The Trembling World

Chapter 58: BBQ


The father of the family of three is named Yao Weidong, the mother is named Cheng Qi, and the daughter is named Yao Yi. They are aborigines of Ningjing City. The disaster a few days ago turned their neighbors, friends, and colleagues into zombies, but for some reason their family of three was safe and sound.

Many people living in this world are no different from the walking dead in their original state of mind. And living soberly, facing the difficulties of survival and the fear of death every day, may not necessarily lead to a better ending than becoming a walking zombie.

"Don't worry, we will find something to eat soon." Father Yao Weidong comforted his daughter Yao Yi.

This is a restaurant with two floors. There is a hall on the first floor, which is very open and bright. There is a row of private rooms on the side. After going upstairs, there is a corridor with guardrails, and there is also a row of private rooms. Room, standing in this corridor, you can see the scene in the lobby on the first floor.

When the disaster happened, the restaurant should have been closed. There were no zombies inside now, but there were only some old bloodstains and some bloody footprints on the ground. This seems to mean that even if there were zombies here before, they have left the restaurant and gone to other places with the zombie tide.

The food in the restaurant kitchen had either been looted or was rotten and inedible. A family of three searched the restaurant and found nothing. Their faces were full of exhaustion, disappointment, and even despair.

Five days is enough for a lot of non-canned and bagged food to spoil. In the apocalypse, as the days go by, food will become more and more difficult to find. Survival will be a challenge for every survivor. huge challenge. The only thing that can support a family of three now is the family around them. In this end of the world, nothing is more important than having your family alive and by your side.

Just when the family of three went down to the first floor and prepared to leave the restaurant and continue to search for food elsewhere, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and two men walked in from the street outside, one was about 20 years old, and the other was The childish look on his face was still there, and he looked like he was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

The twenty-year-old man held an iron rod in his hand, and the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy held a machete in his hand. If Liu Gan saw them, he would definitely recognize that the weapons in their hands are all game players when they enter the game. initial weapon.

"Brother and sister-in-law, are you looking for something to eat?" The man holding an iron rod saw a family of three in the restaurant and came up to them with a smile and asked.

"Yes." Father Yao Weidong smiled at the man, but he was a little wary, and he tightened his grip on the wooden stick in his hand. In the apocalypse, any stranger may be dangerous. Although the other person is smiling, he may have hidden murderous intentions in his heart.

If he were looking for food outside alone, he might not be so vigilant when facing these two people, but with his wife and daughter by his side, he couldn't help but not consider their safety.

"Have you found anything to eat?" The man with the iron rod asked Yao Weidong again.

The man with the iron rod is named Zhao Hui, and the boy with the machete is named Chen Chen. They are friends in the real world. A group of people are surfing the Internet together in a black Internet cafe. Yesterday, they did not actively log into the Thriller World, but they clicked on something in a daze. Then they were teleported in. Only the two of them were teleported in, and they were teleported into the same coordinates.

"Nothing was found. This place has been ransacked. There is only some rotten food left in the kitchen. If I find anything, I will definitely give you some." Yao Weidong answered Zhao Hui somewhat flatteringly.

Yao Weidong could faintly see a hint of evil in Zhao Hui's eyes, which made him feel very bad and just wanted to take his family out of here as soon as possible. But Zhao Hui and Chen Chen blocked the door after entering, holding machetes and iron bars. This made him afraid to force his way through with his family.

"We have some barbecue, do you want to eat it?" Zhao Hui, the iron man, continued to say to his father Yao Weidong with a smile, and then looked at his daughter Yao Yi behind Yao Weidong.

Hearing that there was barbecue, Yao Yi, who was not yet thirteen years old this year, could not help but swallow her saliva. She had not eaten anything for more than a day, and she had only eaten some very unpleasant things before that. Barbecue was something that she wanted to eat. I dare not even think about it.

"We don't have anything with us that we can exchange for barbecue with you." Yao Weidong smiled helplessly at Zhao Hui. Seeing that they had been blocking the door and refusing to let him go, he became increasingly uneasy.

In the apocalypse, zombies are not scary, but other survivors are scary. The accents and clothes of these two men did not look like locals, which made Yao Weidong have to be more vigilant.

"There is no need to exchange, these barbecues are given to you for free. In the end of the world, people should help each other." Zhao Hui continued to say a few words to Yao Weidong with a smile, and then looked at each other at Chen Chen beside him. A strange smile appeared on his face.

After hearing Zhao Hui's words, her daughter Yao Yi's face became more expectant, and then she looked at her father Yao Weidong, hoping that he would accept their barbecue.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but we are not hungry yet and don't need those barbecues. You can keep them for yourself. Food is hard to find in the apocalypse, and you will also need those barbecues." Yao Weidong replied to Zhao Hui. In other words, he had already seen that this matter was not that simple, and he became more and more worried, and his body even trembled slightly.

"Lying in front of your daughter is a very bad habit... You are obviously very hungry. Just like her, she swallowed a lot of saliva just now when she heard about the barbecue, but you say that you are not hungry. This will make your daughter very disappointed. "Zhao Hui pointed at Yao Yi and said to Yao Weidong.

"Child, you are not sensible. Even though you are full, you still get greedy when you hear that there is something to eat." Yao Weidong walked over two steps quickly, blocking his daughter Yao Yi behind him.

"Why are you like this? We have good intentions and want to help you. You don't think that we have ulterior motives for your family, so we keep lying to me? Don't you think you are too defensive? ? Do you really think there are no good people in the world?" Zhao Hui put away the smile on his face and waved the iron rod in his hand.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but we really don't need it. We have some things to go elsewhere. Let's talk again when we have the opportunity in the future, okay?" Yao Weidong felt that Zhao Hui's expression was getting more and more wrong, and he quickly called his wife behind him. and daughters, whispering for them to leave quickly with him.