The Trembling World

Chapter 50: Communication equipment


Also, when Liu Qian first entered the game, a mutated zombie rushed over inexplicably, almost annihilating him and the ten players with him, and he was forced to be trapped on the billboard and narrowly escaped death. Is that also a correction to the anomalies in his hand and foot data? Because he finally survived and killed the mutated zombie, the abnormal data on his body were also legalized

The appearance of the two mutated zombies seems to be consistent with Jiang Jinyuan's data revision theory just now.

Of course, all this is just Liu Qian's speculation. There is not enough evidence to verify whether the specific principle is really the case.

"Okay, I've asked you all the questions. Tell me what your plans are now." Liu Gan spoke again after pondering for a moment. If he remembers something he wants to ask Jiang Jinyuan later, it will take a long time, so just ask him slowly.

"The information on my handheld computer shows that we are in a residential area in Ning'an City. The Ning'an City branch of Sanyu Company has a laboratory a few blocks away, which mainly studies biological intelligence. There are many things in the research center. Advanced communication equipment, through which we can contact the main city laboratory, or there may be ships and aircraft nearby that are still active, and ask them to help us enter the main city." Jiang Jinyuan briefly explained his plan to Liu Qian .

"Let me take you to the laboratory first. As for the future, we will wait until you get there to get me practical benefits." Liu Gan agreed to escort Jiang Jinyuan to the laboratory.

Liu Qian now has three Sanyu Company ID cards in his hand, as well as a strange small bottle and a USB flash drive. If he hadn't met Jiang Jinyuan here, he would still have tried his luck in the building of Sanyu Company, but because he didn't understand those high technologies, he might not be able to find anything good by himself. Now it happened to be on the way, and Jiang Jinyuan was much more familiar with Sanyu Company than he was, so let's go with Jiang Jinyuan and regard him as his guide in hunting for treasure in the building.

"Oh, do you know that place?" Jiang Jinyuan couldn't help but be very happy when he saw Liu Qian agreed to escort him.

Although Liu Qian only agreed to escort him to the location of the nearby Sanyu Company laboratory for the time being, Jiang Jinyuan was already very satisfied. As long as he can get there, Jiang Jinyuan can think of a way to contact the laboratory in the main city. There are things in his handheld computer that the main city laboratory urgently needs. As long as he puts it to the main city laboratory, they will definitely An airship or ship will be sent here to pick him up.

"That's where I came from. It's a building with more than 100 floors, but there is a wave of corpses nearby. We need to be careful when we go there." Liu Gan nodded and took Jiang Jinyuan's handheld computer to check again. Fan.

"It doesn't matter if there is a tide of corpses. We can detect the corpses when we get nearby. We can avoid the tide of corpses." Jiang Jinyuan replied to Liu Gan.

"How do you detect this thing?" Liu Gan replied to Jiang Jinyuan.

Jiang Jinyuan took out the horn-like detection device and connected it to the handheld computer. After opening it, he searched around and the data on the handheld computer screen was updated.

"These three green dots represent the three of us, right?" Liu Gan pointed at the screen of the handheld computer and asked Jiang Jinyuan. Sooner or later, he will blackmail this detection device from Jiang Jinyuan. Now let's learn more about its functions from him.

"Yes." Jiang Jinyuan nodded.

"The red dots represent zombies, so... what's going on with this blue dot?" Liu Gan pointed to another place not far from them, and a faint blue dot asked Jiang Jinyuan.

"They should be uninfected indigenous people. It seems that there are local survivors in this community. Let's go over and take a look. If we find the survivor hiding here and ask, we may get some information about this disaster. Very useful information." Jiang Jinyuan replied to Liu Gan. He also had a mission to collect intelligence when he came here, but he didn't expect to collect it outside in person.

"Okay." Liu Gan agreed after hesitating for a moment.

He has just reached level 5, and the weight he can carry has increased a lot. After going to the building of Sanyu Company, he may have to stay there for a night, so he should bring more food, water, and weapons here first. Let’s wait for supplies before setting off.

In addition, he had just promised Pan Hua to spend an hour training Lulu how to kill zombies. Since he had agreed, he still had to fulfill this promise so that he could test some of his ideas about players upgrading in the Thriller World.

As for the blue dot survivor, Liu Qian is not very interested. After finding it, if there is no danger, he can leave it to Jiang Jinyuan for questioning, and then he will go about his own affairs.

Liu Gan walked up to Lulu and patted her shoulder. Lulu raised her head and glanced at Liu Gan in confusion. Liu Gan didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards the building where Lan Dot was with Jiang Jinyuan.

Lulu hesitated for a moment, then quickly stood up and followed the two of them. She was still holding on to her last hope, hoping that Liu Qian could take her with him. In her opinion, only a strong man like Liu Qian could protect her safety. In addition, he had not shown any bad intentions towards her before.

According to the instructions of the handheld computer, Liu Gan took Jiang Jinyuan and the two of them to the vicinity of the blue dot. The blue dot was located in the building on the left side of the entrance to the community. After Jiang Jinyuan clicked and operated on the handheld computer, the blue dot appeared. There are two + signs next to it, which seems to mean that the blue dot is six meters higher than where they are, so it should be on the third floor.

Liu Gan climbed into the stairwell, turned around and opened the locked iron door of the unit building, and let Jiang Jinyuan and two people in. After the three of them went up to the third floor, Jiang Jinyuan confirmed that the blue dot was in a certain room on the left inside.

The room was equipped with an anti-theft iron door, and the iron door was locked, but this did not bother Liu Gan. He easily climbed out of the window of the stairway to the balcony of the room where the blue dot was located, and then entered the room. After checking around to confirm that it was safe, he opened the security door of the room and let Jiang Jinyuan and Lulu in.

"The blue dot is in the children's room, near the left corner. There are no other people or zombies in the room." Jiang Jinyuan checked the handheld computer, walked to the door of a childlike room and said to Liu Gan.

Liu Qian came closer, stretched out his hand and pushed open the ajar door. When he was clinging to the window just now, he didn't find anyone in the children's room. If there was anyone, they must have been hiding under the bed or in the cupboard.