The Trembling World

Chapter 49: hijack


"I am actually a volunteer recruited by the company. When I came in, I was not prepared to go back alive, because... even if I go back alive, I won't be able to live for long, and my life will be very painful." Jiang Jinyuan pondered for a while and then spoke. Said a few words.

Liu Qian didn't say anything. Jiang Jin originally didn't want to go back after entering the game because of cancer. He felt the same. Just like himself, it would be better to stay in this trembling world with sound limbs than to live in a useless state like a useless person without limbs in the real world.

Although there are many dangers here, you have to struggle every day for food and water, and you have to struggle every day to find a safe place to sleep. You must be highly vigilant at all times. A slight negligence may lead to loss of life. But no matter what, it is better than having no limbs and staying in the real world like a pig in a cage eating, sleeping, eating, and then waiting to die.

"Before I came in, I heard some colleagues talking. They said that when the game was officially launched yesterday, although the game entry interface looked like the interface of Sanyu Company, it was actually hijacked by a mysterious force. Something similar Just like a card-swallowing device is installed at the entrance of an ATM by someone with ulterior motives, you think your bank card has entered the ATM, but in fact it is trapped in the card-swallowing device." Jiang Jinyuan gestured in the direction. Liu Qian continued to explain.

"It is said that it is a game played by Sanyu Company. In fact, the game interface on the players' computers is not from Sanyu Company. Once the players click to enter the game, they are immediately transported?" Liu Qian had already made this guess in his mind.

"According to what they said, it should be like this. After the incident yesterday, Sanyu Company immediately shut down all servers, and the government also sent a large number of personnel to investigate and control all the company's senior executives. However, What’s very strange is that after all Sanyu Company’s servers were shut down, many players still had the login interface appear on their computers and could still log in to the game.”

"Some players who have not installed the game have the game login window pop up inexplicably when they turn on the computer. Later, I even heard that some people also have the game login interface pop up on their mobile phone screens. They only need to click to confirm. A game that enters the trembling world. Although newspapers, media, and portals have heavily promoted netizens not to enter the game, there will always be some people who did not receive the warning or clicked the confirmation button in confusion..." Jiang Jinyuan continued.

"After entering the game, are people in the real world still sitting in front of the computer? Or have they disappeared?" Liu Gan asked Jiang Jinyuan.

"Disappeared, turned into a black mist the moment I logged into the game, and then disappeared without a trace. Panic spread in major cities, doomsday theories and conspiracy theories were spread everywhere, and the government had to send a large number of troops to deal with it. These cities have implemented martial law and ordered relevant departments to immediately find out the reasons." Jiang Jinyuan answered Liu Gan.

"It seems that the real world has begun to become chaotic. No wonder we have to send volunteers like you in." Liu Qian nodded.

"We came here mainly to establish communication between the two worlds and to feed back the investigated situation to the real world. After the communication is established, the government will definitely send a large number of rescue troops to rescue the people trapped in the game. One hundred thousand players came to the rescue." Jiang Jinyuan continued.

"According to what you just said, this game has nothing to do with Sanyu Company? It's just that the game login interface has been hijacked? If all this has nothing to do with Sanyu Company, then where did the device in your hand that can detect zombies come from? Where are you? Did you come up with this kind of technology?" Liu Qian then asked Jiang Jinyuan.

"I'm not sure whether this game has anything to do with Sanyu Company. The game development team has all been detained. They are now working hard to cooperate with government officials in the investigation, and are offering high rewards for volunteers to enter the game to cooperate with them. Investigation. Other volunteers and I took the initiative to enter the game by accepting the bounty. The handheld computer in my hand was also provided by the game development team. Judging from the current situation, this thing is useful in this game, so I am very I suspect that Sanyu Company may not be able to escape its involvement in this matter." Jiang Jinyuan continued to explain to Liu Qian.

"In this case, why doesn't the game development team get you a set of god-level equipment? Or let you come in at full level? Or give you GM authority. In that case, wouldn't it be easier for you to come in and investigate? ? Isn't it too shabby to just give you a handheld computer and a detector?" Liu Gan had more questions in his mind after hearing what Jiang Jinyuan said.

"For the volunteers who joined before me, the game development team did try to modify their levels and open more permissions to them, but they all failed and found that these projects could not be modified at all. Later they changed their minds and gave us We are allowed to carry some high-tech devices into this game. However, during some previous teleportation processes, volunteers were teleported in, but some of the powerful devices they carried remained in the real world."

"According to their analysis, the game login interface should have an anti-cheating system. Any data abnormalities that initially enter the player will be detected, then blocked and corrected." Jiang Jinyuan continued to analyze.

"But you still brought this detection device in, doesn't that count as cheating?" Liu Qian couldn't help but frowned when Jiang Jinyuan said this. Speaking of abnormal data, his own data was very abnormal. The alloy prosthetic arm was judged to be a real body, which was considered cheating to a certain extent, but it has never been corrected.

"I think this may be the reason why I was teleported to the wrong destination, right? And I met a mutated zombie as soon as I entered. If there weren't other players around me, you wouldn't have arrived in time to kill the mutated zombie. Zombie, I will probably be killed by the mutated zombie. I think this may be another way to correct the world of trembling, right? Once I am killed, I will not be able to cheat." Jiang Jinyuan speculated.

Hearing what Jiang Jinyuan said, Liu Gan suddenly realized something... When he was tracking the mutated zombie earlier, the mutated zombie inexplicably rushed towards the Happy Garden Community without hearing any sound. It was indeed true. reason. If Jiang Jinyuan's speculation is correct, then it must have been affected by some mysterious influence at that time, so it came to the Xingfu Garden Community specifically to hunt Jiang Jinyuan.