down. Break Pan Hua's neck.

Lulu sat on the ground nearby and looked at Pan Hua's body. Tears were still flowing, but she suppressed her voice and stopped crying.

"Are you Liu Gan? Hello!" Jiang Jinyuan walked out of the building where he was hiding. Seeing Liu Gan looking at him warily, he quickly greeted Liu Gan with a smile.

"People from Sanyu Company?" Liu Qian glanced at Lulu. He estimated that this person must have learned his name from Pan Hua and Lulu.

Liu Gan recognized the uniform on Jiang Jinyuan and knew that he might be from Sanyu Company. Liu Gan had met two employees of Sanyu Company before, but he did not get any useful information from them. .

"Well, there was some minor problem with the game. The company sent me into the game to understand the situation." Jiang Jinyuan came over and said something to Liu Gan.

"A small problem? You said it was a small problem?" Lulu suddenly rushed over like a madman and kicked Jiang Jinyuan several times.

Liu Gan had no choice but to pull Lulu away and push her to sit down by the flower bed in the small square.

Lulu lay on her knees and cried again, crying very repressedly. If Pan Hua died, Liu Qian would definitely not take her with him. She could imagine what kind of situation she would face in the future.

Liu Gan walked back to Jiang Jinyuan and looked around. Although he had not encountered many zombies outside the community before, he was not sure whether the battle just now attracted zombies from further away.

Then, the mutated zombie's behavior was a bit strange. When Liu Qian was tracking it, it was heading straight towards the Happy Garden Community. Ordinarily, there was no loud noise in the Happy Garden Community at that time.

"My detector shows that there are no other zombies nearby. We should be safe now." Jiang Jinyuan took out his handheld computer and the detector to check around and then said to Liu Gan.

"Oh? Can this thing detect zombies?" Liu Gan looked at the handheld computer and detection device in Jiang Jinyuan's hand, and he already had the idea of killing people and seizing treasures.

Considering that since Jiang Jinyuan dared to take this thing out in front of him, he must have something to rely on. Therefore, Liu Qian still had to confirm whether Jiang Jinyuan had GM authority and drain Jiang Jinyuan's information before he considered killing people and seizing the treasure.

"Yes, having it is like opening a map. It can help us avoid danger. Moreover, it has been implanted in my DNA and bound to me. No one else can operate it except me." Jiang Jin Yuan explained to Liu Qian with a smile, and generously handed the handheld computer and detector into Liu Qian's hands.

Liu Gan tried it, and sure enough, his fingers on the handheld computer had no effect. No wonder Jiang Jinyuan dared to show this treasure in front of him.

"I just told them about the space laboratory in the main city. You may not know it very well. Let me tell you again..." When Liu Qian was checking his handheld computer, Jiang Jinyuan mentioned the previous information about Pan Hua, Lulu took the initiative to tell Liu Qian the questions she asked him, which was considered his sincerity.

"If I return to the real world from the space laboratory, can the abilities I trained here be brought back to the real world?" Liu Gan asked Jiang Jinyuan. Obviously, he cared about different things than Pan Hua and the other two. So the questions asked are also different.

"There may be people in the laboratory who know about specific technical matters. I'm not sure. You can ask them when you get there." Jiang Jinyuan smiled at Liu Gan.

"Tell me the truth! You knew there was something wrong with the game, why did you dare to come in? And you were so calm after you came in! If you don't tell me the truth, I will strangle you to death immediately!" Liu Gan suddenly pinched his hand on Jiang Jinyuan's He lifted him up by his neck and with a little force, Jiang Jinyuan immediately couldn't breathe.

With Liu Qian's current arm strength, lifting Jiang Jinyuan was as easy as lifting a chicken.

If Jiang Jinyuan had GM authority, he should be able to use it now, right

Jiang Jinyuan obviously didn't seem to have GM authority, nor did he have any special powers. After being choked by Liu Gan, he just tried to open his mouth, and then waved his hand to Liu Gan, indicating that he could not speak now.

Liu Gan put Jiang Jinyuan back on the ground and loosened his hand a little, but did not completely let go of Jiang Jinyuan's neck, only allowing him to speak normally.

"I got cancer in the real world and it has metastasized. The doctor said I still have half a year at most. The company gave me a sum of money before I agreed to the company and took on this task. If I can complete the task, no matter what I do, Life or death, they will compensate my family with a huge sum of money..."

"For me, sooner or later, I will die if I don't come in. Such a way of death can at least give my family a worry-free life in the future. What do you think I will choose?" Jiang Jinyuan had no choice but to tell Liu Qian the truth. come out. Everyone has come here, there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

Liu Gan looked into Jiang Jinyuan's eyes and felt that he didn't seem to be lying, so he let go of him.

"I would like to ask you to escort me to the space laboratory in the main city." Jiang Jinyuan tried to propose it to Liu Qian.

"Why should I do this? What good will it do to me?" Liu Gan asked Jiang Jinyuan back.